S8882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 3, 2001 York, or Washington, I think it is im- Ms. LANDRIEU. Yes. ment between the unions, the Team- portant for us to make sure the agri- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sters, and the AFL-CIO, and it will cre- culture bill is fair and equitable to ator from Alaska. ate thousands of jobs in this country. every region of this Nation. f These are American jobs. The South has been shortchanged I urge Members to consider for a mo- ENERGY time and again. We are going to join a ment that over half of our deficit bal- coalition to make sure our farmers get Mr. MURKOWSKI. Madam President, ance of payments is the cost of im- their fair share and that we are pro- I will try to be brief because I am sure ported oil. Once the Congress speaks on viding the taxpayers a good return on there are many who would like to start this issue, there will be a reaction from the money that is invested. We need to the recess. OPEC. That reaction will be very inter- create ways to help farmers minimize Madam President, I call your atten- esting. OPEC is going to increase its the cost to the taxpayers and maximize tion and that of my colleagues to the supply and the price of oil is going to the total benefit. activity in the U.S. House of Rep- be reduced in this country. There is no resentatives which occurred the day f question about it. If OPEC knows we before yesterday, rather late at night. mean business about reducing our de- ELECTION REFORM This involved the reporting out of an pendence on imported oil, they will Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I will energy bill, a very comprehensive bill. clearly get the signal. take 2 more minutes, if I can, to say a As a consequence, the baton now passes Furthermore, it is rather interesting word about the election reform meas- to the Senate. There is going to be a what the House did with the disposi- ure that Senator DODD spoke about great deal of debate in the committee, tion of royalties. The anticipated rev- just a few minutes ago. on which I am the ranking member, enue from lease sales for the Federal I am proud to be a cosponsor of that along with other members of that com- land in this area is somewhere in the election reform measure. I thank the mittee, including the Senator from area of $1.5 to $2 billion. That money is Senator from Connecticut for leading Louisiana who just addressed this not just beginning to go in the Federal this effort, for being such a terrific and body. As a consequence of that debate Treasury; it will go into the develop- articulate spokesperson for improving and the development of our own energy ment of alternative and renewable our election system in this Nation. bill at this time, I will highlight one of sources of energy. So we have the funds It truly is a travesty and really a hy- the topical points in that bill that af- to develop the new technologies. pocrisy for us to encourage people to fects my State of Alaska. That is the One of the misconceptions in this register to vote, urge them to exercise issue of ANWR, the Arctic National country that covers energy is that it is their full rights as citizens, and then Wildlife Refuge. all the same. It isn’t. We generate elec- not count their votes, or turn them The action by the House is very re- tricity from coal. The State of West away at the polls. sponsible. It puts the issue in perspec- Virginia is a major supplier of coal. In the year 2001, that should not be tive. The issue has been that somehow Nearly 51 percent of the energy pro- the case. That should not be the case this huge area called ANWR, an area of duced in this country comes from coal. at any time. Unfortunately, there have 19 million acres, an area that is ap- We also have the capability to produce been dark places in our history where proximately the size of the State of from nuclear. About 22 percent of our people by the millions were turned South Carolina, is at risk by any ac- energy comes from nuclear. We also away or were not allowed to register. tion by the Congress to initiate author- use a large amount of natural gas, but Our country has made great progress. ization for exploration. our natural gas reserves are going As the last election showed, and as What the House has done is extraor- down faster than we are finding new we need to discuss when we come back, dinary, mandating a limitation of 2,000 ones. we have a lot of fixing to do. There are acres to be the footprint associated We have hydro; we have wind; we improvements that need to be made. with any development that might have solar. These are all important in We need to proudly stand up to the occur in that area. It takes the whole the mix. The funds from the sale or world and say: Yes, we want our citi- issue and puts it in perspective that, lease in ANWR are going to go back zens registered, and if they are a legal indeed, This is not more than four or and develop renewable sources of en- voter, whether they are in a wheel- five small farms, assuming the rest of ergy. chair, visually impaired, or have other the area of the State of South Carolina The point I make is why these ener- physical challenges, despite the fact were a wilderness. That is the perspec- gies are important. America moves on they may be older or not as strong and tive. oil. The world moves on oil. There is no as able, they have a right to vote and For those who argue ANWR is at alternative. We must find an alter- they have a right to have their vote risk, the House action has clearly iden- native, perhaps fuel sales, perhaps hy- counted, and they have a right to the tified the footprint will be 2,000 acres. drogen technology, but it is not there. kind of equipment and technology that What will that do to America’s tech- We will be increasingly dependent on is available that makes sure those nology, to America’s ingenuity? It will sources from overseas. votes are counted and certified. challenge it. It will say, we must de- I know the President pro tempore re- In conclusion, no system is going to velop this field, if indeed the oil is members the issue of the U2 over Rus- be perfect, but the evidence is in to there, with this kind of footprint. sia, Gary Powers, an American pilot in suggest that the system we have in the This technology has been developed an observation plane that was shot United States can and should be per- in this country. The exploration phase down. At that time, we were contem- fected. I am proud that in Louisiana we is three-dimensional. It suggests that plating a major meeting of the world do have standardized voting machines, you can drill under the U.S. Capitol leaders to try and relieve tensions. and we have worked very hard on open- and come out at gate 8 at Reagan Air- When his plane was shot down, tensions ing access to those polling places. port. That is the technology. This gives were increased dramatically between Even in Louisiana, where we do have side views of what lies under the the Soviet Union and the United standardized voting machines, and ground and the prospects for oil and States. It was a time of great tension. state-of-the-art technology in poor and gas. It mandates the best technology. The other day we had a U2 flying wealthy districts, rural and urban dis- It mandates we must develop this tech- over Iraq with an American pilot. We tricts, we can make improvements nology, and as a consequence puts a were enforcing a no-fly zone. We were there. challenge to the environmental com- doing an observation. A missile was I look forward to working with my munity, the engineering community, shot at that aircraft, barely missing it. colleagues on this important subject and our Nation. That challenge will It blew up behind the tail. It hardly when we return. help make this the best oilfield in the made page 5 in the news. I suggest the absence of a quorum. world, bar none. We are importing a million barrels a The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. What else does it have? It has a day from Iraq. We are enforcing a no- CARNAHAN). Will the Senator withhold project labor agreement. That means fly zone over Iraq. We have flown her request for a quorum call? there will be a contractual commit- 231,000 individual sorties, with men and VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:04 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY August 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8883 women flying our aircraft, enforcing are gone. Can you open it safely? Sure- is likely to be a modest amount of economi- this no-fly zone, ensuring his targets ly; and the Federal royalties are going cally recoverable oil.’’ are not fully developed.
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