V N * J VOLUME IV. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. .JULY :>0, 1864 WHOLE NO 040 all such cases reccontmend the PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Managing Di- — ■ -- rector lo dismiss him. MISCELI.ANEOIS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T.OILMAN, Editor, BUSINESS CARDS. MERCHANDISE. l.elifr* ‘ \\ e have a heavy winter's business before CLOTH l.\t;. Kemiiinli c “rl iuii g published ut Me. (Cij EACHANGE ilTKEET. by us. Let it not the Hoot < thee >t be said that the Eastern Dis* Bort;.i.d, State of Maine ».h»ia trict PAPER BOX mtNEFACTOHV. RRADLE1', MOl'I.TON A ROGKR9 IN day o July, ltio4. K. A. FOSTER* CO. compared with the other Iltu’knietack Ship Timber* R E M unfavorably THE DAILY <3 V at.. * blaili of Di-tricls of the IMIESS, "ll'iUSAU DbALKBS IS Hackmatack, aud Hard Wood *ujr ,he*« the at i> lira nr great Plauk.Tree- tnoM calln° :o, Railway. uailj iro.u 12 J. OAK. to 28 iucbet*, Treenail Wedge*, ftu. thu <iur,r,M.ogl>, “ f U. Daii.kv, 'P.~Libby, l.at, and pay one cent for Thu Eobtlawd Daily Fausaia published at *8.00 CALORIC POWK.lt MAM'FAt i'DltLH OP fcc*yy k. Taylor adseriiaing Local Eastern District. Grain and Cge-‘ll not pryosr; 11 paid-triotlyiu advanoe, a discount of Supt. Flour, jMWodlm Gilt’sWhir, Port'tnd. JOSIAH cillod ter within one aumih thee will Provisions, BURLEIGH be sent to ““’""•'“P •*“ • l.(*l will be made. Xote.—You will rend well aud ex- 88 me ft at nelt.r Lflke uleasc Paper Boxes, Commercial street, The mss Block, BAR BUfOVBD TO Single copies three oents. Ol such as Treenails. plain these instructions lo all the men under every description, UOBKItT ofl'",«r»b} comtr,. m the reri- I'll a M aikbstath Fans* is every Thurs- er.ALBT, ) de!V<?rH®llT“> published Shoe Boxes, o. M NEW EVANS’ m*)r M“cu,*u ■•S.OP annum, in your immediate control—and will acknowl- Jewelry Boxes, Druggist Boxes, uoi’l.T. K, ME. TKEENA,L8-for STORE, BLOCK, by oLmrslng the duy .Burning,at per advance; *2.'It J0BPR1NTING0FFICE, Collar Sbeif j PORTLAND, toi.o*.„*“*“*“ If imid within six state that and boxes, Boxes, Coucnological boxes, A.U.KOG1 .. months; and •J.6t>,if payment be edge receipt hereof and you ) 100,000Z??,*0AKSIM JN PowdorBoxc*, Card Cases, Boxes, fto. TON & KNIGHT, b. r pu,ab *• *he tlreet aad turn delayed beyond and are Cigar IDS) Gdtf Nos. 141 & 143 Middle Street. ‘a, wr.?. ‘T!U"**■« > they pre- ___ «.i. lb e thenar. comprehend my meaning .. ** Commercial Wharf. ana ma n. 144 Middle SI., (Up Stairs) Portland, Me* June pared to act up to the spirit of this circular. ^Portland, 13,1»64 junvlodtf Stole. "■** “* Bates of. N. A. FOSTER & juneld3in Jr,«i Iud"«.‘/br'*'!■*'"!' Advertising: CO., W. fall dim a„o *’ *“■*> W. CARR & JOSIAH BURLEIGH rouulL,<iuwt -‘“bLa One Inch of In of CO., *IIoney.M coiuu.^jy uiitcicci ac space length oolumn, constitutes Eatino Economically —What kind of Having taktn the Frun Store formerly occupied b a “suirAKX.” PRIME CL BA HONEY, for sale in bond Wholesale and detail Dealer In most liana & on town »«* •1.60 per laity Itrst week; 75 oents work food has the nourishment ami costs the Co. O. 7TCSduty paid. «Uc" squire per Proprietors, SAWYER. be an- after; three inseitions or less, J1.00; is a of THOMAS ASENCIO k CO. known, .hon'd may continuiugeve- least, question great practical impor- « a Tailors' leT. ‘““T* other alter JuuelO.—u»dtf Cotiling,Cotlis, w.tn the 'wmtr L*“1 ry day tint weok, 60 oonts. tance. A dollar's worth ot at J%'o. 5 Trimmings, wuid Half meat, twenty- Fish and Euliaugc street, corner.^ ’flanei*ntT square, three insertions or lew 76 oents: one Fox 82 1-2 Salt, -akt>- live cents a us far as cents Block, St., Are noek, *1.00; 50 cent* per week after. pound, goes fifty Excnange prepared to offer to the trade a large and well Sugar mtd .Hulanses. Under head worth of butter at half a a soloctod ol Amukuhukts, •J.OOpcrsquarepai dollar pound. I 0 T 11 it II j-took oi UUOS.1 CHOICE GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING w«.S; Luther Dana. (I, MUSCOVADO BU- GOODS, three insertion! or lees, •1,60. Three pounds of flour, at eight cents a pound, FOR ( LAND, ME. 300 al Notices, H.55 Brst week, Woodbury Dana, ( Nos 111 * LADIES' LIST. per square is said to contain as much nutriment as nine John A. 8. Dana •Foreign and Domestic Fruit I 10 TC8. \ GAR. iu Middle Street. • 1.00 per ) Maine. AIL n V II mrn aqaya rfter; three insertions or loss, *1.23; of 3«1 BUDS rior Mu k i*bt n J a pounds roast which at Wholesale and oup co.ado, and hiif square, three luerUons, *1.00; one week, beef, twenty-five juneldtf detail 5 Au Uu * J mra cents is _____ ICS Clawed Molasses, Lvr*-g Agflis *2.25; that is, that cents’ O A.lfcu UwwiMO mra twenty-five rouse. Spruce Gum. il BBLS from «ierra Morena, JOSIAH B U K L Lid *»,,,* Advertisements inserted In tbe Maixx Stats worth ot Hour ns far as nine times Attention is invited to our unrivalled J. Loiru|.l Now E I ti II , goes that revpev*fully Smitb cb Ceaion., Osssr, Bi rd, landing and rors*a:c by rnxt-r (which ha» a circulation in of Oo., Caudle., aihu large every pari much money spent lor roast beef as ■.line., Liuion 1 HUM as ASbNClO A agent rert/ ner & E.ker's cele Ita'SLa.na.y ^bJAbbyLuu uii u, a the State! for 60oents to weighed facilities for in M A NUPACTl’K KR8 OP Syrup, Honey, CO., brated per sqaarein addition the at executing Cnatom liouno “r* * I’Oft for the butcher’s stall. A of white Ooron Not., Wharf. {!“•'** t *•*“»» »*»*•» rate©, taoh in fortiori. pint la-aus, £ruuee, Ft**, Ik*u l Vk mra btuviv one citron. Nun., all N<nvin<»- Ciara Lxqal Nctigxp xt usual rate*. weighing pound and seven Leather Itlad., Date., noaen. Luai mm costing cents, Card Nlerrjt Morena Miiohiuesi, lum M.irin B. n«e R TrxBBknt mIv. rtisementf aaoft b© for In ad- a* Belting, Clothing. Ollie., Ral.ia., Molasses. paid contains much uutriinent as three THE REST STYLE OF THE ART. Tobacco, merit McOrath Ntl.ie ▼an a- pounds Loom Sardine.. ‘>•1 '“ids No* 141 & 143 and a bait ©t roast b foil Leather forks and Clga,* % Middle Street. boug. mbridge San Mcitenue Ho.aoa mn bupiwxp* Id IS oentr -ef, costing eighty-seven Straps, Sides, raucy Inutile, of all CUOICE Notice*, reading columns, ■ SIERRA MuREEA Hue. description T. U m.L Ilaonan L MuinloM. for !e«- than aud a half cents. Of all articles SU TIERCES I Jatue. mn per Uu© one iaaertlou. Nu ©barge fifty that can he Every description of LEATUBH octSdtf MOLvBSES, nu.nnjoun mm TMUMIXGI, Ore., r) BBLS rpring stMi 1 ten a. • c Di- for each Insertion. eaten, the arc a. cheapest bread, butter, molasses, Berry Mary j» icbeil Jaa » mn ©•immumoationc Intended for the Hanaon’a Block, 144 Now from “C. il paper lieans aud rice. A Middle St,, Portland. iandiug Brig Kennedy" biyn. t ii pound oi corn meal (Indi- i'll OS. NATHAN GOOLD Maggie exchange idiiieioi. Mary J thoulc let directed to the “Kdttcnr rtf the Pre»»,“ and Or at the r’ard ASENCIO A CO, an) goes ns far ar a of so BOOK AND Clothing Lewiston. ~IRA M*' 3 Will to his Martin Mary M thote of a bttaintrf* character to the PubUshen. pound flour, that, JOB PRINTING. Manufactory. WINN, Agent, C. H Wharf. sb) friend* that be may be found &t Bur- B oo.. One Ann fine It. M M..01 Su.ain mm waah- S^TJob l nixTixu ol every exeonteo family flour at sixteen dollars a barrel in Brkw*r. fjultioin, U. i. Koyks -D_ No. Boiiou description £■1 o. 11 leigh's, 41 k 143 Mi a die strut, where be wili Koagena lugiu it vn if dispatch. New York in Union Scotelt City July, 18(J4, aud corn meal St., Canvass. he a ed to wait his ow Ifl pit upon firmer cu- turners. h“o!o“,Me* Mauue. mm F. Traveliox at four cents, the latter is J«H X prepared to fcrrush BILLTi—from the B.udgell s AU.n Meirin Tracy, Agent. just one-half less T. ROUKRjh A factor, of David Cor- fortJanu. March 24,**6^4. at B la Our CO., — dtf Cna.otieria n Aha It corn and Establishment is fumi.-lied with all the ap- 1'HI ,Ar» Sour*, Leith—a nail cloth of am m. yea u man S mra expensive. wheal were ground, Oominiasion nupenoi Coca 1. and the whole Merchnnte, STEAM kSEGINES aud •juaiity—just received per *'Jura", and for sale b\ cyrna mra Mu.giiTeMtl product, bran and all, were proved AXD VCJ10LB8 ALE BOILERS, CMope. tun, a mra M 1 PKALKBP IK MoGILVLKY, RYAN A DAVIS. JUST .ncm ..*/ atai.ha made of various sizes and RECEIVED I iuto bread, fifteen per cent, of nulri- patterns, mc>i26dtf Irtl rnmiiurmi str«‘*t ““* >i)ei. Sar.b Tuesday 1864. tirnhi-riL km*’1** Morning, July 26, rtient would be Hoieu.e turn saved, with much greater MODERN Provibions & Siam im -Nooiitaii.lt MACHINERY, Flour, Pipe Fiitsra, Mill Stent?, “*r,c,“ A healthfullness. Groceries, Shiftist, PiHep,**. r*“-e «tum mr* No.
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