Commission Set Up MILITARY 39,505,475 U.S. Catholics, ORDINARIATE By Pope to Prepare INCLUDES Gain of 3,481,498 in Year NUMBERS Ecumenical Counci 1,301,355 CONVERTS IN PAST DECADE FIRST TIME HEADED BY CARDINAL TARDINI Supplement to the Denver Catholic Re^fister New York City. — Catholics of the United States, including all families of the defense forces Vatican City.— A commission to make preliminvy preparations for at home and abroad, and the diplomatic and other the coming Ecumencial Council has been set up by John XXIII. The com­ N a tio n a l services abroad, now number 39,505,475. The new mission, headed by Cardinal Domenico Tardini, Vatican Secretary of State, N a tio n a l Section total represents an increase over last year of 3,481.- will have the following tasks: Section 498, whuch includes 2,000,000 reported for the first 1. To contact the Bishops of various countries, the offices of the Roman THE time by the Military Ordinariate as the number of Curia, and theologians and can- nnists of Catholic universities Cathohes under the jurisdiction of Cardinal Fran­ for advice and suggestions: Special Care Promised cis Spellman as Military Vicar. 2. To make a general ouUinc The figures are contained in' nf the matters to be discussed the Official Catholic Direetory for a record total of 16.753 by the council: On Ecumenical Council for 1959. issued here by P. J. Catholic parishes in the U. S. 3. To suggest the structure and REGISTER Kenedy & Sons, publishers. Also list^ are 4,837 miuions, staffing of the committees, sec­ Omaha. — Special efforts to refugee year” proclaimed by (Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) There ore now 97,285,975 1,603 stations, and 10390 retariats. and other organiza­ spread a full picture of the the United Nations. MIMBiR OF AUDIT BURtAU OP CIBCULATIONS Catholics in the 48 continental chapels—an increase of 586 tions that will be charged with Ecumenical Council announced In other resolutions tbe CPA Thi! Paper li CoaneeUd wHb NCWC WMblngton New* Hcadquirtert by lU 0«m I-eased Wire. H«i lU Own states antj Alaska and Hawaii. places where Mau is regularly S p «^ Senicc. BeUsluaa N m S«nie«. tater-CetboIk Pren Agency, ndaa Servlee. Mlmtra Serview, Bcllgloni final preparations for the coun­ by Pope John XXUI were promised to encourage leaders New* Photo* and N CWC Picture Service TTie new total represents a 10- offered. cil. pledged by members of the of labor and managment "to year increase of 12,787,132, or A new high of 13,619 separate Catholic Press Association. This join together in a completely THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1959 47B per cent over the 28,718,- educational inttitutiona indudes Rota Official was one of several reeolutioDS honest attempt to solve their 343 in 1949. 94 diocesan seminaries, 424 h Secretary adopted at the CPA's 49th id- problems,” and to continue the The nation’s 26 archdioceses reiigiout imle.' seminaries or MoDsignor Pericie Felici, an Dual convention. “struggle to secure justice and Pope Sfut/ies English reported a growth of 548,027. novitiates and scbolasticates, official of the Sacred Roman equity for all" Tbe seven archdioceses with 258 coUeges and univettiUes. Archbishop Egidio Vagnuzzi, Expressions of loyalty to Pope 1363 diocesan and pariah high Rota, Vatican court of appeals, Apostolic Delegate to tbe U.S., Through Daily Session Catholic population in exceu of will be secretary of the new spoke of tbe forthcoming coun­ John XXIII and the new Apos­ 1,000,000 are Chicago, 2,027,243; schools, 845 private high schools, commiasion. tolic Delegate to the U. S. were Vaticaor City. — Pope John Boston. 1,582.677; New York, 9,814 parish elementary schools cil. “It remains for tbe Catholic XXUI told American Bishops —an increase of 161— and 473 other member! ol the commit- press,” he said, to explain to adopted. The convention said 1.568,328; Philadelphia, 1,463,- lion are ArcbbiibOii Gluieppe Fer- the Catholic Church still on their ad limma visits that be private elementary schools. its readers “the historical and grierei 031; Newark, D^ retio, aaMMor of the Sacred Con- the loss of Pius XU and Card is studying English almost There are also 128 protective ilttoritl CoofrestUon; Arcbblihop dogmatic context of tbe council troit, 1,288,761; and Los Angeles, Pietro SUiimondl, teeretary of the nightly. He hopes to be ah), to institutions, with 11.5OT youths as well as the factual side of it." inals Samuel Stritch of Chicago 1,243,511. Sacred CossraeanoB for tbe Propi- and Edward Mooney of Detroit speak it within a year. Monsi- Brooklyn continues tbe larg­ in attendance. aatloe aCtbenlUs; Aiehbiabop An- CPA delegates declared that gnor Thomas A. Ryan of the looMi a A e n . tacietaiy of tbe Sa­ the role of the Oriental, or Archbishop Vagnozzi noted est diocese, with 1,473,480. Three New cred CoafreftUoa for Bxtraordlsary that tbe (Catholic press always Vatican Secretariat of State is Others in exceu of 500,000 are fUxleiUtUcal Affairs; Uelklte-Rlte Eastern. Rite of the Church in Seminaries Railllaa Father Acado Couata, ai- will have the job of supplying giving him the lessons. Pittsburgh. 866,446; Buffalo, the planned gathering of the New educational institutions leaaor ol the Sacred Consregatioa information of particular in­ The Pontiffs regular ached- 847,554; Cleveland, 749,072; for the Orteotal Cburch; UoiulCDor world's Bishops will be noted indode three diocesan semi- Caears Zcrba, eecretary o f tbe Sa- particularly in their publica­ terest to Catholics despite the ule of taking lessons is inter­ Rockville Centre, 521.411; Provi- rred CoafrefiUoa of Sacramental fact it often will be dealt with dence 507,238; and Corpus DoiiM established in 1958. Tbe DlKlpUae; tions. rupted only when there la other by the general press. 94 diocesan seminaries report MosflfBor Pietro Palaotnl, eecre- work claiming his attention. He Christi, 504,219. enrollments of 19,602 seminar­ taiy of tbe Sacred Consregattoo of Another resolution concerned There is a difference, he said, keeps an English copy of tbe ibe Coaadl; CUrcUaa Father Ar- ians, an increase of 514, and full support to the "policy of between the handling of Catho­ Imitation of Christ, by Thomas Detroit Leads cadlo Lamona, lecretary of tbe Sa­ 424 novitiates and scholasticates cred CoagregatloB of Rellglouii Uoa- non-appeasement of Soviet Rus­ lic matters by the two presses. a Kempis, on his desk and fre­ In Increase algnor Otiio Staffa, teeretary o f the of the religious orders have sia,” as proclaimed by President The general press deals with Sacred CongregaUoa of Semlnariee quently reads portions of it for Of the 26 archdioceses and 18303 students, an increase of and Unirtm Uet; UonaIgDor Enrico Eisenhower and ibe State De­ them in “a cursory manner and practice. 114 dioceses, including tbe Dante, proeecretaiy o f tbe Sacred partment. Delegates also re­ understandable lack of attention 611—a total of 38,105 candidates Coagr»*Uon of Rltei, aad Domin­ Vicariate Apostolic of Alaska, for tbe priesthood. ican ritb e r Paul PnlUppe, Com- solved to use their resources to to tbe importance or relation of A# D*iaer rA*iuaM 4;A** EpUcopil dignitaries at the 49th 127 reported increues in Cath­ mlatary o f tbe Supreme S M r^ Con- encourage liberal immigration, the event to the total Catholic AT r r e s s LOnVenTIOn. cathouc press convention in Eorollment in Catholic col­ iKfiUon of the Holy Office. [NCWC 300-Year-Vigil Kept olic populations. The largest In­ in view of the 1960 world-wide picture," [NCWC Wire] leges and universities showed Radio and Wire] Omaha, Neb., are pictured above. Archbishop. Egidio Vagnozzi creases are in Detroit. 88,761; an increase of 19,374 in 1998, In Community of Nuns (center)), new Apostolic Delegate to the U.S., gave the principal Buffalo. 88,760: St. LouU, 57.- for a total of 290367. address at the civic banquet. Arcbbiibop Gerald T. Bergan 392; Cincinnati, 46,550. Los Fulltime pupils in Catholic 91 U.S. HEGRO PRIESTS Yonkers, New York.—Cardi­ (left) of Omaha was tbe host to the Catholic press of the nation. Angeles, 46,154; Chicago, 45,- dementary and high sebooU bad nal Francis Spellman presided Bishop Albert T. Zuroweste (right) of Belleville, III., is the 213; Brooklyn, 44,306; Pitts­ a record increase of 180391. at a Pontifical Mass of Thanks­ Episcopal chairman of the NCWC Press Department. burgh. 39,8S'7; Wilmington, 38,- The 1383 parish and diocesan INCREASE OF NEARLY 150% IN 9 YEARS giving at the Blessed Sacrament 765; Boston, 36,460; San Diego, high schools bad 500304 pupils, Bay St. Louis, Hiss.—There Ghost Fathers, three are mem­ and Vincent Smith were or­ Monastery Chapel, for tbe Sacra- 36335; and Honolulu, 35,000. an increase of 13398. Tbe 845 are 91 Catholic American Ne­ bers of the Society of St. Jo­ dained. Father Smith later mentine Nuns' record of 300 For the 13th year in succes­ private high schools with 310,- groes actively engaged in tbe seph. two are in the Society of joined the Trappists and died in years of uninterrupted vigils be­ Cardinal Gets Defense's sion, tbe number of converti 464 increueU by 14315. Pupils priesthood. Since 1990 the num­ St. Edmund, two are Friars 1952. The other three priests fore the Blessed Sacrament. exceeded 100,000, and wu 140- in 9.814 parish elementary ber baa increased from 37 to 91, Minor Conventual, two are will return to the seminary here Esta6li8bed in 1639 by a Dom­ 411 in 1958, bringing tbe schools numbered 3394,001.
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