I Volume 52, Issue 21 Thursday, November 20, 2008 www.sbstatesman.or, Arts & Entertainment: 7 Sports: 11 Arts & Entertainment: 7 Sports: 12 Music for Grown-Ups: Cross Country Stumbles, Women 'Twilight' Score Shoots to No. 1 When Will Athletes Ever Figure it Yes, We Can! Land in NCAA Championships Out? FEATURES MRSA Students Celebrate Roth's Opening Outbreak on Students have been pour- ing into Roth Food Court Campus since the cafeteria opened By CHER ARMSTRONG its doors on Oct. 27. To of- Contributing Writer ficially commemorate the opening of the cafeteria, last At least three Stony Brook Tuesday Campus Dining held Univeristy residents contracted a grand opening celebration. infections of Methicillin-Re- The celebration had an arts sistant Staphylococcus aureus and crafts table, a caricature (MRSA) bacteria, university artist, personalized graffiti officials confirmed Wednes- t-shirts and a live band. day during an afternoon press conference. MRSA is a particular strain >> page 3 of staphylococcus aureus -- Joe Trollo /SB Statesman commonly referred to as staph At least 3 residents have contracted MRSA. -- that is more resistant to OPINI( DN anti-biotics such as methicillin, penicillin, and amoxicillin. "Raw" Deal at Jasmine for Students and Faculty Around 30 percent of the The GOP Neeids a population naturally has staph Facelift By CAITLIN STEIGER food from the Wang Center. I This was the first and last time bacteria on their skin or in Contributing Writer would also worry about the yo- she ate at the Wang Center. nasal passages where it doesn't I thought it was a hit nrema- gurt-based sauces with Indian Although these minor com- cause any problems, simply ture to already be picking the Jasmine Food Court and food. They are often frozen or plaints have not been reported, taking advantage of the warm, GOP's new face and deciding Kelly Cafe are pending rein- warm." Jasmine does have outstanding moist environment that bacte- on the 2012 Repub lican front spection by the Suffolk County Guins has not returned to health violations. According ria relish. Most of these people runner, but I gues s after the Department of Health Services Jasmine. to an inspection by the Suffolk never get infected. stunning electoral defeat we for violations; meanwhile, there Similarly, Eastwood ordered County Department of Health "If it's not causing any prob- saw just a few we eks ago, it have been complaints of food Japanese and described her Services, Jasmine Food Court lems, it's not an issue," said Dr. is never too early 1to start re- related illness by students and hesitation to finish the salmon has eight health violations of Sharon Nachman, a pediatric building your par ty's image. professors. roll she ordered, due to its Article 13 of the Suffolk County infectious disease specialist at After all, the Re publicans A professor and a student unusual taste. She said the su- Sanitary Code on Apr. 10, 2007 Stony Brook University Medi- were not just beateen on Nov. were ailed by food purchased shi was "not cold."' Eastwood and is currently awaiting a cal Center. "MRSA has been 4. They suffered a crushing from the Jasmine Food Court finished the sushi since she was scheduled inspection. around for decades. It's not a loss; a complete r epudiation in September. so hungry, but regretted doing According to management, new thing." of George Bush's administra- Professor Raiford Guins so after she came down with When bacteria enters the tion and the warpe d world of of the Comparative Studies nausea that lasted an entire day. Continued on page 3 bloodstream -- usually through neoconservative thought. department ate at Jasmine on physical contact with open Monday, Sept. 8 and was sick wounds -- it can cause health >>page 9 for two days with intestinal problems. symptoms associated with food Cuts affected with MRSA Letter: Under 'stand- poisoning. Paige Eastwood, 19, develop redness around the a journalism student, ate sushi infection that sometimes es- ing Robert SI nce fromthe same facility the week calates into an abscess or boil In your op-ed arti cle "Robert of Sept. 22, and was plagued that causes fever, pus, swelling, Spencer's Radical1 Agenda," with nausea for a day. or pain. you attempt to invalidate Mr. Professor Guins is not new The most rare -- but deadli- Spencer by saying tihat he is not to the food establishment inside est -- cases of MRSA can cause a scholar on the Is lamic doc- the Wang Center, in fact he ate infections in the bloodstream, trine or scripture. M[r. Spencer's at Jasmine often and this was joints, bones, heart, lungs, as M.A. is not in "Clhristianity;'," the first time he got sick. well as pneumonia and po- as you say, but in "religious "It was the first time that I tentially death. This particular studies;" his master 's thesis was tried the Chinese food at the strain of bacterium has become on Christianity. W e think it is Wang Center. I normally stick prominent in the news due to safe to say that having an M.A. to Indian," he said. Guins was deaths in the most advanced in "religious studi es" at least sick for two days with signs stages. What makes MRSA qualifies as having more than a of food poisoning. "I did ask alarming to many is its resist- passing interest in the subject. around and seven people re- ance to certain antibiotics. ported similar circumstances /Amanoa Lressoti /D atatesman >>page 9 all associated with Chinese Two campus members complained about illness after eating at Jasmine. Continued on page 3 I 2 ATTENTION: Call me today. If you're a safe driver, Ican help you save money on your car insurance. 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Group, a luxury chain across Cafe had two violations of Article food shall be received and main- Until the board returns to India. Malhotra opened the 13 during an inspection on Apr. tained at or below 41 degrees evaluate past violations and restaurant Dawat, which was 10, 2007. Besides these eateries, Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius), present improvements, the viola- rated as the best Indian restau- Stony Brook University's dining or at or above 140 degrees Fahr- tions will remain as noted. rant in New York City by Zagat. halls obey Article 13 of the Suf- enheit (60 degrees Celsius)" "We have made changes as Together, they own Cafe Spice folk Country Sanitary Code. There are two additional required by the Health Depart- Restaurant Group. The Bureau of Public Health "potentially hazardous food" ment since their last visit," Vineet Upon opening with such Protection is responsible for violations for Jasmine in which Kapoor, the general manager of renowned owners, the dining maintaining and regulating proper storage and storage con- Jasmine said. facility was labeled on its website health and food conditions by tainers were not used. Raw egg According to Jasmine man- as an "upscale food court," which Suffolk County Sanitary Code shells were found beside a ready- agers, Vineet Kapoor and Andy has brought a variety of cuisines and Laws. There are five units to-eat mango lassi dish, violating Kumar, improvements have been to campus. Located on the sec- of the bureau to provide utmost the code that "food not subject to made since the inspection. Such ond floor of the Wang Center, protection -- food control is re- further cooking before serving improvements are the Chinese the restaurant accommodates up sponsible for restaurant inspec- shall be stored in such a manner steam table. The once hot plate to 350 people. tion. Problems concerning food as to be protected against con- has been replaced with a water Amanda Cressotti /SB Statesman According to managers at poisoning can be reported to the tamination from food requiring well that maintains a tempera- dents work the front line and Jasmine, between 1,400 and Bureau of Public Health at 631- washing or cooking." ture above 180 degrees.
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