0Of 4bal .. E llti PUBLISHED DAILY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC ZNFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. J. GOVERNMENT Activjties VOL. 2 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. No. 425 EXTENSION OF SUFFRAGE TO WOMEN IS VITAL TO WINNING THE WAR, PRESIDENT TELLS SENATE URGES THE IMMEDIATE ROUT OF TURKS INPALESTINE PRESIDENT DRAWS FIRST PASSAGE OF MEASURE REPORTED BY U.S. DIPLOMAT NUMBER, 322, INLOTTERY GIVING THEM THE VOTE G1erinan Units Included in 50,000 Prisoners Taken by British TO FIX LIABILITY TO WAR WOMAN'S HELP NEEDED in Seven Days. SERVICE OF 18-45 CLASSES NOW AND AFTER WAR The Department of State is in receipt of a telegram from the diplomatic agent VICE PRESIDENT SECOND Verification of Our Pro- at Cairo stating that 50,000 prisoners have been taken by Gen. Allenby in the fessions of Democracy last seven days. He has also blocked the Drawing of 17,000 Numbers last line of escape, annihilated west of Necessary to Convince the the Jordan two Turkish armies, and cap- Begins in Senate Office tured over 300 guns. He has captured Building with High Offi- World of Our Leadership. all of their food and medical supplies, Appeals for "Spiritual" rolling stock and baggage, ammunition, cials Participating-Prob- guns, horse and mechanical transport. Help to Lighten the Bur- German Commander General Leman ably will. Take 26 Hours to von Sanders narrowly escaped capture. den of Executive Tasks Several German units and battalions Complete Task. Resting Upon Him. were taken. As there Is no rolling stock available, the Turkish Army east of the President Wilson opened to-day the following the drawing to determine the order of lia- The President, addressing the Senate Jordan is in full retreat, line of the Hadjez Railway In order to bility to military service of the approxi- at 1 o'clock this afternoon, said: reach Damascus. Communication has mately 13,000,000 men between the ages been cut off with Medina by the Arab of 18 and 20 inclusive and 32 and 45 in- GENTLEMEN OF THE SENATE: elusive, who registered September 12, The unusual circumstances of a forces holding the railway between Mann and Jordan and the New Zealand Cav- 1918. world war in which we stand and are alry holding the same railway at Am- In the majority caucus room in the judged in the view not only of our man. On September 25 Tibiras and Senate office building in the presence of own people and our own consciences Samakh were taken. a crowd that packed the room, the Presi- dent drew the first but also in the view of all nations and The British losses are quite small, the number in the great wounded being received at Cairo. The lottery. It was No. 322. Because of the peoples will, I hope, justify in your Moslem population of Egypt Is now los- lowness of the number it is certain to thought, as it does in mine, the mes- ing faith in Germany and Turkey by this apply to a man in every one of the 4,557 sage I have come to bring you. I re- victory. Because of the new territory local boards. gard the concurrence of the Senate taken and the new refugees, there will Others in the Drawing. probably be great demands in Palestine In the constitutional amendment pro- on the American relief funds, American Mrs. Wilson was also present. Others posing the extension of the suffrage Zionist medical unit, and American Red who followed the President in the draw- to women as vitally essential to the Cross. ing of the first 17 numbers, with the num- successful prosecution of the great bers they drew, were: U. S. BATTLESHIP HITS MINE. The Vice President of the Uited war of humanity in which we are en- States, Hon. Thomas R. Marshall, No. gaged. I have come to urge upon you Minnesota in Dry Dock After Injuries of 7277. the considerations which have led Delaware Breakwater. The President pro tempore of the Sen- me to that conclusion. It is not only Secretary Daniels authorizes the fol- ate, Hon. Willard Saulsbury, of Dela- lowing: ware, No. 6708. my privilege, it is also my duty to ap- The Speaker of the House of Repre- prise you of every circumstance and The Navy Department is Informed that the battleship Minnesota, which struck a sentatives, Hon. Champ Clark, No. 1027. element involved in this momentous mine off the Delaware Breakwater, ar- The Secretary of the Navy, Hon. Jo- struggle which seems to me to'affect rived in port Sunday night at 7.45 and is sephus Daniels, No. 16169. The Acting Secretary its very processes and its outcome. now in dry dock for repairs. The Minne- of War, Hon. her starboard Benedict Crowell, No. 8366. It is my duty to win the war and to sota struck the mine on bow. The explosion tore a big hole, be- Senator George E. Chamberlain, of ask you to remove every obstacle ginning at a point about 45 feet from the Oregon, chairman of the Senate Military that stands in the way of winning It. ram and extending aft about 40 feet. The Affairs Committee, No. 5366. I had assumed that the Senate width of the hole is from the bottom of Senator Francis E. Warrengof Wyo- keel, ming, ranking Would concur In the amendment be- the arm or belt practically to the minority meml-r of the the bulge extending inward to the center Senate Military Affairs Committee, No. cause no disputable principle Is in- of the ship. 1697. (Continued on page 3.) No one was injured. Representative S. Hybert Dent, Jr., of 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. Alabama, chairman of the House Mili- tary Affairs Committee, No. 7123. Representative Julius Kahn, of Call- Agreement Between U. S. and Germany fornia, ranking minority member of the House Military Atfairs Committee, No. 2781. on Pay for Officers Held Prisoners Gen. Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff 9283. of the Army, No. Thc War Department athorires the grades vot included in a and b sciLl Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of be allowed two-thirds of that llowied Naval Operations, No. 6147. following: UuIcr the terms of an agreement be- for classes in a. Lieut. Gen. Samuel B. Ml. Young, t-ween the Government of the United This prorision does aot authorize United States Army (retired), governor States and the Imperial Government payments to persons other than comx- United States Soldiers' Home, No. 10086. of Germany, offlecrs held as prisoners missioned officers of the Army. Maj. Gen. E. H. Crowder, Provost Mar- of war are paid as follows: The rates of pay agreed upon shall shal General, No. 438. a. At the rate of 350 marks, or apply without regard to whether off- Col. Charles B. Warren, senior officer, $83.35 per mouth. German Army: cers are active offiocrs, officers of the Provost Marshal General's Office, No. First Lienenants. Lieutenants. Feld- resrcre grade, officers of disposition 904. webellentants. United States Army: or retired, or whether they are re- Col. James S. Easby-Smith, Provost First Lieutenants. Second Lieuten- tired officers of disposition. The rates Marshal General's Office, No. 12368. ants. aply also to the same class of offlcers Col. J. H. Wigiore, Provost Marshal b. At the rate of 400 marks, or wlho are interned afs civilian prisoners General's Office, No. 1523. S.95.?5 per month. German 'Army: and iwhose rank is certified by'the 17,000 NYumbers to Be Drawn. Captain8, riftimoister, and - higher Government of the United States or grades of officers. United States the Imperial Government of Germany. The first number was drawn by the Anny: Capiains and offcers of higher Payment shall be made at the rate President at noon. A total of 17,000 num- gradcs. prescribed for the full time an officer bers are to be drawn, and it is estimated c. Until further Meision is rendered has been imprisonei. that approximately 20 hours will be con- sumed in the undertaking. Three shifts of officers and enlisted men are handling the operation. The serial numbers were contained in sealed gelatin capsules. the Senate Military Affairs Committee, LIBERTY LOAN CAMPAIGN OPENS; Although the drawing will give an No. 4532. order number to each of the 13,000.000 (5) By Representative Julius Kahn, of ALASKA FIRST TO FILL QUOTA who registered, registrants will be called California, ranking minority member of the House Military Affairs Committee, in accordance with their order numbers The Treasury Department issues the with their respective classes, as shown by No. 10218. the classification list, and within the ages (6) Dy Maj. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, following: from time to time prescribed by the Prest- then Chief of Staff, No. 458. Patriotic Americans are buckling down dent as immediately liable to be called (7) By Maj. Gen. E. H. Crowder, to work on the $6,000,000,000 Fourth Lib- for classification and for military service. Provost Marshal General, No. 3403. (8) By Maj. Gen. H. P. McCain, erty Loan campaign. The drive opened Regulations Sent Out. then Adjutant General of the Army, No. officially Saturday, but the opening day, 3403. with its attendant half holiday in many Printed copieg of the regufations gov- Last number drawn by Maj. Gen. erning the drawing, prepared by Col. cities, and the festivities that open every Crowder, No. 5794. loan, was not a sales day in tile fullest Charles B. Warren, senior officer in the - office of the Provost Marshal General, Second Drawing.
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