GRADUATE STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS 176 Ordered Groups and Topology Adam Clay Dale Rolfsen American Mathematical Society https://doi.org/10.1090//gsm/176 Ordered Groups and Topology GRADUATE STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS 176 Ordered Groups and Topology Adam Clay Dale Rolfsen American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dan Abramovich Daniel S. Freed (Chair) Gigliola Staffilani Jeff A. Viaclovsky 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 20-02, 57-02; Secondary 20F60, 57M07. For additional information and updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/gsm-176 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Clay, Adam (Adam J.), 1981- | Rolfsen, Dale. Title: Ordered groups and topology / Adam Clay, Dale Rolfsen. Description: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2016] | Series: Gradu- ate studies in mathematics ; volume 176 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016029680 | ISBN 9781470431068 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Ordered groups. | Topology. | Low-dimensional topology. | Knot theory. | Mani- folds (Mathematics) | AMS: Manifolds and cell complexes – Research exposition (monographs, survey articles). msc | Group theory and generalizations – Special aspects of infinite or finite groups – Ordered groups. msc | Manifolds and cell complexes – Low-dimensional topology – Topological methods in group theory. msc Classification: LCC QA174.2 .C53 2016 | DDC 512/.55–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn. loc.gov/2016029680 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy select pages for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews, provided the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. 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Visit the AMS home page at http://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 212019181716 Contents Preface ix Chapter 1. Orderable groups and their algebraic properties 1 §1.1. Invariant orderings 2 §1.2. Examples 3 §1.3. Bi-orderable groups 6 §1.4. Positive cone 7 §1.5. Topology and the spaces of orderings 8 §1.6. Testing for orderability 11 §1.7. Characterization of left-orderable groups 13 §1.8. Group rings and zero divisors 15 §1.9. Torsion-free groups which are not left-orderable 16 Chapter 2. H¨older’s theorem, convex subgroups and dynamics 21 §2.1. H¨older’s theorem 21 §2.2. Convex subgroups 24 §2.3. Bi-orderable groups are locally indicable 26 §2.4. The dynamic realization of a left-ordering 27 Chapter 3. Free groups, surface groups and covering spaces 31 §3.1. Surfaces 31 §3.2. Ordering free groups 33 §3.3. Ordering surface groups 36 §3.4. A theorem of Farrell 39 v vi Contents Chapter 4. Knots 43 §4.1. Review of classical knot theory 43 §4.2. The Wirtinger presentation 47 §4.3. Knot groups are locally indicable 49 §4.4. Bi-ordering certain knot groups 51 §4.5. Crossing changes: A theorem of Smythe 60 Chapter 5. Three-dimensional manifolds 65 §5.1. Ordering 3-manifold groups 66 §5.2. Surgery 67 §5.3. Branched coverings 71 §5.4. Bi-orderability and surgery 75 Chapter 6. Foliations 77 §6.1. Examples 77 §6.2. The leaf space 81 §6.3. Seifert fibered spaces 81 §6.4. R-covered foliations 87 §6.5. The universal circle 89 Chapter 7. Left-orderings of the braid groups 91 §7.1. Orderability properties of the braid groups 93 §7.2. The Dehornoy ordering of Bn 95 §7.3. Thurston’s orderings of Bn 97 §7.4. Applications of the Dehornoy ordering to knot theory 108 Chapter 8. Groups of homeomorphisms 115 §8.1. Homeomorphisms of a space 115 §8.2. PL homeomorphisms of the cube 116 §8.3. Proof of Theorem 8.6 118 §8.4. Generalizations 119 §8.5. Homeomorphisms of the cube 120 Chapter 9. Conradian left-orderings and local indicability 121 §9.1. The defining property of a Conradian ordering 122 §9.2. Characterizations of Conradian left-orderability 126 Contents vii Chapter 10. Spaces of orderings 131 §10.1. The natural actions on LO(G) 132 §10.2. Orderings of Zn and Sikora’s theorem 133 §10.3. Examples of groups without isolated orderings 135 §10.4. The space of orderings of a free product 137 §10.5. Examples of groups with isolated orderings 139 §10.6. The number of orderings of a group 140 §10.7. Recurrent orderings and a theorem of Witte-Morris 144 Bibliography 147 Index 153 Preface The inspiration for this book is the remarkable interplay, especially in the past few decades, between topology and the theory of orderable groups. Applications go in both directions. For example, orderability of the funda- mental group of a 3-manifold is related to the existence of certain foliations. On the other hand, one can apply topology to study the space of all order- ings of a given group, providing strong algebraic applications. Many groups of special topological interest are now known to have invariant orderings, for example braid groups, knot groups, fundamental groups of (almost all) surfaces and many interesting manifolds in higher dimensions. There are several excellent books on orderable groups, and even more for topology. The current book emphasizes the connections between these sub- jects, leaving out some details that are available elsewhere, although we have tried to include enough to make the presentation reasonably self-contained. Regrettably we could not include all interesting recent developments, such as Mineyev’s [74] use of left-orderable group theory to prove the Hanna Neumann conjecture. This book may be used as a graduate-level text; there are quite a few problems assigned to the reader. It may also be of interest to experts in topology, dynamics and/or group theory as a reference. A modest familiarity with group theory and with basic topology is assumed of the reader. We gratefully acknowledge the help of the following people in the prepa- ration of this book: Maxime Bergeron, Steve Boyer, Patrick Dehornoy, Colin ix x Preface Desmarais, Andrew Glass, Cameron Gordon, Herman Goulet-Ouellet, Tet- suya Ito, Darrick Lee, Andr´es Navas, Akbar Rhemtulla, Crist´obal Rivas, Daniel Sheinbaum, Bernardo Villareal-Herrera, and Bert Wiest. Adam Clay and Dale Rolfsen In these days the angel of topology and the devil of abstract algebra fight for the soul of each individual mathematical domain. Hermann Weyl, 1939 Bibliography 1. Azer Akhmedov and Cody Martin, Non-bi-orderability of 62 and 76, 2015. 2. J. W. Alexander, Topological invariants of knots and links,Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. 30 (1928), no. 2, 275–306. MR1501429 3. E. Artin, Theorie der Z¨opfe, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamberg 4 (1925), 47–72. 4. , Theory of braids, Ann. of Math. (2) 48 (1947), 101–126. MR0019087 (8,367a) 5. Gilbert Baumslag, Some reflections on proving groups residually torsion-free nilpo- tent. I, Illinois J. Math. 54 (2010), no. 1, 315–325. MR2776998 6. George M. Bergman, Right orderable groups that are not locally indicable,PacificJ. Math. 147 (1991), no. 2, 243–248. MR1084707 (92e:20030) 7. Joan S. Birman, Braids, links, and mapping class groups, Annals of Mathemat- ics Studies, No. 82, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1974. MR0375281 (51:11477) 8. Roberta Botto Mura and Akbar Rhemtulla, Orderable groups, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 27, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1977. MR0491396 (58:10652) 9. Steven Boyer and Adam Clay, Foliations, orders, representations, L-spaces and graph manifolds, Preprint, available via http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.7726. 10. Steven Boyer, Cameron McA. Gordon, and Liam Watson, On L-spaces and left- orderable fundamental groups, Math. Ann. 356 (2013), no. 4, 1213–1245. MR3072799 11. Steven Boyer, Dale Rolfsen, and Bert Wiest, Orderable 3-manifold groups, Ann. Institut Fourier (Grenoble) 55 (2005), 243–288. MR2141698 12. S. D. Brodski˘ı, Equations over groups, and groups with one defining relation, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 25 (1984), no. 2, 84–103. MR741011 (86e:20026) 13. R. G. Burns and V. W. D. Hale, A note on group rings of certain torsion-free groups, Canad. Math. Bull. 15 (1972), 441–445. MR0310046 (46:9149) 14. R. N. Buttsworth, A family of groups with a countable infinity of full orders, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 4 (1971), 97–104. MR0279013 (43:4739) 147 148 Bibliography 15. Danny Calegari and Nathan M. Dunfield, Laminations and groups of homeomor- phisms of the circle, Invent. Math. 152 (2003), no. 1, 149–204. MR1965363 (2005a:57013) 16. Danny Calegari and Dale Rolfsen, Groups of PL homeomorphisms of cubes, 2014. 17. Andrew J. Casson and Steven A. Bleiler, Automorphisms of surfaces after Nielsen and Thurston, London Mathematical Society Student Texts, vol. 9, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, 1988. MR964685 (89k:57025) 18. J. C. Cha and C. Livingston, Knotinfo: Table of knot invariants, http://www. indiana.edu/knotinfo.
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