PAGE TWENTY-FOUB FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1969 fnanrbfBtrr lEtirntng Herald AviHvge Dailjr Nat Press Ron IW .Ik e Week B s M The Weathjpp Seaman Appren. , Jam es C. The Manchester Garden Club Mra. J . F . WaIMt and her Army Pfc. Thomas E. Dun- Campbell Council, tcwight* g t taw n, iew Partly cloudy, warm and hu­ Baker, the son of Mrs. Frank will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at About Town daughter, Barbara, returned last phy, IB, the son of Mr. and Columbus, will hold its n«miial mid with low about U tofSgbL Guzavltch of 126 Walker St., Center Congregational Church. weekend after a week’s stajr tai Mrs. Eugene Dunphy of 667 N. family picnic Sunday at 1 p.m. Tomorrow mostly sunny and . The first rehearsal of the is serving aboard the Navy At the meeting, entitled “Doing Atlahta, Oa., attending the Mth Main i9t., has b^en awarded the at Wtekhom Park. 1 5 , 4 5 9 warm with poertbiXty o< scat­ guided missile frigate, USS Your Own Thing,” members will Hartford Symphony Chorale National Cmvention of the Combat Infantryman Badge. HOUSE tered d^owers. will be' hdd Monday et tia rt- Dewey in the Mediterranean. display their particular garden­ American Legion Auxiliary. The bculge is awarded for sus­ St. Jude’s Mbttiers Circle will Mtmeheetmr— A Clty 'of VUlmgm Chmrm ford’a South Oongregetlonal The Dewey feoently stopped at ing Interests through individual Mra. Wallett received a $10 tained ground action against nieet Monday at 8 p.m, at the Church, Main and Buckingham the, rarely visited port of Du­ projects. For information on ob­ VOL. LX XXV lll, NO. 287 award for having the best the enemy. Dunphy Is with the home of ’Mrtk Ekhvard Amback, * Safurday (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PRICE TEN CENTS 8L a i 7:46 p.m. During Sep­ brovnik, Tugoslayia. taining display /niches, oontaot special Child Welfare program 4th Infaiitry Division fighting m Pond Lone. lb s . Michael tember and October, the Chor­ the chairman for this meeting, in the national organization’s near Pletku. Walsh will be co-hostess. ale will hold auditions from 7 The Ladies of St. James will Mrs. Robert Olenney. Refresh­ Elastem Division. to 7 :80 p.irt. at the church. hold their annual Harvest Din­ ments will be served. A SeUcbos (Penitential) Serv­ Elks setback tournament will One Day Only ^ A Those Interested in trying out ner Monday at Wiiile's Steak Men of Emanuel Lutheran ice will be held tomorrow at begin Tuesday a t 8 p.m. at the HALE for the CSiotale should. contact House beginning at 7 p.m. The The VFW Auxiliary and Poet Church will leave the ’church Elks Home. Members interest­ midnight at TemiSe Beth Sho- .•.v.v. Group Will Lead, Eklgar N. Wasilieff of 84 Har­ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eldward Rear­ ways and means committee will parking lot at 7 tonight for a lom. A 10:30 p.m. coffee hour ed in playing on a two-man Deadline Nears: lan St., Manchester in the eve­ don will speak on “Enrichment meet Monday at 7:80 psn. at^ tour of St. Joseph’s Cathedral will be given by the Temple Mr. team may sign their names at nings. of Life.” ^ - the post honw. in Hartford. and Mrs. C^ub. Tile service is the lodge or contact John Dulka a:*?; held in anticipation of the High of 87 Cambridge S t Holiday season which be­ Hanoi Announces Elbriek StiU Is Held gin with Rosh Hashanah (New A farewell reception for the RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) ministers met at Lsuanjeiras Year) on Friday, Sept. 12. Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Price TOKYO (AP) — North “fight to the death” against the will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. Vietnam announced today united states,” and Peking With the deadline set by **«*“ «■ ‘ tbe presidential resl- 3 in the OuUd Room of S t Mary’s a collective leadership wiU Vietnam to the kidnapers only a few h / l a g n a v o c ANNOUNCES ANOTHER Michael Johns, son of Mr. and release of 14 ihen and one wom­ Episcopal Church. All friends hours away, Brazil’s mili­ Mrs. Robert Johns of 260 Green­ an. and members of the church are tary leaders met today to wood Dr., was awarded the invited to attend. dignitaries in Hanot paid America, The government announced C.D. Jackson Award, a cMafion their last respects to Presi- The Soviet Union also prom- discuss how they will free Friday that tt would meet the political prisoners in ex­ REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH! and $800, at a concert a t ’Taa- BrHlrti - American Dart dent Ho Chi Minh. ised North Vietnam its “full terrorists' demands that 18 poli­ glewood, Lenox, Mass. JohiM League wiy begin its 48rd | Hanoi radio said the leader- support” and urged Hanoi to change for release of U.S. tical prisoners be freed In ex­ was a student at Tanglewood year of,]Say S«^ . IB. AU play­ xSblp of officials and flgfateia, “consolidate . U.S.S.R.-Vietnam Ambusador C. Burke EI- change (or release of Elbrlcm. Berkshire Fertival during the ers are requested to sign tq;> at ifom of them named, had “been frlenddUp and the eoUdarfty o l brick. It aald they would' be flown to last two summers. He Is a Jun- the clubhouse on or before se lw t^ and well trained by our the SociaUet community and the The armyv navy and air force Mexico. lor at the New England Conser­ Sept. 16. Non-members are wel­ beloved-. President Hb Ctil whole international Cfommunlrt The kidnapers gave authori­ vatory in Boston. come. New officers of the Mlnh,’’ Tili^ died Wednesday of movement.” ties from the time of acceptance league are Edward Churllla, a heart atte ^ . Hanoi said the Viet Oong had to “have them plaoed in a safe South Uidtsa M ethodist president; Robert St. Germahie, Quoting the'’ official Commu- formed a 26-man oonunlttee to country." SET and FORGET CSiurch will honor Manchester vice president; Jam es Lock­ nist'party newspaper Nhan Dan, organize mourning ceremonies Foreign Minister Joae de ICa- area servicemen who gave their hart, secretary; and Ross Vlb- the broadcast sald'^tbe leader- in the South, Troops Move galhaes Is expected to go on ra­ Uvea in Vietnam, at both Sunday I'crfs, itreasurer.** ship “wlU continue _the I baMebattle 1for ................. dio and televtsfon after the services, B and 10:46 a.m. The' freedom and independencexif all meeting to announce of Rev. Dr. J . Afonley Shaw will Zloiicbester Veterans Council our people and all our nation u^- On Catholics the release of 14 man and one preadi a qieclal sermon: “The will meet Monday at 8 p.m. tll the last American aggressor' woman. Price of Glory.’’ BELFAST, Northern Ireland The broadcast had been sat at the American Legion Home. Is driven from our land, the Ru8sia-China (AP) -.B ritish trooiM breached See It Now At (or Friday night but sraa poet- South la completely Uberated, the barricadee of Roman Catho- poned at the laot minute. Thera and our fatherland united once Uc-oonlrolled "Free Belfast” for again.’’ Appear Odd was no explanation, but Inform- APPLIANCE HaM M ANCHtmR CMMTWm . The commentary was a decla­ -------- rtw of force designed to b r^ novwt th. ant.'. mii«b AND TV CENTER ration of future leadership poli­ Bed-Fellows the ^ back under control. ^ V c T d e i l l l S ^ cy and' appeared to rule out, at Infantrymen wiUi automatic i^s who kidnaped Blbriok least for now, any struggle for Strange behavior the Red weapons moved inside the barrl- Thureday .......n f ^ power tn Hanot. Chinese—and by North Vlet- at southern end of Al- Mexico and ChUe have agreed INC. 'Mamheitei LDMBK^» The collective leadership cer- namese leaders—suggests a b ^ Road, wiUch forms the (g accept the 18 men and the talnly includes four strong- hew phase of the Moscow-Pe- ^4ne acroee the FhUs Rood BnudUan governm ent has willed men In Hanoi—Le Duan, king struggle for Influence in C a ^ c stronghold. agreed to ny them out of the first secretary of the' Commu- Hanoi has been triggered by the They told a crowd who tried country. Two aircraft ara etand- PREMIERES 1969-711 PREMIERES nlst party; Premier Pham Van death of President Ho Chi Minh. Early morning sun silhouettes sqaud of U.S. Ma­ Nang in South Vietnam. The unit was to be air­ lo repel them: "Its tear gas i„, by at Rios Oaleao Intema- Uuong; Truong Chinh, chair- H so, the developments have rines as they dash toward a waiting helicopter at lifted to another site for a sweep through the area. flrrt and then we fire.” Airport. man of the National Assembly Ihiportant meaning for the landing zone Ryder, some 25 miles south of Da (AP Photofax) V At the north end of the road Authorttlaa aald some of the NOW! TV SEASON NOW! and leading theoretician, and of future events In Viet- they met a jeertng crowd of the p rt« » „ „ were being held In rtt- Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, defense "am- C a ^ o vigilantes who teve aa tar a » 1,000 miles from _ minister and the North’s mill- Premier Chou En-Lai arrived held the area for the past thras r *o and had to b# brought to tary strategist. in Hanoi at the head of a '*’**ks- gethar before the release could The Vtet Cong called on the funeral delegation, paid The troops brought up buUdos- made NEW SHOWS • NEW STARS • MORE COLOR people of South Vietnam to hold **** re^>ecta, then left for Pe- Heavy Viet Cong Attacks Continue, ere and truckloads of r e s e n ^ Elbrlck s abductors, who Iden- memorlal services in govern- advance of the But as yet they made no effort themselvee as members of ment offices, temples and pago- »<*eduled arrival of the Soviet (Bae Page Mzleea) two guerrilla organisatlona WATCH COLOR TV IN TOTAL COMFORT das.
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