E30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 12, 2021 let alone a Congressmember. But Rose’s spir- of all skill levels were set up for future suc- ness by dedicating a large part of his practice it, determination, and boldness were an inspi- cess. After receiving an Observer-Reponer to pro bono cases, leaving low-income clients ration to me. She was passionate and com- Person of the Year award, Ms. Ellis best without debt. Because he is such an inspira- passionate, and always had a word of encour- summed up her approach, ‘‘I really feel I was tional role model, Mr. Crump will be inducted agement for me. I was lucky to have her as put on this planet to help people become bet- into the 5000 Role Models of Excellence my constituent and I was lucky to have known ter, and upon doing so, I become better.’’ Project at its 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther her. I ask my colleagues to join me in com- At the height of her career, Ms. Ellis felt a King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast on Monday, memorating the life of an extraordinary woman calling from God to leave her studios and re- January 18, 2021. and a trailblazing public servant. open the LeMoyne Community Center in f f Washington, Pennsylvania, becoming Execu- tive Director in 2007. Under her leadership, THE PRESIDENT IS MENTALLY HONORING THE LIFE OF EVELYN the once dilapidated building became a place UNFIT FERNANDEZ filled with hope and promise. Ms. Ellis fiercely believed the LeMoyne HON. JOHN B. LARSON HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ Community Center should be a source of sta- OF CONNECTICUT OF FLORIDA bility and comfort for local children. She estab- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lished a food program to provide meals for youths across Washington County and started Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Homework and More, a program hosting after- Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Madam Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Madam school activities and tutoring. When school Speaker, we recently witnessed an unprece- Speaker, it is with a heavy heart that I rise to was not in session, the center held summer dented attack on the Capitol as a joint session honor the life of Mrs. Evelyn Fernandez. camp and Coco’s Christmas, which sourced of Congress convened to count and certify the Mrs. Evelyn Fernandez was born on Feb- clothing, gifts, and meals for families in need. Electoral College votes. This was an attack on ruary 14, 1932, in Jamaica and migrated to Madam Speaker, it is with profound sadness not only the hallowed halls of the Capitol, but the United States in the late 1970s and be- that I recognize the loss of Joyce Ellis. Ms. on the very heart and soul of our democracy: came a resident of Brooklyn, New York. She Ellis indelibly advanced and improved her it was an attack on the peaceful transition of was a retired schoolteacher and passionate community through the LeMoyne Community power. about education. Center, and her service will leave a lasting There can be no doubt who instigated the Mrs. Fernandez was a sincere woman who legacy for children and families in our region. insurrectionists and incited them to domestic loved God and her church and was faithful in f terrorism. The President of the United States her service to The Faith Center Ministries. She called on his supporters to march on the Cap- HONORING BENJAMIN CRUMP, was a woman of great faith who cared deeply itol. He told them: ‘‘We’re probably not going AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS ATTOR- for her fellow congregants and worked tire- to be cheering so much for some of them be- NEY AND MEMBER OF THE 5000 lessly to better the lives of all those in her cause you’ll never take back our country with ROLE MODELS OF EXCELLENCE community. weakness. You have to show strength, and PROJECT Mrs. Fernandez was the devoted mother of you have to be strong.’’ three sons and three daughters, among them In 2017, Dr. Harold Schwartz wrote this op- Bishop Henry Fernandez, spiritual leader of HON. FREDERICA S. WILSON ed, published in the Hartford Courant. In it, he The Faith Center Ministries in Sunrise, Florida. OF FLORIDA describes several mental disorders that may I join Bishop Fernandez and his family as they IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be applicable to the President. It has proven mourn the loss of this kind and compassionate Tuesday, January 12, 2021 to be remarkably prescient and foreshadowed soul. the events of January 6, 2021. I include it in In the days, weeks and months ahead, we Ms. WILSON of Florida. Madam Speaker, I the RECORD here so that Members and the will celebrate her life and honor her legacy. rise to congratulate Benjamin Crump, a nation- public may draw their own conclusions about While this loss will be felt deeply by everyone, ally recognized civil rights attorney who seeks the President’s fitness to serve out the remain- we are forever privileged to have shared this justice for families who’ve lost a loved one to der of his term. I, for one, believe that the time with her on Earth. May her memory be a police and racially charged violence, and a President is a malignant narcissist lacking the blessing. member of the 5000 Role Models of Excel- capacity to discharge the duties of his office f lence Project. and call on the Vice President to invoke the In 2012, Mr. Crump represented the family 25th Amendment. CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF JOYCE of my constituent, Trayvon Martin, 17, who ELLIS was killed by neighborhood watch vigilante I’M NOT DIAGNOSING TRUMP: JUST SAYING ... George Zimmerman. He also has represented (By Harold I. Schwartz) HON. GUY RESCHENTHALER the families of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who Psychiatrists are prohibited by the so- called Goldwater Rule from diagnosing pub- OF PENNSYLVANIA was killed by a Cleveland Police officer while lic figures they have not personally assessed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES holding a toy gun; and Michael Brown, 18, who was shot dead by a police officer in Fer- This prohibition followed the 1964 election, Tuesday, January 12, 2021 when Barry Goldwater was the Republican guson, Missouri. He is currently representing candidate for president and felt by many to Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Madam Speaker, I the family of George Floyd, who was killed by have extreme views. He was castigated in a rise to celebrate the life of Joyce Ellis, who a police officer in Minneapolis, and Jacob survey of American psychiatrists and un- passed away on December 16, 2020, at the Blake, who was left paralyzed after being shot fairly labeled with virtually every diagnosis age of 62. Ms. Ellis was a remarkable woman by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Mr. in the book. with a steadfast commitment to serving her Crump has collected millions of dollars for Fearful of the implications of diagnosing community, and her leadership and advocacy more than 200 victims and their families and from afar, the American Psychiatric Asso- for our region’s youth will be greatly missed. his advocacy has significantly raised aware- ciation prohibited this activity to protect the credibility of American psychiatry and At the age of 17, Ms. Ellis opened her first ness of the racial inequities embedded in our the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of dance studio, eventually expanding her oper- nation’s judicial system. public figures. On the one hand, the prohibi- ation to include four studios throughout south- Mr. Crump, who has been described as ‘‘the tion makes sense. On the other, it’s a gag western Pennsylvania. Ms. Ellis’ students per- hardest working attorney in the country,’’ rule preventing psychiatrists from contrib- formed across the Commonwealth, from com- earned his bachelor’s and law degrees from uting to the conversation. munity parades to Steelers and Pirates Florida State University. His grandmother, who It may not be necessary, however, for a games. They were also nationally recognized helped raise him, once said, ‘‘When you get a psychiatrist to offer a diagnosis to join the at the Cherry Blossom Festival in our nation’s chance to speak truth to power, you do it.’’ He discussion of just what is (or is not) wrong with Donald Trump. Mere information may capital. remembers those words everyday no matter suffice. In this spirit I bring you, straight While Ms. Ellis was an accomplished dancer where he is and uses them as a guide. from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and choreographer, she was also deeply dedi- I have the utmost confidence that Mr. of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (the DSM– cated to mentorship. Students and parents re- Crump will continue to serve underserved V, psychiatry’s diagnostic bible), the descrip- member her commitment to ensuring dancers communities. He has exemplified his selfless- tions of several mental disorders. Far be it VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:23 Jan 13, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12JA8.003 E12JAPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS January 12, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E31 from me to say they apply to Mr. Trump. ficult to distinguish a fantastical wish from eral casework and for his expertise on immi- You may decide. a delusion. But we are splitting definitional gration and LGBTQIA issues. Let’s start in the Personality Disorders hairs here. Recently, for example, Cartwright was inte- section. There are many disorders within I must reiterate, lest I find myself at odds gral in assisting a District of Columbia family this category and their features often mix with my professional organization: I have stranded in India during a trip to renew their and match.
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