WORLD FEDERATION OF CHIROPRACTIC SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 WFC Quarterly World Report A Report For: Inside: Spinal Manipulation & Exercise in Rio................................... 2 Sister Yengo’s Inspiration .......................................................... 3 WFC Member Associations Future Events ............................................................................... 6 WFC Associate Members WFC News ................................................................................... 6 WFC Council and Past Councillors FICS Report ................................................................................. 8 WFC Research Council and Committees Public Health and Baird Interview............................................ 9 Regional and Affiliated Organizations World Notes ................................................................................. 11 Farewell Russ Gibbons .............................................................. 16 Associate Members Report ...................................................... 17 President’s Message In my first President’s Message in • Open forum for short presen- June I reviewed the WFC’s core pur- tations and discussion – 90 poses – one of which is “to offer im- minutes partial forums for debate and exchange The first invited speaker will be Dr. of information” on important issues for Gian Joerger, President, Association of our profession. Swiss Chiropractors speaking on The One current issue of fundamental im- Experience of Switzerland. Recently I had the privilege of address- portance is whether or not there should Next there will be a panel of 4 speak- ing some 100 international student del- be any use of medication in chiroprac- ers representing the Pacific, European, egates at their 31st Annual World Con- tic practice. On one hand chiropractic North American and African Regions. gress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS) was born and has flourished as a drug- These speakers are Dr. Dennis Rich- in Dallas, Texas. My message was one less profession and the WFC has policy ards, Past-President, Chiropractors’ that I will share often during my two against the use of prescription drugs, Association of Australia, Dr. Richard year term as WFC president. passed by the Assembly in 1999. That Brown, President, British Chiroprac- It is my strong belief, and one shared policy is given below. tic Association, Dr. Gerard Clum, by many others, that in the next dec- On the other hand surveys in Eu- President, Life College of Chiropractic ade the chiropractic profession will be- rope and North America in recent years West and Dr. Charmaine Korporaal, come among the most respected in the show that there is now significantly di- Vice-President, Chiropractors’ Asso- healing arts for the health care services vided opinion on this matter. In Swit- ciation of South Africa and Head of they provide. As the German philoso- zerland the profession now has limited Department and Clinic Director, Chi- pher Arthur Schopenhauer once said, prescription rights. This is for oral and ropractic Program, Durban University “All truth passes through three phases. topical over-the-counter medications, of Technology. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is vio- with patients reimbursed by insurances. I hope there will representatives of all lently opposed. Third, it is accepted as As a result of this divided opinion WFC member associations and many being self evident.” the WFC Council has decided that a colleges and other associate members Professional achievements across forum on this issue should be held at present for this important forum. the globe point are pointing in this di- the Assembly of Members in Rio de Other highlights of the Assembly in- rection. There will be challenges still Janeiro next year, to be held April 4-5 clude delivery of the John A. Sweaney to come and I am confident that our just prior to the main WFC Congress. Lecture by Dr. Scott Haldeman and a profession will continue to meet them The forum, titled Should There be Use sports chiropractic report from Dr. Shei- successfully. Open and honest discus- of Medication in Chiropractic Practice la Wilson of Indianapolis, newly elected sion of our internal issues with mature will feature: President of the Fédération Internation- consensus building will pave the way. • Invited speakers – 60 minutes ale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS). 1 Understanding Spinal Manipulation and President’s Message Continued... Exercise in Rio FICS, continues to make exciting progress, with strong The chiropractic profession was staff support from the WFC secretariat for the past 3 years. the main developer of the art and A FICS news release last week confirmed that there will be a science of manipulation in the team of at least 24 sports chiropractors available for all ath- 20th century – but how much do letes at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico, you really know about the history October 13-30, 2011. FICS will be holding its 2011 Assem- of manipulation and its status in bly and Symposium with us in Rio de Janeiro – on Wednes- the world today? day April 6. This is one major theme of the It is with great pride that I also announce that the WCCS WFC congress program in Rio de will be joining us in Rio and will be holding their 32nd Con- Janeiro next April. In one plenary gress with WFC. session the Palmer College histo- www.wfc.org/congress2011 I look forward to seeing you all in Rio. I also warn you to rian Glenda Wiese describes the make plans to attend now – while there are still rooms avail- origins of SMT and its history through to the 1950s. She is able at the Rio Intercontinental Hotel. The WFC has more author of a chapter on this subject in Haldeman’s Principles earlier registrations – already over 200 – than for any previ- and Practice of Chiropractic (Third Edition). ous congress. This will be an exciting one. David Chapman-Smith then describes the changes occur- ring from the 1970s to the 1990s – the era in which spinal manipulation moved from rejection to acceptance by the wider health science community. Next Dr. Molly Robinson J. Michael Flynn, DC describes and compares current requirements in chiropractic and osteopathic education. Dr. Robinson is the chiropractor WFC President on staff at the World Health Organization, and has been in- volved in the editing of WHO’s Guidelines in this field. WFC POLICY STATEMENT Final speaker in this session is Pro- Use of Prescription Drugs fessor Mariano Rocabado, Dean of the Approved by the Assembly of the World Federation of Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at Chiropractic the University of Andres Bello, San- tiago, Chile speaking on SMT and Auckland, May 1999 Physiotherapy: History and Current WHEREAS the scope of chiropractic practice includes Standards of Education. Professor Ro- the management of patients with acute and chronic head- cabado, a doctor of physical therapy ache, neck pain and back pain and other neuromuscu- and a leading international authority on loskeletal disorders; PT manual therapy, will bring us up to Dr. Mariano Rocabado AND WHEREAS some of these patients may at times date on exactly what is happening in his benefit from the use of prescription drugs and, as a result, profession. a small minority of chiropractors has advocated seeking There is much more. In the opening an expansion of the scope of chiropractic practice to in- session of the academic program Dr. clude rights to prescribe drugs; Scott Haldeman of Los Angeles and AND WHEREAS the art, philosophy and science of Dr. Greg Kawchuk of the University of chiropractic have always emphasized the inherent recu- Alberta, Canada explain the physiologi- perative power of the body to heal itself without the use cal and biomechanical mechanisms of of drugs or surgery and the legal scope of practice of chi- action of joint manipulation and the ropractic in all jurisdictions is based upon that premise; known effects. On the second day Dr. Lindsay Rowe, co-author of Essentials AND WHEREAS it is desirable that there be interna- Dr. Scott Haldeman of Skeletal Radiology by Yochum and tional consistency in the essential components of the Rowe, and qualified as both a chiropractic and medical radi- practice of chiropractic; ologist, addresses red flags and what to avoid when consider- NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED by the World ing spinal manipulation. Federation of Chiropractic that for reasons of chiroprac- Following these lectures there is a choice of technique tic principle, patient welfare and interdisciplinary coop- workshops from leading clinicians and experts – for example eration the practice of chiropractic does not include the Dr. Mark Charrette on lower extremities, Dr. Brian Nook on use of prescription drugs, and chiropractic patients who side posture lumbar adjusting, Dr. John Downes of Life Uni- may benefit from prescription drugs should be referred, versity on cervical adjustment, Dr. Arlan Fuhr on Activator where appropriate, to a medical doctor or other suitably Methods and Dr. Elise Hewitt on pediatric adjustment. qualified health care practitioner. 2 Understanding Spinal Manipulation and Exercise in Rio Continued... Today clinical guidelines are increas- Schneider, DC, PhD of the University ingly recommending a combination of of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Schnei- manipulation and exercise for patients der will review best exercises and rec- with recurring of chronic neck and back ommendations for chronic pain in the pain. Two leading authorities present upper and lower extremities. lectures on best exercises
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