...... ... ... _,- ... .. .. Ration Calendar Continued Cold OAI "1\" ••• p.n 4 UII.". lII .... b .11 ,Vt:L on. •••pvn _ explr .. Ap.1I U, IOWA: C.. ttlDlIfd eo" today, low. 00"1'11" '.UPOtl 28 expl .., 111 ..." II I est temperature lero to 8 sua". .oupon Ij • pi rei III•• " 161 TilE DAILY IOWAN 8HO.I, .oup... n upl... J.D. U. Iowa City/s Morning Newspaper below ID lOath portloa. fIVE CENTS TBI AS80ClATBD PBE88 IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1943 THB ASSOCIATBD na VOLUME XLID NUMBER 138 • GERMAN SAILORS F!EL WRATH OF BRITISH JACKTARS .Rommel Begi.ns D~ive Against British 'Eighth' Russians Take lone American Sub Sinks 13 Jap Ships; Lashes Oul Along Mareth line Gzhatsk, Nazi Commander Describes BaHle Experiences In Savage 'Delaying' Assault hat WASHINGTON (AP) - The Chappel explalned. "After a very de navy disclosed last night that a few minutes that ship blew up with ALLIED HEADQUARTER IN ·ORTH AFRICA (AP)­ single American submarine has the damnedest explosion I ever Defense Point saw. I guess he was loaded with t\[arsbal En\'in Rommel' axi fore la ht'd outll\'agt'ly at the sunk 13 Japancse srupS-IO cargo ammunition," British Eil!'hth army at da\D1 y terda), in Ull ofrt'll i"\'l~ aguin t vessels and three warships, A few month alter Pearl Har­ en. ir Beruard Montgomery for the fil t time ' in~c the battle City's Seizure Blunts The submarine, which was not bor, Chappell and his crew had of El Alameiu in Egypt. named, was commanded by Li ut. the experlenee of having an entire Arter the I oC 21 tanks ill the <'lIdy tagl of UJ fightiJJg Japancse baUle tleet steam over Enemy Salient Near Comdr, Lucius Henry Chappell, the &Xi anny which Rommel had br Urtlit 2.000 mil aero them whlie they Lay submerged Libya, in rllh'eat, truck back und pI cd i attack. Moscow as Redl Gain 38, of Colul1'\bus, Ga. and unable to attack let they be Th 21 Cl'mall tanks W 1'0 knocke<1 out without 10,' to th On one occasion the submarine discovered and destroyed them­ British. - LONDON (AP)-The Red army tOl'l>edoed a Japanese n'eightet' and selves. RommeJ' tanks and infantl',V attack wa II . ribed a "in cou· scorcd its third major viclot·y in a A destroycr cume speeding oui Chappell "promptly squared off 'iderable and early report indicated that fierc fight­ I wee k yestel'day by captul'illg of a hal'bor, then another, and an­ tJ'ength" for a chase," the navy related, W88 Gzhatsk, 100 miles west o[ MOlI- othel'. There wel'e six or them, aU ing continuing. cow and the nearest point to the "anUcipaling that the Jap would in a row. Apparently gambling \\'itll the id a Ihat he could d til 'Mont- Soviet capital in the Germans' either make tor the bay 01' try to Chappell then commiU d what gomcry n blow imilnr to th mESE GERl\IAN SAILORS, survivors of the A%ls supply ship Atlantis, twice felt the wrath of Brit­ crumbling hedge-hog defense Sys­ beach his ship. To his surpl'!se, he considers a gruve strategical i one he handed the Anf.do· med­ Ish leamen, Incensed by the depredation of Hitler's wolfpack submarines. They are shown bere be­ error. He clo d in fot· an attack tem on the central it'ont. the Jap skipper dJd nelthCl', In­ Iowa Group Protests can l~j r t anny 1\\"0 W elts IIgO, tn, taken aboard another German shill after a Britlslt erulser sank the Atlantis In the south At- "After storming the tow 11 on the destroyers, and thereby the Nazi field mal hal et hi! 1&II11c. Later. this shill, too, was sunk by the British bul. aceordlnr to tbe German eaption on this twice," said a speciul Moscow com­ stead, the crew of little yellow men missed a chanc of the kind sub­ lorces In action across the waste ,klure, the men were again rescued, this time by a U-boat which towed them to shore. munique recorded by the Soviet began pouring ovcrboard and marine men dl'eam about-as pres- State Discrimination landa in tront of the Mareth line. moniter, "our troops captut'ed the swimming away like sixty," ntly became apparent. He was aided by lhe f~t that town of Gzhalsk. The captured He c)05ed range and was getting t!' "We SQon Jeal'O~ the reason," the old French-built line was nn. _ _ oll de~ Against Jap Citizens RAF Bombs Start war matel'ial is being counted." ready to pick one of the signed not so much as a Drive 01) VYBlmJL slroYel's when It spotted him. The posit on but one from wruch IFarm Workers to Be 'Deferred destroyer pointed him as a hound Gzhatsk, 60 miles southeast of Expresses 'Co~eern' count r-attacks could be launched. Huge Fires at Essen, recaPtul'ed Rzhev, hod been if Nazi Two Jap Destroyers points a pheasant, and the whole It is apparent thot Rommel was r , spearhead pOinted at Moscow for blamed covey of destroyers bore Over Caneellotion slowly belng cated up Into the Despit~ .' Unfilled :D '~aft .Quot .as a year Gild a half. Its capture re­ down on him. Tunlstan bl'jd, head between the ~~zi Munition Center leas!:d a thl'ee-dh'ection1l1 RussiAn Sunk.Near Solomons "Down we went," the submarine Of Scattergood Plan French and British Eighth armies drive on Vyazma, 35 miles away " captain related ruefully. and decld d his best chance to "And then," aid Chappell, "( WASHINGTON (AP)-The wro' tion's progl'am more in line with on the mild to Smolensk. main DES MOINES (AP) - A I' 0- forestall deleat nnd ,ain time was Allied Planes Conduct U.~. Navy Talk Unit had probably the blttere t disap­ Ila,t manpower commission told local congressional views. German base to the west. lution "protesting and d~loring" to stl"i,kQ flm. Russian shock troops fighting Bomb. South Pacific pointment of my life." ees Tenth Straight Raid draft boards last night to keep The manpower commission is­ the passage of a l'esolution on Jap­ HI first blow In the nortb, farm workers [n defelTed classifi­ south ond southwest of· Rzhev had F01' as they lay there, Inert and anese-Am ricans by the Iowa ha4 pullb d American troo))ll Over German Areas sued this memorandum to draft Coastallnltallations cations-even if the quotas for .the captured 30 more towns during the barely buoyant., with lheir pres­ house and cnllte recently was out of m t of outhe.nl Tun!­ ence knOWn and six lethal d troy­ armed forces cannot then be met. boards: \ night and morning. including th~ adopted by the Iowa Civil Liber­ la, protectlnc his flank Ulltll th LONDON (AP)-Several square ers woiting fOl' th first sign of bel' to The commJssion also issued "Having made its dec~sion that rnilway station of Osuga, 53 miles WASHINGTON (AP) - A navy ties union at 8 quarterly me Ung ADlerlean raJlled aL Ka erlne miles of Essen, home of the great three other new instructions de­ an indiviaual registrant is neces­ norlb of Vyazma. tnsk IOrce stabbing Into the outer on the urfac, they IleaI'd the here yesterday. p and InnicLed 10 " so ted German reports al. 0 have told lImi~ of the Japanese delense zone lhrob of propell rs much heavier Krupp annaments works, were signed to help meet the farm la­ sary to a\1d regularly engaged in Tltc statement sald the action hellVY he h d to reUre. all fired with angry, bl'jght names bor shortage: of Russian troops battling toward in the soutl} Pacl!ic bombarded than any destrllyer - louder and "thre tens our traditional national The J)e11li tence of Col.-G n. an agricultural occupation. 01' en­ Vyazma from the "((aluga sector in shore .inslnUatiol~ Ilt Vlla and louder until tiley must llave been of Friday night by Brltish and Cana­ 1. Any mall wUlt fannlnr ex­ unity by IIcttIn, rae nealn t r c ." ,furgen von Arnirn'~ attacks In Ule deavor csscntial tQ the Wllr ef­ Ulf' olltllea . 1undtl In the iOlomon i:.land Fd dir ctly ov helld, 1.1\('n dying in pe1:iencl" whe is nuw in other work In the same I'e oluUon. lhe north In the fnce of heavy los cs • jf dian bombers carfying the allied Above til central front, field dllY night, the navy reported yes­ llill dl lance. Again they came, should be classilled as farm-de­ fort, lhe local board has no fur­ union cxpr . d "cOncern" over now hft\' b en explained in that nat aerial octe 'ive against the Ger­ ther discretion and must defer the dispatches said Mal'shal Tlmo­ terday. and sank two large enemy and again lind again. the droppin, of plans for use of they have had the aim of pltmln, ferred (class 2-C or 3-C) if he shenko's troops were fighting to­ destroYers which tried to inter­ An nUre Jap battle force passed n~ans through the 10th successive goes back to agriculture as a the Scattergood hostel at W t regist.rant. No desire to meet caUs lcre. by them as they lay there and I)Ight. regular job before notified to ap­ ward Staraya Russa below Lake Branch, Iowa, for tt'alnin. Am rl· for manpower should in any man­ limen after the smashing break.
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