LuPOne’s gyPsy Ways In advance of her Madison appearance, Patti LuPone talks to WiG about the gypsy in her soul. WiGOUT! Page 21 the VOice OF PrOgress FOr WiscOnsin’s LgBt cOMMunity January 26, 2012 | Vol. 3, No. 6 RECALL REWIND documentary chronicles state’s uprising By Lisa neff led up to the recent fi ling of more worked in places as distant as time, our moment in time, to refo- Democrats were fi rst stunned and Staff writer than one million signatures seek- Palestine and as near as Madison, cus government to better serve then outraged, particularly after Through her lens, documentary ing to recall the governor. Mayfi eld where last year she covered the the taxpayers of this state,” Walker GOP leadership rammed the bill fi lmmaker Sam Mayfi eld is going says her fi lm is about “the reanima- battle over Walker’s assault on said. “To do this, we must provide through the Assembly without up close and personal to cap- tion of the American labor move- organized labor for a Web publi- fl exibility to our leaders at all lev- notice. ture the impact that Gov. Scott ment” and the fi ght for justice. cation. els. One area we will have to look As Senate Democrats fl ed to Walker’s union-busting budget bill A freelance video journalist In his State of the State address at is public employee benefi ts.” Illinois to stall the bill in the Senate, has had on the lives of ordinary from Burlington, Vt., Mayfi eld has on Feb. 1, 2011, Walker announced Soon afterward, Walker sent protesters fl ooded into Madison. Wisconsinites. reported for Democracy Now!, that in the coming weeks he would the Legislature a measure large- The largest demonstrations since “Wisconsin Rising” follows the TheUptake, Free Speech TV and offer a “budget repair bill.” ly stripping public employees of the Vietnam War era surrounded historic events in Wisconsin that Toward Freedom.com. She’s “This is the right moment in their collective bargaining rights. rising page 13 This shawano school paper runs hate column issue By Lisa neff and Michael McNelly – live provide those homes. a male as those who lie with wrong with me.’ There was a inside and online at Staff writer in one apartment. His mom, In the other column, high- a woman, both of them have feeling of anger and sadness wisconsingazette.com Shawano middle-schooler Uttecht’s ex-wife and his schooler Brandon Wegner committed a detestable act; fl owing through me, but I Tanner Uttecht went home best friend, lives in the other argued that gays are sinful they shall surely be put to thought to myself not to let News one January day carrying a apartment. and gay parents are an abom- death. Their bloodguiltness is it get best of me.” WiGWAG ......................2 newspaper column to dis- When 13-year-old Tanner ination. upon them,’” he wrote. Nick Uttecht read the Regional Gaze ...............4 cuss. arrived home that January “Jesus states in the Bible The 16-year-old writer opinion piece and thought, National Gaze ...............8 The Shawano High School day, he told Nick Uttecht, that homosexuality is a went on to say that children “This is really bad. This is Editorial ....................... 14 Hawk Post contained a page “Dad, I need to talk to you.” detestable act and sin which of gay parents suffer and are telling my kids they’re not Pet Gaze ...................... 16 with point-counterpoint Then he showed his dad makes adopting wrong for “at risk of many different going to amount to anything commentary on gays adopt- the newspaper. homosexuals because you things.” because I’m gay.” Features ing and parenting children. In one column, high- would be raising the child Tanner said, “I fi rst thought He summed up his WiGOUT! .................. 21 Tanner and his three siblings schooler Maddie Marquardt in a sin-fi lled environment. to my self, ‘This can’t be seri- reaction to the publica- Theater ........................ 22 live in a duplex in Shawano. argued that children need Leviticus 20:13 states, ‘If ous. I am being raised by gay tion of the commentary in Film ............................... 24 His two dads – Nick Uttecht homes, and gay couples can there is a man who lies with parents and there is nothing BuLLying page 20 Music ............................ 29 On the Town .............. 30 KathLeen FaLK annOunces run FOr gOVernOr Page 4 2 WiscOnsingaZette.cOM | January 26, 2012 WiscOnsingaZette.cOM | January 26, 2012 3 LGBt news with a twist WiGWAG By Lisa Neff & Louis Weisberg FaWning an age-discrimination want you to see. This year, Award-winning play “A Normal “Creating Jobs for Wisconsin,” Fathers suit over special deals the show features Madonna. Heart,” which follows the early was placed in front of a General A former archivist for the for AARP members. Game day is Feb. 5. days of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Motors factory in Janesville that Catholic Diocese of Kansas City The two stars join Mark Ruffalo, shut down in 2008, costing the in Missouri claims he was fi red it didn’t BigFOOt’s cast as protagonist Ned Weeks. area 10,000 jobs. after he reported sexual harass- WOrK nOn-BeLieVer Baldwin will play Weeks’ brother Stay on top of your savings ment by priests and a co-worker. After broadcasting two The Animal Planet’s popular and Roberts will play the doctor K.d. unties Ex-employee Larry Probst alleged episodes to small audiences, ABC show “Finding Bigfoot” features who understands the seriousness the KnOt that the Revs. Charles Michael canceled “Work It,” a sitcom openly lesbian research biologist of the mystery sickness. Singer/songwriter k.d. lang fi led Coleman and Robert Cameron in which two unemployed guys Ranae Holland, who is skeptical documents to end her 9-year-old “fawned” over co-worker dress in female clothes to get about the existence of Sasquatch. OPen hyPOcrisy domestic partnership with Jamie Michael St. George and that jobs. The LGBT community criti- Holland is part of a four-member Newt Gingrich asked his sec- Price. Lang, 50, cited irreconcil- with Coleman described for him a guy cized the show, saying it mocked research team searching for evi- ond wife for an “open marriage” able differences in papers fi led on game in which the loser services transgender people. The feminist dence to prove or disprove the at the same time he was promot- Dec. 28 to dissolve the relation- another man under the table, community criticized the show, existence of the creature. Join the ing family and religious values, his ship. The two reportedly met among other offensive comments saying it mocked women and mystery gang. Busted former wife, Marianne, told The through their mutual Buddhist and gestures. reinforced the idea of the reces- Republican Kip Smith, a state Washington Post. The GOP presi- teacher. sion as only a “mancession.” representative from Georgia dential candidate, who’s running driVen tO sue who sponsored a bill that would as a “family values” candidate, Mary Visits An Arizona woman has lodged suPer BOWL’s have submitted welfare recipi- wanted permission from her to Mary’s a class-action suit against Avis suPerstar ents to random drug testing, was continue his illicit relationship Hamburger Mary’s, a restau- Rent A Car alleging discrimina- OK, the Packers aren’t bound arrested in Atlanta Jan. 13 for with his current wife. Gingrich rant known for its gay karaoke tion based on sexual orienta- for Indianapolis and Super Bowl driving under the infl uence of has divorced twice to marry his and drag queen bingo nights, is tion. Lynn Evenchik was both- 46. Still, the world watches – alcohol. The right-wing politician mistresses. the latest eatery to report a sight- ered about paying full price for and Wisconsin will watch. Do was pulled over after running a ing of the Virgin Mary. Customers a rental in the San Diego area not expect to see the right-wing red light on his way home from Bad sign of a franchise of the restaurant after she learned that Avis offers commercial that Broncos QB Tim a restaurant. FOr WaLKer chain located in the Ybor City discounts to members of the Tebow and his mom taped for A poorly placed billboard tout- neighborhood of Tampa, Fla., fi rst International Gay and Lesbian the Family Research Council. But ‘nOrMaL’ stars ing Gov. Scott Walker’s job cre- noticed the image on a stainless Travel Association and National be certain to see the halftime Alec Baldwin and Julia Roberts ation record has been removed. steel plate on the wall near the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of show that FRC and the Catholic have signed on to star in the fi lm The billboard, which featured a kitchen. The restaurant’s tagline is, Commerce. Maybe she should fi le Conference of Bishops don’t version of Larry Kramer’s Tony picture of Walker next to the text “eat, drink and be Mary.” Save $25-$350 INSTANTLY Off Sale Prices!* You’re LOCAL, January Plus: 24 Months** CLEARANCE SALE FREE FINANCING We’re LOCAL, Always Made in the So Buy LOCAL!Randi K. USA 4th Generation S.T.A.R.T. is the automatic savings plan that lets you save at your own pace. Whether you want to go slow or fast, you decide how you want to save and how much. Reach $1,000 in savings and you’ll earn a $50 U.S. Bank Rewards Visa® Card. Keep the savings balance for a year, and earn another $50. With online tools to track your progress, S.T.A.R.T.
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