Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1992-93 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 9-24-1992 The thI acan, 1992-09-24 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1992-09-24" (1992). The Ithacan, 1992-93. 5. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93/5 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1992-93 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Administration avoids student Piano technician keeps the campus Tennis team breaks decade-long concerns about tuition increases tunes rolling losing streak ... page 10 ... page 19 ... page 25 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 60, No. 5 Thursday, September 24, 1992 32 pages Free Harking back Convenience card plan possible for February New ID cards may be required for all students By Jeff Selingo be run as a test program to get the A new convenience card plan bugs out and if the system works "In speaking to various may be in effect for the spring 1993 well it will eventually be expanded student groups, I have semester if approved by. the across campus to other facilities, president's cabinetnext month. The Aaron said. received positive feed­ new plan would require all stu­ According to Aaron, the biggest back from the students dents, with the possible exception part of the program will be the re­ which I will convey to of graduating seniors, to obtain new placing of ID cards. Aaron said the president's cabinet. I college ID cards, according to Dana students will be notified of the Aaron, assistant vice president for changes through a brochure and am very positive on this student affairs and campus life-cam­ other marketing measures. New ID plan passing." pus programs and events. pictures will be taken in late No­ -Dana Aaron, Aaron, speaking at the student vember and early December during assistant vice president of congress meeting on Sept 22, said the day and night, if the system is student affairs and the basis of the program is an ac­ implemented. campus life-campus count that money will be deposited New ID cards are necessary be­ programs and events into, and then used on campus in the cause the new plan will require new place of cash. Each time the card is scanning equipment and two sepa­ used, the remaining balance will be rate magnetic strips, Aaron said. balance would be returned to them, shown to the student. According to Aaron, one strip will unless the student has an outstand­ "In speaking to various student be for the dining program and the ing debt at the school. groups, I have received positive other strip will be for the conve­ According to Aaron, besides feedback from the students which I nience card. Students will not have being used as a card for purchases, will convey to the president's cabi­ to pay for new ID cards. it will also be used eventually a., an net. I am very positive on this plan An initial deposit of SSO or more access card to residence halls and passing," Aaron said. will be needed to begin an account. campus events. Aaron said the use Aaron· said after approval by the Additional deposits will have to be of the card in residence halls will president's cabinet he hopes to have $25 or more, Aaron said. increase security and eliminate the the program in place by Feb. I, "We need to set minimum de­ use of keys. 1993. For this to occur, a decision posit amounts so the Bursar's of­ Samantha Stein, student body must be reached by Nov. 1, 1992. fice who will be handling the money, president, said student congress will The card, a voluntary program, will not be inundated by small vote on a letter either recommend­ will begin on a small scale in the amounts of money," Aaron said. ing oropposing the plan. Howe\, er, The Ithacan/Gregory DiBernardo dining halls, snack bar, Mac's, BJ. Aaron said students could ter­ Aaron said the final decision will Jon Moores '95 harks the names of the baseball players during Begley 's, and the Bookstore. It will minate the plan at any time and the be up to the president's cabinet. the 1892 baseball game between Ithaca College and Cornell. The game was part of the festivities of Founder's Weekend. -A, Ii Former trustee bequeaths ~ff $2.1 million for development FOUNDER'S WEEKEND/ Colbert donates to new facilities, scholarship HOMECOMING By Kevin Harlin cisionrests primarily with the insti­ A $2.1 million bequest to Ithaca "We've been talking for tution as a whole." College from the late Roben Reed years about the need for The scholarship fund has not yet Colbert Sr. was announced earlier new facilities for that been set up, according to Gordon. this week by President James J. "We will work with the Colbert • Whalen reminds College of humble roots Whalen. school [Health Sciences family in terms of how we would at Second Century Convocation At the time of his death on Sept and Human Perfor­ select students for the scholarship," 6, 1991,Colbertwasthevicechair­ mance] and Colbert Gordon said."In virtually all schol­ ... page 8 man of the Ithaca College Board of arships, the very first criterion is Trustees. was a party to those financial need." • The celebration in pictures The bequest, one of the largest discussions." "We are very, very grateful to ... page 16, 17 in IC's history, will be used to en­ -- Bonnie Gordon, Bob Colbert. Not only for being dow a scholarship fund in Colbert's vice president for college one of the best trustees, but for his and the Back Page name as well as to help finance relations and resource substantial commitment to IC," she • Spin Doctors add musical twist to future facilities for the school of development said. Health Sciences and Human Per­ Colben was first elected to the Founder's Weekend fonnance. "That's why he directed his gift to Board of Trustees in 1982 and b-:­ ... page 19 "We're ecstatic about the gift," where he did." came vice chairman in 1990. Prior said Richard Miller, dean of the Gordon added, "We don't have to that, he had been the president uf • Turning back time at Freeman Field health sciences school. "Bobby's any specific plans at this moment. the Friends of Ithaca College. ... page 30 been a good friend of mine for a We'll have to sec how things go." For the pa<;t 40 year,, he h:1,f number of years. We're very grate­ "We're in the process of looking been a real estate dcvelorer. hu1L. • IC p·rotessor explores changes in ful for the recognition of Bob and at new facilities for the school and ing shopping centL'r,;, t,Jf1LL' hull,· basketball over 100 years his family." new programs th:ll could best use 111gs, apartment hotl\L'\ .1' \I di "We've hcen talking for yea~ the f:.ic1liues," M1llcr sa,d, adding other proJeL·ts thrt 1 ll;'ih ·::: ll[',t.• ... page 30 alxlllt the need for new f:.iciliues for that they had several plan, in m111d ;""< L' 11· 'r ork that ,,·hoot :.ind Cnllwrt was a party "\Ve will ~O<Hl t,L. :1ddrc,,m~ th,· , ) hi\ I\ f1 J('!,,t!·)\ 1'1:\.' (ij I to those d1scussmn,," s;11d Bonn 1c 1,,uc with the prL·,1tkm." 111 l )' t , ! ~! t 11 I 11... , t I l '. _ l ',:. r : , I! J l ,' Gordon, vice prc,1tknt hir culk.l.'.,' "ThL'fL' h:1, hcc11 ,t1111,· pl.11111111,: "'-l!flll'l1fl•'l·:u1n1.1k., l ;~ - 1 1:,.'f,_' rclatJom and resourn·dewlopmcnt umkrway," ~1Ilkr ,aid .. ·111,1t tk 1,·m,·111h·r [ ll · i 111 L. ,, 11: 2 l HE ITHACAN September 24, 1992 College loses $1.5 Inillion state aid Expressing­ Counselor's Corner Bundy financial four years. The state authorized less feelings of money than is actually required by "We have to look to aid cut for fourth statute since the 1990-91 state fis­ income sources from anger cal year. the state and Bundy is MttM consecutive year New York State appropriates a By Katie Burns certain amount of money to be dis­ the only [aid] we get." By Dr. Rosemary Clarke TWhatismyneedorwantinthis Ithaca College lost $1.5 million tributed to private schools based on -John Galt, Anger is a natural emotional situation? Whatam Ireactingto? from cuts in the 1992-93 New York the number of degrees granted the IC budget director response to any threat to our needs ~en - what do I want to State Bundy aid. previous year. and wants getting met. Anger achieve with my anger? "We took a big shot in the arm," According to Francine we don't allocate it to anything. itself is not a problem - it's TAnd-am I really angry at this said John Galt, Ithaca College bud­ Montemurro, assistant college What it actually does is lowers tu­ energy! So, the way in which we person or am I misdirecting my get director. counsel /affirmative action officer, ition," Galt said in the previous express or suppress our anger is anger onto them because it's safer The state budget was passed on the Bundy aid program is based on article.
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