New State Welfare Rkles SEE STORY BELOW Showers Due Hot aid humid today, tomor- FINAL row and Sunday with showers Red Bank, Freehold f likely late today and Sunday. Long Branch EDITION Monmoutk County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 94 NO. 9 RED BANK, N.J., FRIDAY, JULY 9,1971 TEN CENTS College's President: Changes, But Slowly By MARYBETH ALLEN been," he began. He believes he is certain that at every Students, he realizes, some- everyone is on one level. In- possible to make a formerly hope to. I'm all for students like to hear..On an intellectual a college campus has to be turn there will be frustrations times tend to resist rigidity of stead, the professor is tra- stagnant situation flow.. free-forming as they feel the level, he is unable to think of LONG BRANCH - He ••an academic community and he and faculty members the classroom. The lecture sit- ditionally put on a platform Error Is Seen need." He believes, however, any issue which shouldn't be •wears a conservative dark where rationality reigns as will be crying, "Good Lord, if uation, he says, is disliked be- and supposed to be master. 1 i "Obviously," he comments, that they make a mistake discussed on a college suit, a blue shift, and a blue king or queen ' and con- we only had a little more cause it runs counter to a By changing the format. Dr. ••students educate themselves when they approach an in- campus,, a place where he be- print tie. • frontations give way to calm, money." working democracy in which Stonesifef notes, it may be better than a professor could stitution and demand "You lieves "ideas ought to be able He tells you'he reads the reasonable debate. should put this in the curricu- to meet each other." New York Times each morn- It is bis hope that voices on lum and give us credit for it." It is his policy that a stu- ing with his breakfast coffee. the campus will not neces- "Frankly," he comments, dent who' comes on campus And he notes that there's not sarily be lower...but some "we can't do this. Here's does not give up any of his an issue which doesn't give of them-will start to make a where the alienation comes rights as an American... but him something to pace the little more sense. in." He believes, though, that neither does he gain any. He floor about... even if it's the He would like to see the each idea students come up does not intend to make the latest speech by Spiro Agnew. academic program become with should be considered. If college a sanctuary. Since July 1, Dr. Richard J. more flexible. He notes that •it is not'accepted for the cur- Ex-Drew Dean Stonesifer has been president by about age three, students riculum, perhaps they can Dr. Stonesifer, 49, was dean of Monmouth College, West start to be put in line. By the carry it out on the outside. of the college of liberal arts at Long Branch. Yesterday he time they get through elemen-' Values Compared Drew University, Madison, met with news media repre- tary and high school, they're "The cost of education from 1965 until accepting the sentatives for a luncheon in- clamoring for a change and today is high and going to get post here. Prior to that, he terview session at Ilvento's asking, "Can you somehow do higher," he said. To put the was assistant to the provost West End Manor, West End. the job you have to do with situation in perspective, he and director of the college of It's easier, he noted, to some variety?" suggests weighing the cost of general studies at the Univer- change a graveyard than a Check Is Planned a new car against the cost of sity of Pennsylvania, where curriculum. "The'worst thing He plans to check with an education, which might be he also served as an associate a college president can do" is members of each department- one of the .most important as- professor hi the university's announce everything will be to determine what it's" doing pects of a young person's life. Annenberg School of Commu- switched in six months," he and why it's doing it. Per- "American society is af- nications, teaching graduate said. • haps, he suggests, there may fluent," he notes. "We can level courses in the analysis be a need to do some things pay for what we rate as va- of American mass media, es- . There are, however, some "The cost of education "The worst thing a col- they currently aren't. lid." pecially television. things he would like .to see today is high and going lege president can do is happen at Monmouth. Dr, Stonesifer notes that to get higher." announce everything Students, he believes, He was graduated cum "I want to see Monmouth the_program he speaks of should have the right to listen laude from Franklin and Mar- to." will be switched In six be a happier place than it has stretches into the future. And months." to any speaker they would See College, Page 2 New Welfare Rules Upheld by U.S. Court TRENTON (AP) - New harm" to all the welfare -reduced rent costs for welfare Fisher said the U.S. a soeial.unitand.to. discourage state, welfare regulations have recipients in New Jersey. families because it would Supreme Court has previously illegitimacy.-" The judge said, , been upheld in federal court Welfare checks for the force them to seek less ex- upheld distinctions between' "therefore, there is no cons- here over a challenge from an' month of July, which" were' pensive housing and force legitimate and illegitimate titutional question presented." alliance of welfare organizat- drawn under the new system, landlords to provide housing children "so long as there is ions. were mailed last week while at reasonable costs. ' a rational basis for the He also denied a request by But attorneys for the wel- the court arguments were in Cahill promised that his classification." the welfare alliance to con- # fare alliance said Thursday progress. administration would vene a three-judge federal ' after learning of the decision The welfare rights or- vigilantly monitor the new He said, "the state has the panel to review the supposed .that there was a good pos- ganization and its allies con- regulations to guard against. right to favor the family as constitutional issue.. • sibility they would appeal the tended the new flat payment ruling; by U.S. Dist. Court system was in conflict with Judge Clarksbn S. Fisher. federal standards. Register Staff Photo Judge Fisher said in his IN STATE POST - Dr. E. Willson Baker, here at his desk in his Fair Fisher ruled yesterday that •opinion that on the basis of Chief Declares War Haven office, is enthusiastic about the possibilities of his job as deputy di- there was ."no constitutional all the testimony in the case rector of dentistry with the state Department of Institution's-and Agencies. question" presented by the "it cannot be said that New changed regulations. Jersey has in any way The New Jersey Welfare-* lowered its standard of need." Rights Organization and IS On Police Assailants By GLADYS RIPS other groups had challenged He said the state had at- When police make the jury, he added. As a result, an the regulation's. They claimed tempted "to develop a charge, it tends to be down- officer usually decides simply the Cahill administration's FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - graded or the suspjjqt is Dr. Baker Combines uniform and objective system Acting Police Chief Robert V. to charge,simple assault and new welfare plan, which went' of grant determination and to allowed to-pIeacTguilty to battery at the' outset, he said. into effect July 1, was uncon- Stiles has warned that he will simple assault and battery by effect an improvement of the personally see to it that "any- Chief Stiles said that he is stitutional and would cause administration of the welfare the time it reaches the grand undue hardship to thousands one who assaults a police offi-' See Chief, Page 2 program.'* cer shall be charged as a of welfare recipients. The suit charged that by in- Savings Slated criminal." means Dr. Baker's gotten out 'eluding rent money in a" flat By DORIS KULMAN several innovations in the di- The welfare revisions are In a memo to the 14-man of bed at 3 in the morning grant payment, rather than vision, which is part of the designed to save $15 million department, the chief urged more than once because an in- paying landlords directly, the FAIR HAVEN - Dr. E. state Department of In- in the current fiscal year. all township policemen "if as- mate in a state prison needed state would actually reduce Willson Baker has been stitutions and Agencies, and is The principal changes saulted while performing your working on several more. emergency dental care. the amount allowed to welfare named deputy director of the made by the regulations were • recipients for rent payments;' duties to sign complaints for state Division of Dentistoy He agrees with division di- He's also a proponent of ac-' adoption of a system of single assault and battery on a po- and he's really bitten into the rector Dr. Robert fisher that tivism in the political arena. monthly welfare payments Image Fades Away lice officer even if it be a job. 'they should be workers in the The son of a country doctor, which include a rent Judge Fisher said that the- simple assault and battery if Young (32 last January field as well as administrators raised in the small mid-west- allowance previously paid new system would result in committed upon any civilian." when he was appointed) and and professional consultants.
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