Zurich Open Repository and Archive University of Zurich Main Library Strickhofstrasse 39 CH-8057 Zurich www.zora.uzh.ch Year: 2006 Strong spatial variability of snow accumulation observed with helicopter-borne GPR on two adjacent Alpine glaciers Machguth, H ; Eisen, O ; Paul, Frank ; Hoelzle, Martin Abstract: This study compares high-resolution helicopter-borne radar measurements to extensive ground- based profiling of the snow cover on Findel- and Adler Glacier, Switzerland. The results demonstrate that derived accumulation values of either method are well in accordance. The spatial distribution of radar based snow depth allows a clear distinction of three zones of different accumulation characteristics: (1) The lower part of Findel Glacier shows a clear altitudinal trend while (2) the upper part has no trend in altitude but high spatial fluctuations in snow depth. (3) Adler Glacier’s accumulation characteristics are similar to zone (2). However, despite their close vicinity, accumulation on (3) is reduced by 40% compared to (2). The observed strong spatial variability emphasises the need for spatially continuous measurements for studies involving accumulation on glaciers. Finally, reasons for observed variations (e.g., preferential snow deposition and snow redistribution) are discussed. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2006GL026576 Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich ZORA URL: https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-77070 Journal Article Published Version Originally published at: Machguth, H; Eisen, O; Paul, Frank; Hoelzle, Martin (2006). Strong spatial variability of snow accu- mulation observed with helicopter-borne GPR on two adjacent Alpine glaciers. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(13):online. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2006GL026576 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 33, L13503, doi:10.1029/2006GL026576, 2006 Strong spatial variability of snow accumulation observed with helicopter-borne GPR on two adjacent Alpine glaciers H. Machguth,1 O. Eisen,2,3 F. Paul,1 and M. Hoelzle1 Received 12 April 2006; revised 23 May 2006; accepted 7 June 2006; published 13 July 2006. [1] This study compares high-resolution helicopter-borne sea and river ice [Wadhams et al., 1987; Arcone and Delaney, radar measurements to extensive ground-based profiling of 1987; Melcher et al., 2002], snow on ground [Marchand et the snow cover on Findel- and Adler Glacier, Switzerland. al., 2003] or glacier thickness measurements [Thorning The results demonstrate that derived accumulation values of and Hansen, 1987; Damm, 2004]. However, on mountain either method are well in accordance. The spatial distribution glaciers only few studies use helicopter-borne radar to of radar based snow depth allows a clear distinction of three investigate the properties of the snow cover and none was zones of different accumulation characteristics: (1) The lower so far dedicated to the spatial accumulation distribution. For part of Findel Glacier shows a clear altitudinal trend while (2) instance, Arcone and Yankielun [2000] focus on intraglacial the upper part has no trend in altitude but high spatial features in the ablation zone of a glacier, whereas Arcone fluctuations in snow depth. (3) Adler Glacier’s accumulation [2002] investigates processing techniques and autonomously characteristics are similar to zone (2). However, despite their derives physical properties of temperate firn. close vicinity, accumulation on (3) is reduced by 40% [3] Today’s glacier mass-balance models are based on compared to (2). The observed strong spatial variability sophisticated formulations of the energy fluxes while accu- emphasises the need for spatially continuous measurements mulation processes are treated in a very simple way: precip- for studies involving accumulation on glaciers. Finally, itation varies only with altitude and any processes of snow reasons for observed variations (e.g., preferential snow redistribution are neglected [Hock, 2005]. Using a similar deposition and snow redistribution) are discussed. model (described by Machguth et al. [2006]) we have Citation: Machguth, H., O. Eisen, F. Paul, and M. Hoelzle calculated the mass balance distribution for a glacierized (2006), Strong spatial variability of snow accumulation observed catchment in southwestern Switzerland, including Findel with helicopter-borne GPR on two adjacent Alpine glaciers, Glacier (length 7.2 km, area 15.3 km2) and its neighbour Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L13503, doi:10.1029/2006GL026576. Adler Glacier (3.1 km, 2.0 km2) (Figure 1). (In this paper we refer to ‘‘Findel Glacier’’. According to the maps of the Swiss Federal Office for Topography (swisstopo) this is the official 1. Introduction name of the glacier. However, in most glacier inventories the [2] Utilisation of radio-echo sounding techniques to de- glacier is called Findelen Glacier.) The modelling for the termine past and present accumulation rates has become a 1971–1990 time period resulted in a very positive mass standard method, especially in polar glaciology. On polar balance for Adler Glacier of 0.7 m water equivalent (m we) ice sheets and polythermal glaciers this method is rewarding while its larger neighbour’s mass balance was negative because of the low absorption of electromagnetic energy in (À0.25 m we). In fact, the shrinkage of both glaciers indicates cold firn. On temperated glaciers, application is usually that a very positive mass balance is unrealistic. We assume restricted to sounding of ice thicknesses with low frequen- that, in reality, accumulation on Adler- and Findel Glacier cies (<100 MHz). High-resolution measurements are mostly differs strongly. The model’s failure is most probably caused performed with so-called ground-penetrating radar systems by treating precipitation as a function of altitude alone and by (GPR) [e.g., Richardson et al., 1997; Kohler et al., 1997], ignoring snow redistribution. operating directly from the surface. They are thus relatively [4] In this study we combine high-resolution helicopter- time consuming and the spatial coverage is limited to borne GPR measurements and extensive ground-based pro- accessible areas. Application of high-resolution airborne filing of the snow cover to determine the spatial distribution radar, capable of mapping annual accumulation, is still rare of accumulation and to validate our assumption of a strong and mostly limited to fixed-wing aircraft [e.g., local variability in accumulation. In contrast to methods that Kanagaratnam et al., 2004]. To cope with the difficulties require measurements at two points in time (e.g., mapping of imposed by measurements in mountainous terrain and elevation changes with laser altimetry, accumulation stakes valley glaciers, airborne radar is most suitable. Apart from without snowpits), GPR has the strong advantage that quasi-airborne measurements from an aerial tramway changes over time in surface elevation (e.g., melt, settlement [Yankielun et al., 2004], helicopter-borne radar provides the of the underlying snow cover and glacier movement after the most reasonable platform and has been applied for studies of first measurement) do not affect the accuracy of the measure- ments. Furthermore, measuring only once requires less 1Geographisches Institut, Universita¨t Zu¨rich, Zurich, Switzerland. logistical efforts. 2Versuchsanstalt fu¨r Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zu¨rich, Zurich, Switzerland. 3Alfred-Wegener-Institut fu¨r Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerha- 2. Methods ven, Germany. 2.1. Radar System and Data Acquisition [5] A commercial Noggin Plus 500 radar (Sensors & Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union. 0094-8276/06/2006GL026576 Software Inc., Canada,) was operated with a shielded L13503 1of5 L13503 MACHGUTH ET AL.: ALPINE ACCUMULATION VARIABILITY L13503 Figure 1. Map of Findel and Adler Glacier (red square in inset on Swiss map) with radar profiles (black numbered circles) and ground measurements. Color indicates radar-based snow depth. Reproduction of the background map with permission from swisstopo (BA067878). antenna (15 cm transmitter-receiver separation) at a centre <5 m, four at 5–15 m and two at 15–30 m. Two snow probes frequency of 500 MHz and 400 MHz bandwidth. The and one snow pit were missed by 60–130 m because they helicopter–radar combination was developed by Airborne could not be found again. Scan, Visp, Switzerland. The antenna was mounted to the helicopter runner. Data acquisition was performed in a 2.2. Radar Data Processing constant-time triggering mode, with a time increment of [7] Post-recording processing and radar-data analyses 0.1 s between traces. Helicopter speed was about 6 m/s on were carried out with ReflexWin (Sandmeier Scientific average, resulting in a mean trace increment of 0.6 m. Software, Germany). Processing steps include dewowing Helicopter altitude above ground was between 2.5 and (high-pass filter), background removal, application of a gain 30 m, being 11 m on average, resulting in a footprint size function to mainly compensate for spherical spreading, and in the order of a few tens of m2. 1876 samples were recorded additional filtering. The varying helicopter altitude above per trace with a 0.2 ns sampling interval, resulting in a 375 ns ground required a static correction of each trace to the first time window. Four-fold pre-storage stacking of traces at a break of the surface reflection (time-zero correction). Due to pulse repetition frequency of 25 kHz was applied. A GPS the relatively smooth surface topography and small layer antenna
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