PASS SEVEN. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20 1916, HAMILTON 10U1HAB PORTING GOSSIP Suppose Fatimas were NOT Sensible Hamilton Hi Defeated It isn't possible to fool men for long. Lincoln said that MIAMI BOYS ARE better than we could. IJ Surely, if Fatimas were not as By Springfield Boy* EASY_VICTORS comfortable to the throat and tongue as we say they are line. Bauer went in for Knuckle anc —if they did not leave a man feeling keen and "jit" after Coach Bowman Erred byj tried a drop kick but it was blocked A Springfield man recovered it 01 Red And White Team Putting Second Team the 35 yard line. A forward Clar! a long-smoking day—do you suppose that more Fatimas to Crist put the ball on the 22 yan Scored Over Western Players In The Game line again. Bauer sent the ball spin would be sold every day than any other high-grade cigar- ning between the posts for a uea Reserve. Three important factors stood out drop kick. Score: Springfield 10 ette ? CJ Remember these facts as you try Fatimas and boldly in the football game on Satur- Hamilton 7. Oxford, 0., Nov. 20. — Miami me day 'afternoon when the Hamilton Stone kicked off for 35 yards Western Reserve here Saturday ii observe how comfortable, how sensible they really are. high school team was defeated for Eyler tried to make a circus catcl the annual struggle, and the big Red the first time this year. The husky and dropped the ball. Crist rccov and White team was victorious by n score oC 35 to 6. Burt, Crawford and Or. warriors from Springfield were the for Springfield. Pietsch iiailei 1 ones to turn the trick by a score of Stone for a. 20 yard loss. Hamil McVcy starred for Miami, while 10 to 7. ton's 24 yard line. Black returnee" Denaplc and Kennedy played best for The first thing whicJh contributed Mic ball 40 yards to "Springfield's 3f Reserve. T he line-up: largely to the defeat of the local yard line. Jackman made. 30 yard; Western Res. Positions. Miami Execll ......... L E ........ Stcule squad was the inefficient manner in for first down. Black went aroum right end for 20 yards to the 5 yar<: Micbalske ..... L T ......... Bacr which Coach Bowman handled the Dillon ........ L G ... Zimmerman team. He was so absolutely confi- line. A touchdown seemed certair but House held again and the bal: Mook ........... C .......... Hal dent that his team would easily beat Ammerman ... R G Shipp Springfield' that he started two was put back on the 21 yard line. Persky ....... R T i Hull members of the second team on the End runs and forward passes failed. Blaik Fourth Quarter. Fussciman ---- RE ends. Not\dctrncting anything from Dcnaple ..... Q B Burt the good grfm'es these boys put up it Stewart instead of trying to lit Crawford the score with a drop kick called I'm Palmer ...... L IT ... V remains that Bowman should be cnt- Kennedy ..... R II ____ . McGinnis ici/.ed for not starting his strongest a forward pass on the fourth down. MeVay It failed and the ball went to Sprin AYcinbcrg ..... F B team and if the game proved to be a Score by periods: field. Stone punted to Stewart wlic walk-away then he could put in souw Western Reserve . 0 0 0 0—0 returned the ball 5 yards. House of the second string men. Miami ............. 7 7 7 14-35 Another thing which helped Spring punted out of bounds on Spring- Referee— Mr. DurEco of Williams. field was the playing of House. This field's 11 yard line. Stone punted to Umpire — Mr. Waygandt of Wooster. player by his "bear-hug"' and Black who carried the ball to the 15 Head Linesman— Mr. Prugh of Wcs- "foot-work" caused the locals to yard line. A fumble gave Spring leyau. lose sixty yards by penalties. Two field the ball. Stone punted to Time of Quarters— Fifteen and fifteen-yard penalties came at times Black on the 32 yard line. Black twelve and one-half minutes. when Hamilton was within their op- threw a forward to Stewart who was Substitutions-— Miami: O'Brien for ponent's ten-yard line and killed ot'i downed on the 18 yard line. A long Dillon, Moran for Ziinmcviuan.-Craw- all chances for possible scores. forward over the line from Black t ford for Mc.Vey, . L. Crawford for The third and deciding factor was Pietsch was almost good'. Pictscl; Crawford, Dillon for O'Brien. the classy football played by tun had the ball in his hands hut Springfield boys. Their inlorfercnco bounced out. It was a piece was great and they always covered tough luck for had 'he held the bull MIAMI every play well. the game would have been won. It THE GAME. was 'Springfield's ball on the 20 yard OHIO WESLEYAN line. Stone made 2li yards around Tirst Quarter. Delaware, Nov. 20.—With two let- the ends and then kicked to Blac'i; Hamilton chose to receive at Ilia ter men and a dozen new men of var- south goal. Stone kicked to Jack- on Hamilton's 15 yard line. Black sity calibre answering to the call Cor Chas. Sclimitt 110 147 125 man on the 20 yard lino. Jacknuiu tossed a forward to Pietsch for basketball material, Ohio Wesleyan took it back 15 yards before being 35 yard sain. Four successive for- AITKEN WINNER university is optimistic. A fifteen EXCELSIORS AND 410 418 downed. On a fake kick House Ward passes failed and the ball went WOMEN BO *LERS Totals 410 game schedule has been approved. AT SANTA MONICA JOLLY FOUR. chased around the left end for 11 to Springfield in the center of Hit Games will be played with most or TIGERS ARE WINNERS Y. W. C. A. Alleys. yards. Jaekman bucked for 1. yair. field. Stone punted out of bounds 01 . Mrs. Earl Robbins ... V2 104 10!) the strong teams in the Ohio confer- Scores of 100 or better made l>y j Mrs. Phil Locknmn ... 79 92 b9 Some one walked through the Hamil- the 35 yard line. A forward pasi The Boys' Basket ball league play- Santa Monica, Cal., Nov. 20.- ence and several eastern teams will be the ladies Saturday: I Earl Robbins ....... 158 94 Ib5 ton defense and nailed Black for a •as intercepted. Stone punted ovei met. Conch Dixon is quite confident ed its usual series of games on Satin'- Driver Lewis Jackson and three other the goal line and it was Hamilton's Miss liiith Andrews, 1.02. Phil Lockman 107 172 127 5 yard loss. House limited to Baylor that he will have a speedy aggrega- ily night in the Y. M. C. A. gynin- persons were killed Saturday in the who was downed in his tracks. bull on the 20 yard line. Stewart U tion which will even better the record siiini. One of the largest crowds that Miss Margaret Phillips, 110, 1.12. 'iolsch by the air route gained 40 seventh annual international pri/.e au- Totals 496 462 510 Springfield was only able to get !i of hist year's Red and Black quin- Miss Clara Slade, 11!). Scores of 100 or bctlcr made by yards in three downs and Stone yards. 'Springfield intercepted a tet, which annexed the conference was present and cheered a great deal tomobile race, which was won in rec- Miss Marie Slade, 100. forward puss on its own 20 yard line ord-breaking time on the Santa Mon the ladies were: punted to Millikin. Millikin returned title. for their favorites. The Tiger team Miss Manic Alexander, 1-12, 130. Miss Marie Slade, 116, 1.1!),' 130, the ball 10 yards. Stewart threw a as the whistle sounded. Final scoiv: ica course, by Johnny Aitken, driving The schedule is us follows: Dec. won their game by a forfeit from the Miss Glenna Uevinglon, 20-1, .137. 108. forward pass without looking and Springfield 10, Hamilton 7. Hi, Ottcrbcin at Delaware; Dec. ID, Crystals who were unable to apiioni- as relief for Howard Wilcox. Aitkiin Miss Cora Spivey, 173, 1(18, .131, 1 is the same driver who won the Cin- Mrs. Guy Compton, 115, 117. Joyce didn't know it was coming . Lineup Ohio State at Delaware; January 9, Hi floor for their game. 146. Springfield. cinnati speedway trophy. The dead, Mrs. Karl Robbins, 104, 109. Stone caught the pass and raced to Hamilton. Virginia Weslcynu at Dela- For the fourth time this Miss Edith Paige, 141, HIS. Mrs. Harry Sliollcnbargcr, 117. .tho 15 yard line. Line plunges made Bccler, I'lgry. Crist ware; January 13, Wittenberg nl Mxcelsiors succeeded in defeating besides Jackson, are: Miss Cora Hufi'eiiburger, 100, 112. Oik Harold Hdgerton, Los Angeles, Mrs. Bert Paige, 116. it, first down for Springfield on Peters. Springfield, January 20, Miami at the Olympics in one of the best ami Miss Anna Conuaughton, .113. Mrs. Wm. T. Schcnk, 112. Hamilton's 3 yard line. Clarke buck- ... Meredith Delaware; January 23, Ohio State at .spectator. Mrs. Win. T. Selicuk, 100. closest games seen this year. The Lewis Jackson, Los Angeles, diiver. Miss Clara Slade, 116. ed through Kyler for the touchdown. Sehwcikcrt- Columbus; January Olympics bad everything their way Mrs. Stanley Kapp, .1.0!), 103. McCaguc J. If. Jenkins, motion picture eam- No league games tonight, all alleys Stone kicked goal. Score: Spring- Granvillc; Feb. !), Allc ;heiiy at Mcad- during the first half which ended 15 Mrs. Bert Paige, 1.07, 117, 105.
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