Woodbridgt • Edlson/Mttuchen • Perth Amboy • Ctrttmt • SouthAmboy/Stymillt / •r\ TABLOID VOL 121, NO. 4 Friday, January 25,2002 lnmpuvtmg tht Atom TMd, South Amboy Cuim& Perth AmhyGaeto Entwprtm, inc USP$ 501490 732*574-1200 • P.O. Box 3095, South Amboy, NJ 06*79 Your Neighborhood In Print Since 1882 Widdtetex Wisniewski Named Chairman YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Of Transportation Committee STATE — Assemblyman Parsons auto inspections con- their lives, the Legislature legislation to criminalize iden- John S. Wisniewski has been tract. must do everything in its tity theft, strength the state's appointed Chairman of the Wisniewski, 39, has served power to ensure that our trans- school bus inspection system, Assembly Transportation on the Assembly Transporta- portation system is well-main- provide income and property Committee for the 2002-03 tion Committee, the Assembly tained, professionally man- tax exemptions for veterans, legislative session. Education Committee, the As- aged, and constantly improved establish penalties for persons Assembly Speaker Albio sembly Policy and Regulatory upon," said Wisniewski convicted of committing Sires praised Wisniewski as Oversight Committee, and the During the legislative pro- crimes while using firearms, the perfect choice for the cov- Assembly Hazardous and cess, committees and their and deregulate the gas and eted committee chairmanship, Solid Waste Committee since chairpersons review and re- electric industries. citing his two stints of mem- first being elected to the configure bills and take testi- Besides serving as chair- bership on the Transportation Legislature in 1996. mony from people and organi- man of the Assembly Trans- Committee during the 1996- "New Jersey is the most zations that may be affected portation Committee-, W\a- 97 and 2000-01 legislative congested state in the country by the legislation. Bills that niewski also w\\ be a member sessions. and this presents enormous make their way through die of the Assembly Telecom' "John Wisniewski has been challenges in terms of con- committee process can then be munications and Utilities Committee in the 2002-03 leg- c3 « § o a leading voice on trans- structing transportation poli- posted for floor votes by the islative session « en ?= en portation policy for Assembly cy," said Wisniewski (D- full Assembly Democrats during his six Sayreville). The Assembly Transpo • That committee appointment years in the state Legislature," "In addition to the high- tation Committee is responsi- coincides with the reputation said Sires (D-West New ways that need to be repaved ble for monitoring all seg- Wisniewski earned in recent York). "As our new chairman, and the bridges that need to be ments of state transportation, yea's as the Assembly Demo- Assemblyman Wisniewski is rebuilt, we need to renew our including bridge and highway crats' leading voice on energy going to be counted upon to commitment to mass trans- construction, motor vehicle deregulation and telecommuni- improve the state's transporta- portation in our state inspections, expansion of cations policy matters. tion system while safeguard- "New Jerseyans rely heavi- light-rail train systems, and Wisniewski is a partner in ing the interest of drivers on ly upon the state's transporta- management of the toll road Ronan, Tuzzio and Gianonne matters such as the E-ZPass tion network for their daily job authorities — a law firm with offices in toll collection system and the commutes. To effectively ease Wisniewski has sponsored Tinton Falls and SayTeville. South Amboy Library Establishes Now Endowment SOUTH AMBOY — In Trustees has announced the She has worked full-time in recognition of the retirement establishment of the Eleanor the Children's Department of Eleanore Westerholm, the Westerhclm Endowment since 1986 and has served as Dowdell Library's Board of "Miss E'.eanore," as she is the library's Principal library known to the countless num- Assistant in charge of the ber of children who have visit- Children's Department since ed South Amboy's pviblic 1989 Prior to working in the library, has worked in the Children's Department, Wes- library for twenty-four years terholm worked in various library positions THOMAS M. PLOSKONKA tributing to the Fleanor Wes- ilie endowment will serve C.P.A., P.A. terholm hidowment can call as a lasting tribute to "Miss — A Total Service CPA. Firm - the library at (732) 721-6060 If you would like Fileanore" as materials pur- INUIVHHJM • r.OKPOKAMON for additional information. WINIRSHIP' IMAUS • TRUSTS chased fiom the endowment's to advertise on Contributions can also be interest will receive a special TAX PLANNING mailed to the Dowdell Libraiy the front page BUSINESS PLANS imprint noting the source of f of South Amboy, IM) Hoffman FINANCIAL STATEMENTS funding for that item. This will give us a call at EVALUATION Of BUSINESS Plaza, South Amboy, NJ be the library's fourth endow- MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS 08879 Contributions should ment. 732-574-1200. 732 283-0114 be payable to the Eleanor 114« GREEN STREET, ISEUN Those interested in con- Westerholm Endowment L ... THfc ATOM TABLOID d CITIZEN-GAZETTE. January 25.2002 YOUR COUNTY NEWS Roosevelt Meets State's Highest Care Standards MIDDLESEX COUNTY lations, the standards for nurs- oversees the operation of Damiani said the surveyors and the clean and well-main- — Roosevelt Care Center has ing home care include both RCC. complimented RCC on several tained building and grounds. achieved the State of New mandatory requirements, He noted that facilities facets of the facility operation "The job that the RCC staff Jersey's "advisory standards" which all facilities must meet deemed to have serious defi- including: The new recreation is doing is better than great, it in terms of the care provided to and advisory standards, which ciencies in terms of their abili- activities that have been imple- is exemplary" he said. "I RCC residents and in the way are optional and voluntary. ty to meet mandatory require- the facility is run. If a facility chooses to par- ments are not permitted to par- "Simply put, this means that ticipate in the advisory stan- ticipate in the advisory stan- "Naturally, everyone at the work of the stall at RCC is dards program, surveyors from dards program. far exceeding the Slate the state Department of Health "Naturally, everyone at requirements, and that we have and Senior Services evaluate Roosevelt is thrilled that our Roosevelt is thrilled achieved a '.vcl of excellence the nursing home's compliance e(Torts have been recognized, that places Roosevelt among with 145 recommendations in but what makes us all even that our efforts have the best long-term care facili- 21 areas of nursing home care happier have been the state ties in New Jersey," said and services during the course surveyors' repeated comments been recognized,"... Roosevelt Administrator and of their annual inspection visit. about the positive attitude they COO Frank Damiani. "It's the state's way of rec- now saw throughout the build- mented, even for residents would also like to thank the "This is the first time that ognizing nursing homes that ing," Damiani said. who cannot leave their rooms, residents and the family mem- RCC has achieved this level of strive to go beyond the "The surveyors sensed an including the elegant dining, bers who were interviewed by excellence," he said, noting requirements in terms of the overall attitude of teamwork, pet therapy and Snoozalen pro- the surveyors for their support. that less than ten percent of the care they provide their resi- optimism, cooperation and grams; the level of clinical and The state gives great consider- long-term care facilities in dents," said Leonard Roseman, caring, and said that each psychological care that RCC ation to their views, and their New Jersey have achieved the the Chairman of the Middlesex department had made a major residents receive; the facility's positive comments played a advisory standards. County Improvement contribution to this achieve- improved record-keeping and large role in the outcome of Under state licensing regu- Authority (MCIA), which ment," he said. other administrative changes; this year's survey." J.VOLLMAN Bridging The Digital Divide Computer Learning Program wK, you for 3 Generations 1915 MIDDLESEX COUNTY - computer literacy to disadvan- and First Baptist Church. FLORIS The Middlesex County Economic taged residents in Middlesex MCEOC worked with D-3 to Va/enfMe Opportunities Corporation County," said Carroll Thomas, develop and license self-directed 'Call Store For Details (MCUOC), in conjunction with chief executive officer, MCEOC. learning software for students. All Major Credit Cards Accepted the First Baptist Church, Sewaren, "This program recognizes that First Baptist Church, one of (732) 442-48OO and D-3 Interactive Media, has computer literacy is vital to MCEOC's faith based partners, Fax: (732) 442-4841 launched a new computer learning today's existence, from personal has set up a ten-station computer program, "Bridging the Digital use to attaining skills for career lab at the church, leased and Divide." The program com- advancement." staffed by MCEOC menced last week wi»h an intro- According to Thomas, the The program is open to all INTROCASO ductory session at First Baptist Digital Divide program comes as Middlesex County residents and Church. • the result of the Agency's partner- is especially targeting families "MCEOC is happy to bring ship with D-3 Interactive Media participating in the county's Head BRIDAL GOWN Start program. SPECIAL, MCEOC is accepting enroll- REG. ment on an ongoing basis and $150 ^ATOMTABLOID hopes to tutor up to 150 people in $ <C the program's first year. For infor- - Published by Devine Media Enterprises, Inc. - mation about Bridging the Digital P.O. Box 3095, South Amboy, New Jersey 08879 Divide D-3, please contact Cheryl 105 Phone: (732) 574-1200 - Fax: (732) 388-4143 - E-mail: [email protected] Miller at MCEOC at (732) 846- Present this ad at James J.
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