ZSL Whipsnade Zoo - January 2021 Stocklist

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo - January 2021 Stocklist

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo - January 2021 stocklist Status at 01.01.2021 ZSL WHIPSNADE ZOO m f unk Invertebrata Partula rosea * Partula snail 0 0 113 Bertia cambojiensis * Vietnamese giant magnolia snail 0 0 3 Achatina fulica * Giant East African snail 0 0 114 Pandinus imperator * Common emperor scorpion 9 10 3 Lasiodora parahybana Brazilian salmon tarantula 0 1 0 Nephila edulis * Australian golden orb-weaver 0 0 52 Hogna ingens * Desertas wolf spider 7 11 2 Geosesarma hagen * Vampire crab 0 0367 Gromphadorhina portentosa * Madagascar hissing cockroach 10 0 93 Phyllium philippinicum * Leaf insect 0 0 60 Extatosoma tiaratum * Giant prickly stick insect 0 0 50 Myronides sp. * Walkingstick 8 0 50 Dynastes hercules hercules * Lesser Antilles hercules beetle 0 0 3 Mecynorrhina ugandensis * Beetle 0 0 32 Polposipus herculeanus * Fregate Island giant beetle 0 0 731 Graphium agamemnon * Tailed jay swallowtail 0 0 15 Pachliopta kotzebuea * Pink rose butterfly 0 0 10 Papilio demoleus * Checkered lime swallowtail 0 0 10 Papilio lowi * Great yellow mormon swallowtail 0 0 10 Papilio polytes * Common mormon swallowtail 0 0 10 Papilio rumanzovia * Scarlet swallowtail 0 0 10 Parides arcas * Cattleheart butterfly 0 0 10 Hebomoia glaucippe * Great orange tip 0 0 15 Danaus chrysippus * Lesser wanderer butterfly 0 0 10 Euploea core * Oleander butterfly 0 0 15 Idea leuconoe * Chinese kite butterfly 0 0 15 Caligo eurilochus * Owl butterfly 0 0 25 Caligo memnon * Giant owl butterfly 0 0 10 Morpho peleides * Morpho butterfly 0 0 30 Dryas iulia * Julia butterfly 0 0 30 Heliconius charithonia * Zebrawing butterfly 0 0 20 Heliconius hecale * Golden helicon butterfly 0 0 10 Heliconius melpomene * Postman butterfly 0 0 30 Athyma perius * Common sergeant butterfly 0 0 10 Hypolimnas bolina * Great egg fly butterfly 0 0 10 Kallima paralekta * Indian leaf butterfly 0 0 10 Parthenos sylvia * Brown clipper 0 0 10 Siproeta stelenes * Malachite butterfly 0 0 20 Total: Invertebrata 34 22 2018 2074 Pisces Potamotrygon leopoldi * White-blotched river stingray 0 1 0 Xenomystus nigri * African black knifefish 0 0 1 Page 1 of 6 Gnathonemus petersii * Elephantnose fish 0 0 2 Garra barreimiae * Minnow 0050 Dawkinsia tambraparniei * Tambraparini barb 0 0 110 Sewellia lineolata * Loach 0044 Arnoldichthys spilopterus * African red-eyed tetra 0 0 1 Brycinus longipinnis * African long-finned tetra 0 0 263 Phenacogrammus interruptus * Congo tetra 0 0 32 Semaprochilodus taeniurus * Silver insignis 0 0 4 Abramites hypselonotus * Marbled headstander 0 0 5 Leporinus arcus * Lipstick leporinus 0 0 1 Leporinus friderici * Frideric's leporinus 0 0 1 Leporinus y-ophorus * Leporinus 0 0 7 Astyanax mexicanus * Mexican blind cavefish 0 0 23 Metynnis argenteus * Silver dollar 0 0 1 Metynnis hypsauchen Plain silver dollar 0 0 1 Metynnis mola * Metynnis mola 0 0 7 Myleus schomburgkii * Disk tetra 0 0 16 Mylossoma duriventris * Hardbellied silver dollar 0 0 2 Triportheus angulatus * Dusky narrow hatchetfish 0 0 3 Triportheus rotundatus * Flagtail butterfly tetra 0 0 4 Schilbe sp. * Glass catfish 0 0 7 Agamyxis pectinifrons * Spotted rafael catfish 0 0 1 Trachelyopterus galeatus Catfish 001 Pimelodus ornatus * Ornate pimelodus 0 0 4 Sorubim lima * Shovelnose catfish 0 0 2 Ancistrus sp. * Bristlenose catfish 0 0 35 Glyptoperichthys scrophus * Rhino catfish 0 0 1 Hypostomus sp. * Plecostomus 0 0 1 Panaqolus albivermis * Catfish 001 Panaque sp. * Plecostomus 0 0 2 Panaque nigrolineatus * Royal plecostomus 0 0 1 Sturisomatichthys aureus * Royal catfish 0 0 6 Rheocles vatosoa * Zonobe rainbowfish 0 0 88 Iriatherina werneri * Threadfin rainbowfish 0 0 16 Pseudomugil furcatus * Forktail blueeye 0 0 200 Nothobranchius sp. * Killifish 1 1 0 Nothobranchius flammicomantis * Killfish 11 430 Nothobranchius sainthousei * Killfish 16 981 Pachypanchax arnoulti * Panchax 2331 Pachypanchax omalonota * Powderblue panchax 0 0 42 Pachypanchax sakaramyi * Panchax 0 0100 Rivulus marmoratus * Mangrove rivulus 0 0 43 Valencia robertae * Valencia robertae 0 0 239 Ameca splendens * Butterfly splitfin 0 0 160 Ataeniobius toweri * Bluetail goodea 0 0 225 Chapalichthys pardalis * Polka-dot splitfin 0 0 114 Characodon lateralis * Rainbow goodeid 0 0 354 Girardinichthys viviparus * Mexclapique 0 0610 Ilyodon whitei * Splitfin 0 0130 Skiffia francesae * Golden sawfin 0 0 410 Zoogoneticus tequila * Tequila splitfin 0 0 130 Poecilia reticulata * Guppy 0 0 800 Page 2 of 6 Xiphophorus couchianus * Monterrey platyfish 0 0 420 Aphanius dispar * Arabian killifish 0 0 295 Aphanius transgrediens * Anatolian killifish 5 1 74 Aphanius danfordii * Killifish 0 065 Aphanius saldae * Killifish 0 0 185 Cualac tessellatus * Halfmoon killifish 0 0 53 Cyprinodon alvarezi * Potosi pupfish 0 0 74 Cyprinodon longidorsalis * La Palma Pupfish 0 0 283 Cyprinodon meeki * Mezquital pupfish 0 0 119 Cyprinodon simus * Boxeador pupfish 0 0 142 Cyprinodon veronicae * Charco Palma pupfish 0 0 67 Altolamprologus calvus * Cichlid 005 Cyprichromis leptosoma * Cichlid 0 0185 Heros efasciatus * Cichlid 001 Mesonauta mirificus * Cichlid 0024 Neolamprologus multifasciatus * Cichlid 0075 Paretroplus kieneri * Kieneri cichlid 0 0 11 Paretroplus menarambo * Pinstripe damba 0 0 8 Ptychochromis insolitus * Malagasy cichlid 0 0 4 Rhinogobius duospilus * Goby 0040 Total: Pisces 35 19 6573 6627 Amphibia Dendrobates tinctorius * Dyeing poison frog 1 4 0 Oophaga pumilio * Strawberry poison frog 0 0 3 Telmatobius culeus Lake Titicaca frog 4 2 0 Total: Amphibia 5 6 3 14 Reptilia Cuora trifasciata Chinese three-striped box turtle 1 2 0 Heosemys spinosa Spiny hill turtle 2 1 0 Mauremys annamensis Annam Pond Turtle 1 2 1 Chelodina mccordi McCord's snake-necked turtle 2 0 0 Chelus fimbriatus Matamata turtle 0 0 2 Furcifer pardalis Panther chameleon 2 2 0 Lygodactylus williamsi Turquoise dwarf gecko 3 1 0 Shinisaurus crocodilurus crocodilurus Chinese crocodile lizard 2 1 0 Morelia viridis Green tree python 0 0 1 Python regius Royal/ball python 0 2 0 Pantherophis guttatus Corn snake 1 0 1 Osteolaemus tetraspis tetraspis West African dwarf crocodile 0 2 0 Total: Reptilia 14 13 5 32 Aves Struthio camelus Common ostrich 1 0 0 Rhea pennata Lesser rhea 1 1 0 Page 3 of 6 Dromaius novaehollandiae * Emu 200 Rollulus rouloul Crested wood partridge 2 1 0 Gallus gallus domestic Chicken (domestic) 1 3 0 Gallus gallus domestic cochin Cochin chicken (domestic) 1 0 0 Gallus gallus domestic bantam Bantam chicken (domestic) 1 1 0 Lophura edwardsi Vietnam pheasant 4 2 0 Argusianus argus Great argus 1 1 0 Pavo cristatus * Common peafowl 1 0 0 Dendrocygna viduata White-faced whistling duck 0 0 6 Anser canagicus Emperor goose 2 4 1 Anser cygnoid Swan goose 9 0 0 Anser indicus * Bar-headed goose 2 5 19 Branta leucopsis Barnacle goose 0 0 1 Aix galericulata * Mandarin duck 4 4 0 Anas platyrhynchos domestic indian_runner Indian runner duck (domestic) 2 1 0 Aythya baeri Baer's pochard 1 1 0 Marmaronetta angustirostris Marbled teal 3 4 0 Somateria mollissima Common eider 6 6 0 Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded merganser 5 5 0 Anseranas semipalmata Magpie goose 1 1 0 Phoenicopterus ruber American flamingo 21 11 1 Tauraco erythrolophus Red-crested turaco 1 0 0 Grus rubicunda Brolga crane 1 0 0 Grus japonensis Red-crowned crane 1 1 0 Anthropoides paradiseus Stanley crane 1 1 0 Bugeranus carunculatus Wattled crane 2 4 0 Eudyptes moseleyi Northern rockhopper penguin 11 7 0 Spheniscus demersus African penguin 25 26 0 Ciconia ciconia White stork 2 6 0 Leptoptilos crumenifer Marabou stork 2 0 0 Threskiornis aethiopicus Sacred ibis 3 0 0 Pelecanus onocrotalus Eastern white pelican 2 1 0 Haematopus ostralegus Eurasian oystercatcher 1 1 0 Tyto alba Common barn owl 0 1 0 Ptilopsis leucotis Northern white-faced owl 1 2 0 Strix nebulosa Great grey owl 1 1 2 Strix uralensis Ural owl 0 1 0 Parabuteo unicinctus Harris' hawk/bay-winged hawk 3 1 4 Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur eagle 1 0 0 Tockus erythrorhynchus Red-billed hornbill 0 0 3 Penelopides panini panini Tarictic hornbill 1 1 0 Rhabdotorrhinus corrugatus Wrinkled hornbill 0 1 0 Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus sanfordi Sulawesi hornbill 1 1 0 Bucorvus abyssinicus Abyssinian ground hornbill 1 0 0 Dacelo novaeguineae Laughing kookaburra 0 0 3 Falco biarmicus Lanner falcon 2 0 0 Trichoglossus forsteni mitchellii Mitchell's lorikeet 1 1 2 Psittacus erithacus Grey parrot 1 2 1 Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Hyacinth macaw 1 1 0 Ara macao Scarlet macaw 3 2 0 Ara militaris Military macaw 0 2 0 Corvus albus Pied crow 0 0 1 Page 4 of 6 Urocissa erythrorhyncha Red-billed blue magpie 1 1 0 Garrulax bicolor Sumatran laughingthrush 1 1 0 Garrulax courtoisi * Blue-crowned laughingthrush 1 1 0 Geokichla dohertyi Chestnut-backed thrush 0 3 0 Liocichla omeiensis Mount Omei babbler 2 2 0 Trochalopteron milnei Red-tailed laughing thrush 1 1 0 Total: Aves 146 124 44 314 Mammalia Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus * Red-necked wallaby 0 0 100 Elephas maximus Asian elephant 1 5 0 Lemur catta Ring-tailed lemur 3 5 0 Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis Bolivian squirrel monkey 6 0 0 Pithecia pithecia White-faced saki 1 2 0 Trachypithecus francoisi Francois' langur 1 3 0 Pan troglodytes Chimpanzee 4 2 0 Cynomys ludovicianus * Black-tailed prairie dog 0 0 19 Cavia porcellus * Guinea pig (domestic) 3 11 0 Dolichotis patagonum * Patagonian mara 0 0 9 Oryctolagus cuniculus domestic Rabbit (domestic) 1 6 0 Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii Northern Cheetah 1 3 0 Lynx lynx lynx Northern lynx 1 3 0 Panthera leo Lion 310 Panthera tigris altaica Amur tiger 3 0 0 Suricata suricatta Slender-tailed meerkat 0 1 0 Lycaon pictus African

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