He Got a Fair Approach I .n.. Weather TOday : ST. PAUL (.4') - Randolph 8ublaU, up 'rolll BrHWt. Guiana to eoroU at MaeAlemr eoUe ..e, asked &he .hort­ Partly cloudy today and tomorrow except est cut to learnJJI6 aU about America .... Dr. Kenneth Millard of the collere student penollllei widely scattered showers this afternoon. .erYiee .. lanced at the calendar .nd plaeeel • teJephoDe Little change in temperature. High today calL af owal1 90-95. low tonight 65-70. Yesterday's high Yeskrday BublaU went to 1nII1I: at Mlnnesota'. I .....,. state fair. 95; low 67. Pollen count 507. tSr. 1868-VoJ. 80, No. 28S-UP, AP Newa and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa. Sunday. August 29. 1948-Five Cents I iurvey To Discover Scope It's the Same Scene-But DUferenf Weather Of (ollege (areer Training .' Draft Registration B1 BRUCE BI08SAT WA aT GTON (.4')-The government is assembling data for • vital tory of the nation' hpman resources: For what careers art the many thousands of American coil ge graduates equipped T To Start Tomorrow t (p to now no aQcuratf' answer has be n po ibl exc pt in lim­ itrd fields. BJ J K aUTLEDGE The atomic age has lifted the trained scienti t to new eminence. WASJilNGTON (JP) - Selec­ The troubled worlds of busin\' tive service is aU ready to begin Registration Schedule and politics h a v e brought regi l ring men 18 through 2S mounting demands for lIliO[e ex:­ Report De G~ulle tomorrow tor America's peace­ Date 01 Birth Age Regigt r perta In these complex matters. ( time draft. 1922 (aft r Aug. 30) 25 . Aug. 30 Leaders in numerous walks of On1y 25-y ar-olds born in 1922 1923 24 ug. 31·Sept. 1 life decry shortages of trained Planning New Bid after Aug. 30 will register tomor­ 1924 23 Sept. 2-3 IDInpower. Yet no one has really r,:.w. Olh r age groups will regis­ 1925 22 S pt . ... 01' 7 t r on succeeding days, the old· known whether they are right or For French Power 1926 21 pt. 8·9 est signing up tirst. 1927 20 pt. 10·11 wrong. I PARIS (UP)-Gen. Charles De Tomorrow also may see the 192 19 pt. 13-14 Incomplete Data \ Gaulle was reported reliably last tiMt draft call - for 10,000 101· 1929 18 S pt 15·16 We have had no way of know­ night to be planning an immedi­ dlers. 1930 (if born before Sept. 19) 18 pt. 17-18 in, bow many people actually ate all-out campaign for his re· SftreiaJ7 of AnnJ ~aII Is wert being readied as chemists, turn to power in France. rl!POrttei to have prep rell a re­ aeronautical engineers, astronom­ Close associates of the tall war­ quest for dran bo reb to proCl­ Bare Charge ., trs, economists, even as teachers. Ume French resistance leader tola u e 10,000 men for lDdueUoJl R.eady OHices for AMG 1 But the U. S. office of educa­ the Unlted Press tha De Gaulle ~twel!n Nov. '1 and Nov. IS. tion bas just completed a survey Local R.egistration W,a!l \sPurred to action by the Whether or not such a call Against Russ Plan that may be the first shaft of downfall of Andre Marie's coali­ comes through, regislra n will Jonnson county men will re­ llchl Uon cabinet, France's latest middle­ continue as scheduled. alster at the r gistration oCfice For Berlin 'Riots' Tbe ."Iee has canvassed aU of-the road government. Who Moat Rerl!iter on the top flOOT of the Johnson ~Ue,ea and unlverslUes to About 20.000 specially atranled county courthouse. The oflice These sources said De Gaulle r gi tration centers have been pre­ BERLIN UP An American mlll­ learn exactly wbat fields 01 will be open from 8 a. m. to 5 tary government document yes­ is convinced that a middle-of-the­ par d by the 4,OOO-odd draft "ldJ their rraduate. bave fo­ p. m. terday ch rled th Russians with cued upon. road government cannot survive boards 10 slfJl up an estimated ip France, and that now Is the Non-resident university s\l­ preparing to us 50vl t troops In This kind of information has nin and a half million men b - time for his Rally of the French tw n Aug. 30 and S pt. 18. dents will register at the uni­ their driv to oust the anti-Com­ been available in such realms as People to make a hard-hlUing bid versity veteran's service oftice munist Berlin city government. medicine, law, dentistry and to Ortlcials emphasl~ d y terday at 110 Iowa avenue. Their re· tor power. that 011 men 18 through 25 must ThlI w ek' ommunl t-teel some extent engineering. But the cords w ill then be trans:!erred De Gaulle'S plan was disclosed register d spite the fact that mo t lDv Ions of the cil, hall lD tbe schools generally ha Ve lum ped all to the draft boards In their home auaalan leCtor were called part other graduates together under as President Vincent Auriol con­ veterans are ex mpt and even county. This office also will be of a ovl t plan to fO_D' ~uch vague headings 48 "liberal ferred with French political lead­ though 18-y ar-old. are not lia­ open from 8 B. m. to 5 p. m. "spontan~o riots" whl h eould arts" stUdents. ers in an effort to solve what has ble Alr s rvl e until they become Members at the Johnson provide the Incldtll II ded tor June Grads OnlY been described as France's most 19. serious poHtical crisis since the Th only Am ricans In this age county draft board are Ancher Inkrvention by the Reel army. The ew survey covers only gra­ war. br cket who n d not register are Christensen, Glenn Houston The docum nt came to Ught as duates in the sch:ool year complet­ m mb rs ot the rmed forces on and William R. Hart. Russlan-Am ric n r lation In this ed last June. But it Is to .be an Should Auriol fail in his efforts to create another "third force" activ duty, and forelgn diplomats beleagured capitol gr w more annual affair, and gradually the and memb ra of their Immediat tense after a wild Incld nt in nation will come to realize the coalition government, France's political future once again would (umllies. new draft are veterans with at which speeding Russians ran down true shape ot its trained man­ Tho. who ore not 18 by S pI. an Am rlcsn oldl r Friday night, power resources. be placed squarely between the least 90 days service In the shoot­ aspirations of De Gaulle on the 19 should reglst r on their birth­ Inl war betw n Pearl Harbor A Soviet soldier was r ported shot. Dr. John Dale Russell, director right, and Communist leader days or within five days after It. A red-beard d Rulan lieuten­ of the edUcation office's division (Dec. 7, 1941) and V-J day Sept. Maurice Thorez on the left. Notify Board 16, 1940 and June 24, 1948 (the ant-colonel who said he was rld­ of higher education, points out Draft olfici Is sald that if reg­ In, in a 1 nd-l II j ep told U. S. that to be tully useful this con­ De Gaulle is expected to de­ date the draft law went Into ef­ Istrants ar ill or otherwise can feel) . liaison officers: tinuing study must be matched by mand the dissolution of the na­ not sign up on de ignated dan, tional a5embly and a nationwide AI90 exempt are ordained min· "I didn't want to be stopped and In equally careful appraisal of th y should notify t>helr c1Talt fall into th hands or an unrivlliz­ manpower needs. general election. He cannot come board and arrange for a lat r reg­ is tera, divinity Itudentl, and con­ to power without an election be­ scientious objectors. ed, animal-like peapl who shoot But, granting that it is just a istration. without ony provocation!' rough sketch, what does this first cause his Rally of the French Peo­ But they were warned not to President Truman on Au,. 20 ple is not represented In the na­ ord red deferment. lor a much Council Meetlnc ~Ieture dra n by the edUcation d lay SUch notification too lonll. office show us? tional assembly, AI'o, if a man Is away from his wider group. Th e men n eel not As a furth r strain, the cit, anticipate miHtary service: council s rved nollc It would li'tnt ot all, the returns are The Communists, through Jac­ hom town, he 18 allowed to ree­ ques Duclos, their deputy leader, lst r at the nearest reglstraUon Married m n: farmers: all m n m et again n xt Tu day In the remarkably complete. Ou~ of city hall. Th mov wa planned 1,J08 aehools polled, only 25 already have stepped into the po­ cent r, IJnd his card will be mailed with dependents: most publicly litical vacuum lett by Marie's re­ to th proper board. I cted otflcials: men Involved In in the face ot two invasions of the failed to ~ePOrt. Of those, Just hall by Communist-led demoDS­ IIIrte are bl.. Institutions. signation with a demand for a 50- Failure to register Is punishable study, research or medical, scien­ clalist-Communist coalition.
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