Contract Number: MRESC 12/13-34 CO-OP 65MCESCCPS MRESC PRICE LIST Oak Security Group, LLC 8904 Bash Street, Suite K Indianapolis, IN 46256 Toll Free: 877-674-5625 Phone: 317-585-9830 Fax: 317-585-9834 www.oaksecurity.com NJ State Approved Cooperative Pricing System #65MCESCCPS Questionnaire for Bidders Company Name Oa\<. S;,ec\..¢S'"~ ~~~ L\.c Please check YeslNo answers. "Days" requested are calendar days. If room provided is inadequate indicate, "see attached" and label the attachment with the question #. l. Can your company serve aU of New Jersey with the best service offered? ~~Z/__S NO 2. Do you currently have representatives for New Jersey? --------------------- YES / __ NO (If no, a plan and timeline for providing these services is to be attached.) / 3. Is your pricing guaranteed for the term of the contract? ---------------------- ~S / __ NO 4. Is shipping/handling (SIR) included in the price?-----------------------------_ V_ YYEES/ __ NO 5. If Prepaid and Add (pP & A), estimate SIR on purchases _ 6. Describe your return policY~f ~~ IMV':"~ \!)o...~<i!... 0.'" Gel. ¥... 3<. ~A :{\ ..:)-J'Y"I \.c:, c:-.c 7. Do you have a restocking fee? ---------------------------------------------------..::L... YES / __ NO 8. What is your restocking fee, if any? (Not to exceed 15%) 1590 9. Will you offer Co-op Members a quick pay discount?----------------------- __ YES / ~NO 10. If YES, what is the discount? Number ofdays? _ 11. How many line items are you offering under this bid category? '3:=J~D.=. _ y 12. ~~~~~~:t~:s~~t:::~~-~~~:-=-~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~-~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~ou hav;;;a to bl~~ 13. Delivery of stocked items is promised within-----------------------------------------------~- -, days 14. What is your average time from receipt of order to shipping stocked items?-------------3 -.., days 15. Delivery of non-stocked items is promised within-------------------------------------------- (p 0 days .. I"" c.\e.-.Jc..\.' ''''''e.\I\~ 16. Do you offer an electronic ordering system?--------------------::.'t'------------ __ YES / __ NO 17. Do you have minimum order requirements?------------------------------------ "7 YES / __ NO 18. If yes, please describe. $ P. 5.0-0. VV". \ V)', "Y\\;I'oN) 19. As an important part of the evaluation of your offer, you must indicate the level of support you are offering in this bid. A bid may be determined to be non-responsive if this question is unanswered Check either line a, b, or c. Prices offered in this bid are: __ a. The same as we offer on single school district bids . .-Lb. The same as we offer to cooperatives and state purchasing departments. __ c. Better than we offer to cooperatives or state purchasing departments. If either line b or c is checked, indicate the percent lower (on single items) than the best price ordinarity,offered to educational institutions, cooperatives, or state purchasing departments. _""'_ T-ITw.percento (2%) __ Three percent (3%) __ Four percent (4%) __ Five percent (5%) __ Six percent (6%) __ Other Additional are iden . led on the pricing page --------- ~ YES / __ NO " '--) S-«- t:l.~c.."'d.. Signature (Same signature as on Non-Collusion Signature and Acceptance Form) 39 SECURITY GROUP, u c ATTACHEMENT FOR QUESTIONAIRE FOR BIDDERS QUESTION 19 "ADDITIONAL QUANTITY OR VOLUME DISCOUNT" FOR ORDERS WITH NET DOLLAR AMOUNTS OF; $25,000-$49,999 44% off list $50,000-$74,999 45% off list $75,000-$99,999 46% off list $100,000 and above 47% off list SIGNATUR~~ Oak Security Group, LLC 8904 Bash Street Suite K Indianapolis, IN 46256 1-877-OSG-LOCK MRESC PRICE LIST # 7 PRODUCTS INTERCHANGEABLE CORES IC 7 J 626 KE Series Pin Size Keyway Finish Keying IC =Small Format IC 6 or 7 pin (A,D,E etc.) *605 KE =Keyed Standard or Premium (WB,WG etc.) 606 UN =Uncomb. ICP = Patented *625 *RE =Std SFIC Format 7 pin (DAV,7B etc.) 626 Recombinated IL= Large *613 *RP =Patented Format I/C Recombinated ILP = Patented LFIC Format INTERCHANGEABLE CORES LIST PRICE DISCOUNT % MRESC NET OFF LIST PRICE SFIC CORES Uncombinated Standard Keyways Uncombinated $23.95 43% $13.65 Patented Everest® Uncombinated $39.90 43% $22.74 Patented Keymark® Uncombinated $47.00 43% $26.79 Patented Medeco X4® Uncombinated $47.30 43% $26.96 Premium® Uncombinated $30.00 43% $17.10 SFIC CORES Keyed Standard Keyways Keyed $36.15 43% $20.61 Patented Everest® Keyed $61.95 43% $35.31 Patented Keymark® Keyed $58.00 43% $33.06 Patented Medeco X4® Keyed $59.40 43% $33.86 Premium® Keyed $49.99 43% $28.49 Note: Combinated Core pricing includes one cut operating key per core Parts & Options: Pin Segments (top ) 100/Pkg - 2B, 3B, 4B etc. $5.83 43% $3.32 Pin Segments (bottom)100/Pkg 0A,1A,2A etc. $5.83 43% $3.32 Core springs 100/Pkg - ICS $5.83 43% $3.32 Core Springs 500/Pkg - ICS 500 $20.89 43% $11.91 Core caps 100/Pkg - ICC $5.83 43% $3.32 Core Caps 500/Pkg - ICC 500 $20.16 43% $11.49 Serialization of cores $1.31 43% $0.75 *605, 625, 613 Finishes $3.71 43% $2.11 Core Spacer $0.27 43% $0.16 KEYS KEY TYPE KEYWAY Keying Core Mark IK= Standard or Premium Key Specify UN =Uncut Place keyway KE =Cut Keying here IKP = Patented Key (A,D,E etc.) DISCOUNT % MRESC NET KEYS LIST PRICE OFF LIST PRICE KEY TYPE Uncut Key Standard Keyway Key Blank $1.22 43% $0.70 Page 1 Patented-Everest® Key Blank $4.50 43% $2.57 Patented-Keymark® Key Blank $5.40 43% $3.08 Patented-Medeco X4® Key Blank $6.60 43% $3.76 Premium® Key Blank $2.96 43% $1.69 KEY TYPE Cut OP. & Master Keys Standard Keyway Cut Key $4.42 43% $2.52 Patented-Everest® Cut Key $9.56 43% $5.45 Patented-Keymark® Cut Key $11.80 43% $6.73 Patented-Medeco X4® Cut Key $13.25 43% $7.55 Premium® Cut Key $6.40 43% $3.65 KEY TYPE Cut Control & GM Keys Standard Keyway Cut Key $6.84 43% $3.90 Patented-Everest® Cut Key $14.33 43% $8.17 Patented-Keymark® Cut Key $19.50 43% $11.12 Patented-Medeco X4® Cut Key $19.76 43% $11.26 Premium® Cut Key $9.04 43% $5.15 Extra Cost Options Add-On Serialization of Keys $1.42 43% $0.81 CYLINDERS C M C2 *R58 1 626 Series Type Cam/Spindle Ring Keying Format Finish CYLINDER M=Mortise C0= Dummy R0= No Ring 0= Non Keyed *605 T= Tapered C1 = STD R18 =1/8" 1=Small Format *606 R= Rim C2 = AR R14 =1/4" I/C *612 K= Thumb C3= Schlage R316= 3/16" *613 ML= 1 3/4" S4= Spindle R38 =3/8" *625 Long Mort. C6= Sargent R12 =1/2 " 626 C7= Clover(C/R) R58 =5/8" C8= Oak ADJ = C9= Yale Ajustable * Extra Cost - see below DISCOUNT % MRESC NET LIST PRICE CYLINDERS OFF LIST PRICE Mortise SFIC Mortise LESS CORE $35.04 43% $19.97 1 3/4" Long Mortise LESS CORE $40.88 43% $23.30 Tapered SFIC Mortise LESS CORE $35.04 43% $19.97 Thumb Turn NOT KEYED $26.98 43% $15.38 Dummy NOT KEYED $18.10 43% $10.32 Rim SFIC Rim LESS CORE $35.04 43% $19.97 Dummy NOT KEYED $18.10 43% $10.32 Extra Cost Options: With a Standard Keyed Core $36.15 43% $20.61 With a Premium Keyed Core $49.99 43% $28.49 With a Patented - Medeco X4 Keyed Core $59.40 43% $33.86 With a Patented - Medeco Keymark Keyed Core $58.00 43% $33.06 With a Patented - Everest Keyed Core $61.95 43% $35.31 Finishes - 605, 606, 612, 613, 625 $2.10 43% $1.20 Note: Combinated Core pricing includes one cut operating key per core Cylinder Parts CAMS C1,C2,C3 etc. $2.84 43% $1.62 Ring 1/8" R18 $3.50 43% $2.00 Ring 1/4" R14 $3.50 43% $2.00 Ring 3/16" R316 $3.50 43% $2.00 Ring 3/8" R38 $3.50 43% $2.00 Ring 5/8" R58 $3.50 43% $2.00 Ring Package TR200A $13.72 43% $7.82 Adjustable Ring 5/16" to 13/32 ADJ $9.57 43% $5.45 Throw pins CM-TP $0.30 43% $0.17 Large Cam Spacer CM-LS $0.30 43% $0.17 Small Cam Spacer CM-SS $0.30 43% $0.17 Cylinder Nut CM-Nut $7.82 43% $4.46 Page 2 Cylinder Maint. Kit CM-KIT $313.70 43% $178.81 Rim Cylinder Spindle CR-SP-4 $2.84 43% $1.62 * Rings are not available in 612 finish * Adj ring available only in 626 finish. CYLINDRICAL LOCKS 1CL 2 CL 1 H 2 A Series Backset Function Keying Format Lever Rose Strike 1CL= Grade 1 2= 2 3/8" CL= Classroom 0 = Non Keyed H= Hard 1= Std-2CL A= ANSI Lever 3= 2 3/4" EN= Entrance 1= Small Format Return 2= Std-1CL T= T 2CL= Grade 2 4= 3 3/4" PA= Passage I/C C= Curved FLS= Full Lip Lever 5= 5" PR= Privacy Return Square 3CL =Grade 3 2/3= 2 3/8 ST= Storeroom FL4= Full Lip Lever and CO= 2 3/4" BS Communicating SEE NOTE 3CL Only IN= Institutional BELOW SD= Store Door 1CL SERIES: GRADE 1 CYLINDRICAL LEVER DISCOUNT % MRESC NET Function Description Function LIST PRICE OFF LIST PRICE Single Keyed LESS CORE Entrance EN $341.45 43% $194.62 Classroom CL $341.45 43% $194.62 Connecting Room CR $311.62 43% $177.63 Dormitory DO $351.02 43% $200.08 Storeroom ST $341.45 43% $194.62 Electrified STEU $588.00 43% $335.16 Double Keyed* LESS CORE Communicating CO $382.81 43% $218.20 Institutional IN $382.81 43% $218.20 Store Door SD $382.81 43% $218.20 Classroom Security CS $406.85 43% $231.90 Vestibule VE $382.81 43% $218.20 Keyless NOT KEYED Passage PA $244.06 43% $139.12 Privacy PR $282.44 43% $160.99 Hospital Privacy PH $290.58 43% $165.63 Patio PT $282.44 43% $160.99 Dummy (Single) DT $101.48 43% $57.84 * Double Keyed Locksets require 2 Combinated Cores 2CL SERIES: GRADE 2 CYLINDRICAL LEVER DISCOUNT % MRESC NET Function Description Function LIST PRICE OFF LIST PRICE Single Keyed LESS CORE Entrance EN $195.22 43% $111.28 Classroom CL $195.22 43% $111.28 Connecting Room CR $190.90 43% $108.81 Dormitory DO $195.22 43% $111.28 Storeroom ST $195.22 43% $111.28 Double Keyed* LESS CORE Communicating CO $246.49 43% $140.50 Classroom Security CS $267.32 43% $152.37 Institutional IN $246.49 43% $140.50 Store Door SD $246.49 43% $140.50 Keyless NOT KEYED Passage PA $143.38 43% $81.73 Privacy PR $161.33 43% $91.96 Patio PT $161.33 43% $91.96 Page
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