•~.-.T~- - •--.'•a--..'^~ yyr MOST PROGRESSIVE WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" Vol. VI.—-No. 32 FORDS, N. J., Friday, October 24, 1941 PRICE THREE CENTS Tow Service The Campaign Is On! New Club Is Prosecutor Considering 'Racket' Halt Mayor Greiner Asks Inspection of Republican Record During Past Eight Years Opened Here Action In Train Wreck Samon3 Says G. O. P. Promise To Help Township Not Fulfilled and Urges Change Will Confer With Keating Township Aim WOODBRIDGE—In the first show of life demonstrated in the present local election campaign which Democrats On Alleged Admission comes to a close a week from Tuesday, representatives of both major parties issued public statements last night. The texts cl these communiques are printed in full herewith: Rescue Squads, Doctors By Engineer Adams Committee Considers Ordi- Headquarters In New Bruns- Republican Democratic wick Avenue Opened POSSIBILITY OF CRIMINAL nance To Fix Charge "Up to this point," declared Mayor August P. "My interests have always been in Wood- Flock To Wreck Scene Greiner, who is running for re-lection unopposed, bridge Township'', John Samons, Democratic Tuesday Night NEGLIGENCE IS SCANNED For Use Of Wrecker "no issues have been raised by our Democratic candidate for thc Township Committee from the opponents for the simple reason they have none third ward told an audience at the Sewaren Motor TO BE OPEN DAILY UNTIL WOODBRIDGE—With the entire state "disaster-minded" and Railroad Superintendent An- to raise. Boat Club last night. h every community geared up to act quickly in case of emer- LICENSING PROVIDED ELECTION NEXT MONTH gency, Wcodbridgc had a preview Tuesday- of what might tic ex- nounces Acceptance Of "A comparison of thc history of the Township "I was born in the Township, attended the pected to happen if a disaster did occur. INSPECTION PERMITTED since 1934, and prior, quickly demonstrates this Woodbridge Schools and high school and am now Blame By Employee fact. We took control of the Township in the Within a short time after Ihe crash, police, rescue squads, employed by the Reading Company in the Town- Combined Units To Sponsor ambulances, doctors and nurses from all over thc slate began to darkest period in its history, when debt was piled ship. Naturally I am concerned with the welfare *Crui*ing' On Local High- upon debt, when public employes and school Card Party Wednes- pour info the Township. Fortunately they were not needed for the WOODBRIDGE — Possibilities of of the community in which I have lived all local ambulance and ambulances from the surrounding communi- criminal action against Edward teachers were going payless, when thc affairs my life," he said. day Night ways Forbidden; Public of the community in which I have lived all ties took care of all thc injured. Twenty minutes after the wreck Adams, of Upper Darby, PH., en- Continuing the Democratic candidate stated occurred all casualties had been taken care of and ihere was no gineer of thc New York to Phi- was our election pledge that we would devote all FORDS—The Fords Men's and, ladelphia. Local that flpurcd In the Hearing November 3 of our energies to correcting these conditions. that Woodbridge Township "has. because of Us further need of Tescue equipment. 1 fortunate location, the brightest future of any Women's Democratic Club, 'at a] In addition to <hc local emergency Mjuail and police others collision with the crack Washins- "I submit—and offer the cold facts to sub- municipality in the county". joint meeting Tuesday night, offi- ! ton-hound Embassy Limited here WOODBRirXJE^-In an effort to stantiate me—that we have kept our promise. who were on the scene and offered h< > were the MIon-ing: West field. Rahway, Elirabcth, Plainfield. Rutherford and Kosellc j-on Tuesday, seemed likely IOJF,- prevent the cruising of wreckers Woodbridge Township in eight years has had a "For eight long years", Mr. Samons declared, ; after his alleged admission of rr- on. Township highways and to eli- re-birth. A rigid policy of tax collections has "you have been promised by the Republican police; ambulances from Garwood's First Aid Squad. Elizabeth nue. With John Ryan in charge, Emergency Hospital, Elizabeth; Elizabeth General Hospital; Moun- ! sponsibillty for thc crash to 1> minate the possibility of exhor- (Continued on Page Six) the clubrooms will be open daily.' tainside Rescue Squad, Karitan Township First Aid Squad. Essex V. Grddcs, superintendent of the bltant towing charges, an ordi- George Haney, Perth Amboy at- County 40 and 8. Cedar Grove First •'<! Squad, Overlook Hospital New York division of the Penn- nance to license wrecXcrs and set- torney, and Commifctceman Charley with a dector and two nurses; Little ' Us Fire Department, Cran- sylvania Railroad. ting maximum rates, was intro- J. Alexander, speaking to a large • ford First Aid Squad, Perth Amboy Fire Department First Aid The admission, according to Gari- duced on first reading at a meet- Swales Named As Coach audience, discussed theissues of thc i and Rescue Squad. cios, was made at a closed hrnr- Ing of the Township Committee current campaign both from county ^ OTHERS TO RESPOND ing yesterday at which Adams Is Monday night. A public hearing and local angles. Also Somervillc First Aid Squad. South Bound Brook First Aid alleged to have testified tlipt he. and final reading will take place Too! Company Leases Member of the organization voted Squad, Palisades Tark First Aid Squad, North Hudson Hospital, had passrd a stop signal pet For Firemen's Minstrel to communicate with the board of against him, November 3, at eight o'clock in Union City Police ambulance in charge ff chief, commissioner of the Memorial Municipal Building. Township Building freeholders with regard to paving public safety with four doctors and Iiur nurses. DuncHcn res- Prosecutor John A. Lynch .13id sidewalks on the new by-pass road. last night that his department had cue squad, Verona Rescue Squad, Plainfield Police ambulance. 1 The ordinance states that "™\ Armual Show To Be presented By Raritan Company On in Keasbpy to insure safety of i East Rutherford Police Emergency Squad, Raritan Arsenal, two made no InvpsUjratlon to date, bu wrecker shall be operated here-, CLARA BARTON —County school children going to and from, 1 that Adams' alleged admission or Industrial Commissioner Peter ; ambulances; Roselle police ambulance, Rrd Cross units from riain- after upon the streets of the January 23; Casting To Be Started Immediately school. fleld. North Plalnfleld and Elizabeth, and Arlington Rescue Squad. j blama put an entirely dlfTrrrtu Township of Woodbridfje, without II. Kroeger this week announc- Mrs. William Brose, president of, , complexion on the picture. Hi thc owner, lessee or bailee there- ed that the Middlesex Guage & the woman's group, and Commit- : I fflld he would Uiiiwh a thoroir • of, first obtaining a license from PISCATAWAYTOWN—At a meeting of the general Tool Company Joased the Mil- teeman Alexander pledged th?ir, ; investigation and would co:if?r wILh the Building Inspector of the committee in charge of arrangements for the annual minstrel ton Gross building on Wood- support to Democratic candidates.' Fords P.T.A. Plans Card I Police Chief Qo.avg?. E. Kcat-'r". Township of Woodbridge which, , r Q •.. r • /•> MI -,.<. i_ bridge Avenue, near Amboy Another meeting of the unite ( who together with Captain Jo'"'' shall be issued to expire on the show of Karitan Engine Company No. 1, assistant coaches will take place at the club n?xt, : TTpan and Detective Sergeant Avenue, for three years. , Geo-go Ballnt. have .Hist nb:u' 31st, day of December, next sue- arid committee chairmen were named. The show will be Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. A card •' 1 ceeciing the date of issuance, un- , »- The company manufactures party will also take place the fcl-' i-mnpletrd their invr^Lip.'tlmi. T precision instruments and has, Party And Minstrel Show less sooneb r suspended or revoked presented January 15. lowing night, Wednesday. Jo-cph by the Building Inspector. The Thomas Swales, Sr. is again serving as coach and its general offices in New York A. Dambpch was named chairman 111 diet men t Topslblc fee to be paid for such license . City. of the affair. "If thfi i-csults of tin inve-.il- j chalrmachairmann anandd aassistant Arrangement Made At Meeting Of Group Wednesday; shall Marcell Roth, president ot S'Ation prove criminal ncell&mc* lars be the sum ol nve doi- coaches inciude Kenneth Wait, Committee Chairmen AUo Announced ' on the part of Adam.''," Lyn-ji I Josepph Ambrosio and Joseph Gov- the corporation, will be in per- ' raid, , "chen of cours?, it is an Provision for inspection of the ernale. Members of the general sonal charge of the local plant. Fords Troop To Hold indictable offense. Tf it wis pur; wreckers by the Building Inspec- j committee include Paul Berrue, The Gross building, a two-story FORDS—The meeting of the Parent-Teacher Associ- . r.L'cldrnt, thc ma tier will In tor is also made In the ordinance! Oscar Pillar, Robert Eilmyer. structure, has 8,000 square feet. and the latter is empowered to Firc Onief Ezra Grant, Harold ation of School No. 14, held at thc school Wednesday after- "establish reasonable rules and, Walter Rush. The plant will be ready for o dm- Drake and Honor Court Nov. 14noon, featured the planning for two activities and the naming , by the local police, .'.how ilia; regulations for the inspection and: casting of the show will be operation within two or three 1 operation of 'wreckers' and for the I t once and local resi- Observes 9th Year Of Service weeks.
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