Spanish: Words 6001 to 9200

Spanish: Words 6001 to 9200

A B C D E F G H periodista 6001 newspaperman 6001 manual 6002 textbook 6002 guardabosques 6003 ranger 6003 juguet—n 6004 playful 6004 tir—n 6005 yank 6005 imbŽcil 6006 twit 6006 agitaci—n 6007 fret 6007 alcaud—n 6008 shrike 6008 alce 6009 elk 6009 maldici—n 6010 damn 6010 protuberancia 6011 bulge 6011 chiripa 6012 fluke 6012 albardilla 6013 coping 6013 pa–er’a 6014 drapery 6014 pipa 6015 hogshead 6015 camarera 6016 barmaid 6016 molienda 6017 grist 6017 parentela 6018 kinfolk 6018 brocheta 6019 skewer 6019 estalagmita 6020 stalagmite 6020 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H hojear 6021 to browse 6021 mirar 6022 to regard 6022 inhibir 6023 to disable 6023 anotar 6024 to record 6024 olfatear 6025 to sniff 6025 bifurcarse 6026 to diverge 6026 amargar 6027 to embitter 6027 teorizar 6028 to theorize 6028 predominar 6029 to overpower 6029 lamentar 6030 to bewail 6030 engatusamiento 6031 cajolery 6031 olfato 6032 flair 6032 entierro 6033 interment 6033 espino 6034 hawthorn 6034 estereotipo 6035 stereotype 6035 vestido 6036 gown 6036 ensayo 6037 rehearsal 6037 foco 6038 limelight 6038 matrimonio 6039 wedlock 6039 consejero 6040 adviser 6040 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H desviaci—n 6041 bypass 6041 almacenaje 6042 stowage 6042 suspensi—n 6043 abeyance 6043 trivialidad 6044 banality 6044 esfinge 6045 sphinx 6045 contabilidad 6046 bookkeeping 6046 golpe 6047 clout 6047 violaci—n 6048 rape 6048 condici—n 6049 plight 6049 intrigante 6050 schemer 6050 mancha 6051 taint 6051 escalada 6052 scaling 6052 boga 6053 vogue 6053 taberna 6054 pub 6054 sobrecarga 6055 overload 6055 cantina 6056 barroom 6056 c—moda 6057 dresser 6057 pana 6058 corduroy 6058 ampliadora 6059 magnifier 6059 realeza 6060 kingship 6060 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H encomendar 6061 to commend 6061 estimular 6062 to stimulate 6062 llenar 6063 to replenish 6063 extra–ar 6064 to estrange 6064 lamer 6065 to lick 6065 intimidar 6066 to browbeat 6066 limpiar 6067 to wipe 6067 espigar 6068 to glean 6068 profanar 6069 to desecrate 6069 especular 6070 to speculate 6070 gimoteo 6071 blubber 6071 guijarro 6072 cobblestone 6072 ballenero 6073 whaler 6073 desecho 6074 reject 6074 peinado 6075 coiffure 6075 balandro 6076 sloop 6076 agradecimiento 6077 thankfulness 6077 fregadero 6078 scullery 6078 azulejo 6079 bluebird 6079 estetoscopio 6080 stethoscope 6080 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H sinceridad 6081 heartiness 6081 trit—n 6082 newt 6082 alerce 6083 larch 6083 fabricaci—n 6084 manufacturing 6084 ejemplar 6085 instance 6085 echarpe 6086 scarf 6086 pista 6087 clue 6087 amabilidad 6088 niceness 6088 paseante 6089 straggler 6089 tirador 6090 marksman 6090 lamina 6091 foil 6091 excavadora 6092 bulldozer 6092 malvarrosa 6093 hollyhock 6093 chufa 6094 groundnut 6094 descarga 6095 volley 6095 cuenta 6096 tally 6096 bomba 6097 pump 6097 claraboya 6098 skylight 6098 escarlatina 6099 scarlatina 6099 bufanda 6100 scarf 6100 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H ramonear 6101 to browse 6101 salir 6102 to exit 6102 mejorar 6103 to ameliorate 6103 rastrear 6104 to trace 6104 empobrecer 6105 to impoverish 6105 acusar 6106 to impeach 6106 alargar 6107 to lengthen 6107 desviar 6108 to divert 6108 azotar 6109 to thrash 6109 rondar 6110 to prowl 6110 bu–uelo 6111 doughnut 6111 hom—nimo 6112 namesake 6112 envolvimiento 6113 involvement 6113 ceceo 6114 lisp 6114 condimento 6115 flavoring 6115 fisi—logo 6116 physiologist 6116 t’tulo 6117 header 6117 regusto 6118 aftertaste 6118 mirlo 6119 grackle 6119 trineo 6120 sled 6120 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H responsabilidad 6121 accountability 6121 encuadernador 6122 bookmaker 6122 espectador 6123 bystander 6123 calentador 6124 heater 6124 labrador 6125 plowman 6125 chill—n 6126 shrill 6126 sof‡ 6127 davenport 6127 estoque 6128 rapier 6128 ah’ 6129 there 6129 colegial 6130 schoolboy 6130 sombrerera 6131 bandbox 6131 cartograf’a 6132 mapping 6132 anilla 6133 kink 6133 litera 6134 bunk 6134 parihuela 6135 barrow 6135 maicena 6136 cornstarch 6136 carpeta 6137 folder 6137 almohadilla 6138 pad 6138 pistolera 6139 holster 6139 costurera 6140 dressmaker 6140 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H aborrecer 6141 to loathe 6141 prevenir 6142 to forewarn 6142 derrocar 6143 to overthrow 6143 asediar 6144 to beset 6144 escupir 6145 to spit 6145 disculparse 6146 to apologize 6146 esparcir 6147 to strew 6147 repartir 6148 to allot 6148 rebajarse 6149 to grovel 6149 atemperar 6150 to mollify 6150 goteo 6151 leakage 6151 trabuco 6152 blunderbuss 6152 escorbuto 6153 scurvy 6153 estofado 6154 stew 6154 pensamiento 6155 thinking 6155 parpadeo 6156 flicker 6156 simulacro 6157 camouflaging 6157 lodo 6158 slosh 6158 faro 6159 headlight 6159 yodo 6160 iodine 6160 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H libertador 6161 emancipator 6161 estambre 6162 yarn 6162 asesor 6163 adviser 6163 zumbador 6164 buzzer 6164 gabinete 6165 cabinet 6165 aguante 6166 stamina 6166 valoraci—n 6167 rating 6167 tit’ 6168 marmoset 6168 camis—n 6169 nightgown 6169 estrangulador 6170 strangler 6170 estampida 6171 stampede 6171 garra 6172 talon 6172 escarpa 6173 scarp 6173 guata 6174 wadding 6174 batea 6175 punt 6175 tabla 6176 slab 6176 salida 6177 outset 6177 parienta 6178 kinswoman 6178 tonter’a 6179 foolery 6179 diadema 6180 coronet 6180 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H descongelar 6181 to thaw 6181 afirmar 6182 to state 6182 arrasar 6183 to raze 6183 remojar 6184 to steep 6184 alistar 6185 to enlist 6185 chamuscar 6186 to sear 6186 lograr 6187 to attain 6187 envainar 6188 to sheathe 6188 desinfectar 6189 to disinfect 6189 igualar 6190 to equalize 6190 engrandecimiento 6191 aggrandizement 6191 cero 6192 naught 6192 hurto 6193 pilferage 6193 comentario 6194 remark 6194 derrumbamiento 6195 collapse 6195 aguacero 6196 downpour 6196 jadeo 6197 wheeze 6197 sitio 6198 locale 6198 asentimiento 6199 acknowledgment 6199 trato 6200 bargaining 6200 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H amigabilidad 6201 friendliness 6201 ensordecedor 6202 deafening 6202 desorden 6203 clutter 6203 derivaci—n 6204 shunt 6204 taxista 6205 cabdriver 6205 instrucci—n 6206 schooling 6206 empeine 6207 instep 6207 marcador 6208 bookmark 6208 espiral 6209 spiral 6209 calefacci—n 6210 heating 6210 tendencia 6211 drift 6211 rebaja 6212 markdown 6212 quiromancia 6213 palmistry 6213 patria 6214 homeland 6214 arpillera 6215 burlap 6215 lechada 6216 grout 6216 cris‡lida 6217 pupa 6217 apuesta 6218 wager 6218 pandereta 6219 tambourine 6219 fuerza 6220 stamina 6220 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H acreditar 6221 to certify 6221 contratar 6222 to hire 6222 adormecer 6223 to drowse 6223 suponer 6224 to assume 6224 descorazonar 6225 to discourage 6225 romper 6226 to disrupt 6226 enmendar 6227 to amend 6227 enga–ar 6228 to beguile 6228 aguijar 6229 to goad 6229 habituar 6230 to inure 6230 ratero 6231 pilferer 6231 aislacionismo 6232 isolationism 6232 marinero 6233 seafarer 6233 plebeyo 6234 commoner 6234 guiso 6235 stew 6235 injerto 6236 grafting 6236 cerrajero 6237 locksmith 6237 conscripto 6238 draftee 6238 arriendo 6239 rental 6239 ombligo 6240 navel 6240 Liberation Philology [email protected] Software for Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H malversaci—n 6241 embezzlement 6241 all’ 6242 there 6242 subscriptor 6243 underwriter 6243 vitalidad 6244 stamina 6244 tir—n 6245 pluck 6245 abrasador 6246 scorching 6246 juguet—n 6247 frisky 6247 fŽmur 6248 thighbone 6248 promulgaci—n 6249 enactment 6249 indicador 6250 pointer 6250 jerga 6251 slang 6251 estrofa 6252 stanza 6252 esquema 6253 layout 6253 bebida 6254 drinking 6254 pisada 6255 footfall 6255 larva 6256 grub

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