Paqe D-7 THE PRESS W.dn.iday, August 2, 1961 Automobiles for S«lo 200 Aut - obilts for Sal* 200 Automobile* for $ ! 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Salo 200 Automobiles for S«le 200 AutomobiUi for $ ! LINCOLN CONTINENTAL . MERCURY . COMET We Are OVERSTOCKED MOTORS Says: 1962 cars will be introduced early this Nearly 200 Used Cars Year year. Since we hadn't expected this, End CLEARANCE we ordered too many 1961 models. To Choose From We have to clear out all our new Com­ Fords Mercurys Lincoln* WE'VE "FLIPPED" THE PRICE ets and Mercurys plus demonstrators Thunderbirds Chevys Buicks RULES ON OUR ENTIRE IN­ and a few cars used by our executive staff. Present selection of two toning Olds Pontiacs Cadillacs VENTORY OF Plymouth* Dodges Valiants plus styled interiors is choice ... A VEL'SFORD Chryslers Ramblers Larks 1961 MODELS highlight is a group of bucket seat sport Foreign Cars Trucks model compacts. They are "A Real WE "MUST TURN-OVER" Compact Fun Fiesta." These and Dozens More Will Be Sold at EVERY CAR Ridiculous Prices- NOW! B* . * - SAVE $ $ $ BUY NOW SAVE $ $ $ \+ Comet Demonstrator W7 '59 Volkswagen Lincoln Mercury Monterev 4 Door New Car Guarantee Hardtop. Bin engine, Wat $7711.80. Ha* Continental Monterey 7 Door Ghia Coupe 1957 FORD Door Hardtop 1960 FORD power steering, pow­ automatic, big en­ 4 Hardtop. Like new Fairlane "500" Club Victoria 2 Door Hardtop. Ford- er brakes, multi- gine, radio, heater, Air conditioned plus Fully equipped. SUrliner 2 Door Hardtop. Fordomalic. power steer­ drive, radio, heater, fashion group trim, very conceivable ex­ ing, push button radio, heater, white walls. Was $2399 omatic, power steering, radio, heater, padded dash etc. Was IM98.80. etc. tra. Excellent condition. Was $1895 and visors, white walls. Was $1299. PHONE FOR TRADE-IN ESTIMATES OR AN UNHURRIED DEMONSTRATION FROM VoUR HOME Save $500, Now 1899 Save $600, Now '699 OR ... STRAIGHT SOUTH ON THE HARBOR FREEWAY TO 19TH ST. IN SAN PEDRO MM VALIANT 4 Door Sedan. Radio, heater, white walla. Perfect 195t MERCURY low mileage. Was $2299. Montclair 2 l>oor Hardtop. Mercomatic, radio, h«aler, MOTORS padded dash and visors, white walls. Tutone. Was Save $600. Now... '1699 $1099. 1850 S. Pacific, San Pedro TE 3-3577 Save $500, Now S599 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 1959 OLDSMOBILE XTRA 88 Holiday 4 Door Hardtop. Hydra malic, power steer­ ing, power brakes, radio, heater, padded dash, white 1954 OLDSMOBILE walls, tutone. Was $2399. "88" 2 Door Club Sedan. Hydramatic, power brakes, Hawthorne Blvd. radio, heater, tutone, white walls. Was $1009. Plymouth-Valiant XTRA Save $600, Now S1799 Sove $500, Now '599 GIFT TIME JUBILEE REGISTER HERE FOR FREE GIFTS XTRA! 1959 CHEVROLET 1954 BUICK 500* PRIZES FREE Impala 2 Door Hardtop. Powerglide, power steering, NOWHERE ELSE power brakei, radio, heater, tutone, white walls. Century Convertible. Sky blue. Dynaflow, radio, heat­ NEW CAR PRICES Was $2399. er, white walls. Was $599. START AT ......................... '1799 ARE THERE BARGAINS LIKE THESE! USED CAR SPECIALS 1954 Chevrolet '549 1951 Chevrolet Save $500, Now '1899 Save $400, Now 199 'S9 PLYMOUTH DELUXE WAGON.............. $1699 Full Price Full Price ............................. Automatic, radio, heater, wsw. This Is a 4 door, * passenger In D*l Rev 2-door club coupt. 4-cylindtr. Radio, heater, '199 4-door sedan. OCC-aM. perfect condition. power steering, automatic. FWL-447. '57 RAMBLER SUPER 4-DOOR ................. .$999 1957 FORD 1*53 CADILLAC Automatic, radio, heater. Perfact for the family. 1954 Mercury 1954 Ford '57 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN .............. $699 $399 Price ............................... '399 Country Sedan 4 Door Station Wagon. Fordomatic, Fleetwood 4 Door Sedan. Hiydramatic, power windows, Auto., radio, heater, wsw tires. You can't beat this price anywhere. Full Price Full Monterey J-door sedan. V-l. Radio, heater, auto­ 4-door eedan. V-l enihw. Magicaire heater, white walls. Was $1199. radio, healer, tutone, white walls. Was $899. '60 VALIANT V-200 4 DOOR ................... $1799 matic. KRB-482. HFMSJJ Radio, heater, wsw. Rrd in color, perfect condition, *699 '399 '60 FALCON 4-DOOR SEDAN .................. .$1799 Save $500, Now Save $500, Now Automatic, radio, heater. Economy special. THESE CARS ARE GOOD TRANSPORTATION CARS '58 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DR. HDTP. $1099 Auto, power steering, radio, heater, white side wall tires. Perfect IN RUNNING CONDITION Satisfaction Guaranteed on Every A-l Value condition. '56 CHEVROLET 210 2-DOOR .................. $799 THEY WILL BE SOLD Auto, V-8, radio, heater, white side wall tires. Original flnlsn. THIS WEEKEND ONLY FOR ....... Cash or 100% Financing Bank or Credit Union O.K. Immediate Delivery '58 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. HDTP. .................. .$899 Overdrive transmission, radio, heater, white side wall tires. Origi­ nal finish, perfect conditions. First Come First Served? No Dealers lOO'V Financing AvailabU '53 Buick Super Riviera Cpe. '51 Olds 98 4-Dr. Sedan PLYMOUTH VALIANT FIAT V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. NAD-451. JHS-tM 501 HAWTHORNE BLVD. '41 Chevrolet Dlx. Club Cpe. '47 Ford Sedan Delivery OS 9-2521 at 120th OR 8-4956 TOX-49J OPEN TIL 10 P. M. EVERY NlOHT 1-Year Guarantee and 7-Day Trial Exchange Available on Used Cars 1954 Nash Amb. 1953 Chevrolet Full Price '499 Full Prict ... '399 Hardtop coupe. Kyllnder. Radio* heater automatic. tie Club COUP*. HEX-4J4 LWB-SW Torrance 1956 FORD CQUNTY SEDAN A-l GUARANTEED USED CARS Speedy Says: FULL PRICE. .:....._..........,......:...J.......^..........:.....:......,............l................... M99 My wife sketches her Impressions of "how hard I ( passenger. V-l. Radio, heater, automatic, power steering. PJX-141 1420 CABRILLO AVENUE, TORRANCE PHONE FA 8-5014 work." Tho It's lust a hobby, the comes up with tome HIGHWAY 101 AND HAWTHORNE BLVD., TORRANCE PHONE FR 5-5088 cuties that lighten my life. For Instance . THE ONLV THING WEU.THEN.MDU CAN TELl OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS MV CAR THAT'S STILL ft1* TIMI TO 6HT DOWN TO L, KENNETH CHEVROLET RUNNING RIGHT THE CLOCK/ Lot No. 2 Good Value Cars and Trucks Miscellaneous for Sale _ 173 Aft Frvglne* 2"j A 1 HP. Problems? ANP SELECT ONf $17.50 I $20. THFIP HMF NEW CARS Solid Maple Oe*k M» NEED A CAR? AUGUST SPECIAL! THEV'RE THE PINBST 534 No. Hawthorne Blvd. I Rang*« from $15 up to $7S. BEEN BANKRUPT? OBTAINABLE! All kind*. MARITAL PROBLEMS? Hawthorne 0$ 9-2388 4t CUP Coffee Maker Hesteijrant Slj» Electric MO CREDIT DIFFICULTIES? Restaurant Pin |> Cake As Low as BASEBALL Reflardle»t of Olnger't wit, the hlcht UP tome good tuggettlont, Showcase $H ueh at "Why don't I »uUi the Comet t 71 ilnce It't a real Compact Tools, Refrigerators I Antiques 10% DOWN 2 Free Tickets Pun Fletta. It I* too. It't a real family »porf model that appeals to Spectacular Savings on a New 1961 Rambler TM many bargain! to mention. the woman . thick, comfy bucket teatt, iiulde or out lt'» a Cali­ Com* In and see. Delivers Any Car To Dodger gam* at th« fornia ityle beauty and an ea»y handling pleasure. We have a le* Coliseum with purchas* of left In our year-end clearance that we will demonstrate from your KENTUCKY COLONEL USE OUR WEEKLY any now or used car. home or tur showroom. Give ui call, hmmmTT TRADING POST PAYMENT PLAN *o. Vermont DA I BUY, SELL, TRADE Week. Ray t)NI SIXTY-SEVEN MOTORS '56 Olds 98 Hoi. Cp. $10.27 Lincoln Continental Think "Guns" Lie. HXK OSS Comet Mercury '1545 '2195 1850 S. Pacific Ave., San Pedro TE 3-3577 Think "Ames" '55 Buick Rlv. Cpe.. $9.37 '60 FALCON '57 CADILLAC Lie. JXC Of! l-door. standard transmission, heat­ Fleetwood Hardtop Sedan. All ex­ Open Sundays Hue* etgck new I used. Best er. Real sharp. tras Including power steering, prfeea. iuy, Sell, Trada. Tarmt. '55 Pontiae Cat. Cpe. $9.27 brakes and windows. New tires, Handgun headquarters open 10-10, Lie. KRT OM new motor. tuntfv UJ. RAMBLER'S Ames Guns '55 Mere. Hardtop.. .$8.24 DAHM Lie. MNW 7*2 '1695 TRADE PARADE 1MO Plco Blvd. l«nta Monica e «-MlJ '59 CHEVROLET '1895 '55 Chevrolet ..... $7.39 licayne Sedan. Radio, heater, now- PLYMOUTH CENTER Lie. ULP Ml '59 PONTIAC erglide, power steering. Catalina « Door sedan. Radio, heat- Transit Home '51 Cad. Conv. .....$5.23 er, hydramatic. PLYMOUTH-VALIANT '57 model. 48 ft«t long. 2 '51 Chev. Panel $5.19 GIFT TIME JUBILEE bedroom, maple interior. Lie. BMJJf '1245 Register Here for Free Gifts Above Wltti Normal Down '57 CHEVROLET 1395 Convertible. Radio, heater, auto­ '59 FORD _PA 3-4764 ACRIS OP CARS matic. Sharp car. Custom MO Pordor. Fordomatlc, ra­ 5006 PRIZES FREE , dio and heater_____ Y PROFESSIONAL Patl typ* trampo­ line* Ilka naw. Coit 1400. Bast of New Car Prices S17QC far. DA 4J124. CHARLES '745 Shirt at...:................................. ............... 113D IXiCuVlVE type" walnuY~d7*k7~J $795 matching chain. Lamp and blot MOTORS t*rtlBO FR $-703< after 4 p.m _ ^ 15400 Hawthorne Blvd. '56 CHEVROLET '55 CHEVROLET USED CAR SPECIALS "4" 1-door Sedan. Radio, heater, heater, automat­ WN'T JUtJ » e Lawndale 210 4-Door Radio, loat will be found Contact tb« stick sniff. ic. Very sharp. '60 Valiant V-200 4-Door $1795 fln<**r Tin a Tornno* PT«M OS 54367 SP 2-1843 Tore,uefliwfct transmission, radio, heater, w/s/w, wheel covers, deluxe car* Classified Ad. DA pat and other extras. '»o CHEVROLET"'-i-Ton Pickup."9006 actual mllti. S3»3 down, I139S lull price '59 Plymouth 2- Dr. Belvedere V-8 $1195 Automatic, big heater, w/s/w, original white finish. KAZAN MOTORS FRANK REIMAN DRIVE 3 MILES ANY AMOUNT 1301* S. Western, Gardena, DA 4-W13 DA 4-I50I ....1 ..................................
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