A BI-MONTHLY COMMUNITY PUBLICATION OF « the JEWISH HOSPITAL of St. Louis Vol. 13 —No. 1 JAN.-MAY, 1964 216 S. KINGSHIGHWAY, ST. LOUIS, MO. 63110 Mrs. David P. Wohl Gives $100,000 Endowment Mrs. Carlyn H. Wohl, widow of the In 1960, the Foundation contributed an late David P. Wohl, founder of the Wohl additional sum to Washington University Shoe Company of St. Louis, has announced to build the Wohl clinic adjacent to the that the Wohl Foundation is contributing Wohl Hospital. In addition to clinics, the an additional $100,000 to the David P. building contains offices, an auditorium, Wohl (Endowment) Fund of Jewish Hos- research laboratories, and animal care pital. The Fund was established under the facilities. terms of Mr. Wohl's will in 1960, with an Another interesting facet of the Founda- original grant of $50,000. The income from tion's grants to Washington University was the additional $100,000 is to be used on $1,000,000 to the Endowment Fund to be behalf of the hospital's needs, without limi- used for any purpose whatsoever, except tations or restrictions, at the discretion of for buildings. In 1962, the .Washington the governing board of directors. University Dental School received $300,000 from the Foundation toward the building The Foundation also donated $100,000 of a research wing at the School of Den- to the Jewish Hospital Development Fund tistry. The Board of Trustees of the uni- in 1963. Mrs. Wohl has previously con- versity named the research center for Mrs. tributed $100,000 to the hospital's 1950 Wohl. Building Fund with Mr. Wohl, followed in During Mr. Wohl's lifetime and under 1956 by $200,600 toward the Capital Fund the terms of his will, St. Louis University Drive conducted at that time. This latter received $590,000 from Mr. Wohl and the sum was used for remodeling the Kings- Foundation. The university's David P. highway wing of the hospital named in Wohl Memorial Mental Health Institute memory of Lt. David P. Wohl, Jr. received $500,000 from the Foundation, Gifts Total $8,500,000 the medical and dental schools received $50,000, and the University proper, $40,000. During Mr. Wohl's lifetime, the couple Mr. and Mrs. Wohl contributed $500,000 gave $8,500,000 to municipal, charitable in 1960 to the Jewish Community Center, and educational institutions through the where the main building is now known as Wohl Foundation and personal contribu- the Carlyn H. Wohl Building. Under the tions. In addition, Mr. Wohl bequeathed terms of Mr. Wohl's will, the Jewish Cen- $1,677,500 to several St. Louis institutions ter for Aged at Fourteenth and Grand re- at his death. ceived $500,000 toward the construction SHOWN IS THE ARCHITECT'S DRAWING OF THE NEW CHARLES AND FLORENCE YALEM RESEARCH BUILD- The Wohl Foundation was established of the David P. Wohl Pavilion. ING. CONSTRUCTION IS EXPECTED TO BEGIN IN EARLY 1965. by Mr. and Mrs. Wohl in 1940 for char- The trustees of the Wohl Foundation are itable and educational purposes. Mrs. Carlyn H. Wohl, Milton Frank, In 1947 the Foundation gave $533,000 Henry J. Serth and Ethan H. Shepley. Research Building to be Constructed to the City of St. Louis to establish two With $1,000,000 Charles H. Yalem Gift health centers. In 1948, the Foundation made a gift of $550,000 to Washington University. This Charles H. Yalem, St. Louis financier and philanthropist, is contributing $1,000,000 was the forerunner of a total of $4,676,000 to the hospital for construction of a seven-story research building to be named the which Mr. Wohl and the Foundation gave Charles and Florence Yalem Research Building. to the university. A former member of the Research Committee of the board of directors, Mr. Yalem cited the hospital's need for additional research laboratories in announcing his gift. The One of the notable buildings established hospital annually spends in excess of $650,000 for research, with grants from foundations, by the Foundation in conjunction with the federal government and private donors. The inadequacy of present research facilities Washington University and the Barnes has forced postponement of a number of projects. Hospital Group is the 81-bed Wohl Memo- The new Charles and Florence Yalem hospital's Mark C. Steinberg wing. rial Hospital, named in memory of Lt. Research Building will have six of its David P. Wohl, Jr., who was killed in a Mr. Yalem, president and founder of bombing raid over Germany in 1944. The seven floors devoted to research labora- Aetna Finance Company, a nationwide hospital also includes extensive research tories. Among the planned research proj- finance company, has long been active in laboratories. MRS. WOHL ects are studies of tissue and organ trans- local civic, religious and cultural affairs. plants, cardiopulmonary disease, surgery He is a life member of the board of di- shock, fertility and sterility, diabetes and rectors of the Jewish Federation of St. cancer. Louis and is a member of the board of A portion of the ground floor of the new trustees of the Jewish Community Centers structure will consist of an auditorium Association and the Jewish Center for Federation Drive Nears with a seating capacity of 250 persons. Aged. He served as honorary chairman of Construction will begin in early 1965 on a the Jewish Federation fund drives in 1961, site east of the present hospital building. 1962 and 1963. He is an honorary vice- Anticipated total cost of the Yalem Re- president of Temple Shaare Emeth and a $7,000 Hospital Goal search Building is $1,340,000. Mr. Yalem's member of the President's Council and gift will be supplemented by a $250,000 the Development Council of St. Louis The 1964 Jewish Federation drive for The board of directors of the Jewish grant from the National Institutes of University. the hospital was conducted from May 4 Hospital endorsed the drive at a meeting Health and the balance from the hospital's Mr. Yalem's major gifts in recent years to May 15. Co-chairmen for the drive in April. In a resolution adopted unani- recent capital funds drive. include: $450,000 to Washington Univer- were William Chiles, Raya Richman and mously the board stated: sity, including the recent purchase and Mr. Yalem has been an active member Lucie Prinz. "Whereas the Jewish Federation of St. gift of the YMHA-YWHA building, 724 of the board of directors of the hospital The goal for the hospital was $7,000. Louis has announced a goal of $1,800,000 since 1953. He served on the hospital's Union Blvd., for the establishment of a At press time $5,800 or 82.8 per cent of for its annual welfare fund campaign Research Committee from 1955 to 1959, human development center; $100,000 to St. which shall begin on May 4, 1964, the Finance and Budget Committee from Louis University for the establishment of the goal had been raised. Employees, including full-time physi- "Be it resolved that the Jewish Hospital 1954 to 1959 and 1961 to 1962 and the the James Henry Yalem Scientific Com- of St. Louis fully endorses and supports Resources and Development Committee in cians and research staff members were puting Center for research; $300,000 to the Jewish Federation in its fund drive 1961. He has also served on various plan- Brandeis University; $200,000 to the Jewish solicited by 75 team captains. Contribu- and urges that the members of the hospital ning committees of the hospital. Center for Aged; $200,000 to the Jewish tions are being made through payroll de- board vigorously participate in the drive." Mr. Yalem has previously contributed Community Centers Association, and ductions, the first of which will be June 19. $200,000 to the hospital in memory of a The Federation, which includes seven $25,000 to the City Art Museum. Team captains were briefed on their son, Lt. James Henry Yalem, who was local Jewish health, welfare and educa- killed in 1944 while serving in World War Mr. Yalem is a Fellow of Brandeis role in the campaign in Steinberg Audi- tional agencies, contributes substantially to II in the U.S. Air Force. This gift sup- University. He was graduated in 1914 from torium, April 30. Rabbi Robert Jacobs, the hospital each year. Last year it gave ported construction of a 42-bed unit for St. Louis University. Mr. and Mrs. Yalem director of Washington University's Hillel $222,769 to support teaching, research and medical patients on the third floor of the are lifelong residents of St. Louis. House, addressed the group. patient care programs here. rw PAGE 2 Five Named To Hospital Board Five persons have recently been named to the board of directors of the hospital. Milton Frank, a former president of the Jewish Federation, is chairman of the board of Wohl Shoe Company and vice- president and a director of Brown Shoe Company. He is a trustee of the Wohl Foundation, a trustee of the Children's Research Foun- dation and a director of the National Jewish Welfare Board. He is married, has a son and twin daughters. John E. Simon is senior partner of I. M. Simon & Co., investment brokers. He is a benefactor of the St. Louis City Art Museum. In 1945 he established The Simon Foun- dation for the support of health, educa- tional and religious agencies. He is the sole contributor to the Foundation. Mr. Simon is a nationally known con- HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES BARBARA CONRAD, EXECUTIVE OFFICES SECRETARY, BRENDA RHOTEN, NURSE ON 3-SO., AND BARBARA VARDIMAN, PHYSICAL THERAPY CARDS.
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