9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance AND - ANDORRA (TOTAL ATHLETES: 9) Men 45153 Carlos Armando 26/10/1966 Cross M45 35180 Xavier Consegal 12/06/1973 Pole vault M35 4.00 45154 Joan Carles Contreras 30/05/1967 Triple jump M45 55099 Edgar Dos Santos 07/01/1957 Cross M55 45155 Isidre Escorihuela 15/11/1964 Cross M45 40196 David Francome 10/11/1972 1.500 metres M40 4:06.28 Cross M40 50139 Mateu Lopez 02/09/1961 Cross M50 40197 Xavier Oñate 26/05/1969 1.500 metres M40 4:10.15 Cross M40 35181 Ivan Ramirez 30/09/1977 Cross M35 2013SS004 C32A.138 RFEAManager v2.9.1 © RFEA Printed at SAT 16 MAR 2013 22:08 Página 1/1 9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance ARM - ARMENIA (TOTAL ATHLETES: 1) Men 85003 Seryozha Sarukhanyan 12/03/1926 1.500 metres M85 8:15.00 2013SS004 C32A.142 RFEAManager v2.9.1 © RFEA Printed at SAT 16 MAR 2013 22:08 Página 1/1 9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance AUT - AUSTRIA (TOTAL ATHLETES: 37) Men 45156 Roman Brzezowsky 05/09/1964 5km Walk M45 30:05.00 Cross M45 80011 Hermann Dr. Andrecs 21/02/1931 High jump M80 1.13 Pole vault M80 2.22 Pentathlon M80 2.589 40198 Hartwig Fuchs 06/11/1968 1.500 metres M40 5:00.00 3.000 metres M40 11:00.00 5km Walk M40 35:00.00 Cross M40 50140 Holger Dr. Förster 14/09/1962 800 metres M50 2:11.47 40199 Heinz Gassner 26/07/1968 1.500 metres M40 4:25.00 40200 Eduard Gonaus 05/02/1970 60 metres M40 7.34 200 metres M40 23.27 50141 Franz Hollauf 13/09/1961 High jump M50 1.70 Long jump M50 5.74 55100 Franz Kastenberger 09/05/1957 Hammer M55 38.94 Weight throw M55 15.10 Shot put M55 11.19 65043 Werner Knyz 13/09/1945 5km Walk M65 31:00.00 Cross M65 55101 Herbert Kreiner 22/07/1955 60 metres hurdles M55 9.11 60047 Alfred Krispler 11/06/1951 Long jump M60 5.30 45157 Dr. Franz Kropik 20/01/1968 3.000 metres Walk M45 15:08.00 5km Walk M45 26:13.00 Cross M45 35182 Alexander Leprich 15/02/1975 High jump M35 1.95 Triple jump M35 14.54 65044 Rudolf Michlfeit 29/12/1946 3.000 metres Walk M65 20:47.25 5km Walk M65 35:09.70 75018 Hans Miekautsch 27/12/1937 60 metres hurdles M75 11.61 High jump M75 1.36 Pentathlon M75 3.752 65045 Ludwig Niestelberger 05/03/1948 3.000 metres Walk M65 15:56.83 5km Walk M65 25:25.00 50142 Wolfgang Prieschl 14/07/1962 1.500 metres M50 5:05.21 50143 Markus Reifinger 07/08/1960 3.000 metres Walk M50 15:30.00 5km Walk M50 27:00.00 Cross M50 45158 Christopher Schiefermayer 07/12/1966 Pentathlon M45 3.800 65046 Dietmar Steiner 24/01/1944 60 metres M65 8.96 High jump M65 1.42 Pentathlon M65 3.463 45159 Teddy Steinmayr 04/02/1964 200 metres M45 25.50 400 metres M45 56.50 Long jump M45 6.00 70024 Hermann Strieder 22/02/1941 3.000 metres Walk M70 19:04.00 5km Walk M70 33:35.00 50144 Alfred Stummer 23/08/1962 Triple jump M50 12.53 2013SS004 C32A.112 RFEAManager v2.9.1 © RFEA Printed at SAT 16 MAR 2013 22:03 Página 1/2 9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance AUT - AUSTRIA (TOTAL ATHLETES: 37) Men 65047 Heimo Viertbauer 06/11/1943 Weight throw M65 17.98 Hammer M65 50.67 55102 Georg Werthner Dr. 07/04/1956 Pole vault M55 3.30 Triple jump M55 12.30 Javelin M55 48.30 Pentathlon M55 3.800 50145 Klaus Wieser 04/11/1961 200 metres M50 25.14 400 metres M50 56.69 Women 75004 Katharina Andrecs 26/01/1934 3.000 metres Walk W75 25:47.00 5km Walk W75 44:26.00 60021 Dorothea Grolig 13/05/1951 3.000 metres Walk W60 18:12.45 5km Walk W60 31:30.12 70005 Monika Helfenbein 18/09/1941 Discus W70 16.00 Weight throw W70 9.50 Hammer W70 25.00 55024 Christine Konrad 12/04/1956 3.000 metres Walk W55 22:01.00 5km Walk W55 36:22.00 Cross W55 70006 Maria Maro 23/12/1942 3.000 metres Walk W70 22:27.00 5km Walk W70 37:51.00 60022 Karmella Michlfeit 28/02/1949 60 metres W60 11.02 200 metres W60 37.50 400 metres W60 1:28.76 3.000 metres Walk W60 20:47.81 5km Walk W60 36:21.39 Cross W60 50037 Brigitte Orsolits 21/12/1958 3.000 metres W50 12:48.00 5km Walk W50 40:00.00 Cross W50 40057 Urszula Radziewinska 05/04/1972 3.000 metres Walk W40 22:11.72 5km Walk W40 38:26.00 55025 Monika Schwantzer 19/10/1955 3.000 metres Walk W55 18:26.04 5km Walk W55 32:00.00 Cross W55 65006 Herta Viertbauer 15/09/1945 Long jump W65 3.33 65007 Jacqueline Wladika 05/09/1944 60 metres W65 10.22 200 metres W65 35.64 60 metres hurdles W65 13.73 High jump W65 1.10 Long jump W65 3.46 Triple jump W65 6.76 Pentathlon W65 2.953 2013SS004 C32A.112 RFEAManager v2.9.1 © RFEA Printed at SAT 16 MAR 2013 22:03 Página 2/2 9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance BEL - BELGIUM (TOTAL ATHLETES: 48) Men 60048 Ebertzheim Alain 01/02/1951 1.500 metres M60 4:50.00 60049 Biaumet André 26/03/1950 400 metres M60 59.71 800 metres M60 2:19.65 40201 Yayu Baramoto 19/04/1972 60 metres M40 8.03 200 metres M40 24.38 50146 De Longueville Bernard 19/05/1962 Pentathlon M50 2.658 45160 Dirk Bonte 19/11/1966 60 metres M45 7.54 200 metres M45 23.84 55103 Paul-Emile Chenois 04/10/1956 60 metres M55 7.97 200 metres M55 25.30 400 metres M55 1:09.00 55104 Bogaert Dirk 11/03/1958 3.000 metres Walk M55 14:07.53 5km Walk M55 23:40.00 90003 Pauwels Emiel 22/12/1918 60 metres M90 9.12 200 metres M90 56.12 400 metres M90 2:04.00 800 metres M90 5:35.65 High jump M90 0.90 Javelin M90 18.00 65048 De Capitani Emilio 23/11/1946 Pole vault M65 2.60 45161 Wozny Eric 26/02/1965 3.000 metres M45 9:55.00 45162 Lieven Gryp 02/08/1964 800 metres M45 2:05.94 1.500 metres M45 4:14.00 55105 Vlamings Jan 05/03/1958 60 metres M55 8.24 60 metres hurdles M55 10.42 45163 Renkin Jean Paul 16/07/1964 60 metres M45 7.76 Pole vault M45 3.82 Hammer M45 27.06 45164 Leemans Jean-François 19/12/1967 Shot put M45 7.40 Cross M45 60050 Herinckx Jos 12/01/1953 400 metres M60 1:02.26 800 metres M60 2:22.44 45165 Jan Laureys 03/08/1964 Discus M45 35.59 75019 Sterckx Leo 11/08/1936 Pole vault M75 2.00 40202 Vervynck Luc 01/08/1971 60 metres M40 7.44 200 metres M40 23.55 50147 Chanet Michel 30/03/1960 Pole vault M50 3.60 40203 Cristiano Nemeth 24/09/1971 3.000 metres M40 7:56.40 Cross M40 65049 Van Noten Omer 19/06/1947 800 metres M65 2:50.00 1.500 metres M65 5:30.00 3.000 metres M65 11:45.00 Cross M65 45166 Van Looy Patrick 02/03/1965 60 metres M45 8.04 200 metres M45 25.31 40204 Verstynen Peter 25/11/1968 60 metres M40 8.16 200 metres M40 26.16 2013SS004 C32A.113 RFEAManager v2.9.1 © RFEA Printed at SAT 16 MAR 2013 22:03 Página 1/3 9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance BEL - BELGIUM (TOTAL ATHLETES: 48) Men 45167 Poulain Philippe 21/02/1966 60 metres M45 7.60 Long jump M45 6.35 45168 Demuynck Rik 24/12/1963 Weight throw M45 13.79 85004 Schouckens Robert 27/05/1928 3.000 metres Walk M85 35:43.00 50148 Elias Roland 30/05/1959 Pole vault M50 3.60 50149 Heylen Ronald 16/10/1962 60 metres M50 8.00 200 metres M50 25.25 50150 Beckers Serge 03/09/1962 60 metres hurdles M50 8.82 50151 Luc Waegeman 16/08/1958 Cross M50 55106 Van Boven Walter 02/09/1954 60 metres M55 8.50 Shot put M55 9.46 35183 De Backer Wim 13/11/1974 60 metres M35 7.52 Long jump M35 5.95 Women 45054 Vandooren Benedicte 14/04/1965 60 metres W45 8.80 60 metres hurdles W45 11.04 Long jump W45 4.30 35054 Janet Cardenas 14/05/1973 400 metres W35 1:02.52 800 metres W35 2:26.35 Pentathlon W35 2.554 35055 Anne-Catherine Clement 22/09/1975 Triple jump W35 10.50 45055 Bottin Hilde 22/07/1964 Triple jump W45 10.07 65008 Claire Joannes 10/12/1946 800 metres W65 3:19.00 1.500 metres W65 6:49.00 55026 Pater Jocelyne 09/03/1954 800 metres W55 2:55.10 Pentathlon W55 2.900 3.000 metres Walk W55 19:06.25 5km Walk W55 30:47.58 45056 De Wolf Kathleen 27/04/1967 Shot put W45 9.33 Discus W45 28.11 Hammer W45 39.31 Weight throw W45 12.39 45057 Karin Larnoe 12/01/1964 Shot put W45 11.80 65009 Franckx Magda 13/05/1946 Javelin W65 28.65 60023 Buyle Marie-Jeanne 17/01/1952 3.000 metres W60 13:48.90 Cross W60 45058 Hillewaere Nele 14/03/1964 800 metres W45 2:26.69 1.500 metres W45 4:59.42 80001 Hanssens Rachel 06/04/1929 Shot put W80 8.22 Discus W80 20.15 Weight throw W80 10.56 Hammer W80 26.18 Javelin W80 20.64 45059 Dejonghe Saskia 05/10/1964 60 metres W45 8.60 200 metres W45 28.50 55027 Hildegarde Vanhorenbeeck 08/09/1953 60 metres W55 9.33 60 metres hurdles W55 10.91 Long jump W55 4.16 2013SS004 C32A.113 RFEAManager v2.9.1 © RFEA Printed at SAT 16 MAR 2013 22:03 Página 2/3 9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance BEL - BELGIUM (TOTAL ATHLETES: 48) Women 45060 Ingrid Vos 20/10/1966 Discus W45 28.89 Hammer W45 40.71 Weight throw W45 13.11 Javelin W45 27.00 60024 Carol Wright 27/05/1950 400 metres W60 1:20.00 2013SS004 C32A.113 RFEAManager v2.9.1 © RFEA Printed at SAT 16 MAR 2013 22:03 Página 3/3 9th European Indoor Veterans Championships San Sebastián, 19-24 March 2013 ATHLETES BY COUNTRY Country Date of Entry Sex Bib Name Licence Birth Event Performance BUL - BULGARIA (TOTAL ATHLETES: 3) Men 55107 Simeon Simeonov 24/10/1954 60 metres
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