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American Mineralogist, Volume 77, pages I3I3-1319, 1992 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 77, tggz Adams,P.M. seeKampf, AR., 1107 AmericaAward for 1991, 869 Ahsbahs,H. see Zhang,L., 480 Baumgartner,L.P. seeOlsen, S.N., 1031 Akasaka,M. seelkeda, K., 251 Beane,R.E. seeLi, G., 1275 Alpers, C.N. see Stoffregen,R.E., 1092 Becker,S.W. see SpeeaJ.A., 821 Anderson,A.T., Jr. seaQin, 2., 565 Beckett,M.F. see Gittins, 1., 666 Andrew, A.S., Morrison, G.W., Whidor4 D.J., Bird, M.I.: Birch, W.D., Pring, A., Gatehouse,B.M.: Segnitite, Origin of alunite- andjarosite-group minerals in the PbFerH(AsOr)r(OH)6,a new mineral in the lusungite Mt. Leyshon epithermalgold deposit,northeast groupfrom BrokenHill, New SouthWales, Australia, Queensland,Australia-Discussion, 857 556 Angel, R.J.: Order-disorderand rhe high-pressurePf-I I Bird M.I..reeAndrew, A.S., 857 transition in anorrhite, 923 Bish, D.L., Burnham,C.W.: Rietveld refinementof the Annersten,H. seeO'NeiI, H.SLC., 725 crystal structure of fib'rolitic sillimanite using neu- Arculus, R.J.: Review of Inraplate Volcanism in Eastern tron powder diffraction data, 374 Australia and New Tcaland.By R.W. Johnson,J. Bohlen.S.R. sae Koziol. A.M.. 755 Knutson,and S.R'.Taylor, l3l2 Bohlen,S.R. seePastemak, M.P., 901 Ariskin, A.A., Boudase,K.V., Meshalkin,S.S., Bohlen,S.R., Peacor, D.R., Lawrence,V.: Report of the Tsekhonya T.I.: Inforex: A data baseon experimental Editorsfor l9l, E77 studiesof phaserelations in silicate systems, 558 Boisen,M.B., Jr. seeDowns, R.T., 751 Armbruster,T. see Ross,C.R.. II. 507 Boisen.M.B.. Jr. see Gibbs. G.V.. 741 Armbruster,T., Czank, M.: H2O ordering and super- Bonazzi,P., Menchetti,S., Caneschi,A., Magnanelli, S.: stuctures in armenite,BaCazAloSiqOn2Hfi: A single- Bottinoite,Ni(Hpktsb(OH)olz, a new mineralfrom crystal X-ray and TEM study, 422 the Bottino mine, Alpi Apuane,Italy, l30l Armbruster,T., Geiger,C.A., Lager,G.A.: Single-crystal Boudase,K.V. seeAriskin. A.A.. 668 X-ray structure study of synthetic pyrope almandine Brenan,l.B. see Ayers,J.C., 1080 garnetsat 100 and 293 K, 512 Brosnahan,D.R. seeLi, G., 1275 Armstrong, I.T. see Donovan,1.1., 441 Brown, P.E. seeOlsen, S.N.. 1031 Artioli, G.: The crystal structureof garronite, 189 Bryndzia,L.T. seePopp, R.K., 1250 Asheim,A. seeLarsen, A.O, 438 Burnham,C.W. seeBish, D.L., 374 Ayers,J.C., Brenan, J.B., Watson, E.B., Wark, D.A., Buseck,PR. seeWang, S., 758 Minarik, W.G.: A new capsuletechnique for hydro- thermal experimentsusing the piston-cylinder Calas,G. seeGaloisy, L., 677 apparatus, 1080 Caneschi,A. seeBonazzi, P., l30l Canil, D. see Ross,CR., II, 507 Bacon,CR., Newman,S., Stolper,E.: Water,COz, Cl, and Carey,J.W., Navrotsky,A.: The molar enthalpyof F in melt inclusionsin phenocrystsfrom three dehydrationof cordierite, 930 Holoceneexplosive eruptions, Crater Lake, Oregon, Carpenter,M.A. seePhillips,8.L., 484 l02l Castor,S.B. seePrice, J.G., 1067 Banflreld,J.F., Dyar, M-D., McGuire,A.V.: The defect Catlow,C.R.A. seeCollins, D.R., 1172 microstructureof oxidized mantleolivine, Dish Hill, Chalokwu,C.I., Kuehner,S.M.: Mineral chemistryand California, 977 thermobarometryof a southernAppalachian Banfield, JF., Veblen, D.R.: Conversionof perovskiteto amphibolitewith epidote+ quartz symplectite, 517 anataseand TiOz (B): A TEM snrdyand the useof Chappell,B.W. see Johnston,C., 303 fundamentalbuilding blocks for understanding Christy, A.G., Phillips, 8.L., Guuler, B.K., Kirkpatrick, relationshipsamong the TiOz minerals, 545 RJ.: A 27Aland'Si MAS NMR andinfrared spectro- Barbey,P. see Holtz, F., 1223 scopicstudy of Al-Si orderingin naturaland syn- Bartelmehs,K.L. seeDowns, R.T., 751 thetic sapphirine, E Barton, M.D.: Acceptanceof the MineralogicalSociety of Circone,S., Navrotsky,A.: Substinrtionof [6'alAlrn ooo3404x/92llI 12-1313$02.00 l3l3 t3l4 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 77,1992 phlogopite: High-temperaturesolution calorimetry, Dyar, M-D. seeMcGuire, A.V., 1087 heat capacities,and thermodynamicproperties of the phlogopite-easlonitejoin, 1191 Eberhardt,P. seePemy, B., 534 Clare,A. seeHovis, G.L., 19 Edgar,A-D. seeThibault, Y., 784 Clemens,LD. see Vielzeuf, D., 1206 Eggleston,C.M., Hochella,M.F., Jr.: Scanningtunneling Collerson,B. seeWilliams, Q., ll58 microscopyof pyrite {1fi)}: Surfacestructure and step Collins,DR., Catlow,C.R.A.: Computersimulation of reconstruction, 221 structuresand cohesiveproperties of micas, ll72 Eggleston,C.M., Hochella,M.F., Jr.: The structureof Cooney,T.F. seeWilliams, Q., I hematite{001} surfacesby scanningtunneling Craig, JR.: Review of Handbookof Mineralogy: VolumeI. microscopy:Image interpretation,surface relaxation, Elements,Sulfides, Sulfosalts. By J.W. Anthony, and stepstructure, 9ll R.A. Bideaux,K.W. Bladh,and M.C. Nichols, 1122 Essene,E.J.: Review of A Handbookof Silicate Rock Czank.M. seeArmbrustenT.. 422 Analysis.By P.J.Potts, 676 Essene,E.J.: Review of Introduction to Optical Dai, Y., Harlow, G.E.: Descriptionand crystal structure of Mineralogy, SecondEdition. By W-D. Nesse, 889 vonbezingite,a new Ca-Cu-SOl-HzOmineral from the Essene,EJ. seeLi, G., L275 Kalaharimanganese field, South Africa, 1292 Essene,E.l. seeTreiman, A.H., 663 Dang, M.-2. seeRancourt, D.G., 34 Evstigneeva,T.L., Genkin, A.D., Sandomirskaya,S.M.' Daniels,P.: Structuraleffects of the incorporationof large- Trubkin, N.V.: Vyalsovite,a new sulfrde-hydroxide radius alkalis in high cordierite, 407 of iron, calcium,and aluminum, 201 Davies,G.R.: Review of lgneousPetrogenesis: A Global Ewing,R.C. seeLumpkin, G.R., 179 Tectonic Approach. By M. Wilson, 214 Dingwell, D.B.: Shearviscosity of alkali and alkalineearth Ferry, J.M., Dipple, G.M.: Models for coupledfluid flow' titanium silicate liquids, 270 mineral reaction,and isotopic alterationduring Dingwell,D.8., Knoche,R., Webb,S.L., Pichavant, M.: contactmetamorphism: The Norch Peak aureole, The effect of BzOson the viscosityof haplogranitic Utah. 577 liquids, 457 Finger,L.W. seeHazen, R.M., 217 Dingwell, D.B., Webb, S.L.: The fluxing effect of fluorine Finger,L.W. seeMcCammon, C.A., 937 at magmatictemperatures (600-800 oC): A scanning Fitzgerald,P.G. seePaul, T.A., 336 calorimetricstudy, 30 Fleet,M.E.: Tetrahedral-siteoccupancies in reedmergner- Dipple, G.M. see Ferry, J.M., 577 ite and syntheticboron albite (NaBSirOa),76 Dirken, P.J., Jansen,J.B.H., Schuiling,R.D.: Influenceof Flohr. M.J.K. seeRoss, M.,685 octahedralpolymerization on 23Naand tAl MAS NMR Flotow, H.E. seeJohnson, G.K., 85 in alkali fluoroaluminates,718 Foord,E-E. seeKampf, A.R., 843, 1107 Dixon, J.E. see Holloway, J.R., 643 Fram, M.S., longhi, J.: Phaseequilibria of dikes Donovan,J.J., Rivers, MI., Armsrong, J.T.: PRSUPR: associatedwith Proterozoicanorthosite complexes, Automationand analysissoftware for wavelength 605 dispersiveelectron-beam microanalysis on a FC, '144 Francis,C.A. seeMcGuire, A.V., 1087 Douglass,D.L., Shing,C., Wang, G.: The lighrinduced Franz,G., Selverstone,J.: An empiricalphase diagram for alterationof realgarto pararealgar,1266 the clinozoisite-zoisitetransformation in the system Dove, M.T., Winkler, 8., L,eslie,M., Harris, M.J., Salje, CazAlrSi0rz(oH)-ca2Al2Fel*sirorz(oll), 63I E.K.H.: A new interatomicpotential model for calcite: Frost, B.R. see Lindsley, D.H., 987 Applications to lattice dynamicsstudies, phase FrosEB.R., Lindsley, D.H.: Equilibria amongFe-Ti tiansition, and isotope fractionation, 244 oxides,pyroxenes, olivine, and quartz: Part II. Downs,R.T., Gibbs,G.V., Bartelmehs,K.L., Boisen, Application, l0O4 M.B., Jr.: Variationsof bondlengths and volumes of silicate tetrahedrawith temperature,751 Galoisy,L., Calas,G.: Network-formingNi in silicate Drits, V.A. seeManceau, A., 1133,ll44 glasses,677 Dunn. P.J. see Grice. J.D.. 1285 Gan, H., Hess,P.C.: Phosphatespeciation in potassium Dunn, P.J. see Kampf, A.R., &43 aluminosilicateglasses, 495 Durben,D.J., Wolf, G.H.: High-temperaturebehavior of Gaspar,J.C.: Titanian clinohumitein the carbonatitesof metastableMgSiO: perovskite:A Ramanspectro- the JacupirangaComplex, Brazil: Mineral chemistry scopic study, 89O and comparisonwith titanian clinohumitefrom other Dyar, M.D. see Banfield,J.F., 977 environments.168 AUTHOR INDEX, VOLUME 77,1992 r3l5 Gasparit' T. see Phillips, B.L., 7M transitionzone mineralogy, 217 Gatehouse,B.M. see Birch. W.D.. 556 Hemley,R.J. see Kubicki, J.D., 258 Geiger,C.A. see Armbruster,T., 512 Henderson,G.S. seeRachlin, A.L., 904 Geiger,C.A., Merwin, L., Sebald,A.: Structural Hess,P.C. seeGan, H., 495 investigationof pyrope garnetusing temperature- Hewa! A.W. seeMereiter, K., 839 dependentFTIR and2esi and,Al MAS NMR Hewitg D.A., Nor4 G.L., Rumble,D., Stout,J.H., spectroscopy, 713 Whitney, J.A.: Report of the Financial Advisory Genkin, A.D. see Evstigneeva,T.L., 201 Committeefor 191, 877 Gibbs.G.V. seeDowns. R.T.. 751 Hiroi, Y., Harada-Kondo,H., Ogo, Y.: Cuprianmanganoan Gibbs,G.V., Spackman,M.A., Boisen,M.8., Jr.: Bonded phlogopitein highly oxidized Mineoka siliceous and pr,omoleculeradii for moleculesand crystals, 741 schiss from Kamogawa,Boso Peninsula,central Gier,T.E. seeShannon, R.D., 101 Japan, 1099 Gittins, J., Beckett, M.F., Jago, B.C.: Compositionof the Hochetla,M.F., Jr. seeEggleslon, C.M., 221',9Ll fluid phaseaccompanying carbonatite magma: A Hofmeister,A.M. see Kubicki, J.D., 258 critical examination-Reply, 665 Hollan4 T., Powell, R.: Plagioclasefeldspars: Activity- Glass,B.P.: Review of The CretaceouslTertiar!Boundary compositionrelations based upon Darken's quadratic Interval, Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, and formalismand Landau theory, 53 Its Contentof Shock-metamorphosedMinerals; Holloway, JR., Dixon, J-E,.,Pawley, A.R.: An internally EvidenceRelevant to the KIT Boundary Impact- heated,rapid-quench, high-pressure vessel, 543 Extinction Theory. By G.A. lzet, 214 Holtz, F., Pichavant,M., Barbey,P., Johannes,W.: Goh, M.C. see Rachlin, A.L., 9O4 Effects of H2o on liquidus phaserelations in the Goldsmith, J.R.: Presentationof the MineralogicalSocieqr haplogranitesystem at 2 andlkbar, 1223 of AmericaAward for 1991to Mark D.

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