, The Weather Serving the State Fair aDd wanner today. University of Iowa Partl, rload, .ad _nn­ « Frida . rurh toda,. Campus and 17: low. 41. Hll'h Wedn - Iowa City al owan day. 72: low•• 1. Eat. 1868 AP Leased Wue Five Cents Iowa City. lower. ThW'Sday. September 4. 19S2-VoL 86. No. 23S Here Probers Hear, Ike To Appear Attorney Admit Japanese. War Criminals Hurl ,I During 12-Sfafe Toilr justlce!~:'~~~~~~~ department's criminal"t:; dl- 'Railroaded' Accusation At Allies Schedules 11 Stops New Rains Hit Korean Front vWon, testified Wednesday he ac­ cepted '750 as a clft from a In Statewide Sweep Washinaton lawYer whose firm won dl.mi.tal ot • U. S. criminal Highlanders Select ScoHish Wool Contend Trials Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, re­ complaint a,al~t the Carnation Navy Reaches publican presidential nominee, Milk company in 1947. will make a rear platforrn appear­ He denied any wron,doln,. but ance in Iowa City on Sept. 18. .ald: "I wouldn't do It apin." No Conclusion ~ Were Pol~ti(al according to his campaign train Under questlonln" Mullally also tour announced Wednesday. acknowled.(ed he bolTo)"ed $500 Arthur E. Summerfield. Repub­ trom another Washlnctoh lawyer, In Sub Probe Leo DeOrRy, part owner of the "': Maneuverlngs lican National chairman said Ei­ WASHINGTON (A')-The Navy senhower will begin a 12-state Waahlnftlon Redskins pro footbaU TOKYO (JP) -Japan's convicted team lifter recommend In, dismis­ IIld Wednesday it has invesli­ campaign train tour Sept. 15. lated reports of recent presence war criminals spoke out Wedn - SummerCield said the GOP sal of a war frauds Che In which of unidentl!ied submarines of( day for the first time, and accu d presidential standard bearer will Deeney served as an attorney. Aisska. the Allies of railroadine them 10 make several major speeches and Ma.llall, Addt.f 'GlIt' In response to a queatlon about prison and asked tor their release. 70 Tear platform appearances on Mullally testified he received west coast rumors that submersi­ "ookesmen for the 818 pl'iv-n­ the next tour. the $750 "cUt" two months atter bles had been seen in the Nome ers at an unprecedented news Includes 12 Stales the ,overnrnent's case .,a1nst area last Thursday night, a Navy conference at Tokyo's Sugamo The II-oay trip will c()ver Indi­ Carnation M.ilk was dropped. spokesmnn said: prison ta Iked tr Iy, expr ed no ana, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Testlfylnl before a house judl­ ''There was a repOrted contact word of fUlit and voiced blttt'r Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky, e1ary subcommittee, Mullaly said: in the Alaskan area. An investl­ dlSllPpolntment thot they wer not Ohio, West Virginia. Maryland, "It I had thoulht It wrona. I ptlon revealed 'that no conclusions freed. North Carolina and Virginia. would not have accepted the gift. are practicable. No turther acUon "We are dally awaltlnl release," Eisenhower will leave his spec­ In that respect my judament may Is contemplated." said Maj. Gen. Haruo Fukuchl, Ial campaign train after a speech have been faulty, but no matter DecUnea hrtber CommeDt who was on the Japane e army at St. Paul on Sept. 16, fly back hoW erroneous my judcment may He decllned to .ay exactly when staIf at Honk Konl. to New York City to address the have been, It was not based on the incident occurred or where. AetecJ.. POll: man American Federation of Labor the dishonest motives." The Navy dlaUn/tUlshes betwee!1 Fulruchl, who acted as spokes­ following day, then return to the Tax 8eUI_Db 8tUAlled "sl/thlinl" and "contact" in de­ man for the Band C prisoners - train at Davenport. A TROPICAL RAIN TOUI with winds up to '70 mile•• Il MW' scrIbing submarine operations. the so-called minor war crlmlnnls Summerfield said that during luhed the Kore.n (ron& Wednesday, 11'0undiDC pl.Des Iud \teep,lal' The house subcommittee, head­ Thus the use of tbe word contact ed by Rep. Frank Chelf (D-Ky.), - said he thou"ht the motive for the trip Eiscnhower will "place .U hut • few !'found patrol under cover. In the picture UN t.roo~rw Indicated tbat no vlsu.l slahtin. the WIlT crimes tria Is .. was the before the public in unmistakable use • hlrbUne to na.vI ..ate • road In the UN peace eam)) .t Mu .... Is lookJnC into widen!n, char"ea of .. stranle submer ible was made of ltTa!t and corruption 1,\ the desire, p rhap, to pr vent war, terms the critical mishandling of Karel, u rains which precedtd the typboon "K.ran" 1... & week but that something was picked up handlln" of justice deportment by underwater detection lear or • and if there is another war, to our government by the Truman tW'lled the c.mp Into .. virtual I.ke. CHOO INO TIlE RIGHT SIIADE OF WOOL in an £dlnbur.. h, prevent atroclti ." administration, which, for reasons case.. Some of them alreadY by rodar. ----------~~--~~- eotJlUld atore .re Jo.n .nd Jean Ewer, twins from low. IlY. The "I believe that the motive has of self-perpetuation, Is dally di­ brouaht to IIltht Involve dime-on­ The Navy apparently wasn't 1i9 Hl,hl&nden r.n lhelr last p rformance AuI'. 24 In the Prlncea' recting every phase of the cam­ .-dollar settlements of federal able to Intercept the contact alg­ been served:' he addcd. treel G rde", .n4 boarded hlp from oulhampton Aor. 25. IlIce "With respect to the Bond C paign of its hand-picked candi­ tax ' cl,lm. _,alnlt ,Dmblers anct nol to its own satlltactlon and they left lowl lIy .. July 13. the), have loured Europe and per­ date." SeHI~ ,anpters. COUldn't come up with anythinl dass trials held In Yokohama and 2 Hearings Planned to formed I~ Franee. Ilj'I.nd and coUand. Lea.ves the lfth T.14mar Caudle, tired last No­ definite In the Jnvestlgation, which outside Japan," saJd anoth r spokesman, Capt. BuJchJ Ono, "w ;Eisenhower's train schedule calls verober by iPrl:sldent Truman may ha ve Incl uded a clOlle search from Ilis post as the department's ot the area. feel that they w re not legal and for him to leave New York at 3:10 Wer \:)a d on political onsld r- p.m. (Iowa time) Sept. 14 and Issue of Interurban: Busline chle( tall fraud prosecutor, was SoWl. H.rd to IcleDUf)o allons." will include the following stops: orl"lnally scheduled to testily Usually, faint and indefinite 2 Renowned Midwest Women Sept. 17 - Albert Lea, Owat­ A lone smouldering Issue Wednesday but the subcommlttep. "pines" on sound lear have made All Acree onna, Northfield and st. Paul that ot aUowin, a busUne to op­ and applJcation of the railway Is dUI Into the Mullally matter In­ It impossible to decide wh tl'A!r The 31 convicted as Band C where he leaves the train to lly erate between Iowa City and Ce­ scheduled for Sept. 10, 9:S0 a.m., stead. they oririnated from actual l ub­ war criminal. nodded agrecmel"t back to New York. dar Rapids may be cleared up In the Linn county court house at marines or were reflected sound To Talk 10 Parents, Teachers when a report r asked It they be­ Sept. 17 -- lea~s New York by after a hearing on complaints Cedar Rapid •. 'W'ves frol\'\ nsh, layers- of cold I e eir sent w r "un­ plane at 5 p.m. (Iowa time) tiles about present Intcrurban service Action on the application at water or other natural causes. Two midwestern women who .----------- duly severe, unreasonable and un­ to Moline, IiI., where joins motor and IIclion on applicaUons to op­ American Busline. Inc. ot Unc­ Maryland's &c,vernor Tbe poulblllty that Soviet sub­ have won national recOlnltlon for Dr. Boyd McCandless. director ot called tor." caravan through Moline-Rock Is­ erate busses In that area. oln, Neb., to remove prese!)1 re­ marine. mJlh1. be scouting the their work with children will be the Iowa child welfare research Later reporters went to the top land area to Davenport where he 'l1le Iowa state commerce com­ strictions on the operation of Its Alaskan Coast Ln routine patrols Ls teatured speakers at the 52d an- station at SUI and Mrs. Lloyd tloor of the prison where the 12 rejoins train. Returns Money Gifts not ru led out. mission announced Wednesday bus service between Iowa City and White at Kansas City. Mo. Class A or major war crlmlnal~ sept. 18 - Davenport, Wilton that tboy are going to hold a hear­ Cedar Rapids may be taken at a Nome Is at the westernmost tip nual meeUni of the Iowa conltTe.·s Dr. Vlr"i1 M. Hancher, president are held. These were tried along Junction, West Liberty. Iowa City, 01 the Alaskan malnland wIthin inion complaints from residents hearing in the office ot the county of parents and teachers openin" at of SUI, nd Mrs. Irvin P. Irwin, with Hldekl Tojo before an inter­ Marengo, Brooklyn, Grinnell, New­ After Verbal AHacks eaSy cruisln, ran Ie of Russian of Swisher, Cou Falls, North Lib­ auditor in the Johnson c:Qunly SUI Friday;. pre ident of the Iowa City council national tribunal in Tokyo. ton, Des Moines, Atlantic and erty and COralville that the Cedar court house, Sept. 23, 9:45 ... m. submarines which bue at ports on Omaha. BALTIM08E (JP) - Maryland's the Kumchatka Peninsula, Dairen They are Mrs. Ruth GalUarclo, of parenu and teachers, will ex­ These pl'1soner., some grave, Rapids and Iowa City Railway Co.
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