_-^,.^*,~.*v. —- -,.;•' TUESDAY,MARCHJOt, JgjT Dean /Ruth G. Wxigiitf Sto)^ yesteMay that, "a rey trill be taken to help the Fees Spending Committee decide how to allocate the hack foods it has now accurau- ed €rom the Veterans Administration.rt afl pay a sttKJentactivity fee of IMrector of the-^Jew York office 50. The VA pa&*r this it with the other fees »d to the OoBefie. The money side by the VA for has been received by this Dedicated to Students al- By Frank Cortate t! maay Lexicon, 1949, will cover a wider scope than has been ltie ^MJ*e ^ie practice in former years, it was announced last week by *x= ^ed for ma^y terms ualto approximately S2J0OO. Hairy Berner, editor-Hvchief of Lexicon, !49^=_ _ Cdf71** Tecs Sjjrmlhig Committee, The yearbook will contain ^ licit has been given the respoo- history of the graduating class ity for_j>lanningLthe expendi- since the beginning of the class -e of these funds, is currently Today is the last day for the in—the school: a review of - ]ciding how to allocate them. filing of elective and speciali- sports events of the school jfair^ pdjuuattee action is limited Thy~ -sea^oo—cards- for 4ne fall and-. ing the last four years, includ­ ro obligations: (1) The money summer semesters, announced ing basketball/football and the List be^spent for something per- Bliss. Agnes ftfulligan, Regis­ minor sports, phis the stories of o^ ^nent which wffl be bt the most trar of the School of Business. the leading school organizations, Table Conference" on to the greatest ntxmber of such as TICKER, Tneatro*^-a«d Palestine immediately prior to 42> city regulations Student Council. It will also con. tfie White Paper. tain photographs of the admin­ / before receiving istrative heads of the school, oT some of the: instiuctors^g> each appointments, Mr. Lourie department-and of all life sub­ Political. Secretary of the Jewish scribing graduates of the class Agency in London where he be- Tn an effort to present the Cornelius Ahearxu assistant c^ ent for the nmth flooi^ perma- -of^®, — comptroller of the Colorado Fu^l~ came associated with I>r> Chafan best in films to City College stu­ The cover will be leatherette ^rji Trt storage lockers for student dents, the Social Activities Com­ & Iron Company, will address Weizmann, then president of the eanxzatkms, and a permanent with "Lexicon, 1949" written in the Accounting Society on '"The agency. At a later-date, he was mittee of Student Council an­ script—across the .front- Its di­ weM^ book, lending library. * Comptroller's Position in Indus­ the secretary of_ the .American nounced the acquisition of the mensions will be- 7*4 " by 10%/' dc "Hie Committee wiM appreciate film "Cluny Brown** which will try*" at 12u$0 en Thursday/ in Zionist Emergency Council. He :d carefully weigh any sugges- instead of its former dimensions, 1220. be shown Thursday at 12 in 4S. acted on behalf of the Jewish. >ns made by the student^body. 10" by 12." Lexicon, 1949, wflTbe A former instructor at CpNY. -closed in this issue is a blank "Cluny Brown" is the-story of the first issue of the magazine Mr. Ahearn-~wlll contrast public, Agency in 1943 on the Anglo- a lass who became a ^plumber which each student\can offer to be dedicated to the- students with private coinptroUershtp and American Committee of Inquiry __and offered severe competition -y comments or suggestions and the city, rather than to some elaborate on the relationship of in Jerusalem. to the best males in the profes*- joot the aDocatam of these member of the faculty: the position with-respect^/to the iMr. Lourie comes from a well- sion. Jennifer Jones.plays the Of the 1200 graduating stu­ organizational structure bf man­ known Zionist family, his father lead in the-film- Student members of the Coin- dents, 990 have—subscribed to agement. • \ /. ~ being connected with the--South iztee- include Hank Metsel. rep*, Other films to be sponsored by Lexicon. One-third of the sub­ _The Society's executive offi­ Africa Zionist Federation. - -seating Student Council, Gene Student Council are "Anna and scribers have-already paid the cers will also introduce a new- Saturday at S:30, tiwe' seven an stanbtut, ' representing 1MB, the;King^of Sainv^whieh^will^be- $7.50 subscription puce. All sub- system for membership, rating- metropolitan units of Hillel will _"se7a J d -Ralph Ginzburg. represent- . presented the following week. scribers who have not yet paid This rating, based on active par-_ present "Hillel Cavalcade" in the THE TICKER. Faculty man­ "Hangover Square." "The Moon are urgedjby Kate Menasse^ Bus­ ticipation in the Accounting So­ Hunter College auditorium. The 's- are Dean Ruth CWrfght, Is Down," and "Phantom ot the iness Manager, to pay before ciety, will provide a7 basis for review will mark the . Silver Charles-aerhardt and Itf. ~ Optfra,""wilr-he shown in" suc­ March 30 as Lexicon must get advancement and. privileges for Jubilee of the **ew York Hillel ceeding weeks. the money to pay the engraving, -industrious members/ organizations. -printing, photography and other bills, or the-book- wnich-Js sched­ uled to.appear in JuheT will neld up:— ^ .--Anyone-.with pictures o? any of the athleiic teams is urged to bring them to 927 ad Lexicon '_ Bv Joan Karpf locate them in Israel, the United may^be~aBIe~~~t&~\zsierxhemr "When— v States,—England and other Euro-* bes inois; the Kudner Agency, Inc., the problems presented by major -^vvTfn~ Bui& a'Bri^cTse^to^aT^^v v Lexicon is published^ the sub­ Life for Our Peopif" as the na- pean countries. In addition, Irw York City; and Radio Sta- diseases,*' Dr. Peatman said- "Excellefti taste was shown in scribers will be notified by post ^tionalsiojgan, Killeli the Newman. money wiJl^ be spent on. securing n WEEL Boston, Massachu- explaining the viewpoint of the card when to pick their copies" Club and the Christian Associa- eQua} lights, strong community up. * este ts. have been selected to—ge- afflicted and what society must . tjpn are acting as co-sponsors in iite, welfare and cultural agen­ ve bronze plaques/ thfe\ top understand." The program is a drive lasting from March 28 to cies and a more secure future 7 elites of_tb« City NCoiiege of sponsored by Johnson and John­ Aj>r*112 to raise SlCOCX) for thx' :'cr all. imel• «rw York for «uts UB ding son, Inc. * Near East ISxpert United Jewish- Appjeal. The Day_ Session drive will last iV€ hievenient in Radio and Tele- Dr. Peatman pointed out that —The_nx»ney- raised/at the Down- jcr^uvo weeks and will be aided Speaks Thursdays by^ School organizations. The ate .-ion In 19&. it wss~annouiice^-* jthe Kudfier Agency was chosen town Day and Evening Sessions John r>..Jemegan, chief of the will be added to the national goal "Bookers wiH - have a lollipop sale, m : 'sterday by Dr. John Gray^; for the creation of *T"he Texaco ^atsian, chairman of the Gom- Star Theater," -the outstanding division of Greek, Turkish and of S25CMX>&000 and will be u&eeV Epsilcn G^uinma Phi will sponsor a cookie and pickle sale and ittee on National Radio Awards television show in 1948: 'This Iranian affairs in the 5>t-a*e,jDe- to-aid the Jews now m the 1>P Lambda XUamma Phi will hold a fir d Associate Dean of the Col- program has proved jof positive partmem, will be _ihe ^guest Camps. : Many of these peopled scarf sale. These are just a few He; %e of Liberal Arts and Science. entertainment value because of speaker at the Public Adminis- have lKed in the camps since o£ the clubs who will help to ?ari the high standard of'taleat^-aWi- tration-Society oft Thursday in 1945 and bjefpre that in^coiacen- The piaq^ie wij! be awarded reach the goal. iyr< "VTSfAQ for the creation ot the unique ,4Banner in which 130& at ^2i30. tration camps. The VJA will also sXour Life? a series of commercials have beer* handled- Mr, Jernegan will speak: about use the money to move those Students will also have book" 6. which dramatize with the so as to beconpe a part of the the cold war and its Influence on Jews now living ;n North African .>--s with which they can obtain. effectiveness, educational show," he stated. Greece, Turkey and Iran. countries and the DP's and re­ contributions. >*3W%r=tO0«*i*^V\3< *. *~?r-*&3 ----«.*»-^-VJ':.*^.. cv„ -«^-»-.^ v- «r-. - £*i€ ^^CTK^ --.4*. \Vfts^&vaixe at>k6mepSo to Reusing pbstaf&c^ course, <maneov cred ihe,.rai:or Tlte ^steetiojs^^f fcr tftetr ioeSeers^tlte^ides^aafe -l£and~and"^t. jt^iione freernot witb_ ^SO^UB to get every'hair aff-his^ily white ioifcfv^r. T^e g^ostty echoes of ^atf a rypjewi^ter hut wi|<b^a^f*ew super de^"" face. About txatf way trough the oper- fey Hy _^ -ffiafrlotl, Bint cuartotBtfPB-tlsetf'^ Jknfce sijp^h^aded^razor. Tpe~ ^shaving is atigft^w«fthe r^epbrter**-ears fell off. -^iimversitses rd^ts, they camJte&r the dose'by Mr^A^ibry Mead^speaal barber , Mr..Meade .-was horribly shocked until Be J3»yen*t beetra jud«? at beautjK-ed c»y as a rtirient ^te the faculty of tlibs«7^§trtae*»lsare- : : >,r representative of the^Ifcemington leafed he found oet that it was a phoney* aii seiit tb City. At one tilhe--there. .,--- "Jne^portswritwps^ave handed -; . ' '... ... "—TT^T^rTT"—.^^ "1^".--^^' ' ^ ^L^ ^^. \J. '" + ' .company. --> , the time. tests often^but if JT^hrave to wait -were as many as fifteen t«ei»-^ ^rt ^J.^ ^^^nrj rv~«^ ».
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