www.shark-references.com Version 01.08.2012 Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) Host - Parasites List published by Jürgen Pollerspöck, Benediktinerring 34, 94569 Stephansposching, Germany ISSN: 2195-6499 Huffmanela lata Justine, 2005 © Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, Paris Protocotyle euzetmaillardi Justine, 2011 © Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, Paris 1 please send missing paper to: [email protected] www.shark-references.com Version 01.08.2012 Please support www.shark-references.com Please send me missing, not listed references! Inform me about missing parasites records! Abstract: This is the first version of an “Host - Parasites List” of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali). This first edition records more than 1.500 different species of parasites recovered from more than 400 species of sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras. All information about the parasites are also available at http://shark-references.com/index.php/species/listValidRecent/A (weekly update). Notice: This paper is intended to be consulted for advice and information. This information has been compiled to the best of my abilities based on current knowledge and practice.Please note, however, that possible errors cannot be altogether/entirely excluded. Citation: Pollerspöck, J. (2012), Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) – Host - Parasites List -, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 08/2012 ISSN: 2195-6499 © Edited By: Jürgen Pollerspöck, Benediktinerring 34, D-94569 Stephansposching; Germany Acknowledgements: I am thankful to Prof. Jean-Lou Justine, Paris for the permission to use the images of the front cover and for his support. Content Statistic: number of hosts, number of records 3 Host – Parasites List 4 References sorted by Reference-ID 99 References sorted by Author 155 Index (only parasites) 197 Annex I: Valid Species without parasites records 215 Annex II: Valid Species with parasites records 231 2 please send missing paper to: [email protected] www.shark-references.com Version 01.08.2012 Statistic: number of hosts, number of records 450 401 400 348 350 hosts complete 300 hosts Cestoda hosts Copepoda 250 hosts Monogenea 200 hosts Nematoda 150 hosts Trematoda 108 101 hosts Isopoda 100 hosts Hirudinea 45 50 32 14 10 0 host - parasites by group 2500 2000 1937 1500 records 1098 different species 1000 500 292 218 131 157 79 47 47 34 0 Cestoda Copepoda Monogenea Nematoda Trematoda 3 please send missing paper to: [email protected] www.shark-references.com Version 01.08.2012 Host – Parasites List Aetobatus flagellum (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER, 1801) Cestoda: Polypocephalus bombayensis SHINDE, DHULE & JADHAV, 1991 [Ref.-ID 16402] Aetobatus narinari (EUPHRASEN, 1790) Monogenea: Clemacotyle australis YOUNG, 1967 [Ref.-ID 7394] [Ref.-ID 7571] [Ref.-ID 7102] Decacotyle octona (YOUNG, 1967) [Ref.-ID 7394] Decacotyle elpora MARIE & JUSTINE, 2005 [Ref.-ID 7394] Dendromonocotyle torosa CHISHOLM & WHITTINGTON, 2004 [Ref.-ID 7386] [Ref.-ID 9445] Thaumatocotyle pseudodasybatis HARGIS, 1955 [Ref.-ID 7394] [Ref.-ID 7402] Cestoda: Acanthobothrium aetiobatis (SHIPLEY, 1900) [Ref.-ID 16175] Acanthobothrium arlenae CAMPBELL & BEVERIDGE, 2002 [Ref.-ID 16128] Acanthobothrium colombianum BROOKS & MAYES, 1980 [Ref.-ID 16266] Acanthobothrium nicoyaense BROOKS & McCORQUODALE, 1995 [Ref.-ID 7562] Acanthobothrium monski MARGUEE, BROOKS & BARRIGA, 1997 [Ref.-ID 7617] Acanthobothrium tortum (LINTON, 1916) BAER & EUZET, 1962 (synonyms Onchobothrium tortum LINTON, 1916 [Ref.-ID 16172]) [Ref.-ID 16175] [Ref.-ID 16178] [Ref.-ID 16356] Adelobothrium aetiobatidis SHIPLEY, 1900 [Ref.-ID 16338] Cephalobothrium aetobatidis SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1906 [Ref.-ID 16338] Didymorhynchus southwelli BEVERIDGE & CAMPBELL, 1988 [Ref.-ID 16112] [Ref.-ID 16255] Disculiceps sp. [Ref.-ID 16356] Dollfusiella aetobati (BEVERIDGE, 1990) [Ref.-ID 16112] Echinobothrium boisii SOUTHWELL, 1911 [Ref.-ID 16430] Eutetrarhynchus aetobati BEVERIDGE, 1990 [Ref.-ID 16252] Hornellobothrium cobraformis SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1906 [Ref.-ID 13130] [Ref.-ID 16338] Hornellobothrium extensivum JENSEN, 2005 [Ref.-ID 16338] Kotorella pronosoma (STOSSICH, 1901) [Ref.-ID 16112] Kystocephalus translucens SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1906 [Ref.-ID 16338] Myzophyllobothrium rubrum SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1906 [Ref.-ID 16468] Oncomegas australiensi TOTH, CAMPBELL & SCHMIDT, 1992 [Ref.-ID 16112] [Ref.-ID 15747] [Ref.-ID 16428] Oncomegas sp. [Ref.-ID 15747] Parachristianella baverstocki BEVERIDGE, 1990 [Ref.-ID 16112] Proemotobothrium linstowi (SOUTHWELL, 1912) [Ref.-ID 16112] Shirleyrhynchus aetobatidis (SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1906) [Ref.-ID 16112] [Ref.-ID 16256] Staurobothrium aetobatidis SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1905 [Ref.-ID 16338] Trimacracanthus aetobatidis (ROBINSON, 1959) [Ref.-ID 16254] Trygonicola macroporus (SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1906) [Ref.-ID 16112] Tylocephalum aurangabadensis JADHAV & SHINDE, 1987 [Ref.-ID 16330] Tylocephalum girindrai PRAMANIK & MANNA, 2007 [Ref.-ID 16377] Nematoda: Echinocephalus sinensis KO, 1975 [Ref.-ID 7404] Echinocephalus overstreeti DEARDORFF & KO, 1983 [Ref.-ID 7404] Terranova scoliodontis (BAYLIS, 1931) [Ref.-ID 7404] Copepoda: Eudactylina hornbosteli DEETS, 1994 [Ref.-ID 15305] 4 please send missing paper to: [email protected] www.shark-references.com Version 01.08.2012 Aetobatus ocellatus (KUHL, 1823) Monogenea: Merizocotyle pseudodasybatis CHISHOLM & WHITTINGTON, 2012 [Ref.-ID 15785] Aetomylaeus maculatus (GRAY, 1834) Monogenea: Empruthotrema dasyatidis WHITTINGTON & KEARN, 1992 [Ref.-ID 7581] Myliocotyle borneoensis CHISHOLM & WHITTINGTON, 2004 [Ref.-ID 9444] Cestoda: Acanthobothrium myliomaculata SRIVASTAV, SHWETA & NOOPUR, 1995 DESHMUKH, 1979 (host Myliobates maculata = synonym of Aetomylaeus maculatus [Ref.-ID 16420]) Dollfusiella spp. [Ref.-ID 15730] Elicilacunosus sarawakensis KOCH, JENSEN & CAIRA, 2012 [Ref.-ID 15523] Rhoptrobothrium myliobatidis SHIPLEY & HORNELL, 1906 [Ref.-ID 9450] Aetomylaeus nichofii (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER, 1801) Monogenea: Empruthotrema dasyatidis WHITTINGTON & KEARN, 1992 [Ref.-ID 7581] Myliocotyle multicrista CHISHOLM & WHITTINGTON, 2004 [Ref.-ID 9444] Cestoda: Acanthobothrium hanumantharaoi RAO, 1977 (host Myliobatis nienhofii = synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii [Ref.-ID 16226]) Acanthobothrium rhynchobatidis SUBHAPRADHA, 1955 [Ref.-ID 16128] Dollfusiella spp. (host Aetomylaeus cf.nichofii [Ref.-ID 15730]) Elicilacunosus dharmadii KOCH, JENSEN & CAIRA, 2012 [Ref.-ID 15523] Elicilacunosus fahmii KOCH, JENSEN & CAIRA, 2012 [Ref.-ID 15523] Myliobatibothrium alii SHINDE & MOHEKAR, 1983 (host Myliobatis nienhofii = synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii [Ref.-ID 16235]) Myliobatibothrium singhi SARWADE, SHINDE, PAWAR & MAHAJAN, 1995 (host Myliobatis nienhofii = synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii [Ref.-ID 16220] Prochristianella spp. (host Aetomylaeus cf.nichofii [Ref.-ID 15730]) Rhoptrobothrium chongi JENSEN & CAIRA, 2006 [Ref.-ID 9450] Rhoptrobothrium gambangi JENSEN & CAIRA, 2006 [Ref.-ID 9450] Rhoptrobothrium limae JENSEN & CAIRA, 2006 [Ref.-ID 9450] Aetomylaeus vespertilio (BLEEKER, 1852) Monogenea: Malalophus jensenae CHISHOLM & WHITTINGTON, 2009 [Ref.-ID 7420] Cestoda: Aberrapex weipaensis KOCH, JENSEN & CAIRA, 2012 [Ref.-ID 15523] Collicocephalus baggio KOCH, JENSEN & CAIRA, 2012 [Ref.-ID 15523] Rexapex nanus KOCH, JENSEN & CAIRA, 2012 [Ref.-ID 15523] Copepoda: Janinecaira darkthread BENZ, SMITH, BULLARD & BRASWELL, 2007 [Ref.-ID 7594] 5 please send missing paper to: [email protected] www.shark-references.com Version 01.08.2012 Alopias pelagicus NAKAMURA, 1935 Cestoda: Litobothrium amplifica (KUROCHKIN & SLANKIS, 1973) [Ref.-ID 7374] Litobothrium daileyi KUROCHKIN & SLANKIS, 1973 [Ref.-ID 7374] Litobothrium nickoli OLSON & CAIRA, 2001 [Ref.-ID 7374] Copepoda: Dinemoura discrepans CRESSEY, 1967 [Ref.-ID 14993] Echthrogaleus denticulatus SMITH, 1874 [Ref.-ID 15303] Alopias superciliosus (LOWE, 1841) Cestoda: Hepatoxylon trichiuri (HOLTEN, 1802) [Ref.-ID 16112] Litobothrium amplifica (KUROCHKIN & SLANKIS, 1973) (synonyms Renyxa amplifica KUROCHKIN & SLANKIS, 1973 [Ref.-ID 16217]) [Ref.-ID 7374] Litobothrium alopias DAILEY, 1969 [Ref.-ID 16293] Litobothrium coniformis DAILEY, 1969 [Ref.-ID 16293] Litobothrium daileyi KUROCHKIN & SLANKIS, 1973 [Ref.-ID 7374] [Ref.-ID 16217] Litobothrium janovyi OLSON & CAIRA, 2001 [Ref.-ID 7374] Mixonybelinia lepturi PALM, 2004 [Ref.-ID 16112] Molicola walteri PALM, 2004 [Ref.-ID 16112] Nybelinia africana DOLLFUS, 1960 [Ref.-ID 16112] Nybelinia indica CHANDRA, 1986 [Ref.-ID 16112] Sphyriocephalus dollfusi BUSSIERAS & ALDRIN, 1968 [Ref.-ID 16112] Sphyriocephalus pelorosoma HEINZ & DAILEY, 1974 [Ref.-ID 16112] [Ref.-ID 16323] Sphyriocephalus sp. [Ref.-ID 16112] Sphyriocephalus viridis (WAGENER, 1854) PINTNER, 1913 [Ref.-ID 16112] Copepoda: Bariaka alopiae CRESSEY, 1966 [Ref.-ID 15303] Dinemoura discrepans CRESSEY, 1967 [Ref.-ID 14993] [Ref.-ID 15303] Pagina tunica CRESSEY, 1963 [Ref.-ID 12170] [Ref.-ID 15303] Alopias vulpinus (BONNATERRE, 1788) Cestoda: Crossobothrium angustum (LINTON, 1889) [Ref.-ID 16182] Floriceps uncinatus (LINTON, 1924) (host Vulpecula marina = synonym of Alopias vulpinus [Ref.-ID 16129]) Hepatoxylon trichiuri (HOLTEN, 1802) [Ref.-ID 16112] Lacistorhynchus tenuis (VAN BENEDEN, 1858) [Ref.-ID 16112] Marsupiobothrium alopias YAMAGUTI, 1952 [Ref.-ID
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