![The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 7, Number 11](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Scholars Crossing 1988 The Fundamentalist Journal 12-1988 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 7, Number 11 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_88 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 7, Number 11" (1988). 1988. 7. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_88/7 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1988 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 't'l,/ft1,(, 4 r, jl,.qF "'l' I0.y, 11'/ iil ft,,, r,r #fi,i',, s 'T l*, f 1' j ,t'$,,o ffi''s saye 9u Tllepe And stockiiigBtiEd6'Great Gifts 1' Panasoniccassefte Re.corder/prayer withthe NewTesta- camp Merodysing-a-r-ong menton cassette.Buy rhese togeiher anoii""-i"'",iJ- ...... r.N. 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Address I I DECEMBER1988 Fundamentalist vol.7/No.11 B 44 DEPARTMENTS"',3[#:'fiTi:T; You lt 6 Said 10 JerryFalwell Comments tne Hevetalton of the lncarnation I "And the angel said unto them, Thunderin the Pulpit I Thereis a packageunder God's Fearnot:for, behold, I bringyou good HowardA. Kelly Christmastree, wrapped especially tidingsof great joy, which shall be to BelovedPhysician foryou. Your name is on the tag. Will all people.For unto you is born this of Baltimore youopen it? Will you receive "A Gift day in the city of David a Saviour, BernardR. DeRemer TooWonderful for Words"? which is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:10-11).John R. Riceshows how im- w,?tr WhyI Believe Preaching& Pastoring portantthe angelswere in the birthof in tireVirgin Birth 40 Christ. HowardA. Kelly FEATURES 47 In Review { O BeforeAbortion Was Legal 50 FamilyLiving I L RobinJones Gunn 56 MinistryUpdate I t TheAngel's Message I rt JohnR. Rice News OperationRescue Returnsto Atlanta - il5illaltReioiced 18 AnoelaElwell Hunt MartinMawver NewsBriefs A Gitt Too Wonderful 64 for Words 22DonAnderson After All ls the Raptureon Schedule? DanielR. Mitchell 26 I Christmastree lightstwinkled over [:in*jt-"p".' the roomand the emotionof the night floodedher soul.Soul-searing sorrow. I About lhe cover: The photographis Indescribablejoy! Incrediblealone- ofa windowpanel at St.Paul's Episcopal quivering Church in Lynchburg,Virginia. The Sinser's ness. A wonder that churchwas foundedin 1822and the 28 Il:,:::;. throbbedfor an explanationof why her panelof stained glass was installed in the BernardR. DeFlemer husbandhad beenbrutally murdered currentbuilding in 1895. on ChristmasEve. 4 FundamentalistJournal { l. ;i:' i+ .f f, " 1.1 i{ = &'.rq "\^:r&;*q vl' L ll''1 ir.,. * lllustatonadaptedl.omTHE CHILDREN S BIBLEO 1965WeslernPublish nq Co Inc The OnhPeopleWthA MoreAccuratc tlnderstandiru - HearidltFint-Hand. Introducing the ultimate personalsrudy Bible. A study Bible of such exceptionalaccuracy Unerringly faithful to the original Hebrew and clariry it's almostlike being there. and Greek languages.Comprehensive in Tie Neo Scofuld Sndy Bibk, IVao American coverageand scope.Flexible and easyto use, Standard.
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