THROUGH THE BARRICADES DECEMBER 3RD 20I5 > JANUARY I0TH 20I6 FABBRICA DEL VAPORE, MILAN Promoted by BJCEM, Biennale des jeunes créateurs 2 de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée Municipality of Milan Board of Directors Helen Andreou, Selim Birsel, Keith Borg, Isabelle Bourgeois, Rita Canarezza, Miguel Cascales Tarazona, Petros Dymiotis, Claudio Grillone, Paulo Gouveia, France Irrmann, BJCEM - BIENNALE DES JEUNES CRÉATEURS Maria del Gozo Merino Sanchez, Nina Mudrinic Milovanovic, Said Murad, Abdo Nawar, Ksenija Orelj, Leonardo Punginelli, DE L’EUROPE ET DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE Mohamed Rafik Khalil, Raphael Sage, Ana Savjak, Jernej Skof, Ibrahim Spahić, Carlo Testini, Eleni Tsevekidou, Luis Verde Godoy BJCEM Members Arci Bari (Italy), Arci Emilia Romagna (Italy), Arci Lazio (Italy), Arci President Milano (Italy), Arci Nazionale (Italy), Arci Pescara (Italy), Arci Regionale Emilia Romagna (Italy), Arci Regionale Liguria (Italy), Arci Regionale Dora Bei Puglia (Italy), Arci Regionale Sardegna (Italy), Arci Regionale Sicilia (Italy), Arci Torino (Italy), Atelier d’Alexandrie (Egypt), Ayuntamiento de General Secretary Madrid (Spain), Ayuntamiento de Malaga (Spain), Ayuntamiento de Murcia (Spain), Ayuntamiento de Salamanca (Spain), Ayuntamiento de Sevilla Federica Candelaresi (Spain), Ayuntamiento de Valencia (Spain), Centar za Savremenu Umetnost Strategie Art (Serbia), Città di Torino (Italy), Città di Venezia (Italy), City Treasurer of Thessaloniki (Greece), Clube Português de Artes e Ideias (Portugal), Helen Andreou Comune di Ancona (Italy), Comune di Bologna (Italy), Comune di Cagliari (Italy), Comune di Campobasso (Italy), Comune di Ferrara (Italy), Comune Emeritus Presidents di Forlì (Italy), Comune di Genova (Italy), Comune di Milano (Italy), Comune di Padova (Italy), Comune di Parma (Italy), Comune di Prato (Italy), Comune Luigi Ratclif - Secretary of GAI di Reggio Emilia (Italy), Comune di Trieste (Italy), Društvo ŠKUC (Slovenia), Associazione Circuito Giovani Artisti Italiani École Supérieure d’Art et Design Toulon Provence Méditerranée (France), Espaceculture (France), Fundación VEO (Spain), GAI - Associazione Circuito Krista Mikkola Giovani Artisti Italiani (Italy), Indisciplinarte (Italy), Inizjamed Association Art Historian, Independent Curator, Producer (Malta), International Peace Center (Bosnia-and-Herzegovina), Ministarstvo Kulture (Montenegro), Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs, Ibrahim Spahić General Secretariat for Life Long Learning & Youth, Directorate for Youth President of the International Peace Center, Sarajevo (Greece), Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Cyprus), Multimedia Cultural Center - MKC (Croatia), Muzej Moderne i suvremene umjetnosti (Croatia), Regione Puglia (Italy), Région PACA (Provence-Alpes- Côte d’Azur/France), Roma Capitale (Italy), Sabanci Universitesi (Turkey), Sabreen Association for Artistic Development (Palestine), Seconde Nature (France), Segreterie di Stato per l’Istruzione e la Cultura, Turismo e Politiche Giovanili - Istituti Culturali della Repubblica di San Marino (Republic of San Marino), Social and Cultural Organization of Pavlos Melas “IRIS”, Thessaloniki (Greece), SHAMS Association (Lebanon) BJCEM EXECUTIVE OFFICE General Secretary Federica Candelaresi Mayor Giuliano Pisapia General Organization Stefania Inverso Councillor For Sport, Welfare and Quality of Life Chiara Bisconti Communication Marco Alfieri Main Director of Sport, Welfare and Quality of Life Dario Moneta Administration Director of Freetime Sector, Youth and Animal Protection Serena Pecchio Lorella Parma Digital Archive Manager Fabbrica del Vapore and Youth Creativity Office Manager Elena Di Majo Claudio Grillone Organization Support Mayor’s Cabinet Staff Carolina Stera Carolina Pasargiklian Curator Andrea Bruciati Press Office CLP relazioni pubbliche – Anna Defrancesco Architect 9 Francesca Fornasari Set Up CSC allestimenti srl Visual Identity Milano Collective FILIPPO DEL CORNO Councillor for Culture, Municipality of Milan 10 After Mediterranea 17 Young Artists The exhibition displays the talents Biennale “No Food’s Land”, where 300 that have come to light throughout this artists were invited to reflect upon the journey and highlights the important Expo 2015 theme, Fabbrica del Vapore, role played by BJCEM in promoting and a place eager to welcome the expres- making visible breakthrough artists. sion of youth creativity, pays homage to BJCEM and its thirty-year history. Milan is the perfect city to host such an exhibition project, since it has al- “Through the Barricades” is an extraor- ways been a breeding ground for new dinary retrospective going through and talents, by welcoming and enhancing celebrating the history of sixteen Bien- creativity and offering new opportu- nials as well as keeping track of thirty nities for artistic development at the years of evolution in artistic produc- same time. tion by younger artists. DORA BEI BJCEM President On behalf of BJCEM, gratitude is owed area being strengthened and, most im- ger sometimes, of severe financial cri- ration with international institutions to the City of Milan for hosting this portantly, a further enlargement and sis, and this makes our responsibility and organizations. We also need to important exhibition, but also the Eu- networking. even heavier. For many years now, we achieve a better “equilibrium” of our ropean Commission, for supporting BJCEM members, cultural stakehold- national committees with other Euro- this activity through the Creative Eu- BJCEM has been and remains a sole ers and institutions, have been engaged pean networks. All of us, with the hon- rope Program. pioneer in Europe in supporting and in a constant dialogue, with the aim to our of being part of BJCEM, appreciate enhancing young artists, by providing lift barriers to the participation of the the fact that we are part of a highly The occasion for celebrating 30 years a showcase for their artistic produc- South Shore. There are complications prestigious network that, nevertheless, of youth creative art productions in tions, but it is also a pioneer in pro- and difficulties, not only financial needs to be more visible around Eu- Europe and the Mediterranean by or- moting the interartistic/intercultural ones. But, if we really seek to be fruit- rope and the Mediterranean. ganizing “Through the Barricades”, is dialogue among young creative talents ful in this endeavour, we must turn our not to be solely focused on the history and stakeholders, a dialogue among focus on the enlargement and broaden- The discussion is open and now it is of the Biennale per se, but it is an ex- different cultures, different national ing of the network by including a larger the right time to seek for new routes, cellent opportunity for the continuing dimensions. number of organizations coming from partnerships and ideas. And I strong- discussions amongst us, on the future the South Shore, but also organiza- ly believe that it is the dialogue with of our BJCEM Association, the themes Our activities are carried out in a very tions from the European continent. young artists that can mainly offer the of urban requalification, the exchange rich geo-political, historical and cul- best results. of national dimensions, views and tural environment, but quite diverse Of course, for what concerns the aim ideas on cultural policies related to the at the same time. We seek to support to give artists more chances to move several cities involved, the collabora- young artists who struggle to be cre- around, we must seek for more finan- tions within the Euro-Mediterranean ative in areas of conflict, even of dan- cial sources, via a stronger collabo- FEDERICA CANDELARESI BJCEM General Secretary 2015 is an important year for the his- zational structure has been es sential, ferences (Biennale 3.0, International multidisciplinary international event; tory of the Biennale of Young Artists as well as strengthening the ability to Forum in Turin) have been sustained. a great occasion of mobility, cultural from Europe and the Mediterranean. design more sustainable ac tivities and BJCEM has also tak en part in interna- artistic comparisons and exchanges for Thirty years have passed since the attract resources. All of this led to the tional contemporary art events (among the young creators engaged, that has first event, organized in Barcelona in establishment of BJCEM network, an which Swab, Con temporary Art Fair often given them the opportunity to 1985, thanks to Arci Kids, a group of international association born in Sa- in Barcelona and WEYA, World Event create new synergies and ideas for fu- young asso ciations’ leaders coming rajevo in July 2001, made of civil so- Young Artists in Nottingham). Fur- ture in ter-disciplinary collaborations. from differ ent parts of Italy. ciety organi zations, local, regional and thermore, it is also very important to national authorities from the areas of underline its open ing towards other Among all of the artists that have ani- The idea at the base of the project was Europe and the Mediterranean, based networks: the Anna Lindh Foundation mated the Biennale host-cities over to invest in youth creativity, consid- in Brussels, and with its exec utive of- and Culture Action Europe. the years with their energy, innovation ering it as a real re source, a way that fice in Turin, currently locat ed in a and ambition, some of them, thanks would allow them to express them- space provided by the City of Turin, In 2014, BJCEM has obtained an im- to their
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