
THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE &Nice MtMortd to ' Koopattil Tjj. Itr lm Sra In Sm 13 m rrausHED bt r SUaeaKloch-- SIM I X CO J C0' 4 OJ S 00 f 10 00 13 0O 13 Unrt-iln- ch- 10 00 4W S0O S00 T. CRAWFORD MACDOWELL, Uhm- -3 Inch.. 300 W S TJ0 10 00ISOO I 11UI - SSUnn-aiocI-lM S00 So0 IK HM IIM Brrry MTeMliie?daj- .TIoriilHg;, Uim- -4 isthM 400 iM low m ato aw DuMt.r of Column S 00 10 00 H CO IS P0 10 00 40 CO GAZETTE. Third r Column. S00 WOO IS 00 SOO0 SM S00 PER ANNUM HAWAIIAN FIVE BOLLAKS fHE 13 00 U00 SI 00 30M 00 TOCO ll.tf of Column it JJ.TJLBLE JLDTASCE. ColOfflB U 00 3Z00 3000 SS CO TO 00 9000 IX Ooe Colamo. OOII50 00 eerllers.$7.00to S10.OO. j-- Dullness Cards when prtpaid far e ytar. are Frlc" A WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEYOTED TO HAWAnAN PROGEESS allowed a dlMonat from these rates, which are tor transient STlsHauaoUa.. peetates prepaid. adTertUiments, when pa'd or charged unarlerlj. X. B. Ill foreign advertisements must be acrompaaleil with the peywbsn ordered In, or no notice will be taken at sew Post Office Building them. The rates of ebsrgesare glen la Ihe above scale, and OrttPE la tie remittances for Esatern Jtmerkan advertisements, or Mcmh&Bt Street, Honolulu, IL L VOL. XY.-N- O. 1. WEDNESDAY, 1, 729. may be made by bank bills, cula or tin cent post- HONOLULU, JANUAEY 18793, WHOLE No. age itantp. caEs's h Em wsm BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. Jb'OHElGN NOTICES. XV. Ac IMC. I". EESI.IE 31IKEK. Jc suaar G. jiarfablam: CO.. HOLLINTEK CO.. Boston Board of Underwriters! Insurance Notice. x . wiitUKt, r. luscsui IMPORTZSS Xo. CS Xnunnu Street, : : : : IIouolulu, AKD C0MKISSI0N MEHCHA5TB, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. GKXTS for the Hawaiian Islands, W1XLIAMS, BLAJTCHAED & C0 THE PATRON'S laroBTtas A.10 siauts la CM-l- y C. BREWKRACO. AGENT FOR THE BRITISH For. Koblsaon'i Office corner Tort and Hotel Sta, at E. Drue TUB Marine Insuraoce Company, (Limited), baa QsMoStnet. Booolsla.H.1. Store. TU ly Cholco Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. Isstrnctlors to rednce tna rates) of Insurance Shipping aHd Commission Merchants, AeoT roa SoU JgtUor the iairotiaii stands fir Philadelphia Board of Underwriters, betweeo Uonolnla and rorta In tlie Pacific, and is now pre- .. BRUW. pared to Tollctm CSS 51S California Street, San Tranclsco. ly Tbt Olutow tod Honolulu Uet ot Picktu. W. P. Lorillsrd & Co.'s, and Vanity Fair Tobaccos. s iiius at tbe lowest rites, wltb a special limy A GENTS for tho Hawaiian Islands, iniutiiva ou irvigoi per steamers. HAWAi'!AN Job. Ce'i Utrj,ol .od Loodon TuktU. ENQINEEB. X3l. y C.URKWKR.tCO- - GAZETTE Tb. Wltpn rUautlun. CIVIL TIIEO. II. DA VIES. W. H. CHOSSMAN & 1E0.. Tbt Sprnctr riMUtlon, llllo, Over Smith's Brldst, Honolulu, HatralUii Iallanda. Manufacturers of JfiiiwaZ Waters, ttc. ly 874 At.ntBrit. Tor. Mar. Ins. Co., Idmlted Jantast 1st, 1579. Htttlio Pltgtalt.0, 1IB 707 Mape and Profilra. ly 7H it CAL.irouniA COMMISSioN MERCHANTS, Ulrrlwt. A S.(rr Mwhlntrj. Tlt Wih, s. INSURANCE COMPANY. The Fetttoe bbtp lUoch Compaoj. 694 X. J. BAUEK. oksst. sostsrsox. IIS Cbamber treet, New Tork. t . & Swiss Lloyd Marine Co. 4$Xse dock strikes twelve another year ia ICOIX7I-US- Practical Architect aid Bcilder. GUANX nOHERTSOX Insurance grtrrace Csttle Jt Cooke, and J. T. Waterhouse. IK. (Suceuiors ClrjAom OO TJXDEIIS1GXKD, AGENTS OP TUB . Ml ly Plant and iprclncatloa furaUbtd at rtaaooablt trrmi toJ.S. f TUB Company, authorised to Insnre risks OK WINTERTIIBIU PHTSICIAH ASD SUSGEOK, 70S ly bare betn Addrttl Pott OOct, Hoaolnla, IL I. Xealers In Fancy nnd Staple Drx Goods on Carco, Prcl(;ht and Treasure, from Uonolnla imm Mstanr. yore 14 Fort St., Odd reUowt Bolldlic. of drtcrlptlon. to all parts of the world, and vice UNDERSIGNED are AUTHORIZED AV. SEVElt,VNCE, J?iat as is dsjs of : 03, AB-A3IS- . ertrr Ttna. H. RtrtdtDCS 68S ly ICACKFBLS A CO. THE Uase'g u brfurr, 8oor CotUce. llwalia IIOltL E. P. JOHlneri and Drea Jfaking Dtpartmttt Attached. II. CONSUL. 310 California Hi., Jltaae ant pwiti oct tare mission, all a ptcUl mutntloa clrtu to date? ad Trctioni Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, HAWAIIAN pecllr to womru. Orders Iron tbt otber Islands promptly amended to. On Cargo, Freight and Treasure San Francisco. ' Qattn Strttt, Hoaolnla. II. TOt-l- p. Mi-Si, W, Toe Doctor wui. In fatsre. prtpue and dlipeu hit own I. 700 Cor. Fort and Hotel Sta ly a. soiiAKrr.it. Front Honolulu to all part ot tbe world, Purchasing and Commission Agent leases us "treadering as we've done be- - Sledldnti. T19 Xj of Bremen llonrd of Underwriters, andupvo for 3EJa.3sra?:s:utc3xr a. SKUELliEN Jc CO., AGENT of Dretdtn Hoard of Cnderwrittrs, pkodccts. Jwe. A.. S. IIAUXIVKLL. JAMES DOUII. rilOPHIITrolt,hotel, Agent of Yltnna Brd of Underwriters. Coasters, by Special Pcrml.sion ! 110 sandwich islakd asd ot1ixr it CORNER OF FORT AND HOTEL STREETS, HONOLULU. TINSMITHS AND PLTJMBEES. Claims acalnit Insuranco Companies within the nr!sdIetlon On tbe meet favorable terms. 2Eaj sat esMries orewJ apeo the tnind rvt XiaTJc, C9Tb. Irrtt cf AU, Vloti nod Llaoort cooiunty oo band. 'o. 3 Xuuauq Str( of the of Underwriters, wilt bsre tobt etrtt A. P. EVERETT, Counsellor - W, 0. IRWIS A CO , f- to Hotel. 730 ly EerpcotutaDtlxon hind fall aswrttatnt Tin, Sheet Ofict OTr Biop G' Bank, Uterr Sublet attacbtd tbt of fled to by tbe abore agent to make them valid. 6Sd ly 7K-l- y OC for Coppenrai-v- ? Acentsforthe IlawalUn Islands. Commissioia Merchant thtii. vbmb Base Butane's bitter T04 Uoooluln. Iron, and Forwarding and ir C V. HOU.oJIAS, Clay. Jalt, (Late of Canartlan radflc KaQway Surrey,) Galvd Iron and Lead Pipe, India Kubbor Hose, &o IIASIIIIIKGII-IIKK.'III- IN 408 Front Street, Corner of S Rhonlsh Wostphallan Lloyd Ssa Mt W Hageriag still behind, XIII'.O. II. DA.TIES, 071 Sm SAN FRANCISCO. ifrc: Liti Jixioi, Co.J IKSUEAHOE COMPANY. Consignments -- S-sta- 0tx xigriiioer. FIEE COMPANY, J-- Particular attention paid to ef Iilsnd rei INSURANCE Ssb eiteeastaaee, in Giinrch or OlvilO&ce : Over Dr. Ftanftenm ald't, corner of IHP0KTEE AHD COMMISSION HSSCHA5T, CHRISTIAN CERTZ, ProJuce. TM'm 3m Fort and MercnantStreels. 71 VXDBRSIOXBD havlnr OF M. GLADI1AC1I. IthcuUn Prnssllu AXD AStlT fOl TUB Astnti of tbt abort Company, artlenprepared UmbosC Teal's the Xew Year ushered Lloyd1! .od tht Lirrrpool CJtrvrittrs, A. A. JIOXTANO, to insure rinks acsiost fire, on Stout and Brick Butlil-lugs.snd- on Co., ROBERTON & SYKES, gse Brttub aod Maria and KEG TO AXXOUA'CK TO THE Merchandise stored tbtreio. on lb most Aachen and LeipzigInsurance Forvif. la.ar.act Coaptoy, U Honolulu, . yprtbr rn Aarmnct Company. oCTT ly Photographer and Dealer in all kinds of Pictare 'UBLIC of that he bas porchased favorable terms. For particulars apply at tht offlct ol Limited, Mats and Velvet Cases. lepl tbe stock and business or William fiscii- - SSJ ly F. A. SC1IAEFER A CO. COMMISSION MEEGHANTS Mail as Bti3 uisMag for aaesfeer deal, It. 31. Praaet. 1 EB. Hotel eurr-tt-, next door to strehs's Drue OF AACHEN. (AIXLA'CUAPLI.) GII.D1U, .tl.l.. S97) Corner of Klnc and Fort Streeta.. Honolulu. IF In business will on by UverpooU En clan a. SCUUEO.V I.I.S 6tore, and that future tbe be earned TRANS-ATLANTI- C "With aria,iUr yretpscu aad desire to win ETIST, him In the same premises. CLAIMS FOR PARTICULAR AVER. Co&iIfniaenU nd shipment mtde, aad Ut Ornci Oyer star.. WlllUmt" BsHdinc, Fort Jc CO., publle reclTd ilucln". I. WILDKK C O. solicits a fair share of the patronage, and FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ALL au.ulned by Goods arrlvloc here, and Inaured laformaUoa cWen of prodacv and la e great fcaltte fer tbe eammea weal. Street. Uonolola. Corner of Eort and Quern Streets Honolulu, promises bis patrons clruity, attention and good quality in tne above Companies, nave to be made with tbe coe fall4t OF IIA3XUCRU. 699 manufsctcrtoc marktts. Ikesattasfwct we scan with carious mien; T37 OcVw hoari from 9 a m to S r x. Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building for their money. 630 ly nltance of and certified to by tbe understated. In order to Ij BTJIRHS INSURED ON BCILDINUN, HER. be valid. (bsa ly) J. c. OLADE. Agent. kaow, the fGlare's still in doubt; . S. CXMPinGS. 31. .. y Material! of every kind. YI'ICKC, chandlse and Fnrnltnre, on liberal terms, br C0RB1TT & MACLEAY, lWfutve J. II. - Shea let as wisely keep oorselres serene, STJEOEOJI A5D HOMEOPATHIC PHT3ICIAS. CRAWFORD MACPOWELI, IT. BACKFLD S. CO., Asents. TJXffXOIS- T. 3VCa.EC33Xl., Mar :0. 1BT5. sm Commisslou 03iceand rctideoce, outil further notice, at the house OABIKTBT ir Shipping aad Merc bants, TheiaMare hautal, aad the past leave out. E. P. Ada Emma Mrn-- Alnlten Street. of ja. ;ti Ti."cu", Fire and Marine Insurance Company 13 10 Portlaod, aMMfcs, AttorneyOffice OfficeatBulldltfe; One door below Hotel 8treet. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C and IS Xnat SU aad U lint St.. 0. 3hr twelve w, ;sr bumble servant, &. Post II. UACKr'CLU CO., AJ-- Special attention paid Io tbt invritnicnt ofmonleiou Turnitart of all dMcriptiont made ud repaired at rea of new zkaland. sax office, ioz sachahento Vaae iasthfaBr year door eonabla rates. Best workmanship gnartntttd. 0695 ly FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, niAxasco strext Mirered at QEKEBAL C0MK1SSI0N AGENTS, cood i.carllirt. VO xrxa to OFBAMUCBO. capital : : : : 910.000,000 Hawaaas, briarfull of news, and RS-l- Bant of BrltUh CotambU Portland, 0rg0a Reiism Q&etn Strttt.
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