Hugo Marsh Neil Thomas Plant (Director) Shuttleworth (Director) (Director) Music & Entertainment Auction Tuesday 15th May 2018 at 10.00 For enquiries relating to the auction Viewing: 14th May 2018 10:00 - 16:00 please contact: 09:00 morning of auction Otherwise by Appointment Saleroom One 81 Greenham Business Park NEWBURY RG19 6HW Telephone: 01635 580595 Christopher David Martin David Howe Fax: 0871 714 6905 Proudfoot Music & Music & Email: [email protected] Mechanical Entertainment Entertainment www.specialauctionservices.com Music As per our Terms and Conditions and with particular reference to autograph material or works, it is imperative that potential buyers or their agents have inspected pieces that interest them to ensure satisfaction with the lot prior to the auction; the purchase will be made at their own risk. Special Auction Services will give indica- tions of provenance where stated by vendors. Subject to our normal Terms and Conditions, we cannot accept returns. Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price Internet Buyers Premium: 20.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 24.6% of the Hammer Price Order of Auction Historic Vocal and other Gramophone Records, 1-142 Phonographs and Gramophones Vinyl Records 143-366 Jazz 78’s 367-399 Music Memorabilia 400-508 Music Posters 509-542 Entertainment Memorabilia 543-567 Musical Instruments & Hi-Fi 568-614 Lot 141 Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price Internet Buyers Premium: 20.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 24.6% of the Hammer Price 2 www.specialauctionservices.com Historic Vocal and other Gramophone 10. Twenty-seven German vocal Records, Phonographs & Gramophones records, 10-inch by Bender, Bohnen, Hotter, Keplinger, Knote, Lehmann, 1. Thirty-four English vocal Luria, Meisbach, Pallenberg, Patzak, records, 12-inch, by Booth, Rehkemper, Roswaenge, Runge, Butt, Cheetham, Hyde, Ed Lloyd, Schlusnus, Schneider, Schorr, McCormack, Midgely, Natzke, Radford, Schumann-Heink, Slezak, Tauber (27) Santley, Sherwood, Stevens, Williams £20-40 (34) £20-30 19. Thirty-one bass records, 12- inch by Chaliapin, Garavello, Hann, Hofmann, Jouravlenko, Kipnis (31) £20-40 20. Thirty bass and baritone records, 12-inch by Hermann, Hofmann, Hotter, Knüpfer, Mayr, Narcon, Neroni, Nowakowski, Pinza, 2. Caruso and Martinelli, 12- Rossi-Lemeni, Ruffo, Schutzendorf, inch records (25) £20-30 11. Hesch, 10-inch records (15) Siepi, Tisch, van Rooy, Weber, Weltner, £70-90 Zaporojetz, Zitek (30) £20-40 3. Thirty soprano records, 12- inch by Barrientos, Bettendorf, dal 12. Hesch, 10-inch records (9) 21. Thirty-nine English and Monte, Donalda, Farrar, Flagstad, £60-80 Amercan vocal records, 12-inch by Hempel Galli-Curci, Garden, Geori- Baillie, Hislop, Homer, Johnstone, Boué, Ivogun, Jurinac, Jeritza, 13. Hesch, 10-inch records (8) Labbette, McEachern, McCormack, Kazantseva (30) £15-20 £60-80 Mullings, Mummery, Nash, Natzke, Noble, Peerce, Thornton, Walker, 4. Thirty soprano records, 12- 14. Twenty-one French vocal Watkin Mills, Whitherspoon, Whitehill, inch by Lemnitz, Ljungberg, Melba, records, 10-inch by Affre, Albers, Yarrow (39) £30-50 Patti (5), Pons, Ponselle, Predit, Baugé, Belhomme. Beyle, Cazette, Rethberg, Sack, Schlüter, Schumann, d’Assy, Korsoff, Noté, Pujol, Raveau, 22. Twenty-two bass records, Seinemeyer, Tetrazzini, Vallin, Vincent Vaguet, Weber (21) £20-40 12-inch by Andresen, Bockelmann, (30) £20-30 Giuliani, Hann, Hotter, Neroni, 15. Twenty-nine English vocal Mardones, Piza, Schloeffler, Strienz, 5. Twenty-one contralto and records, 10-inch by Allin, Booth, Szekely, Tajo, Zitek (22) mezzo records, 12-inch by Brems, Buckley, Cox, Dawson, Davies, Duncan, £20-40 Butt, Dolukhanova, Gerhardt, Kirkby- Falkner, Fear, Harrison, Henderson, Lunn, Schumann-Heink, Stignani (21) Heseltine, L’Incognita, Irwin, Labbette, 23. Vaguet, Pathé records, etched £15-20 Marsh, McCormack (29) £15-25 and paper label (16) £30-40 6. Twenty tenor records, 12-inch 16. Thirty-two English vocal 24. Pathé etched label records, by de Creus, Friant, Lorenz, Morrisson, records, 10-inch by McEachern, by Affre, Albers, Alvarez, Belhomme, Pujol, Rogatchewsky, Rosing, Thill (10), Midgely, Mott, Mullings, Nash, Natzke, Beyle, Delmas, Delna, Lafargue, Volker (20) £20-40 Newbold, Pears, Radford, Sherwood, Marignan, Mercadier, Payan, Preve, Teyte, Titterton, Yarrow, Williams (32) Vallandri, plus a 14” disc by Reynolds 7. Mardones, 12-inch records: 5 £15-25 (19) £40-60 Victors, 7 Columbias (12) £30-40 17. Sixteen bass records, 10-inch 8. Mardones, 10-inch records: 1 by Tubiana, Vallier, Vanni-Marcoux (9), Victor, 6 Columbia (7) £30-40 Van Rooy, Vieuille, Weber (16) £20-40 9. Twenty-one French vocal 18. Clara Butt, and others: records, 10-inch by Audiger, Azema, Twenty-five 10-inch and thirty-two 12- Balbon, Billot, Bordon, Boyer, Cazette, inch records; and two acoustic G & S Couzinou, Danges, D’Assy, Delmas, Fox, albums (57 + 2 albums) £20-40 Frozier-Marot, Korsoff, Luart, Marilliet, 25. Pathé paper label records, by Micheletti, Noté, Raveau, Weber (21) Affre, Belhomme, Delmas, Favart, Gall, £20-40 Helder, Rigaux, Villabella (15) £20-40 www.specialauctionservices.com 3 26. Plançon, 12-inch records (15) 47. Twenty-nine French vocal £30-40 records, 10-inch by Auzeneau, Baugé, Beckmans, Ben Sedira, Berthon, Billot, 27. Hesch, 7-inch Berliner 42025 Bordon, Bourdin, Cazette, Demougeot, (Falstaffs Trinklied) £50-70 Devriès (5), Druine, Dupré, Favart, Fugère, Gallois, Geori-Boué, Gresse 28. Maks, 7-inch G&T 2-22008 (29) £30-50 (Ne tai ridanya) £150-250 37. Plançon, Le Vallon (red G&T 032022) and Noel (pink G&T 032032) 29. Slezak, 7-inch Berliner 42081 (2) £20-30 (Siciliana from Cavalleria Rusticana) £40-60 38. Renaud, 12-inch records, Pathé and HMV (10) £60-80 30. Baer, 7-inch G&T 2-32083 (Etoile du Nord) £20-40 39. Renaud, 12-inch records, Pathé and HMV (7) £40-60 31. Hesch, 7-inch G&T 42764 (Dvorak Zigeunermelodie) £60-80 40. Shevelev, 12-inch Russian 48. Twenty-four French vocal black G&T 022119 (Demon) £20-30 records, 10-inch by Hahn, Luart, Printemps, Payan, Planel, Regis, Riter- 41. Slovtsov, 12-inch Artistotipia Ciampi, Rogatchewsky, Syril, Thill, 300/1 (Faust/Lohengrin) £40-60 Vavon, Vallin, Villabella and 3-disc album by Pons (24) £20-40 42. Sobinov Pathé, 11-inch etched label, 27307/27310 (Mi par 49. Twenty-eight vocal records, d’udir/La donna e mobile) £50-70 10-inch by Baklanov, Bent, Björling, Brems, Cecil, Christoff, Coelho, de Gogorza, Dolivo, Islandi, Kemerskaya. 32. 7-inch Zonophone records, Novikova (4), Pirogov, Pollert, Ponselle, by Delcroix, (Pavane); Dutreix, (Les Predit, Sibiriakov, Stork, Szekely, Enfants); Ghasne, (Bonjour Suzon) (3) Zerlinskaya, Zvezdina (28) £25-35 £50-70 50. Twenty-four vocal records, 33. 7 and 8-inch records, by 10-inch by Bjorling, Bonci, Borg, Aumonier (Beka Ideal 6529 Manon); Chaliapin, de Gogorza, Hieber, Journet Bontoux (Odeon 6211 Perichole/ 6216 (10), Pons, Rossi, Schumann, Stracciari Fille du Tambour Major); Patocka (24) £30-40 (Odeon 8662 Magic Flute/8663 Merry 43. Tariol-Baugé, three 10-inch Wives) (3) £30-40 and two 12-inch records, Offenbach, 51. Twenty-two records of music Audran and Lecocq (5) £30-40 by Offenbach, 10-inch by Arnoult, 34. 9-inch Pathé records, by Berthon, Billot, Boyer, Brothier, Yvette Guilbert, Charlesky and 44. Tamagno, 12-inch G&Ts all Dambrine, Delille, Dens, Denya, Mercadier (6) £40-60 from Otello (4) £40-60 Figarella, Lamber, Luart, Marnac, Marsh, Nicod, Oudart, Richardson, 35. 9-inch Pathé records, by Beyle 45. Yershov and Kamionski, 12- Urban (22) £30-40 (Mignon/Rigoletto), Chambon (Faust/ inch record, Yershov 022012 (Prophete Hamlet), Fournets, (Huguenots/ ) /Kamionsky 022130 (Huguenots) 52. Thirteen records of music by Mireille), Gautier (Juive) and Gresse £120-150 Offenbach, 12-inch by Brouwenstijn, (Faust/Huguenots) (5) £20-40 Jadlowker, Luart, Novotna, Singher, 46. Twenty-five Italian vocal Streich, Tubiana, Vaguet, Vallin, Vix 36. 11-inch Pathé records, by records, 10-inch by Battistini, (13) £20-30 Emma Albani (Ave Maria/Largo); Boninsegna, Caruso, de Luca, de Belhomme (Chalet/Domino Noir); Segurola, di Stefano,Gobbi, Lauri- 53. Twenty-seven baritone and Delna (Troyans/Carmen); Didur Volpi, Lazaro, Martinelli, Pinza, Ruffo, bass records, 12-inch by Amato, Arie, (Figaro/Faust); Devries (Lakme); (25) £25-30 Bayle, Beuf, de Luca, Fugère, Gilly, Galvany (Magic Flute/Lucia) (6) Janssen, Gobbi (8), Huberty, Lussardi, £60-80 Szekely, Silveri, Tibbett, Tisch (27) £20-30 Buyers Premium: 17.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 21% of the Hammer Price Internet Buyers Premium: 20.5% plus Value Added Tax making a total of 24.6% of the Hammer Price 4 www.specialauctionservices.com 54. Eighteen French baritone and bass records, 12-inch by Baugé, Journet (11), Marvini, Noel, Vanni- Marcoux, Vieuille (18) £30-40 55. Twenty-eight baritone and bass records, 12-inch by de Luca, Franci, Ivanov, Merrill, Pasero, Rehkemper, Rouard, Ruffo, Schorr, 61. Edison Diamond Discs, by Scotti, Silveri, Stabile, JC Thomas, Case, Hempel, Teyte, Zenatello, 70. Lankow, 10-inch record: Tibbett (28) £15-25 Chalmers, Middleton, Power, van French HMV P686 (Magic Flute/Juive) Brunt, Arden, Premiere Quartet (10) £50-70 £30-40 71. Gilyarov, 10-inch record: 62. French black G&Ts 1902 to Sirena Grand 9629/9633 (Faust, Veau 1904, 10-inch by Affre (14), Beyle, d’or/Serenade) £30-50 Noté (7) (22) £80-100 72. Yvette Guilbert, 10-inch 63. Russian records, 10-inch by records, including black G&T 3736 (I Kazantseva, Lisitsian (5), Plevitskaya, want yer my honey) (9) 56. Thirty-four vocal records, 12- Reizen, Sadovnikov, Sibiriakov, £30-40 inch by Binci, Björling, Chamlee, Gigli, Vialtseva (11) £30-50 Grandi, Lazaro, Lemnitz, Melchior, 73. Eight vocal records, 10-inch Ohms, Onegin, Perras, Schwarzkopf, 64. Vocal records on early by Galvany (53551, Sonnambula); Seinemeyer, Tetrazzini, Thill, Welitsch, and unusual labels, 10-inch by Davidov and Zbruyeva (2-24022, Zenatello (34) £20-40 Brancaleone, de Segurola (4), Dupré, Carmen); Scampini (2-5616 Ballo); Gabbi, Lazaro, Ma?ak, Ma?aka, Naval Shevelev (3-22809/3-22851, Demon), 57.
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