.502 SOUTHAMPTON. HAMPSHIRE • [ KELLY's Horton Ernest Alfred, tobacconist, 48 High street O'Snl!ivan &; Harry James Penwill, clerks; '1homa3 Hoskins Henry, tailor, 2 St. Mary's !Jlaee Alexander Barrett, supervisor; W. J. Marchant, GeOTgtl Hospital of God's House (Rev. Lancelot White .Atkins B. Custance, 0. H. Harris & J. Pocock, ():fficers;. l'hilil?' M.A. warden &i chaplain), Wink:e street Owens Hillman, surveyor of taxes ; Hugh Williamson &. Houghton Jn.pLumber &; decorator,38 York st.Bevois twn .Arthur Donington, collectors), 121 & 122 High street Houghton Jolhiil, teacher of navigation, 17 Marine parade Inspector of Factories, Her MajE>sty's office (Capt. Jame~ House Harry, butcher, 18 Padwell road I<'rederick Bevan & J. E. Harston, inspectors; Charles E. House Henry .A. jun. vice-consul for the United States of Whitelaw, assistant inspector; Arthnr Ilennett Veale,. America, 4 Orchard place clerk), 21 Portland street Howard Alvin Charles, scale maker, n4 East street Interna;tional Tea Co. Stores Lim. 91 East street Howardi Richard Charles, grocer, 58 French street Ireland & Co. ironmongers, 27 & 28 Bernard street Howard Thos. domestic machinery dlr. 71 St. Mary's rd Ireland W. H. assist. collector of pier tolls, Pier entrnnc& Ho well .John, billiard room~ 44 High street Iremonger George, basket maker, 34 Fourposts hill Howell Thomas .Tames, builder, St. Mary's road Isaac George, supt.school attendance officer,S~. Ma:ry's r<i Howitt Helen (Miss), apartments, 4 Carlton road Isherwood Tboma,s, coal agent, 34 York st. Bevois t-own Howlett John, chimney sweeper, 21 Winchester terrace Isted Frances Sarah (Mrs.), china repr. 15 South front Howlett William, apartments, 59 Bridge road lsted Thomas, general draper & ironmonger, 62, 64 &; Howse Millington & Son, coffee rooms, 41: London road 66 High street, Shirley Hubbard Kanche (Miss), private school, Granville house, Ives Robert L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.G.S.Eng. physician &; Winohester road surgeon, 61 Park road, PortswQod Hubbard Julia(l\Iiss),ladies' schl.Io & 12 Shirley a.v.Shirly Ives William Robert Yeates L.R.C.P.Lond. physician &. Hucker Charles John, sign writer, Chantry road surg. & med. officer &; public vaccinator for No. 2 dis.J Hudson Brothers, provision merchants, 123 High st1 eet trict, South Stoneham, &; surgeon to borough police,. Hughes John Henry & Co. chemists, 2 Canute road Highclere, Porlswood road Hughes Frederick Wallis, agricultural agent, 47 Lodge Ivimey George, tailor, West Bay cottage, Bugle street road, Bevois mount Jack Alexander, draftsman, 75 Avenue road Hughes .Jessie (MrS.), shopkeeper, 155 Radcliffe road Jackson Ann (.Mrs.), laundress, Coxford, Shirley Humber John, builde;r, Wordsworth road, Shirley Jackson Edwin Thomas, builder, 78 Middle st.Bevois twill Humby John Moore & Co. photographers, 56 Bridge road Jackson Geo . .!Tthu.r, dining rooms, 7 St. Mary's street Humby .A.rthur ~Villiam, fruiterer & gree.~Jgrocer, 2 Cob- Jackson John, beer retailer, Myrtle cots. Ports·wood roa& den terrace, St. Deny's road Jackson Uoyd, general dealer, 54 Nelson rd.J<'reemantle­ Humby Charles Walkington, stationer, 30 Onslow road Jackson Richard Herbert, beer retailer, 4 Royal cre~cenl' Humby George, furniture dealer, I High street, Shirley Jacomelli Joseph, restaurant, see Ferrari & Jacomf'lli Humby Gilorge Robert, confectioner, 27 Stanford street Jakobsson Mruthias, dining rooms, 39 OxfoTd street Humby John, fly proprietor, 24 Union road, ~ortham James & Rosewall, sheet, pipe & white lead manufrs. oil,. Hum by Matthew, greengrocer, 85 Church st. Shlrley color, varnish & glass merchants, Northam lead work~,. Humby W"illiam, fly proprietor, 180 ~ortham road Clarence street Hume John, refreshment rooms, I St. Michael's square .Tames 'l'hos. & Co. secondhand booksellers, 42 Bernard si Humphrey Charle~ 1Vi:liam, corn dealer, 8 Clarence 'lt James .Albert Edward, beer retailer, II Cossack street Humphreys David,Boiler Makers' ArmsP.H.Ioi Princes st .Tames Alexander, laundry, 25 Warren avenue, Shirley Hunt & Co. wine &; spirit merchants, 55 London road .Tames Douglas, photographer, 15 Oxford street Hunt Annie (Mis~). stationer, New place, Bedford place James Rester (Miss), feather cleaner, 73 St • .!ndrew's r<i Hunt .Arthur, tobacconist, Portswood road Jamps :Ma.ry Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer, 56 St. Mary's sk &; Hunt George, 'boot shoe maker, Onslow road James Thomas James, Newcastle P.H. I East street Hunt George, carter, Manor Farm rd. Bitterne park .Tames William John, beer retailer, 91 Millbank street Hunt George, sign writer, 15 Fanshaw street Jarrad 1Villiam .Amos, watchmaker, 49 St. Mary's streeJ­ Hunt John Atlee, superintendent registrar of births, Jarvis Edwin Charles, rate collector, 24 Ordnance road deaths & marriages, Southampton Incorporation, 23 Jarvis Wm. Henry, pastry cook, 74 Bevois Valley :road High street Jarvis 1Villiam Henry, baker, Portswood road Hunt Joseph, cab propr. 165 Millbrook rd. Freemantle Jasen Oharles E. beer retailer, 94 St. Mary's street Huut Walter John, apartments, 17 Guilla11me terrace Jay John Thos. baker & grocer, Maybush, Old Shirley Hunt William, cab proprietor & posting establishment ; Jeanes Thomas, grocer, .Ash Tree rd. Bitteme park orders solicited; Languard road; residence, 54 Shiiley Jeffery & Lewis, corn merchants, Town quay; & Ol<J road, Freemantle Corn exchange, Mark lane, London E C Hunt Wm. coal dei:.er, 163 Mil~brook road, Freemantle Jeffery Nellie (Miss), tBaeher of music, 6o St. 1\f~ry's :M Hunt Wm. Edwin, cab propr. 54 Shirley rd: Freemantle Jeffery Robert, watchmaker, 22 Northam road Hurley George, shopkeeper, 35 .Albert street Jelley Edwin, apartments, Tresman, Clovelly road Hurst William, boot maker, 56 .Albert street Jelley Isaac, fly proprietor, 137 Derby road Husband Henry Charles, watch maker, 8 Northam road Jelly Charles, beer retailer, 40 James street Hussey Alfred, beer retailer, II Mount street Jelly William Henry, shopkeeper, 46 James street Hussey Humphrey, plumber, 4 Pound Tree lane Jelmoni C. & Co. Suisse cafe &; restaurant, 140 k 147 Hussey Jane (Mrs.), hairdresser, 6o French street High street Hutchens Charles, firewood merchant, 2 St. Mary's road Hutchings Fred, beer retailer, 71 Wellington rd.Freemntl Jenkins & Sons, builders, 25 Bortland st. & Southbr0ok rd Hyde Margaret (Mrs.), greengrocer, 9 Carlton place Jenkins Henry, apartnlents, 6 Queen's terrace Hythe Pier & llythe & Southampton Ferry Co. Limited Jenman John J. market gardener & farmer, Holl~·broo~ (Francis Henry Candy J.P. sec.), 91 High street farm, Shirley Idris & Co. :Lim. mineral water manufrs. Blechynden st J enner .A.lbert, news aQ'oot, 8 High street, Shirley Des Frederick, shQpkeeper, :21 Palmerston road Jenvey 1Vi1liam, wine &; spirit merchant & ins. agent, 2::1 Imperial Live Stock Insurance .Association Lim. (Wm. Bridge streeb &; 69 High street Charles Day, district agent), Claremont, Languard rd. Jerram George, ironmonger, II High street~ Sltir:ey Freemantle Jerram Walter Harold, builder, Glenbumie, FQiui.ldry Iam>' Independent Labour Pa:rty Club (Joe Clayton, general Jerrim "Waiter, harness maker, POTt·swooo road sec.), 63 London road Jessey Thomas John, apartments, 55 Bridgt\11 road Inder George, builder, 58 High street, Shirley Jewell Harry, chemist & druggi,st, 55 .Above ba:r lngram Albert John, Prince of Wales P.H. 5 Wellington Jewell Walterr, cab proprietor, 15 .Anglesea. rood, Shirley road, Freemantle Jewell Walter John, jobmaster, 13 S'ydney plael:l, Shirley Ingram Charles, Shirley hotel & wine & spirit merchant, Jewell William Charles, baker, 56 French street Shirley; Telephone No. 2, Shirley Johns John & Son, chemists & agents for W. & A. Gil· Ingram Chas. Josepb, Unicorn inn P.H. 132 St. Mary's st bey, Limited, wine & spirit merchants, 1:84 High st. Ingra.m Frederick, boot maker, IO Park road, Bellevue & I 86 .A.bove Bar street Ingram Harriet (Mrs.), beer retailer, 24 Princes street Jolms Charles Henry, highways surveyor t8' the bo:rourgn. Ingram John, hair dresser, 70 High street, Shirley Municipal offices, High street Ingram John T. shopkeeper, Station rd. Bittf>rne park Johnson Augustus, pork butcher & ponlte:re-r, 50 Bevoi~ Ingram William Henry, beer retailer, II8 Millbank street Valley road Ings George, bedding manufacturer, Oxford rd. Shirley Johnson Edward Thos. shopkeeper, 79 O:xford avenue Ings Geo. bedding manufacturer, 17 Park st. Shirley John son Elizabeth (MTs. ), apartments, 7 Orchard place­ Ings lrwin, baker, 39 Station road, Shirley Johnson Francis, picture frame maker, z8rj High street Ings James, furniture dealer, 48 Church street, Shirley Johnson Harry, printer, 3.8 Northam road Inkpen 1Villiam, joiner, 14 Avenue road Johnson Isaiah Thomas, supt. fire brigade, 7 :Bargate st Inland Revenue Office (Frederick Ozias Ohate, collector; Johnwn Waiter, cab proprietor, 13 St. Marv's road John Heath, chief clerk; Cyril Perkins Nobbs, F:orence Johnson Walter, cab proprietor, Trinity mews,Trinity td .
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