ST. JULES CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS SCHEDULE ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES Adult Education Deacon Reggie 337-257-8699 SUNDAY: 8 &10 am; Spanish 11:30am; Vietnamese 2 pm Angels of Service Barbara Satchez 337-298-4749 SATURDAY: 4 pm (Anticipated) Annual Retreat (GC) Allen Begnaud 337-230-9984 Choir Angie Sanford 337-852-5600 WEEKDAYS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12 noon Catholic Daughters Gerry Sonnier 337-780-1085 Catechism (CCD) Corine Porche 337-296-7994 Confession: Saturday 3:15 – 3:45 pm; Sundays 15 mins Catechism (CCD/Hisp) Luisa Blanco 337-852-7241 before mass,11:50 am before weekday Masses; or by Come Lord Jesus (Tue 2:30) Phyllis Boudreaux 337-781-7576 appointment Come Lord Jesus (Wed 5:30) Christy Perret 337-593-0669 Eucharistic Ministers Barbara Satchez 337-298-4749 Rosaries: 11:30 am before weekday Masses; 6:30 pm Homebound Eucharistic Ministry Ken/Sally Wade 337-984-7563 Monday; Patriotic Rosary 6:30 pm Wednesday Hospital Ministry Gerry Porche 337-296-8652 Immaculata Prayer Group Dottie Bollich 337-257-8699 First Friday Adoration (bilingual) Immediately after noon Knights of Columbus Leo Satchez 337-288-5903 Lectors Camille Copeland 337-591-1971 mass until 6 pm; Benediction following. Men’s Cursillo Randall 337-349-2516 Mystagogy Logan/David 337-201-6226 OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9:30 am to 1 pm Theresians Jalyne Dupre 337-852-7390 Ushers Ken Judice 337-257-4317 116 ST. JULES ST., LAFAYETTE, LA 70506 - PHONE: 337-234-2727 FAX: 337-232-1544 Visit our website to see what’s going on in the parish! www.stjuleschurch.org MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK AT ST. JULES PRAY FOR PRIESTS PRAY FOR SEMINARIANS Sunday 7/29/18 David LeCompte, Louella & Carl Gumpert, ●Masses: 8:00 & 10:00 am; Spanish Rev. Jude Halphen Seventeenth Sunday in Charles & Clydie Porche 11:30 am; Vietnamese 2 pm mass Casey Dugas Ordinary Time OA 4:30-5:30 pm ALANON 6 pm Monday 7/30/18 Jerry Sibille, Johnny Suire, Jennifer Stonicher ●Mass 12 pm Rosary 6:30 pm Rev. Brian Harrington St. Peter Chysologus John Dugas Tuesday 7/31/18 ●Mass 12 pm CLJ 2-4 pm Rev.Msgr.Russell Harrington St. Ignatius of Loyola OA 6-7pm Andrew Furka Wednesday 8/1/18 Cyndi Chastant ●Mass 12 pm ●Patriotic Rosary 6:15 pm Pope Francis St. Alphonsus Liguori ●CLJ 5:30pm Immaculata Prayer 7-9 pm David Furka ●Men's Ultreya 6:30 pm Thursday 8/2/18 Pope Emer.Benedict XVI Ss. Eusebius/Peter Eymard Jace Gyles Friday 8/3/18 ●Mass 12pm ●ALANON 6pm Bishop J. D. Deshotel First Friday ●Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Jonathan Harris followed by mass at 6 pm Saturday 8/4/18 Yvonne Trahan, Jules & Anita Domingue, Marnell ●Mass 4 pm OA 10-11 am & 3 pm Bishop Emer. M. Jarrell First Saturday; Blessed Castille, Joanne Dugas, Allen Gerard, Lois ●Baptism 10 am ●Quinceañera 11 Evan Hebert Virgin Mary; St. John Vian- Broussard, Joe & Rosa Mae Thibodeaux, Eddie am ●Reception 5-11 pm ney Parrish, Harvey Mouton Sunday 8/5/18 Rayford Lantier, Wayman Bergeron, David Masses: 8:00 & 10:00 am; Spanish Rev. David Hebert Eighteenth Sunday in Ordi- LeCompte, Sadie Guilbeau, Marie Laurent, 11:30 am ; Vietnamese 2 pm mass Rev. Mr. Sal Istre nary Time Louella & Carl Gumpert, Charles & Clydie OA 4:30-5:30 pm ●ALANON 6 pm Porche, Ann Girouard TODAY’S READINGS WEEKLY MIRACLE First Reading — When they had eaten, there was some left This week marks the beginning of a kind of “liturgical de- over, as the Lord had said (2 Kings 4:42-44). tour.” We have been listening to Saint Mark’s Gospel during this Psalm — The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our liturgical year (Year B). Today we begin to hear a long section needs (Psalm 145). from John’s Gospel, starting with the miracle of the multiplica- Second Reading — Strive to preserve the unity of the spirit tion of the loaves and fishes. This miracle story is a prelude to through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-6). the Lord’s statements that we will begin hearing in a few weeks, Gospel — Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distrib- in which Jesus refers to himself as the “bread of life.” Each uted them to those who were reclining, and also as much of week we witness a miracle at Mass. We do not see a multiplica- the fish as they wanted (John 6:1-15). tion of loaves before us. What our eyes of faith allow us to see is the miracle of the transformation of common elements— bread and wine—into the Lord’s Body and Blood. Once we The Sanctuary Lamp (Burns in Memory of) have received the Lord, the multiplication begins, for in the Eu- Doug Guillory, Harry Chauvin, Allen Gerard, Rayford Lantier charist we are strengthened to multiply our efforts to feed the Russell Dailey, Agnus Broussard, David LeCompte, Harrison Camel, Wayman L. Bergeron, Cullen Rome, Goldie poor, shelter the homeless, and bring comfort to the despairing. Rome, A. J. Antoine, Estelle Satchez, Mark Corner, Jack Thibodeaux Pray for the Sick The Vocation Chalice is entrusted to Please say prayers for Fr. Dan Edwards, Rowena Broussard, Tommy Broussard, Earl Buller, Ken Miller, Kirk Domas, Bernadette Dugas, Gussie Romero, Ken Wade, Leo & Barbara Satchez Elaine & Gary, Greg Baffes, Theresa Broussard, Jeanette Dugas, Dr. Joey De- Saturday at the 4 pm mass lahoussaye, Lois Reeder, Cynthia Gary, Ethel Hebert, Glenn Hebert, Taina Zeller, Please join us in prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood Tina Gilbert, Gavin Walters, Hope Broussard, Bradly McCormick, C. J. Leger, Frank Falto, David Begnaud, Jessie Duhon, Gerard Martin, Hillary Mire, George Seaux, Pastor: Rev. Fr. Dan Edwards HOMEBOUND /HOSPITAL Genevieve “Gennie” Patin, Frances Sabyle, Louis Bircher, Audrey Desormeaux, Deacon: Reggie Bollich EUCHARISTIC /PRAYER Marty Bellot, Scott Bircher, Fr. Garrett Savoie, Amie Clostio, Patty Lagrange, Mickey Jose Luna & Vincente Blanco MINISTRY Stoutes, Katherine Howard, Mary Boustany, Albertine Locklear, Larry Whatley, Bulletin / DRE: Corine Porche If you or your loved one is a St. Jessica Doucet, Shirley Stobart, Ruth Broussard, Ella Grace Revere, Margaret 337-296-7994 or Jules parishioner and cannot Gremillion, Carol Dugas, Donald Klumpp, Sandy Thibodeaux, Bob Adamson, Fr. Email: [email protected] attend Mass because of surgery Pius Vallooran, Dotsie Butcher, Mary Domingue, M/M Don Guilbeaux, Casey Lor- mand, Leslie DeJean, Sherri Alario, Diana Romero, Carroll Donlon, Dwight Bou- Spanish Ministry: Luisa Blanco or illness, or in the hospital and dreaux, Alice Stansbury, Mrs. W. J. Schexneider, Claudia Trahan, Johnnie LeBlanc, 337/852-7241 would like Holy Communion, Carolyn Landry, Marie LeBlanc, Marilyn Falcon, Barbara Camos, Cheryl Landry, Cantor & Organist: and/or prayers, please call Ken or Evan Richard, Forest Lalande, Catherine Strickland, Maurene Smith, Logan Le- Angela & Brian Sanford Sally Wade at 984-7563. maire, Louis Cullotta, Nicholas Cina, Ed Boudreaux, Wilbert & Ella Gary, Melissa Sacristan / Bldg Maintenance: For hospital visits/ministry, call Barker, Quinn Robicheaux, Jalyne Dupre, Barbara Degeyter and St. Jules parishion- Gerry Porche 296-8652. ers. SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 29, 2018 AROUND THE PARISH AROUND THE DIOCESE “THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO GAVE TO THE SARNELLI ORPHAN- AGE ON THE WEEKEND OF JUNE 10. YOUR DONATIONS, HAND CARRIED TO The Community of Jesus Crucified in St. Martinville offers a THE ORPHANAGE, WILL BE USED MAINLY TO PURCHASE ANTI-RETRO VIRAL men’s bible study every Thursday morning from 5:30-6:30 MEDICINE FOR THE HIV+ ORPHANS. A PORTION OF THE DONATIONS WERE am. There is no cost and no registration necessary. All men are invited, coffee is provided. Just show up and bring your USED IMMEDIATELY IN THE SARNELLI OUTREACH PROGRAM TO BUY MAT- bible. TRESSES/BEDDING FOR FAMILIES LIVING ‘DOWNRIVER’, FORMULA (MILK) Fête-Dieu du Vermilion AND MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION FOR A THREE MONTH OLD BOY BORN TWO MONTHS PREMATURE SUFFERING WITH HYDROCEPHALUS. THE BOY NEEDS AN OPERATION AND THAT MAY HAPPEN THIS WEEK. THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR THE GENEROSITY OF ST JULES PARISHIONERS.” ..... DEACON REGGIE Registration packets for Religious Education are at the entrances of church. If you, or someone you know, has a child/children they would like to enroll in religious education (CCD classes) please complete a packet and return to the office. Classes will start August 20th at 6 pm Mass to Mark the 59th Anniversary of Charlene Marie Richard's Death Friday, August 3, 2018, 6:00 PM Location: St. Edward Church, Richard The Friends of Charlene Richard organization announces the date of the Annual Mass of Petitition marking the 59th anniversary of the death of Char- lene Marie Richard. This Mass will be offered on Friday, August 3rd, 2018 at 6 p.m. at St. Edward's Church in Richard, Louisiana. Father Keith Pellerin, Pastor of St. Phillip Neri Church in Kinder, will be the main celebrant. This year's celebration begins at 5:30 p.m. with the praying of the Rosary. Imme- diately following the Mass, a reception will be held in the church hall. For more information, contact the Friends of Charlene Richard at P.O. Box 91623, Lafayette, LA 70509. The DesOrmeaux Baby Bottle Campaign has ended. They can be placed in the collection baskets. Once again, thank you for your generosity. PLEASE SILENCE YOUR CELL PHONES...THANK YOU! STAND FIRM In time of desolation one should never make a change, but stand firm in the resolutions and decisions that guided one the day before the desolation. —St. Ignatius of Loyola WE RETURN TO GOD...FROM WHAT HE HAS GIVEN US 7/22/18 Cash Offertory $12,625.90 MUSIC Poor $88.83 Entrance: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say BSA $10.00 Offertory: Gift of Finest Wheat Communion: Here I Am to
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