f>M»n Oannty 10 fch 77 EW C o u rier. DEVOTKl) TO LITKIUTUKE, AGRICULTURE. LOCAL AfiD GENERAL NEWS, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE INTERESTS OP SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. TOMS RIVER, OCEAN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1870. BUSINESS CARD8. 'I e w J r s e y C o u r i e r . SEWING MACHINES. SELECTED P0KTBY. for if they forfeit their credentials, what The Senorita. Ministerial Simplicity. tfdiN, Ctirpertlivalt’i ExcIuu ik c . “ ? If they saved their country yea* Miscellaneous. ov*r tbs ro ar oppica, A. A. BRANT, CORNELIUS FECK, Two Paths. forday and sell it to-day, away goes their Even if a Spanish woman is not pretty, Perhaps the worst aud most mischiev­ Paper teeth ia a new invention iu Ger­ Toms Krv*a, O cean C ounty. N. J. DBALMS IN ous of hobby-ridden minister*, is he who 8oic authorized Agent tor the sale of the genuine Oh, murmuring ones who frown and fret honors, and they are still compelled to which, when young, is seldom the case, many, and a number of specimens were ( c. EtUlur and FuDll*her. LUMBER, COAL, BRICKS, LIME, Upon the way your feet are set, pass for just what they are worth. she carries a charm with her wliioh never makes a hobby of some real or fancied displayed at the late paper exhibition in * la th , Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shinnies. personal trait of bis own. I knew a t*«aia.—Two Dollars a year, Un i Dollar for Doors, Mashes, Blind*, Ate., SINGER 8EWING MACHINE Know that the path ye count so bleak Bnt there are some who hardly sub- fails to assert itself. Her figure iB Berliu. They are warranted fully ns ■ix laualtt*; pajroiv la advauoe. At Low Prices. Is better than the one ye seek. minister, who wn* once complimented TRAMiUiWP advirtisiwrnts — Twelve line*, IX OCKAX COUXTY. aoribe to this doctrine, and seem to wish rounded aud graceful—ahe has, unfortu­ durable as any other teeth. (uMiara 1* <*uu one lasertloa. Hack White Pine, Yellow Pine, Baaawood, Cedar, by some very soft aud spoouey young •dilltional iuaeriloa, so oeut#. Larger aavertUe- Spruoe and Hemlock; Frame Staff, all su es sad The Singer is now sold for T hirty D a l i a n , For on that broad and ploanant way fo pass for a little more than they are nately, a tendency in after years to grow Seuator Burton, a colored member of •ueuiaa* uulform rates, wttteu will Oe made known length*; Bridge Timber and Planks; Hough sad Including all the attachments. Sold on instal­ Wherein so much ye long to stray, worth—claim a little more diatinction ■tout—and beariug sqeh that no other ladieB—they were not so very yonng the Texas Legislature, scuds money to “t Uu offlae. Local Notioks, 10 cents a line. Dressed Siding. Flooring, Ceiling, Base and Cas­ ments, S8 monthly. • Stands Conscience, end from every soul either—on fcis simplicity. From that ings ; Fence Boards, Paling and B a ils: Boat Attachments. Needles, Oil, Ac., for all Ma­ than is due. There is here and there i of v >men I kn ow of can pretend to. Virginiu te assist his old mistress who Boards; Oyster and Clam Rake Handles, Ac. chines, on hand or furnished at abort notice. That Journeys there he ask* a toll. time be cultivated simplicity in and out CO AL-best quality, all sizes. Parts of any Machine furnished promptly. an individual in almost every community The little arched foot treads the ground raised him and taught him how to read, BUSINESS CARDS. Particular attention given to Cleaning and Re­ A toil that steal* from every pleaaure, of tho pulpit, and cultivated simplicity and who ia uow living i*i poverty, Inducements will be offered to Cash Boyers. pairing. who thinks that he ought to be specially lightly but proudly, and her step and That takes from every glittering treasure, is very likely to degenerate into what, ir. CAKHICHAEL, Will furnish any other Machine, if desired, titled and honored, for having once re­ carriage arc the very poetry of motion. “ There is nothing impossible,” ex­ Office, Main St.v op. Ocean House. Iswer than they can be bought of any other party. That robs the traveler of his rest ceived a little credit for some trifling The robe, which has generally a sweep­ on the outside, looks very much like im­ claimed a mau who was discoursing of ft* And emltes the heart within his breast- lamellar at Law k Master iu C h an ce ry , YARD IN REAR. CORNELIUS PEOK, becility. The truly simple minister is Toms River, X. J, transaction, in which others did all the ing train, is worn somewhat oliugingly, EdiBou’a achievements. That mau, to utttce on Main street, For this one, turned from friend to foe. 1 work for little pay and no praiae. If you showing the contour *f the form, but simple in the ohildlikeuesB that Christ find out how egregiously he is mistaken, TOMB arVBH, M. J. Forbid* sweet peace with them to go, meet one of these sticklers for distinc­ not impeding free action in every move­ commends. No child evor th’uks of act­ lias only to attempt to out his own hair. EDWARD IRONS, And all i* now bnt worthless dross, AUMACK’S YARD, tion yon had better yield a little for the ment. A gauzy mantilla, falling artistic­ ing the pnrt of a child. They are child­ A slight idoa of the grain producing C. MAUT1N, DRALKK IN That knows her presence, flight or loss. like because they think nothing about .sake of peace, and let him have the ally from the admirably-arranged, luxu­ power of the Northwest ia guiuod from Opposite Railroad Depot, Toma River. So, though the road be rough and steep, credit of passing for “ Ex-Hon. Dan riant tresses, is the simple head dress, their being children. This man was the fact that there aro forty million avail­ ,twruey sad Solicitor in Chancery, SEWING MACHINES, Speed on, O friend, thy courage keep; Dunce, Esq.” If you call him Mister with perhaps the addition of a rose or simple because he was vain. He was able acres iu Minnesota, of which three office over the Bank, LUMBER. COAL, INCLUDING And ever a t thy side shall be the Reverend Cream Cheese churned The Pence that Conscience gives to th ee: you will give him fits. If, in addressing oamellia, planted just where one would million were uuder cultivation up to last Tomb Kivkk, N. J. LIME, CEMENT AND BRICK, Howe, Manufacturing Singer, him, youjnegleot to attaoh to hia name have it. And she carries a dangerous into butter, ho was so concentratedly year, and yielded flfty-ttva million bush­ STEWART SINGER, To smdotli thy way, to whisper “ hope,” simple. His conversation was prattle n0||I T ALLE.\, JltM Through e’er what darkuesa ye may grope; such an appellation as he thinks that his and often ki’ling weapon, which in other els of wheat last season. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, and his sermons babble. He was bo WILSON AND WHITE. Then ere thy race is wholly run, standing demands, take care ! hands but hers loses its power—the fan. The Reading Railroad Company’s Counsellor a t Law, Master in Chancery Also, Blacksmiths’ Coal, Or ere the whole long journey’s done, How it opens and shuts with a dextrous lamb-like that he gambolled away his AND Any of the above Machines, from B B S up. Fashionable Honesty. dinconate, and in his priesthood turned locomotive that was exhibited at Paris, Address yet careless turn of the ivory wrist; how lliniiuiissioiier fo r New York & Pennsylvania. AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. A burst of sudden light shall break out what all lambs turn out if they es­ and which has since been tested satisfac­ EDWARD IRONS, Upon thy path, and ye shall wake Not long ago, in a neighboring oity, it taps the piuk tips of the dimpled fin­ [ Red Bank, N. J ., October 4. BOtf «81 WM. AU9IACK. cape the butcher. To this day he goos torily on the Eastern and Northern rail­ 10 MAXCH ESTER, X. J. To kuow the way yc did deride oue of the belles of society aocepted the gers, to give emphasis to some arch ex­ ways of France, has been running in X. BANCKOFT Led to a country glorified 1 matrimonial proposition of a worthy pression ; how in the sun-glare it iB from parish to parish dealing out intel­ I REPAIRS ALL KINDS OP —Kate "Williamson. lectual bahy-tulk, not because he thinks Switzerland, beiug the first American PATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, young geutlemau, and was asked by him spread, and poised gracefully ns a shield ongiue to run upon Swiss railroads. Chas. B. Mathis, to name the happy day. She consulted against the raye; how, when desirous of the people will like baby-talk, but bo- With neatness and despatch, using the best ma­ Special Notice. There have been .settled iu 1878 terial ; and keeps fur sale WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HE IJXDERSIGXED would most respect­ FAMILY READING. her parents—who had previously given addressing, unnoticed, a gallant aud stab­ cause he i* so simple. I once hoard this fully inform the people of Ocean county that 20,000,000 sores of uow land, by not lotw BEST AMERICAN WATCHES, T their consent to the match—and a family bing him with a glance of the lustrous rnau address some children, and he spoke (lucks, Spectacles, Jewelry, Gold Peas, Violins, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CORNELIUS PECK, than 100,000 familicr, These persouH Strings, so .
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