
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1972 PAGE EIGHTEEN lEo^nins If^raUi J^eef Side Watert The Weather Clear, colder tonight; lown 15 What*g the Problem? to 26. Tom orrow fa ir. Increasing a^emoon cloudiness; high near Page$3and6 40. Outlook for Friday, cloudy, chance of raln/snow. Manehe$ter~^A City o f Village Charm ' i l s ; Apply Without Cost Or Obligation V O L . XCI, NO. 116 (THIRTY.TWO PAGE&-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1972 (Claulfled Adverttslng on Page 29) PRICE FIFTEEN CEIKTS tt , Non-Group Enrollments Now Open Sadat Rattles Nixon Staff Busy YOUR HUS8AND WILL B{ IN THC HOSPITAL DON’T WORRY N O W ... AFTERANKUONGRtST. H E U BE AS GOOD AS Sabres Again, N EW . AND For Folks Age 17-64 HIS II For Senior Citizens As Takeoff Nears AT WORK SHOULD WASHDfQ'TON (AP) — The The staffers handling the past foreign trips. 'When NiXon MOST OF THE lights burned late in a cottage was tn Bermuda in December, HOSPITAL BILLS. Hints Red Aid Washington end of the logistics atop a Maryland mountain and for instance, the presidenttel receive as mtich as maze have been in constant In the White House as l^eai- limousine was flown there for ...B U T WHAT ABOUT, contact with a group of White HIS PAY CHECK?? (A P )— ^President Anwar Sadat declared to- dent mXon and his aides raced his use even though it had diffi­ Egypt must develop sophiatica'ted weapons in against the clock to complete House aides already in China. culty negotiating the winding, order to face U.S. and Israeli armaments. preparations for his historic The advance team is arrang- narrow roads. a week "HST ' TRY NOT TO WORRY. FRED. THE ONLY IMPORTANT \ U T E R as much as ------------ Sadat told a special meeting mission to China. among other things, for the As the trip preparations en­ ^ WHERE AM I GONG TO G H MONEY FOR DAY THAT DAY At^. secluded Cam p D avid in C hhlnese-built in automobiles which tered final stages Tuesday, FOOD? AND ALL THE MONTHLY BILLS? THING IS THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE I of the naticnal congress of the MAYBEWECAN SELL THE CAR OR G H A LOAN __ ruling Arab Socialist Union that M^uyland’s Catoctin Mountains, NiXon and his entourage will presidential press secretary up to OH! GOSH! ^FROMDAD._____________ $100 I prepared to ac- wl^re he flew Tuesday by heli­ use during the week. Ronald L. Ziegler sketdied a m 11 cept Wg losses and inflict even copter, NiXon worked into th While in China, NiXon also few additional details of NiX­ greater loeses on Isra^. night reading loose-leal note­ will fly aboard aircraft supplied on's itinerary, with words of $ He gave no hint of how Egypt books containing classified ma­ by the Chinese government. praise for Ctenese cooperation. • %/ A could develojp sophisticated terial on China and its leaders 'His teg, black armor-plated "We are very satisfled wtte T vP I/C \ R, Weapons, hut presumably they prepared by Henry Kissinger’s limousine is being left at their assistance and with the 1 8 ,8 7 8 National Security Council. home—another departure from arrangements,” Ziegler said. would be suppUed by the Soviet no,ooo At the White House and in Union. adjoining office buildings, an ■ d^'n'f-'M rn a -I- Declaring that it was a world obligation to bring peace to the army of aides ate midnight Middle East, Sadat added: “We snacks at their desks as they coped with the compleX logis­ ^V»E W0N7 HAVE TO DO THAT, JANE. MY SICK-^ LOOK, FRED. THE MAILMAN BROUGHT ^ WKKS SAN FRANCTSeX} (AP) — want force of law, not the Full Attack Hinted cash income when NESS IS COVERED BY OUR AMERICAN HOSPITAL ANOTHER CHECK FROM THE UHR liimgshoro leaders have recom- of force.” tics involved in sending a presi­ INCOME PUN. EVERY WEEK I'M HERE IN THE AMERICAN H0SF1TAL INCOME dent and m ore than 200 other mended ratiftoaUon of a tenta- must prepare ourselves HOSPITAL. W EIL GET SIOO CASH FROM THEM FLAN. Americans into a country with ... JUST LIKE A PAY CHECK. THIS COULD AMOUNT to help fill Medicare gaps tlve contract to end the crip- tor a long political and military ahich the United States has TO $10,000 IF I HAVE TO STAY Iding 181-day West Coast dock struggle,” Sadat said. Hiere hospitalized for a covered HERE 100 WEEKS. strike, raising hopes workers no short cuts through which bad little contact for two dec- As Journey Starts aden. ----------- TJT\ for those long hospital stays will be back on the Job by Sun- b**" achieve our. aj^ra^ The details of arranging a OH. HONEY. day. tlcns.” SAIGON (A P )—^Allied intelligence projections indi­ 1 YOU’RE Tlie UO delegates to a «titn« He made no mention of Is- 20,3B6-mlle, 13-day presidential M^OUS. Journey are manly. cate 70 per cent more North Vietnamese troops will sickness or accident caucus voted Tuesday to sub- Xael’s agreement to U.6.-spon- Woe eXample. White House move into South Vietnam or into the areas just across mlt the agreement to the 18,000 close proXimity talks its western borders during the first five months of this rank and file members at the '*tth Egypt on reopmlng the assistants are making certain that hundreds of suburban year than did so in the same period last year, U.S. mili­ This cash is just like wages. It is for you THESE ARE YOUR CASH BENEFITS MEDICARE PATIENTS MUST PAY: OUllPLAN PAYS: ai strike-bound ports from CanaL The agreement, Seattle to San Diego. awaited here for a year, was Washington schoolchildren, Uny tary sources said today. ---------------------------------------- to spend as you wish-paid directly to MEANWHILE. AT THE American flags to^hand, will be T h e sources also indicated end o f M ay, com pared to 39,000 PAYS CASH . up to $10,000 for each “If the vote Is favorable we lO'cde Feb. 2 as Sadat left tor GRANDPARENT’S HOUSE' on the Soufti Lawn with con­ that American air forces would foj- the same period a year ago. you in addition to any other insurance. (effective 1/1/72) The FIRST $68 of hospital expenses. will try to arrange tor an Im- Moscow. A government spokes- covered accident or illness, starting your gressmen and Catenet officials keep up their heavy strikes one source said the total of Last year, one out of every seven people medlato return to work by Sun- said no comment would be FIRST DAY in the hospital at the rate of The FIRST $68 of hospital expense. $17 a day from the 61st to 90th day in to ted farewell vriien the Presi- across Indochina during Presl- 66,000 would be equal to the day,” said Sidney Roger, intor- Xonde until word was peased to in the United States was hospitalized. the hospital. dent NiXon’s visit to Red China number estimated to'have infll- $100 a week for you... $75 a week for The FIRST $17 a day from the 61st to matlon cftloer tor the’ Inter- B^gypt through Ghinnar V. Jar- bkhmI nnmhimb^ This means that nearly half of the fam­ neXt week. trated In ail of 1971. your spouse when hospitalized . $50 a 90th day in the hospital. Your choice of $20450 a day for as long Longshoremen’s and UJT. sq^edal mediator ilies in this country may have someone Wanbousemen's Union. ' in the Middle Bast crisis. Bulletin They said ttat Feb. 2L the sources said North Vlet- week when one of your covered children as 365 days, after 90 days of hospitaliza­ SAIGON (AP) — American day NiXon arrives in China. committed four of its in, the-hospital in 1972—and many of All hospital charges over $34 a day after ILWU President Harry aemlofflcba nei^per is hospitalized. warplanes launched substan­ strategic reserve divisiens them may not be fully prepared for this NICE THAT FRED RECEIVES YES, AND WE HAVE OUR OWN SENIOR 90 days during the use of your 60^ay tion. Bri<«es supports rattflra!^ ^ $100 A WEEK FROM AMERICAN PRO­ tial air sMkee Inside Norte tured North Vietnamese and numbering about 40,000 men. CITIZEN POLICY FROM AMERICAN PRO­ H e (Ndd the con tract provides j . , . unexpected crisis. GUARANTEED RENEWABLE TD AGE 65 GRESSIVE EVERY WEEK HE’S IN THE GRESSIVE THAT FILLS IN THE GAPS lifetime reserve and all charges there­ 'Vietnam today, UJ9. military Viet Cong doc^rats so m a^ Elements of three of the divl- HOSPITAL. IN OUR MEDICARE COVERAGE. after. mid «rbstantlal gains.” sources said. times as the starting date for already inside South This policy is guaranteed renewable to the union reached the tenta- REPORT MEDICAL COSTS SOAR m an offensive that It couldn’t be Vietnam, ’along Its 'western bor- age 65. Once your policy is in force the tlv e agreem ent with the 122 ^ month discounted. Newspapers report that in the past few dent lea'ves his residence _ . ders with Laos ahd Cambodia Company guarantees never to cancel your of the pacific Marl- ^ The sources, to back ^ ^e northern frontier Just years the cost of a hospital stay has time Assodation last week, “y ®®®-thlri Thursday morning on the first How many Senior Citizens with Medicare CASH DIRECTLY TO YOU He accused the United States leg cf the trip. yP above the demUitariXed zone, nearly tripled .
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