London, 20st September 2007 Instituto de Estudios Territoriales de Bizkaia Diputación Foral de Bizkaia (Bizkaia County Council) Created in 1987 -Land Planning -Transport -Urban planning… Bizkaia 1.140.026 inhab. 111 municipalities.(92<10.000h.) 2.117 Km2. 538,52 hab/Km2 Bilbao: 367.929 inhb. Metropolitan Bilbao 1 mill. inhab ( aprox) 1.771 inhab/km2 Bizkaia -Services, third sector -Bancs (BBVA) -Electricity (Iberdrola) -Port of Bilbao:29 mill Tm./año -ACB, Arcelor new generation steel factory -Technology Park -European Software Institute -Bilbao Exhibition Centre -Airport: 4 mill. de pax/year. What is sustainability? Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Sustainability: Basic principles -intergenerational equity: we haven´t inherited our father´s world but rented our children´s. -intragenerational equity: social justice, all people currently alive have an equal right to benefit from the use of resources. -transfrontier responsibility:sustainibility in one region cannot be achieved at the expense of environmental conditions elsewhere. Basic principles -the public trust doctrine: places a duty on the estate to hold environmental resources in trust for the benefit of the public. -precautionary principle:lack of full certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponning cost effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. Basic principles -subsidiarity principle: decissions should be made by the communities affected,or, on their behalf, by the authorities closest to them. -the polluter pays principle: costs of environmental damages should be borne by those who caused them. Qué es sostenibilidad Are we sustainable? Low use of car: 15.000 km./year PAÍS KM/COCHE/AÑO Italia 18400 Alemania 18900 Francia 23800 Reino Unido 24800 Holanda 29200 TCPA Are we sustainable? Predominance of non-motorized transport CIUDAD % PED % BIKE PED + BIKE CAR PUBLIC TRANSP Bilbao Metr 50 <1 50 24 26 Barcelona 33 <1 33 24 43 Amsterdam 23 28 51 37 12 Copenhagen 15 26 41 37 22 ADONIS Are we sustainable? SOPELANA GETXO MUNGIA ZIERBENA MUSKIZ SANTURTZI LEIOA PORTUGALETE ERANDIO ABANTO GERNIKA-LUMO SESTAO ORTUELLA SONDIKA TRAPAGARAN BARAKALDO BILBAO BASAURIGALDAKAO ARRIGORRIAGA AMOREBIETA-ETXANO ZALLA IURRETA IGORRE DURANGO Reparto Modal por municipio 13,000 6,500 1,300 A pie Automóvil Transporte Público Are we sustainable? Reparto Modal por municipio 300 150 30 A pie Automóvil Transporte Público Are we sustainable? FUNIC Mb CANAL Colegio La S a lle DE Mb Dep. de agua RIA J.O.P. DEUSTO Beyena RIA Euskalduna DE Pepsi Ep Tc Tc Estacion Ag u a s Tc Tc SANTURTZI Tc A S ANTANDER BILBAO Ep A BILBAO BILBAO - BILBO Tc PARQUE DE Mb FERROCARRIL DE Mis e ric ordia DONA CASILDA ITURRIZA Tc Mb GRAN VIA Tc Ep FERROCARRIL Feria de Casa del Medio Mb Ep Tc RODRIGUEZ Mu e s t ra s Ep Fuerte Altamira Tc REVILLA FER ROCARRIL HARO San Mames Ep Ep ARIAS ARANA LICE NCIAD O San Ignacio Santana Tc Escuela de Tc Mb Ingenieros DE POZA A BILBAO Hospital Civil ALAMEDA Ba surto AREILZA Santiago Ep DE ERCILLA Ep SABINO DIAZ SIMON DE LA UR KIJ O BOLIBAR Ep Fuerte Kobeta BR INAS G a re lla n o MAR IA Ep PEREZ DOCTOR Ep Ep GALDOS GENERAL Tc GREGORIO Ep LUIS EGIA EGANA Tc Ep a S ANTANDER Mb F.C. AUTONOMIA Ep Ep Mb Ep GORDONIZ Tc Tc Tc Plaza de Tc Toros Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Turismos Tc Estacion de Amezola Ep Ame zo la Tc Tc por 1.000Biz korta habitantes Tc Tc Tc Tc más de 430 Ep 360 to 430 Ep 310 to 360 Canteras Mb Mb 280 to 310 Ka ra me lo Tc Mb 200 to 280 Tc Are we sustainable? a 8 TP 7 Coche 6 A pie 5 4 3 2 1 0 Nº desplazamientos medios por Famili Getxo Bilbao Gernika Durango Barakaldo M. Derecha M. Izquierda Encartaciones 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 0 1 2 IURRETA ERMUA MARKINA - ONDARROA GERNIKA Are we sustainable? DURANGO BERMEO Cascos Urbanos Tradicionales LEKEITIO MUSKIZ ELORRIO BILBAO BARAKALDO BALMASEDA ORDUÑA Desplazamientos porpersona A Pie SANTURTZI AMOREBIETA IGORRE ORTUELLA ZALLA DERIO SESTAO PORTUGALETE BASAURI ABANTO CARRANZA TRAPAGARAN ARRIGORRIAGA ETXEBARRI SONDIKA DensidadesMenores GETXO GALDAKAO LEIOA GÜEÑES GORLIZ ERANDIO ABADIÑO SOPELANA MUNGIA BERANGO BERRIZ UGAO - 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 1 2 BERANGO ETXEBARRI GETXO ABADIÑO Are we sustainable? BERRIZ SONDIKA Menores Densidades SOPELANA LEIOA GORLIZ ERANDIO DERIO TP + coche en persona por Desplazamientos ABANTO ORTUELLA ARRIGORRIAGA GALDAKAO UGAO TRAPAGARAN CARRANZA MUNGIA BASAURI AMOREBIETA MUSKIZ GÜEÑES ZALLA BILBAO CascosTradicionales Urbanos SESTAO PORTUGALETE BARAKALDO SANTURTZI ELORRIO LEKEITIO ERMUA MARKINA IGORRE IURRETA DURANGO GERNIKA BALMASEDA ORDUÑA ONDARROA BERMEO Are we sustainable? 10 min. 3-4 min. Are we sustainable? Mixture of uses Significant urban density. Less dependence on private vehicle Shorter trips Bigger % of pedestrian trips Social mix and inclusion Are we sustainable? We still use private cars instead of public transport 50.000-175-35-9 75-60 UITP Are we sustainable? We still use private cars instead of public transport > 2.000 hours/year of E and F levels in A-8 motorway Are we sustainable? We still use private cars instead of public transport PIB UITP Are we sustainable? TRIPS 40% v.peatonales v. no peatonales 60% SPACE IN THE STREET 30% 40% aceras aparcamiento calzada 30% Are we sustainable? UITP Are we sustainable? Evolución de la Población en Bizkaia Evolución de las Familias en Bizkaia 450.000 1.200.000 1.100.000 400.000 1.000.000 Datos Eustat 350.000 Estimados Familias Estimadas 900.000 Familias Población 300.000 800.000 250.000 700.000 600.000 200.000 1986 19881987 1989 1990 1991 199719961995199419931992 1998 1999 1986 1987 1988 19991998199719961995199419931992199119901989 Evolución de la Motorización en Bizkaia 450.000 400.000 350.000 D.G.T. Estimados Turismos 300.000 250.000 200.000 199119901989198819871986 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 199919981997 Are we sustainable? Urban Sprawl UITP : If we divide density ( hab/sq km) by 3, then: -pedestrians, bikes and public transport use divides by 3- 4 in the share -the cost of the trip is incremented by 50% -number of accidents with injured or dead multiplies by 3. Are we sustainable? Urban Sprawl -energy consum multiplies by 3, as well as the emission of greenhouse gases. Contribución del tte (Europa). CALENTAMIENTO PRODUCTO % TOTAL GLOBAL % NOx 60 3,6 CO 78 42,9 HC 50 7,5 Sox 40 TOTAL 54 UITP Are we sustainable? Urban Sprawl Urbanas areas Density % trips other than Cost of trips in inhab/ha. car (%PIB) USA, Canadá, 18 15% 12,7% Oceanía Europa 55 52% 8,3% Occidental Japón, Hong 134 62% 5,4% Kong, Singapur UITP Met. Bilbao: -High density -Escarcity of land -Urban Sprawl Consternation for the very hard impact of Urban Sprawl in Met. Bilbao Urban Sprawl Consequences -more car dependents -more pollution -more noise -less schools, less shops, less infraestructures -more traffic jams -environmental damages -buses are very expensive to run -metro and trains are simply not possible -more shopping centres and less shops Urban Sprawl Consequences Costes relacionados con las urbanizaciones de baja densidad en comparación con zonas urbanas compactas Instalación de redes de agua y saneamiento 3,5 veces superior Mantenimiento de estas redes 2,5 veces superior Coste por habitante en alumbrado público 4 veces superior Infraestructura urbanística 2,5 veces superior Limpieza pública 2,5 veces superior Instalación de redes físicas de telefonía 6 veces superior Instalación de red eléctrica 5 veces superior Servicios de mensajería 20% más elevado Acceso al empleo Employment sprawl Acceso al empleo Employment sprawl Var. Distance/trip Distribución de la distancia de viaje en el Bilbao Metropolitano 35% 31%32% 30% 1987 2002 25% 25% 20% 15% 15% 14% 12% 11% 10% 9% 9% 6%7% 7% 5% 5% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1%2% 2% 0% <1 1 2 3 4 5 6-10 11-20 21-30 >30 Km Var. time/trip Distribución del tiempo de viaje en el Bilbao Metropolitano 30% 28% 25% 1987 22% 21% 2002 20% 20% 18% 14% 15% 13% 10% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5% 3% 3%3% 0% <5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-45 46-60 >60 Minutos 10 minutes walk from metro or train 10 minutes walk from metro or train 10 minutes walk from metro or train 10 minutes walk from metro or train (future) Motorways, trams,metro and trains bring new developments that must be planned and controlled. Residences, employment and shops move to the outskirts saving costs that must be paid by the whole of the society. Public sector does not take advantage of the infraestructures and the increment in the value of the land surrounding them. Consecuence: more and longer trips by car. Residences and employment in the outskirts result in longer trips for working. Residences in low density areas cannot be served by public transport. Employment in the outskirts: Does not mix well with public transport as parking is usually free in those areas. Has a negative effect in the modal share forcing residents in the capital to use their cars to go to work. We need to Rethink trains as a way to attract residents and employment around its stations. No more shopping centres in the outskirts. Use the dutch ABC law. Move part of the university to the city and/or establish new Faculties and Schools in the city. Restablish the traditional mix of uses of european cities.Relocate jobs in the city.
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