![December 1947](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
r ''·· . _,OPERATING IENGIN·EERS LOCAL 3 STATIONARV.· ENGINEERS LOCAL 39 VOL fiVE~ No. 12 SAN 'FRANCISCO. CAUF.. .( ' 100,000,000 tate y OFFICIAL NOTICE TO- M ~ MBERS .,··('· f .. , ~ ~ · ~.-~ .. ~ .... ; .. -l J l Vefercms' information I]Thr&w Wealthy ij Report oflast meeting j ~ The meeting wa-s caHed' to order at 8:10p.m., ·,p~eN ~ ~---------JB.... y,......lO_S_E..,.P-H- -. --RI--_L_E_.Y_.. ________ .,-l Farmers ·Out ·of . President ; Clancy lB:Q_~iness Repre::;entaih.;re, local ::l ·s· ,. A. ~~~l~~~r~:;;sc:~le::~;~ · eil all officers present. There were approxi..vilateiy 1 Reg-ular lVIeeting minutes of November Jl. read and . It hCtS lb~cen :reliably e~tim~led ihaft private cons'irudion ~ '·. ena' ,Jei it' . ·J; m:' A SY?OPS~ of the · · · by motion approved as read. ·only building onreNihird of the ann:ua1 need, \ODd only about one- · · l ' .ll.') I 1\'Ieeting held in Salt Lake Ci_ty, Utah, on t • - . · ' - - · · · • · . • Th,e minu.tes of the Sl,)ecial 23 m1d by motion approved as rea:d. ~inth of the annual rental need .. lPubiil(: housing can only serve San FranClSCo...,-Calilorma Novembe1· 1·ead in dire .n:eed under the AFL unions are responding A synopsis of the Executive Board minutes of ~ovember 12 and Qf ··a very small segment of the people Deceniber 3 read and the acts and recommendations of the Board were by motion approved as read. l( ~ .modest progratl_l planned. overwhehningly to the opening fro;n t~1e Fire a:nd Police Cam_paign. G.I. LOANS GO TO architects, contractors and engi· of the 1948 cmnpaign by the A le~ter of thanks was received of the Umon m endorsmg· Charter Amend· ' PJERCE~"TAGE neers, and assign111ents to make· S ' F d- . f l · b d . Conumttee for the support SM:ALL tate e eraho~ o a or e- ment No. n. Received and file~I. ns t_he -VA in sp~ctim.ls "'-'_ill be m, ad_e , . Only 6 W_0 _rld War n vet_era ._ I F ito re-ap·poriion the A_ _ letter of thanks was received from the Smmy Hills_ Orphanl).ge f l _ signed ·' F d f t "'- , out of .every- 10.0 .....a ve re_ceive_d I _rom. .t lese Iostei.s ... _.ees fo_r t_lus , " . anu arm an rom ·he ,_,.cratnento City and County Youth ·services '' Received and filed. home loans under tl)e G.I. bill, se~vice are borne lllltlally I:?Y .he states cow-county f?enaire and CommUte.e, for contributions. from Helen S. Lewis and Mrs. Lillian while only two vets out of every bm~der , lender or spOl1SCH', ,but a de f e ,at all legislat-ors who-I Cards of thanks were , rec~ived ·have obtained· farm -loans proportionate share of ~ his cost f d . h . f · Carlson a,ild family. Receiv.ed and filed. thousand read as the second and final readipg: through the same provision, VA re- may be charged against each vet- avore · t e VlClOUS Ta i-Hartley I The fqllowlng resolution :\vas 0 L U T I 0 N · vealed ihis \yeek. eran ;vho may later buy a home law. R E S this day forth no. pe_rson is author- VA's statiment showing t he . in ~he deveiopment \vi£h a V A- 1 The campaign gets under way . RESOLVED: .That from to be autho~·Ized to. ~ct, for. or trend .of . these loans In vc:trious guar_a~t_e;q. loan. with the ddve .fqr several hundred ~zed t? act, .or . •~ to be dee~~ed - d t . t on behalf of this Local Umon for fhe pmposes of collective sections of the country backed up Prelmmu'l.ry plans have a.IJ:rea·d'v tl oi1 sa d 5 t -- . d 0 - · · . · - · . • 1 n lgna Ul es. nee e ge · bargaining handling of grievances or .economic action except person authorized ·by the Manager a recent survey \vhiCh indicated be.en m~de $o ;'ut t~e plan .m oper- the reapportionment issue on the I the M!J,u11ger a.ud any · other 1 shilll be and is h'ereby required to that m<?re than half the Vet- · atu~n .. m Cahform.~, A f z.o n ~ • ballot. iin .writing, and said person ot, r,equested. erans of World _War II have receiv- ~ Nevada and !fiawau, :'cco:rding to To finance this program, the 1 display said authority when seconded that the resolution lbe adopted ed no }?enefits whatsoever from the Arno!d A. :\~il~~n, chief _of> Loan State Federation is asking a per 1 lit was regularly moved atrd 1 all state as the second .and final r~adi~~· Carried unanimously. G.I. bill. ,·-.· · · _ . - 1Gua,r~llnte~ n:vlsio~t, YA JB~anch 1~. capita contribution from read as the second and final reading: Veter'ai1s of the ·west coast area; q~aljfi1:1d fee _ basi~ ~~s~e.ctors are AFL unions. The response thus far Tqe fololwmg resolution was 0 .L UTI 0 N • . have the .highest percentag~ of i bem~. addecl to the lAs panel of has been excellent and should con- _ RES this day forth no shop or JOb s~e.w- home loans with a r;ecord of one app~·m.sers. - tinue until it is compietely repre- RES(_)LVED: That. from th new· ~p . .-· · ard ihas any authority whatsoever -to suggest request direct . · -- -' ··: .. · Bv" 1·naugurat1'ng- . e m" ec- sentat1ve ·accordmoo to Pres. John I . • . .. ' · ' . G.I. home loan for every ten vets. a or .command any member ot this Local Umon to do or to re· · • - --- -.. · ,_ · , · · . tnm serviCe VA- for the first time . · ' · · "' : and no member may be It V(as annou;nced recently t.hat . · _ . ' .- · . - , . · Shelley an~ Secy. Nell Hag.,erty. , :ifram from doing· any act whatsoever directly the functiOn of B»"' sn1A"'TSO"'T AIDS -~ . .. · · . - -. ' . · .. ·' .. · ·plu bu·ild'ngs at Camp 1s assumma .l.l • ., i!bSCipJmed by thiS LQcal U,'mon ~or dom~ Ql' fl\dm_g t o do am..r 500. Su I l> ' . l . - ~ ' ,• <c· . - • ' • c ~- > >...u. n; n 0 by reason o.f 11-ny sug.gestwn, request, direction Be~le ~ould 1:>? ·put up for saJe.J assun_ns- prqper construct!~~ _nom J?_ro. VI_ctor Swanson,. Local act 'V~~ttsoever JOb steward:rand after the first of -the .year. These. plannmg stage to c.omp~etw~ - of busmess manager, who rs one of or command of any sl)op or I That the dutie~ .of aU shop units wo11ld be sold to veterans to houses built for . s,al~ -t o ve!erans the San franCisco Q.istrict vice- lBE IT FURl'HER, RESOLVED: , and they1are her~by expr_essly limited house ther;nselv e~ and their; f~~ - with G. I. loan 1'inancing. VA made presidents of the ·Federation, has 1 or job st~wards sh~l• be 1 of the shop or Job, as the case may ilies. File 'immediately with your it clear that t he agency is not ac- been actively assisting preliminary to observmg. t?e conduc~ and officers. A certified cepti~g t~~s _re~p - ons ibil~ty lightly, work by the state executive board _ll>e , ll.lll-~ recCivmg repo-rt~ of and in~estigating - ~rievances count_ -Y~ service I office of this Loca:l Umon. -: or -photostatic copy of discharge stressmg m Its mstructwns to t he on this important drive. reportm~ the same to the f th d- .· d . o- .!It was regularly nlQved ~~d s~conde~ that this resolution be adopted .' -. t d - t' field office that the "procedure car- Th 1 0 1 · Carried unanimously mus t oe. piesen e. on app1 Ica .wn. · . · . · · ,. at P lase . e nve ea m.., 1as the second and final reading· with anti-union legislators \Vill be I Report of the G-eneral Sec;·etary-Treasurer was 'read by President nes WI~h It gt:ave Im ~ll catwns. " · VA mspectwns Will not be re- carried out in the form of an edu- Clancy. · d · .. t · 'tl k . VA A-1'\\NOUNCE$ --ThllEU' HOlY!!E :vl ~ w~ r · c~tiona~ campaign cove.ring ~he Th.e JfoU.Qwing members were reported ill: Bros. Emil Selzle,_ Ra;v INSPECTION )PLAN quire. , m .c~ nnec wn Jimmy supe1vis ed :o:;- the Fedelal Housmg state w1th the purpose ohnformmg C. Anderson, Reed Rudy, Fre" H. Jackson, W.alter Freylach, Wilson, J . E. Wind.ham, ~. Q-. C~zier, In a move aimed at improving Administration. union membership and the public ~ Zunip.o, Buford Wycoff, .Clarence .G. _Ber-gquist, Georg~ R. Stevens, H~r­ 't he guality of veterans ne·wly bl.}ilt . Prqvision is made for tempqrary in general as to the attitudes . of Jack '!'. Woodaii, Donald Blair, Kenp.eth 1\'IcGll;,ha, B.atnck Qonohue, Irvm homes, Veterans Administration continuation of previous VA regu- those conaressmen and senators old H. ~arper, George P.erry, _ Howard, John ;Louis ._ Watt, E. W~ · announced inauguration of a plan lations in the case of project where who committed themselves against Cavanaugb: Harley Davidson, G~or.ge H. C. P?t).ll L. Young, ~: W. St?U, Vl>,. inspection of tl1e houses construct~on has alr:ady s t a~'ted. I labor by voting for the labor-bust- Fop.lger, V1ctor M. W?odard, Todd~ for C?arles Craft, James E. cp.Ism, Ju~I-U.S whiie they. 'are under constr uction. Therea~ter , :VA said, defimte cer·- in Taft-Hartley law. LlOl.onard Kendall, J. \l. Watters, . ·' . Gonzales, H. D. Rei11ers, Sr., J. E .
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