TERRORISM A listing of materials available at the Justice Institute Library GENERAL BOOKS Aptitude for Destruction by Brian A. Jackson. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. (HV 6431 J28 2005) http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG331 http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG332 Asian Organized Crime and Terrorist Activity in Canada 1999 - 2002. Washington, DC: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. (HV 6439 C2 H443 2003) http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/pdf-files/AsianOrgCrime_Canada.pdf Bin Laden’s Terror Networks in Europe by Emerson Vermaat. Toronto, ON: MacKenzie Institute. (HV 6433 E85 V475 2002) The Character of Terrorism. Toronto, ON: Mackenzie Briefing Notes. (HV 6431 C427 1996) T Chronology of Terrorism 1990 by Ian Geldard. London, ENG: Intel. (HV 6431 C477 1991) E Citizen’s Guide to Terrorism Preparedness by Richard Stilp and Armando Bevelacqua. Clifton Park, R NY: Thomson Learning. (HV 6432 S754 2003) R O Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism Around the World by Stewart Bell. Etobicoke, ON: Wiley. (HV 6433 C2 B45 2007) R I Community Preparedness and Response to Terrorism edited by James A. Johnson, Gerald R. Ledlow, and Mark A. Owiek. Westport, CT: Praeger. (HV 6432 C654 2005 – 3 volumes) S M Coping with Crisis: The Management of Disasters, Riots, and Terrorism edited by Uriel Rosenthal, Michael T. Charles, and Paul ‘t Hart. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas. (JF 1525 C74 C67 1989) The Corporate Security Professional's Handbook on Terrorism by Edward Halibozek, Andy Jones, and Gerald L. Kovacich. Boston, MA: Butterworth Heinemann. (HV 8290 H325 2008) Counter-Terrorism for Emergency Responders by Robert A. Burke. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (HV 6431 B866 2018) Countering New(est) Terrorism: Hostage-Taking, Kidnapping, and Active Violence: Assessing,Negotiating, and Assaulting by Bruce O. Newsome, W. James Stewart, and Aarefah Mosavi. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. (HV 6431 N493 2018) 715 McBride Blvd New Westminster, BC V3L 5T4 Phone: 604.528.5599 www.jibc.ca TERRORISM Countering Radicalization of Diaspora Communities in Canada by Richard B. Parent and James O Ellis III. Vancouver, BC: Metropolis British Columbia. (HV 6433 C2 P273 2011) https://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/policestudiescentre/Publications/Publiction_Parent_Counterin g%20Radicalization.pdf Countering Terrorism by Martha Crenshaw and Gary LaFree. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. (HV 6431 C756 2017) Counterterrorism by Marie Helen Maras. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. (HV 6431 M363 2013) Counterterrorism and Contingency Planning Guide edited by Sherry Harowitz. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Industrial Security. (HV 6431 C683 2001) The Counterterrorism Handbook: Tactics, Procedures, and Techniques by Frank Bolz, Jr., Kenneth J. Dudonis, and David P. Schulz. Boca Raton, FL.: CRC Press. (HV 6431 B65 2011) Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism by Robert W. Taylor … [et al.]. New York, NY: Pearson. (HV 6773 T39 2019) Disorders and Terrorism: Report of the Task Force on Disorders and Terrorism. Washington, DC: National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals. (HV 6492 T3 N2 1976) Dissuading Terror: Strategic Influence and the Struggle against Terrorism by Kim Cragin and Scott Gerwehr. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corp. (HV 6431 C723 2005) Domestic Terrorism: An Overview. Washington, DC: National Criminal Justice Association. (HV 6432 D647 1999) Emergency Preparedness for Transit Terrorism by Annabelle Boyd and John P. Sullivan. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. (HE 4456 B693 1997) Emergency Response Guide to Terrorism by Clark L. Staten. Chicago, IL: Emergency Response & Research Institute. (HV 6431 S728 1997) Emergency Response to Terrorism: Self-Study. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance. (HV 6432 E447 1999) Emergency Response to Terrorist Attacks by Leslie Ann Miller. Stillwater, OK: Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University. (HV 551.3 E486 2009) Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences by Martin C. Libicki, Peter Chalk, and Melanie Sisson. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. (HV 6432 L53 2007) http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2007/RAND_MG483.pdf Explosion of Hate: The Growing Danger of the National Alliance. New York, NY: Anti-Defamation League. (HV 6250.25 E964 1998) 2 TERRORISM False Security: The Radicalization of Canadian Anti-Terrorism by Craig Forcese and Kent Roach. Toronto, ON: Irwin Law. (KE 9007 F67 2015) Final Report on Basic Issue Seminar: The Impact of Terrorism and Skyjacking on the Operations of the Criminal Justice System edited by Ronald D. Crelinsten and Danielle Laberge-Altmejd. Montreal, QC: International Centre for Comparative Criminology, Universite de Montreal [in cooperation with] Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Maryland. (HV 6431 B385 1976) First to Arrive: State and Local Responses to Terrorism edited by Juliette N. Kayyem and Robyn L. Pangi. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (HV 6432 F57 2003) Frameworks for Higher Education in Homeland Security by the National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Educational Paradigms for Homeland Security. Washigtion, DC: National Academies Press. (HV 6432 N383 2005) http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11141.html Requires free signup. The Freedom of Security : Governing Canada in the Age of Counter-Terrorism by Colleen Bell. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. (JC 599 C3 B44 2011) The Future of Al-Qaeda: Results of a Foresight Project. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Security Intelligence Service. (HV 6432.5 Q2 F883 2013) https://www.csis.gc.ca/pblctns/wrldwtch/2013/20130501_eng.pdf The Future of Terrorism: Violence in the New Millennium edited by Harvey W. Kushner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (HV 6432 F87 1998) Handbook on Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism drawn from texts prepared by Yvon Dandurand. New York NY: United Nations. (HV 8079 T47 D264 2009) Hunting Terrorists: A Look at the Psychopathology of Terror by Joe Navarro. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher. (HV 6431 N387 2013) In Their Name: Dedicated to the Brave and the Innocent, Oklahoma City, April 1995 edited by Clive Irving. New York, NY: Random House. (HV 6432 I5 1995) Investigating Religious Terrorism and Ritualistic Crimes by Dawn Perlmutter. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. (HV 8079 O25 P47 2003) Leading from the Front: Law Enforcement’s Role in Combating and Preparing for Domestic Terrorism: The International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Response to the Attacks on the United States of America on September 11, 2001. Alexandria, VA: International Association of Chiefs of Police. (HV 6431 L424 2002) Learning from the Octopus: How Secrets from Nature Can Help Us Fight Terrorist Attacks, Natural Disasters, and Disease by Rafe Sagarin. New York, NY: Basic Books. (HV 6431 S224 2012) The Little Book of Trauma Healing: When Violence Strikes and Community Security is Threatened by Carolyn Yoder. Intercourse, PA: Good Books. (RC 552 P67 Y63 2005) 3 TERRORISM The Martyr’s Oath: The Apprenticeship of a Homegrown Terrorist by Stewart Bell. Mississauga, ON: J. Wiley & Sons Canada. (HV 6248 J22 B44 2005) The Master Plan: ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory by Brian H. Fishman. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. (HV 6433 I722 I854 2016) The McGraw-Hill Homeland Security Handbook: Strategic Guidance for a Coordinated Approach to Effective Security and Emergency Management edited by David G. Kamien. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. (HV 6432 M386 2012) Mental Health Response to Mass Violence and Terrorism: A Training Manual. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services. (RC 480.6 M465 2004) The Mind of the Terrorist: The Psychology of Terrorism from the IRA to al-Qaeda by Jerrold M. Post. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. (HV 6431 P669 2007) Misunderstanding Terrorism by Marc Sageman. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. (HV 6432 S233 2017) My Journey into the Heart of Terror: Ten Days in the Islamic State by Jürgen Todenhöfer. Vancouver, BC: Greystone Books. (HV 6433 I722 T633 2016) National Emergencies: Canada’s Fragile Front Lines: An Upgrade Strategy: Report of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defense. Ottawa, ON: The Senate. (HV 551.5 C2 N284 2004) http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/3/parlbus/commbus/senate/com-e/defe-e/rep-e/rep03mar04-e.htm. National Policy Summit: Building Private Security, Public Policing Partnerships to Prevent and Respond to Terrorism and Public Disorder: Vital Issues and Policy Recommendations. Washington, DC: Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, United States Dept. of Justice. (HV 6432 N286 2004) National Technology Plan for Emergency Response to Catastrophic Terrorism edited by Thomas M. Garwin, Neal A. Pollard, and Robert V. Tuohy. Oklahoma City, OK: National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism. (HV 6432 N386 2004) Other People’s Wars: A Review of Overseas Terrorism in Canada by John C. Thompson and Joe Turlej. Toronto, ON: Mackenzie Institute. (HV 6433 C2 T464 2003) OVC Handbook for Coping After Terrorism: A Guide to Healing and Recovery. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime. (HV 6431 O834 2001) http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/infores/cat_hndbk/welcome.html Patrol-Level Response to a Suicide Bomb Threat: Guidelines for Consideration. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum. (HV 6432 P285 2007) Police Analysis and Planning for Homicide Bombings: Prevention, Defense, and Response by John W. Ellis. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. (HV 8079 B62 E55 2007) 4 TERRORISM Policing in the Post 9/11 Era by Frederick Desroches. Ottawa, ON: Research and Evaluation Branch, Community, Contract and Aboriginal Policing Services Directorate, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (HV 6432 D477 2005) http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/003/008/099/003008-disclaimer.html?orig=/100/200/301/rcmp- grc/policing_post911-e/PS64-26-2006E.pdf Preparedness in America’s Schools: A Comprehensive Look at Terrorism Preparedness in America’s Twenty Largest School Districts edited by Steven Brill.
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