14 T-JIE IXDIAXAPOLIS ST.AH,. WEDXKSDA V, MAV 21, 10Ip. NEWS \JOHN W. HEAD, EDITOR./ INDIANS AND Tech Lad Out to Annex DOUBLE PLAYS MUD HENS IN Dash Events at Tourney AID PALE SOX FILL INELIGIBLE IN TO WIN SCRAP E WITH Rain Halts Third Game of the Hf- Faber Hit Harder Than Johnson, Series—Other Tribe but Fielding Pulls Him KELLY1EN Gossip. Out of Holes, Champion UkelytcTMeet Ritchie Louis Coatalen. Chief Engineer Niehaus Proves Effective, Al- Mitchell or Johnny Dundee in BY LOUIS SILVERTHORNE, and Managing Director of the CHICAGO, May 20.—Cnicago defeated though Hit for Extra Bases— Special Correspondent of The Star. Factory, Discovers That the Philadelphia, 2 to 1, today in the final Mostil Gets a Home Run— Ten-Round Scrap at the Coli- TOLEDO, O , .May 20.—Rain all night game of the series. Faber, although and a good fehare of the morning rr.ad" Engines Are Oversize. hit harder than Johnson, was given fine Meusel Has Good Day. seum June 9. Swayne iVl'l too moist for pastimingj support in the pinches, four double plays s.nd the third same between the Indian- coming to his aid at critical times. apolis and Toledo clubs WA.S postponed. Score: DON CURLEY MAY SCRAP RESTA AND CHASSAGNE Phlla. AE H O A Chi. AB H O A BLUES COP ONLY OTHER Manager Hendncks and Ins athletes 1 Shannon,2. 2 0 4iLleboKt.rf.. 400 | spent the greater part of the day loafing WILL DRIVE OTHER CARS Witt.tf 2 1 4 0!Weaver,3. .430 ASSOCIATION GAME PLAYED GOOD BOY ON THE CARD P.oth.rf ... 4 0 2 0,E.ColllDS,3. 305 around tne Hotc-1 \VaIdoif and in the Burns.l.... C 110 evening all of them looked over the Walker.cf. 4 Q 1 0|Felsch.cf..'.' 311 A hand reached frum" the grave and Duga.n,3. 4 1 4 SiGandlU.... » 1 17 BY JOHN W, HEAD. picture shows and other places of in- Thorr>ds,3.. 2 0 1 lIBisborg.s... 202 ST. PAUL, Minn., May 20.—Milwau- wrecked the chances of the English MoAvoy.c.. 3 1 2 3|6chalk,c... 3 0 0 j. terest. 0 liFaber.p.... 3014 kee lost its opening game here to the How will it be to have Benny Leon- Sunbeam team Sn the international 500- Johnson,p. 3 1 Saints, 5 to 3, Niehaus proving more ef- ard, lightweight champion boxer of the The fouith and final game of the j series, and the last home game of the mile race on the Indianapolis Motor Totals.. SO 724121 Totals .. 27 62720 fective than Howard, though thfee of world, meet Ritchie Mitchell or Johnny Mud Hens until the latter part of next Speedway, May 31? beyond recovery. Philadelphia, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—1 the Brewers' seven hits were for %xtra Dundee here in a ten-round boxing Chicago 100000 1 0 *—2 I month, Is scheduled for 3.30 o'clock As a result the Sunbeam cars are with- Errors—Rlsber...... „s 2.,, Echalk. Two-base bases, ore being a home run. Neusel, match June 9? I Wednesday afternoon. The weather is its—Shannon, Dugan. Weaver. Stolen j riot favorable, but if it does not rain drawn, and their pilots, Dario Resta, ,seo—Weaver, Shannon. Sacrifice hits— who fills the vacancy in the Saints' llne> •Well, juat such a thing is in the any more they will be able to get to it winner of the A. A. A. driving cham- Itt, Rieberg, ThomaB. Double plays— up caused by Berghaamer's Injury, had mailing and is expected to be consum- isberg to E. Collins to Gandll; E. Col- in "the farewell appearance. pionship Jn 1916, and Jean Chassapne, is to Ga.nd!l (Z); Faber to Risberg. a good day .at bat. The score: mated -within a short time. Steele on Mound Today. holder of the world's hour record, are laos on balls—Oft Johnson, 2; oft Faber, Mil. AB H O A St P. AB H O A Regardless of whether Benny Leon- receiving overtures to drive new mounts Struck out—By Johnson, 1. Darrlng'er.a 4131 Dressen,!... 2 113 ard' and Johnny Dundee battle here, Hendricks said tonight that he will In the big Hoosier classic. 'Walsh.... 1"000 Corrlden,rf. 3 2 1 send Left-handed Pitcher Steele back On the eve of the elimination trials AND ALONG CAME RUTH. Hargrove, 3 4 0 Butler,2..,. S- 0 0 Indianapolis is going to be treated to Smyth,?... 4 0 1 4 Miller.cf... 4 1 the biggest and best boxing show It has a,»t them»v,»m , fctcfrl^tf.cioe was siaislatemd to work Coatalenpreceding, chiethe fIndianapoli engineer ans eventd managin. Louigs ST. LOUIS. Mo., May 20.—R«th's terrific Anderiin.rf 4 1 1 0 Duncan,If.. c arn Mostil.cf.. 4 1 2 0 Hargrave.c. evtr had, when on June 9 a f ™ today, but the rain will move tho rou- dlreotor Qf tho Svinbeam fact0ry, made irive over the right field fence with the Haas.lf 4 0 S 0 Meusel.3... wiU be put on at the Coliseum for the tine up a day. Hendricks was in hopes th- e- discovery- , i-n a fina- l ch/eck-up of th- e jases fllled, cheeked St. Louis today, Bos- Henry.l... 4 2 Boono.s.... mtertainment of the Shnneraand their the race> cars, that tho engines were oversize ton winning, 6 to 4. The champions Stumpf.e.. 413 Niehaui.p.. friends The boxing show will be tne of going home in first plac^ln Howard,p. 101 (Copyright, 1919, New York Tribune, dreaming that one of Hindenburg's and that the cars would therefore not scored all th«lr runs Jrt the second inning. fim MB event on the card for the en- but St. Paul's victory and his own idle- be eligible for the coming contest. =Huhn 0 0 Inc.) drives is ahout ready to begin again? tertainment of tiie jolly felloes It ^ill A two-base^muff by Tobln, a sacriBce, two Wtlllaros.p- 0 0 >&<! today makes this impossible. singles, a forceout and a walk scored 'Conroy... 1 1 0 TO ANY RIVAL At GOLF. follow the roundup, which will be held Unable to Give Attention. two runt and mica tne oases for Ruth, LIMERICK OF THE LINKS. in the afternoon. Fans who saw the Boosters in the Totals.. 36 When I have made some pop-eyed shot, first two games are sweet on Hen- In explanation of this apparently in- who hit the firit ball pitched, driving it 72TWI Totals... 29 82711 There was an old duffer who stood Announcement by Burton. out of the park. Score: 'Batted for Darrinfsr in the. ninth. And reached the bunker, like as not, drtcks's keystone pair. Crane ana credible situation, Coatalen stated that Boston. AB H O A St. L. AB H O A -Batted for Howar In the seventh, Don't say "I'm sorry'1— or "tough lucK,"* For a slice, as he aimed at'a wood; This announcement was made last Yerkes. They have teen every A. A. Hooper.rf.. 5 1 3 Austln.3... 5202 'Batted for TVllliam In the ninth. club in action now and they declare because of his arduous labors as one of Unless you are prepared -to duck, But by some twist or crook night by Henry 1C Burton, with whom the leaders of Great Britain's aircraft Barry.2.... 4 2 2 Gedeon,2... 1 0 1 1 Milwaukee ..00020000 1—S He came through a hook, the Crane-Yerkes combination the best Strunk.cf.. 1 2 Bronkie,2., . 1131 St. Paul 1 3 o 0 0 0 1 0 •—5 For I well know, In place of tears, complete power has been vested for ar- m the league Crane seems to show a program during the late world war, he Ruthrp 1 1 Tobln.lt 5 0 0 0 - And the little ball Jeft him for good, weakness at the plate, however x --'•"= Mclcnls.l, 211 Sisler.l.... 312 0 Errors— MostH, Butler, Hargrave. Two- You'd Bather give three rousing cheers. ranging the matched by Dr. I* T. Leach, was unable to give the building of the Schang-.c.. 2 1 Jacobson.cf 3 0 0 base hits—Hargrave, Henry. Three-base chairman of the general committee of is hitting as well as he did in his days 3 0 of big league stuff. Sunbeam racers his personal attention, VltU 2 0 Sloan.rf 0 - . hit—Anderson. Home run—Most!]. Stolen When I am struggling In the rut, "Brookes, wilding and Lamed were the Imperial Council. ^ The show wm being forced to relinquish the actual su- Pcott.e.... 4 Gel-ber.s..-. 7 ,'base—Henry. Saorlflca hits—Boone, But- Don't salve me wtien I blow a putt; au great tennis players beyond thirty," be ield under the auspices ol the iiurat Roger Bresnahan, president of the Gilhooley.M 4 1 Mayer.c.... 0 6 2 ! ler, Corrlden. Bases on balls—Off Niehaus, b s±al 3 Toledo Club, is In the market, for pervision of their construction to the Galner.lf.. 1 2 0 Davenprt.p. o -o a 1: off Howard, 3. Struck out—By Nie- Or say "Too bad," tt 1 should hook- ^f-M,* 7 ?< «*- "Why should Mc- T pitchers. He expects Carl Adams to late Josef Christiaens, Benlgln racing SBlIllngs... ooo haus, 6; by HowaM, 2 Losing pitcher- koughlin be all through after omy a Whether Benny Leonard .will be the report soon after the team leaves on the star, who was killed while testing one of Koob,p..-V.
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