IV. •#•'••*» rt •w*.y •wMMlMby with aacutaul tiBEDW rate Way and tnaJsht and te| 25,750 baptNg mow of the day. M«tQy Red Bank Area cloudy aad continued cool to- I 7 morrow, aad sunny and cool Copyright—The -Red Bank Register, lac, IMS. Sunday, Set weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNT¥?S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL. 88, NO. 83 luutd duly. Monday thrauih rrldir. tutud Clui Pwu«» FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Hughes Spends Busy Day in County By WILLIAM HENDERSON chief target when he traveled other lurid things which usually Monmouth) was upset when I ac- About narcotics, he said: RED BANK - In between bites the county from north to south come out three weeks before cused my opponent of being "I want a law giving life sen- of chocolate eclairs, spaghetti, and back again. election," the governor said. against the shore. And if all the tences to anyone pushing dope but candy and cake, Gov, Richard Hughes, who told The Register Rebuild Shore bills Dumont tried to push they say It's too tough a mea- J.. Hughes spent his 12 hours in he had only three hours sleep "Dumont voted against an ap- through the Legislature were sure." Republican Monmouth County Wednesday night, started his crit- propriation to rebuild the Jersey passed it would cost us a billion He finished this talk by saying: yesterday giving his election rival icism of Sen. Dumont when he shore. We did the job and fooled dollars. Beadleston knows this." "It is important that the voters several sharp "needles." spoke to members of the Red the pessimists. I don't think Du- The governor, remarking about of New Jersey think about the the state being deprived of air The governor, who said early Bank Rotary club in the Molly mont has done much for the itate first rather than which par- and water pollution bills, said: in the day: "I'm not going to Pitcher Inn. shore, besides come down here ty they normally vote with. 1 gay anything bad about my op- "New Jersey's medical, school and cuss out the clams." "We would have had $70 million want New Jersey to be a giant ponent — Wayne Dumont, Jr.," system is expanding. My oppo- "My friend Beadleston (Repub- worth of construction for sewer- among the states. My opponent did use the GOP candidate as his nent sheds a tear over it and any lican Alfred N. Beadleston, R- age but for them." (See HUGHES; Page 3) ' More Ground Fighting Is Reported V.C. Downs 2 US. Planes SAIGON (AP) - More fighting area Tuesday and Wednesday, in yesterday, and it was believed their way to the outpost to re- tion paid off for South Vietnam- after reports that a Viet Cong was reported today at the special The sources said the camp 210 then the siege had been lifted. inforce the beleaguered defend- ese forces. company or battalion — up to forces camp at Pie! Me, and in- miles northeast of Saigon, which „ Up to 500 Men ers, . About. 600. government troops 550 men — were operating there formed sources reported two U.S. the Viet Cong have been stack' The attackers were estimated An American television camera- swooped down on a. small Viet The government troops seized Air Force Skyraiders were shot ing since Tuesday night, came to number up to 500 men. U.S. man, Charles Burnett of Los An- Cong concentration.at Xoni.Ohua, a small number of arms, captured down. under mortar fire last night. U.S. advisers in the camp reported geles station KTLA-TV, was re 35 miles southwest • of Saigon. three Viet Cong suspects and de- GIVE US A HAND — Go/. Richard J. Hughes gives cam- stroyed 23 Sampans in nearby It was feared that one of thejets pounded the Viet Cong around seeing at least 90 enemy bodies ported wounded while accompany' They killed 4J of the Communist paign poster boosting Democratic Assembly candidate the camp continuously. in the barbed wire around the ing the rangers. He was one of guerrillas,.captured 19 and came canals, but enemy casualties In Sky raider pilots was captured by that phase of the action were Pat McGann, Jr., to Debbie Barrett, 8, pf Church La., camp and on the ground beyond. three newsmen with the unit, out with only a few wounded yes- the Viet Cong, sources said. The camp regularly is garri- not known when the fighting died U.S. officials said the garrison Another was Associated Press terday. Middletown, after he left Red Bank welfare board office The other pilot was wounded soned by about 300 Montagard and the government troops pulled had suffered light losses. photographer Eddie Adams. on West Front St. slightly but was rescued. tribesmen and 10 or 12 American Reconnaissance units and out. ' Eight Americans were killed advisers. U.S. helicopters lifted Unconfirmed reports said a unit In the Mekong Delta over- ranger battalion pushed into the In two helicopter crashes In the several companies of Vietnamese of Vietnamese Rangers" fought whelming strength and speed ac- area in the flooded plain of reeds (See VIET NAM, Page 3) our Dumont SupportsIrwin Withholds Comment Slated Tomorrow DeathPenaltyFor EATONTOWN - Republican' H. DanskJn, and Sheriff Joseph county candidates will be es- A. Shafto who is also seeking corted on their rounds of poli- re-election. On '58 Probe Significance ticking tomorrow by a motor- The motorcade will form at cade manned by the .Monmouth 9:30 a.m. at Ravine Dr., Mata- Slayers of Cops FREEHOLD — Monmouth County Freeholder Director Ij. anticipated in the immediate future." As one of several rec- County Young Republicans. wan borough. Stops will t* Joseph C. Irwin withheld comment yesterday on whether a 1953 ommendations, the jury called on the freeholders to "provide • The sound1 truck used by the made a,t the Airport Shopping TRENTON (AP) — State S«n. of criminals." The bill would re- Grand Jury presentment about county jail conditions has any proper jail facilities immediately." , "..'.,.' . New Jersey Young Republicans Center, Rt.- 26, Raritan Town* Wayne Dumont Jr., the Repub-quire gun dealers to check with significance in the current jury probe of the Jail. A site for a new j»il has been acquired but construction Is will,head the'parade of cars. ship;.. Middletown police to s«f it a prospective pur- not slated, until 1967-68. the'freeholders purchased, in 1958, a : lican candidate for governor, Mr. Irwin, who was a witness before the present jury as it The guests will include R|ch-. Center; Prospect - Ave., Liul* •aid today he would support leg- chaser is registered as v. nar- former A. & M. Karagheusian rug mill plant and converted one concluded taking three days of testimony Wednesday, said be ard R. Stout, Monuiouth, and Silver; >Seari Roebuck parking islation to make the murder of cotic* 'iiict, has a criminal 1 building into a rehabilitation center to house minimum security may have a statement later . The jury has Indicated it will William T. Hlering; Ocean, sen- lot. :Rt. «i Neptune, and termi- a poUeraan performing hli du- record, Us been committed to a prisoners..."-•;._• -''''v "• • ;:.-:"••'.:."..„'•':.. •--'*•-- ••• ' • atorial candidates from the make a report of its findings on Monday. nate at :the .county GOP cam- ties punishable by death. mental institution or belongs to A gymnasium;* the ranter has been, nseil occasionally for new-fifth senatorial district; paign: headquarter* in the The Daily Register learned Wednesday that the jury has At the tame time, Dumont re- a juvenile detention c«nt»r. It was thete that two 17-year-olds. Assemblyman Alfred N. Bea-- Monmouth Shopping Center, been informed of the seven-year-old presentment which, like peated that be !« "violently op- sive by tl» federal government. escaped Sept.. 8, partially fueling the inv<stlgaUonv dleston,. R-Moninputh; his; nin- here. «t 3:30 p,m. the present inquiry, Wai triggered In ptri By 'in escape Of ning mates tor the Assembly, posed" to Democratic Gov. "As a lawyer, the governor Principal attention in, the proHe, however, has teen directed )' * ' im-mn m •—• ••• prisoner!. • Joseph Azzollna and James Richard J. Hughes' bill to curb knows full well the difficulties to statements by Freeholder Eugene J. Bedell, the board's only Coleman; freeholder nominees sale e[ guns. , Involved in drafting legisla- The presentment said the jury had been informed that Democrat, i about reports of narcotics traffic among jail Joseph C. Irwin and Benjamin An pfWuty tookie • patrolman tion of this type," Dumont said. "plans for new facilities are being made and that construction prisoners. ... <••• :•"•';!•'" Span Fixed wa* shot and killed last week in "He knows that in seeking a Newark. Dumont said only the worthy objective which til de- On Rariton, threat of the death penalty could cent men and women support, it Would Hold Line on Population Increase stop such crimes, Hughes has is important not to trample on also endorsed the idea. the rights' of our citizens and Trains Roll Dumont said he opposes subject innocent persons to ar- SOUTH AMBOY-Shore trains Hughes' bill to ban gun sales to rest." ' were back on schedule'this morn- undesirables because it Is not a Hughes has charged that Du- ing after a tugboat 'pulling three good bill. Board Unveils barges hit the railroad * bridge He said the bill would "dis- mont cahj«out against the bill over the Raritan River at 8:33 arm good "citizens and place in return for support by a gun MARLBORO -, The township lage Homes plans 620 houses on permit a medium size develop-throughout the 30 square miles Grubb, Jr., Vice Chairman Ger- last night.
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