Welcome to worship at Alamo Heights United Sunday Morning Worship Methodist Church. in the Sanctuary Welcome at 8:30, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Rev. David McNitzky, Lead Pastor Rev. Donna Strieb, Worship Pastor to Worship I t is our hope that this information will an- In the Christian Life Center Alamo Heights United Methodist Church swer questions about the acts of worship. at 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. As God’s people, we are called to practice Rev. Dinah Shelly, Lead Pastor weekly worship with the community. At the Rev. Darrell Smith heart of worship is adoration of God the Fa- Rev. Ryan Jacobson Rev. Matthew Scott ther, Son and Holy Spirit. Taizé Service First Wednesday of each month at In worship: 6:30 p.m. in the Garden Chapel • we are given words of praise Rev. Donna Strieb, Lead Pastor and gratitude; • we bring the needs of our lives, OUR MISSION: our church and our world before God; to partner with God in bringing • we hear the Story of God, God’s deliver- the kingdom of heaven to earth ance of God’s people, and the great and by making disciples of Jesus Christ unending love that God has for all the world; OUR VALUES: (STARS) Sonship, Text, Action, Relationship & Spirit • we remember who we are, God’s beloved sons and daughters; • we speak the text that guides our lives and hear it proclaimed; • we hear that our actions help bring in the Kingdom; • we remember that we are called to rela- tionship with God, with each other and with our neighbor; • we remember that Holy Spirit continually leads, guides and surrounds us. Alamo Heights United Methodist Church 825 E. Basse Road • San Antonio, TX 78209 Phone: 210-826-3215 • www.ahumc.org Sacrament of Baptism: This ritual sym- When we frame the act of worship with bolizes entering into covenant with God. The the Shema, the picture that emerges is an Sunday Mornings believer is given God’s word of grace and re- all-in-ness. Through the practice of worship, in the Sanctuary sponds by committing to lead a life of faith we learn to de-compartmentalize our lives, and love. When an infant is baptized, the par- so that we continually transform into people ents covenant to nurture the child in Christ’s whose whole lives are lived in praise to God, holy church. The congregation also commits the Holy One, who is all-in for us. to surround the newly baptized with a com- The Acts of Worship munity of faith and love. Scripture Lesson: This reading of the Scrip- Worship is patterned in four parts; Gathering, ture serves as the foundation for the sermon. Proclamation of the Word, Response to the The Peace: This ancient practice offers the The lessons can be taken from the Hebrew Word and Sending Forth. The arrows beside peace and wholeness of Christ to one anoth- Scriptures or the New Testament. the various acts of worship indicate the focus er. It is a sign of unity and love. of our act; from the congregation to God, Sermon: The preacher proclaims the truth from God to the congregation, from the Children’s Time: Children are invited for- of the scripture and makes connections be- community to one another. Some acts of ward to receive a word based on the scripture tween the Word and the lives of God’s people. worship are multi-directional. lesson. RESPONSE TO THE WORD Intercessory Prayer: A pastor–led prayer GATHERING Holy Communion: This sacrament re- asks for help for those in need and prayers for Prelude/Introit: This musical offering allows members Jesus’ final meal with his disciples, the needs of the world. time to prepare our hearts and minds for wor- claims the redemption we share through ship. The acolytes bring in the Light of Christ, Christ’s death and resurrection, and looks for- Offering: Participants respond to God’s symbolizing the presence of Christ with us. ward with joy to the time when God’s world is goodness through giving monetary gifts for redeemed and made whole. the work of bringing God’s Kingdom to earth. Call to Worship: A text is spoken in unison by congregation and leaders that calls us into Closing Prayer: Responding to the Word re- Doxology: A song of praise is sung after the God’s presence with praise. The community claims our life as people of God and our com- offering as the people’s gifts are brought for- is formed, God is present and worship begins. mitment to work for good in the world. ward as a sign of dedication. Opening Hymn: A hymn (poem) of praise SENDING FORTH THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD and thanksgiving is sung by the congrega- Closing Hymn: A hymn sends the congre- tion. Hymns and choruses are sung through- The Shema: A proclamation of this ancient gation back into the world with a renewed out the service. This is the congregation’s text is spoken before the reading of the scrip- sense of our identity as God’s people, ready to song. ture lesson. honor and love others as we are loved. Congregational Prayer: A prayer is spoken Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, Benediction: A blessing of the people is pro- that gives thanks for God’s goodness, admits the Lord alone. claimed as we are sent forth with God’s pro- brokenness in our lives, or confesses ways we Love the Lord your God tection and peace for the coming week and have been separated from God. The prayer with all your heart, the service that lies ahead. ends with a request for help and guidance. with all your soul, If the prayer is a confession, it is followed by with all your strength, Postlude: A musical response is offered to Words of Assurance that remind us of God’s and love your neighbor as yourself. the goodness and glory of God. forgiveness and mercy..
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