Rock & Roll Rock & Roll L L O R & K C

Rock & Roll Rock & Roll L L O R & K C

ROCK & ROLL 33 ROCK & ROLL CHARLIE ADAMS CHUCK BERRY CATTIN’ AROUND BCD 16312 € 15.34 LIVE AT THE FILL MORE HASIL ADKINS AUDI TO RIUM CD 558 135 € 12.50 & (1998/Polygram) 10 tracks hard to find Polygram release CHICKEN WALK - THE 50’S with probably one of his best live cuts featuring the Steve Miller RECORD INGS CD BB 55025 € 15.34 Band! & Contains “No More Hot Dogs” as featured in the Movie “Bad 8 CD CHESS 4364 € 24.90 Boys Never Die” Alle wichtigen Aufnahmen aus den 50ern GOLD 2-CD inkl."No More Hot Dogs" aus dem Kultstreifen “ Bad Boys Never CD-1:- Maybellene- Wee Wee Hours- Thirty Days- You Can’t Catch Die” - 30 tracks Me- Downbound Train- No Money Down- Brown Eyed Handsome OUT TO HUNCH...PLUS (US) CD CED 201 € 17.75 Man- Roll Over Beetho ven- Too Much Monkey Busi ness- Havana & (2002/NORTON) 20 tracks 1955-65 with 24 page booklet Moon- School Day- Rock And Roll Music- Oh Baby Doll- Sweet Little THE WILD MAN...PLUS CD CED 203 € 17.75 Sixteen- Guitar Boogie- Reelin’ And Rockin’- Johnny B. Goode- & (2004/NORTON) 19 tracks - original vinyl was “Record Of Around And Around- Beau ti ful Delilah- House Of Blue Lights- The Week” by New York Times, July 31, 1987; Original album Carol- Jo Jo Gunne- Memphis, Tennes see- Sweet Little Rock & Roll- remastered with five bonus cuts - four of them previously Little Queenie- Almost Grown- CD-2:- Back In The U.S.A.- Do You unissued! First time on CD!/Frantic one man band action!/Four Love Me- Betty Jean- Childhood Sweet heart- Let It Rock- Too Pooped cuts with backing by the A-Bones!/Twenty page photo packed To Pop- I Got To Find My Baby- Don’t You Lie To Me- Bye Bye Johnny- booklet!/Flop flop baby! Jaguar & Thun der bird- Down The Road Apiece- Confessin’ The POUL TRY IN MOTION - Blues- I’m Talk ing About You- Come On- Nadine (Is It You?)- You CHICKEN COLLECTION 55-99 CD CED 281 € 17.75 Never Can Tell- Prom ised Land- No Partic u lar Place To Go- Dear & (2000/NORTON) 15 tracks 1956-99 Dad- I Want To Be Your Driver- Tulane- My Ding-A-Ling- Reelin’ And JEWEL AKENS Rockin’ (live)- Bio THE BIRDS & THE BEES CD ERA 5020 € 9.90 & (2005/CHESS/UNIVERSAL CANADA) 50 tracks - digitally & (1994/Dominion) 16 tracks The original ERA recordings mastered original recordings with 28 page booklet - ultimate including his smash hit The Birds And The Bees from 1965! CD is collection - rare import ! in best quality and comes with a 16-pages booklet with extensive BLACK DYNAMITES photos!The linernotes are written from Cub Koda!/Seine Original ERA-Aufnahmen inkl. dem internationalen Chart- erfolg The Birds BLACK DYNAMITES CD HL 1009 € 17.90 And The Bees von 1965! CD ist in bester Qualität und beinhaltet ROCKIN’ RAMONA CD R 123 € 15.90 ein 16-Seiten Booklet mit vielen Fotos und Linernotes von Cub Ready To Rock- Gone Gone Away- Brush Those Tears- Lonely Cissy- Koda!Solange Vorrat reicht!! Twist In The Mood- Ginny Ginny- Opera Twist- Rockin’ Ramona- PAUL ANKA Twistin Con Los Indonesios- Far Away Places- Don’t Blame Me- Ole 8 Cordobes- Una Chica Formal- I Want To Love You- Wello Wello ROCK SWINGS (US) CD 0501 001 € 19.90 Wap- Mojo Work out- Sick And Tired- Can You Hear Me- Violetta- It’s My Life- True- Eye Of The Tiger- Every body Hurts- Wonderwall- Susy Twist- Kansas City- Terang Boelan Blackhole Sun- It’s A Sin- Jump- Smells LIke Teen Spirit- Hello- Eyes & (1993/REDITA) 22 tracks 1959-1967 with 6 page booklet With out A Face- Lovecats- The Way You Make Me Feel- Tears In Heaven PAT BOONE & (2005/VERVE) 14 tracks The unmistakable voice of Paul Anka BABY, OH BABY BCD 15645 € 15.34 with an all-star big band, featuring some of the most popular THE FIFTIES - COMPLETE 12-CD songs of the last quarter century! Includes Anka’s unique versions BOX BCD 15884 € 214.74 of such hits as: Bon Jovi’s ‘It’s My Life’; REM’s ‘Everybody Hurts’; THE BROWNS Van Halen’s ‘Jump’; Eric Clapton’s ‘Tears In Heaven’. CHARLINE ARTHUR THE THREE BELLS 8-CD-BOX BCD 15665 € 138.05 SONNY BURGESS WELCOME TO THE CLUB BCD 16279 € 15.34 CLAS SIC RECORD INGS BOBBY BARE 1956-59 2-CD BCD 15525 € 30.68 THE ALL AMERI CAN BOY DORSEY BURNETTE 4-CD-BOX BCD 15663 € 76.69 FREDDIE BELL GREAT SHAKIN’ FEVER BCD 15545 € 15.34 JOHNNY BURNETTE L ROCKIN’ IS OUR BUSI NESS BCD 15901 € 15.34 BROOK BENTON ROCKA BILLY BOOGIE BCD 15474 € 15.34 L TRAIN KEPT A-ROLLIN 9-CD 8 AT HIS BEST...PLUS CD CCM 532 € 12.90 BOX & 116-PAGE BOOK BCD 16438 € 184.07 O The Wall- You Should Have Told Me- Rock ‘N’ Roll That Rhythm (All SAM BUTERA R Nite Long)- Part ners For Life- Anything For You- Love Made Me Your Fool- The Kentuck ian Song- Can I Help It- Bring Me Love- Some Of HOT NEW ORLEANS NIGHTS BCD 15449 € 15.34 RAY CAMPI My Best Fiends- Give Me A Sign- Tell Me- Ooh (single version)- All & My Love Belongs To You (single version) TAYLOR, TEXAS 1988 BCD 15486 € 15.34 & (2005/CCM) 14 tracks Epic/Okeh 1955/56 - first time on CD THE EAGER BEAVER BOY BCD 15501 € 15.34 ! FREDDY CANNON K THE SWAN YEARS 1959-1963 CD VSD 66111 € 17.90 C JENKS TEX CARMAN O HILL BILLY HULA BCD 15574 € 15.34 R % (+49) (0 47 48) 82 16-0 • FAX (+49) (0 47 48) 82 16-20 • Email [email protected] 34 ROCK & ROLL CATHY CARROLL RUDY VAN DALM STORY CD CHEER 5001 € 17.90 & THE ROYAL RHYTHMIC S CD HL 5051 € 17.90 & (2005/CHEER) 24 tracks - rare teen sides from various DANNY & THE JUNIORS labels 1961- 1966 featuring Johnny Come Lately (Ginny Come Lately) ROCKIN’ WITH DANNY & THE JUNIORS CD POINT 16280 € 15.50 JOHNNY CARROLL & (1994/POINT) 30 tracks ROCK BABY, ROCK IT BOBBY DARIN (1955-1960) BCD 15928 € 15.34 LAS VEGAS CENTENNIAL JOEY CASTLE 8 COLLEC TION CD CAP 75939 € 18.90 ROCK & ROLL DADDY-O BCD 15560 € 15.34 Intro/Hello Young Lovers- Ace In The Hole- You’re Nobody ‘til LEON CHAPPEL Some body Loves You- Hits Medley: Splish Splash/Beyond The Sea/- AUTO MATIC MAMA BCD 16254 € 15.34 Arti fi cial Flow ers/Clementine- My Funny Valen tine- I Walk The Line- SANFORD CLARK 18 Yellow Roses- Mack The Knife- Comedy Routine- Work Song- Michael (Row The Boat Ashore)- Mary Don’t You Weep- I’m On My THE FOOL BCD 15549 € 15.34 Way Great God- The Curtain Falls SHADES BCD 15731 € 15.34 & (2005/CAPITOL) 14 tracks - live at the Flamingo - digipac EDDIE COCHRAN ACES - BACK TO BACK 8 VERY BEST 2-CD CD 477 3012 € 14.90 CD&DVD CD HY 9324 € 24.90 JACKIE LEE COCHRAN & (2004/HYENA) 20 tracks (CD) plus DVD (Code 0) with live clips and rare footage (private & studio) Highlight ! Klasse Live WITH JOHNNY & THE ROCCOS Concert plus DVD mit raren Ausschnitten und Archivmaterial - 24 8 1985 SESSIONS CD CHD 1064 € 17.75 Seiten Booklet mit vielen Fotos und Kommentaren von Dion, Fiddle Fit Man- Out Across The Tracks- Trou ble Is Her Name- Whey Brian Setzer, Henry Mancini u.a. Don’t I Leave You Alone- Rock And Roll Blues- Wast ing Love- Bayou FROM SEA TO SEA - LIVE 1959 & Joe- She’s Mine All Mine- Peace Of Mind- Greasy Dollar Bill- Rock 1967 CD LG 30013 € 15.90 ‘N’ Roll Refrain- Billy Is A Rocker- Tarzan Boogie- Heartbreakin’ & Track 1-4 from a Australian Rock & Roll show 1959. Track Mama- I Hate The Disco- I Was A Teen age Were wolf From Outer 5-17 from the London Palladium TV Special 1967. (1992/LIVE Space- It Was Fool ish- The Rocker’s Anthem- Go You Rebel- Gotta GOLD) 17 tracks (57:00) Make It- Drip Dry- Chimichanga- Mescal Drunk- We Got The JAMES DARREN Boogie- Pink And Black- Apron Strings- Match box BYE BYE BIRDIE & TEEN AGE & (2005/ACE) 27 tracks with 12 page booklet / das geniale TRIAN GLE CD COL 7682 € 17.90 1985 Comeback Album von Rockabilly Legende Jackie Lee & (2004/COL) 24 Cochran mit Johnny & The Roccos plus die seltene Roccos LP mit tracks featuring Shelley dem Club Smash “I Hate The Disco” und drei unveröffentlichte Fabares, Paul Peterson Bonus Titel - Rockin’ Higlight !! The superb ‘comeback’ set by and The Marcels; Teen one of the greatest names in 1950s rockabilly, plus the 1985 Idol JAMES DARREN album by his recording mates the Rossos - recorded enjoyed a successful simultaneously and reissued here on CD for the first time. career in both music and COLLINS KIDS film, most notably as ‘Moondoggie’ in the HOP, SKIP & JUMP 2-CD-BOX & ‘Gidget’ teen-films. 20-PAGE BOOK BCD 15537 € 46.02 JAMES DARREN’S career THE ROCKIN’EST BCD 16250 € 15.34 resurged in the ‘90s BILLY CRASH CRADDOCK when he co-starred in BOOM BOOM BABY BCD 15610 € 15.34 the Sci-Fi TV show ‘DEEP SPACE NINE’. These two CRAZY ROCKERS original 1963 recordings STORY CD HL 1006 € 17.90 both include two other CRICKETS actor/singer teen sensations SHELLY FABARES and PAUL PETERSEN (‘THE DONNA STILL IN STYLE BCD 15599 € 15.34 REED TV SHOW’) performing their biggest chart hits. SCATMAN CROTHERS RONNIE DAWSON 8 I WANT TO ROCK & ROLL CD BCK 27126 € 15.50 MONKEY BEAT ! CD CCR 9431 € 15.50 Rock Roma Rock It- & (1994/NOHIT/CCR) 23 tracks Woodchoppers Ball- Blue - THE LEGENDARY MASTERS berry Hill- I Got Rhythm- 2-CD CD CCR 9643 € 29.90 Tell Me How Long The CD-1:- Searchin’ For My Baby- Straight Skirts- The Chicken- It’s Love Trains Been Gone- Excactly Baby (24 Hours A Day)- Fire, Fire, Fire (demo)- Make A Little Love- Like You- Hound Dog- My Slenderella (demo)- My First Love- Why Did You Cry?- I’m Coming Dear est One- Yancey Home- Slenderella (alt.version)- Fire, Fire, Fire (alt.version)- Baby Special- I’m Gonna Rock & Brother- Rockin’ Bones (demo)- Comgratulations To Me (demo)- Roll- I’m Gonna Sit Right Green-Eyed Cat- I Make The Love- Action Packed- CD-2:- Rockin’ Down And Write Myself...- Bones- Congrat u la tions To Me- Ain’t That A Kick In The Head- The Fool- Copen hagen- Hazel- Poor Little Johnny Smith- Pauline- Do Do Do- Tired Of Wait - L Nobody Knows Why- ing- Who’s Been Here?- Who Put The Cat Out?- Jump & Run- Tied L Please Don’t Talk About Me Down- Muddy Coffee- I’m On Your Wagon- Riders In The Sky- When I’m Gone- The Best Every body Clap Your Hands O Things In Life Are Free- & (1996/CRYSTAL CLEAR) 34 tracks (20 unreleased) 1957-62 Pappa- My Blue Heaven with 16 page booklet - back in stock / wieder lieferbar ! R & (2005/HYDRA) 30 tracks - his rockin’ tracks from various ROCKIN’ BONES CD NOHIT 001 € 15.50 labels with 24 page booklet of photos, discography & & (NOHIT) 20 tracks filmography.

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