THE LONDON GAZETTE, I FEBRUARY, 1952 653 KAY BROS. (WAREHOUSE) Limited. A. J. CROUCH Limited. Extraordinary Resolution (pursuant to the Companies AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Act, 1948, section 141) passed the 25th day of Members of the above named Company duly con- January, 1952. vened and held at Ethelburga House, 91-93, Bishops- At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Com- gate, London, E.C.2, on the 28th January, 1952, the pany, duly convened, and held at 2, Mosley Street, following Extraordinary Resolution was duly Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, on the 25th assea:— day of January, 1952, the following Extraordinary " That it has been proved to the satisfaction of Resolution was duly passed:— this Meeting that the Company cannot by reason "That it has been proved to the satisfaction of of its liabilities continue its business, and that it is this Meeting that the Company cannot by reason of advisable that the Company be wound up its liabilities continue its business and that it is voluntarily." advisable to wind up the same and accordingly that (075) ALFRED J. CROUCH, Chairman. the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Mr. Richard Hodgson of 2, M9sley Street, Manchester, PARKINSON & CLARK Limited. be and he is hereby appointed Liquidator for the The Companies Act, 1948. purpose of such winding-up." AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the (326) HARRY KERSNER, Chairman. Members of the above named Company, duly con- vened and held at District Bank Chambers, Market BELFRIDGE & PARTNERS Limited. Street, Bradford, in (the county of York on the 10, Moor Street", London, W.C.I. 23rd day of January 1952 the following Special Members' Voluntary Winding-up. Resolution was duly passed :— The Companies Act, 1948. "That the Company be wound up voluntarily, AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the and that Mr. William Herbert Mosley Isle of District above named Company duly convened and held on Bank Chambers, Market Street, Bradford, in the the 28th of January 1952 at 15 Hatherley Road. county of York, Chartered Accountant, be and is London E.17 the following Special Resolution was hereby appointed Liquidator of the Company." duly passed: — (043) H. C. MALLINSON, Chairman. " The Company Belfridge & Partners Ltd. is to be wound up voluntarily, and Mr. H. Lansing of 15 Hatherley Road London E.17 is appointed THORNE HOUSING ASSOCIATION Limited. Liquidator." The Companies Act, 1948. (079) HANUS LANSING, Director. Special Resolution, passed 25th January, 1952. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the BRIGHOUSE ESTATE CO. (SOUTHERN) above named Company held on the 25th day of Limited. January, 1952, the following Resolution was duly The Companies Act, 1948. passed as a Special Resolution: — (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) Resolution. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the "That the Company be wound up voluntarily by above named Company, duly convened, and held on way of a Members' Voluntary Winding-up, and that the 17th day of January, 1952, the following Special Andrew Whyte, of 20-26, Northgate, Darlington, Co. Resolution was duly passed:— Durham, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose " That the Company be wound up voluntarily and of such winding-up." that Mr. F. L. Kilby, Incorporated Accountant, of (182) CHAS. TODD, Secretary. Messrs. Kilby, Sutcliffe & Co., Brighouse, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such COTTAGES Limited. winding-up." The Companies Act, 1948. (314) F. E. MARSHALL, Chairman. Special Resolution, passed 25th January, 1952. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the WITTERING TRUST Limited. above named Company held on the 25th day of The Companies Act, 1948. January, 1952, the following Resolution was duly Special Resolution passed the 18th day of passed as a Special Resolution: — January, 1952. Resolution. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the "That the Company be wound up voluntarily by above named Company, duly convened and held at way of a Members' Voluntary Winding-up, and that 51-53 High Street, Epsom, Surrey on the 13th day Andrew Whyte, of 20-26, Northgate, Darlington, Co. of January 1952, the following Resolution was duly Durham, be appointed Liquidator for the purpose passed as a Special Resolution:— of such winding-up." " That the Company be wound up voluntarily and (183) CHAS. TODD, Secretary. that Allen Glen Williams of 6 Broad Street Place, London, E.C.2, be appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding-up." OWNERS OF BENTINCK WEST HARTLEY (028) A. R. DRUMMOND, Chairman. COLLIERY Limited. The Companies Act, 1948. THOMAS HARDY (SHIPPING) Limited. °*~~" AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the (In Voluntary Liquidation.) Members of the above named Company duly con- Special Resolution (pursuant to the Companies Act, vened and held on the 23rd day of January, 1952, 1948, Section 278), passed the 28th day of January, the following Resolution was duly passed as a 1952. Special Resolution:— AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the " That the Company be wound up voluntarily and above named Company, duly convened, and held at that Joseph Michael Smith Coates of 31, Mosley Barclays Bank Chambers, Market Street, Stalybridge Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Jocelyn Kemble in the county of Chester, on the 28th day of January, Fraser of ' Edensteads,' Crosby-on-Eden, Cumber- 1952, the following Special Resolution was duly land, be and are hereby appointed Liquidators for the passed:— purpose of such winding-up." " That the Company be wound up voluntarily, and (069) J. K. FRASER, Chairman. that Mr. Norman Potts, Incorporated Accountant, Stalybridge, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such voluntary winding-up." The WHARFEDALE BREWERY COMPANY (039) HAROLD EMMETT, Chairman. Limited. The Companies Act, 1948. TEES-SIDE SCALING COMPANY Limited. (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) The Companies Act, 1948. AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the (Members' Voluntary Winding-up.) above named Company, duly convened, and held on AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the the 24th day of January, 1952, the following Special above named Company, duly convened, and held on Resolution was duly passed:— the 29th day of Januaryy J952v the following Special " That the Company be wound up voluntarily and Resolution was duly passed:— that George Appleby, of 47 Park Square in the city "That the Company be wound up as a Members' of Leeds, Certified Accountant, be appointed Liquida- Voluntary Winding-up, and that Mr. Anthony tor for the purposes of such winding-up and that William McBride, Incorporated Accountant, of 55-57 the remuneration of the Liquidator for his services Albert Road, Middlesbrough, be and is hereby in the winding-up be such as shall be approved by appointed Liquidator of the Company." the Members in General Meeting." J. W. JOHNSON, Chairman. (312) H. B. BURROWS, Chairman..
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