Vol. 175 Wednesday, No. 11 18 February 2004 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SEANAD E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Wednesday, 18 February 2004. Business of Seanad ………………………………773 European of the Year: Statements …………………………773 Order of Business …………………………………777 Equality Bill 2004: Committee Stage …………………………792 Civil Registration Bill 2003: Committee Stage ………………………837 Revenue Commissioners: Motion……………………………879 Civil Registration Bill 2003: Committee Stage (resumed) …………………907 Adjournment Matters: Water and Sewerage Schemes …………………………938 Schools Refurbishment ……………………………941 773 774 SEANAD E´ IREANN Maurice Hayes who has been named European of the Year by a panel of distinguished and ———— independent adjudicators. He was given his award early on Monday afternoon before a large De´ Ce´adaoin, 18 Feabhra 2004. crowd of 300 people. The Senator received a high Wednesday, 18 February 2004. accolade, not just from those present but also from the President of Ireland, the representatives ———— of European movements in many member states and accession countries and other distinguished Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar invitees. It would be difficult to match what the 10:30 a.m. President said about Senator Maurice Hayes because she knows him well. President McAleese Paidir. and the Senator have worked together and observed each other and it is clear they have ———— extreme fondness for each other. The President Prayer. has a high regard for the work Senator Maurice Hayes has done. ———— After the first Nice referendum, Senator Maurice Hayes undertook an odyssey — there is Business of Seanad. no other way to describe it — of Ireland. He visited cities, towns and villages across the An Cathaoirleach: I have received notice from country to communicate the message of Europe. Senator McHugh that, on the motion for the He did not merely inform people about what Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to Europe has given us — in practical terms that raise the following matter: formed part of his message — but he also The need for the Minister for Education and delineated the rich heritage and culture of Science to indicate when the refurbishment Europe, of which we were part before many of project for Ballyraine national school, those who might be regarded as being of Letterkenny, County Donegal, will progress to mainstream Europe. Senator Maurice Hayes advanced architectural planning and when it expressed it so well when he said that we were will go to tender. Europeans before the term was ever devised. I recall attending one of the early gatherings I have also received notice from Senator the Senator convened in Athlone to impart his Finucane of the following matter: message. He communicated that message on an The need for the Minister for Health and all-party basis and had people from the different Children to clarify the position regarding a political parties with him to provide assistance in radiotherapy unit at the Regional Hospital that regard. A large, enthusiastic but sometimes Limerick taking account of the support from bellicose crowd in Athlone IT witnessed his skills the Mid-Western Hospital Trust and the Mid- of dissertation and his use of realistic, homely and Western Health Board. matter of fact language. I recall speaking afterwards to some of those who had engaged in I have also received notice from Senator Ulick robust debate during the gathering and they Burke of the following matter: informed me that at least they could understand The need for the Minister for the the Senator and knew what he was talking about. Environment, Heritage and Local Government Senator Maurice Hayes has displayed to approve the preliminary report of Galway dedication to the culture and traditions of County Council on the provision of funding for Europe, which have lasted many centuries, and a sewage treatment system at Kinvara, County the poets, wanderers, minstrels and, in their day, Galway. legislators. He has given such rich expression to I regard the matters raised by the Senators as his beliefs in this regard. suitable for discussion on the Adjournment and There are many facets to the Senator’s life and they will be taken at the conclusion of business. he has always brought dignity and distinction to the roles — ombudsman, town clerk or chairman of the Forum on Europe — he has played. European of the Year: Statements. Whatever job he undertakes, he brings to it his Ms O’Rourke: I thank the Cathaoirleach for his own particular force of personality. guidance in respect of this matter and for We are honoured that Senator Maurice Hayes, deciding that because the occasion is so important an appointee of the Taoiseach, is a Member of for the Seanad and for the person concerned, and this House. When he speaks in this Chamber even though it is not allowed in the normal course there is a sagacity to his words which always of events, we will offer our congratulations before strikes me as a mark of the wisdom brought on the Order of Business. by experience. The Senator brings the latter to I have great pleasure, as Leader of the House bear on whatever he says or does. There is a song and on behalf of my party, to pass on an called “The Star of the County Down” which is enthusiastic vote of congratulations to Senator about a woman but in this instance we have our 775 European of the Year: 18 February 2004. Statements 776 [Ms O’Rourke.] of Ireland where people listened to his words of own star of County Down in this Chamber and I wisdom on Europe. I spent one evening with him pay great tribute to him. in Du´ n Chaoin. Bhı´ muid ag argo´ int agus ag cur na dı´ospo´ ireacta ata´ coitianta sa Teach seo ach An Cathaoirleach: Only the leader of each nach raibh ag tarlu´ i measc an ghna´thphobal os group may contribute. comhair na ndaoine. Sin an jab ata´ de´anta aige nı´os mo´ na´ aon rud eile — ta´ se´ in ann, i mBe´arla Mr. B. Hayes: I second the motion proposed agus i nGaeilge, an tionscnamh Eorpach a chur by the Leader to mark the great occasion of the faoi bhra´id na ndaoine. He said that had to be nomination of Senator Maurice Hayes as done articulately, clearly and in a way that European of the Year. Senator Hayes is a modest reaches and touches people. As Senator Maurice man and I suspect he is trying to find his feet at Hayes said during the week, we are very close to this point. I assure the Senator that no one on a point at which nearly half the population was this side of the House will ask him to run for the born since we joined Europe. We must keep that park after this accolade although I suspect there fact in our minds when we talk about Europe as are many who would like him to do so. This is a being something distant from us and out there. It great occasion for the Senator and the House. is much closer to us now. Those of us who have come to know Senator Senator Maurice Hayes has been a servant of Maurice Hayes in recent years are aware that he democracy. He has shown himself to be fair. He is a person of absolute integrity. He brings to this has served with distinction and no one deserves House a great body of experience as a former more the accolade which has been granted to him official who served for a long period in very this week. I congratulate him. public roles particularly in Northern Ireland, but also in this State. He conducts himself in this Mr. Ryan: It is difficult to add to what House with great independence and we are very everybody else has said. The Labour Party group lucky to have him here. agrees with all the sentiments expressed. As It is absolutely appropriate that the Senator perhaps one of the few Members of the should receive this accolade at this time. I have Oireachtas with a foot in the camp that was most spoken to many colleagues on all sides of this hostile to the European project over many years, House and the Da´il and they are very I must say that none of those I know who appreciative of his work during the first approached the forum with scepticism left it with referendum on the Nice treaty. Senator Maurice other than a feeling that they were treated fairly, Hayes chaired with great gusto and skill the given a hearing and drawn in to a dialogue from Forum on Europe. He has travelled to every which perhaps many had felt excluded in the past. corner of the country to get across the message Sea´nO´ Faola´in famously described an Irish that Europe is not only important for Ireland, but conversation as being like two men playing that we have a huge contribution to make to the handball against two sides of the same wall, project. appearing to be in contact yet totally oblivious to It is significant that Senator Hayes has received each other. Senator Maurice Hayes has drawn the this award. I second the vote of congratulations country into a serious dialogue on Europe which on behalf of the Fine Gael group. The Senator was long overdue, and has done it so quietly that should keep up his good work on Europe. We one could easily believe there was no skill have so much to learn from his experience. His involved. The opposite is the case. The standing has greatly contributed to the standing extraordinary skill lay in doing it quietly and of the entire House throughout the country.
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