Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-1-1939 Bee Gee News March 1, 1939 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News March 1, 1939" (1939). BG News (Student Newspaper). 502. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/502 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THIS WEEK BOXING FINALS TIP-OFF DANCE Bee Gee News MONDAY NIGHT No. 21 VOL. XXIII. BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY. MARCH 1, 1939 B. G. Debaters Win Feminine Leads In Coming Comedy Five Matches In S. G. L, Sororities Nominate Candidates For Manchester Meet May Queen Election Wednesday, March 8th Shanly, Shine Take Four Out Of Six; Whip Indiana Inter-Frat Council University Team Brentlinger In K. O. Hobart, Zaugg, Grant Win Over McCloud Has Hot Pow-Wow Bowling Green State University As Mitt Fest Opens Already Chosen; Expect won five of its twelve debates at the On Pledge Ruling annual Manchester debate tourn- 450 Fans See Five Other Entries Soon ament on Feb. 24 and 25. Commoners Repledge; Bouts Go By Decision Mi-eting some of the best debate Ail Bids Returned teams in the middle west. Howard No Queen-Attendant Shine. Art Shanly. Dick Spitler, El In n whirlwind bout climaxing the Candidates Announced; Nol Src pnffr four for aynopiis mer Cryor and Jim Hunter SUM evening's program of the third an- of nutes of meeting. through the tournament with DIM of nual All College iio\ing Tournament, Gatchell In Charge the best records that Bowling Green Monday night, which went three rounds and 2:25 of a fourth, Don has act up in recent years. As a result of charges made hy Brentlinger, Bowling Green heavy- Three candidates, Margaret The local team defeated the strong weight champion, kayoed Bob Mc- Zaugg, ■'tine Hobart and Gratia other fraternities of alleged infract- Illinois Normal and Evansville Col- Cloud. former T. U. chump, with • Grant, were already nominated ions of pledging rules by the Com- lege teams to give those colleges their powerful right smack which traveled at press time yesterday for the moners fraternity, the inter-frater- Leading women characters in the Kaufman and Connelly tatir«, "The nity council met in n heated open only losses in the tournament. The from the floor. special May Queen Klection University of Indiana, one of the Beggar on Horteback," are Cynthia Mason and Gladei Cady. Pictured Wednesday, March 8. meeting last Friday to try the ense. above are thoie member! of the univeriity'i double-cut. who will play theae This grand slam bout of the eve largest ichools represented, suffered parti on either March 9 or 10. ning came to an abrupt ending in the Margaret Zaugg. senior clnss of After a rip roaring debate con- defeat at the hands of Shine and From left to right are Mary Alice Hawley and Irma Steven* who play middle of the final round when Brent- fleer, was nominated by her sorority ducted by Paul Powell, Inter-flat Shanly. Gladea Cady, the rich man's daughter, Doria Kerna and Welda Berlincoutt linger threw a sock that was hoard the Seven Sisters. Jane Hobart, Skol proxy, with Dudley Avars hurling the who take the part of Cynthia Mason, the- girl from acrou the hall. Spitler and Cryer won two out of above tho din of the 450 boxing fanl president, was put on the ballot by charges and Marian Highfield de- their aix debates, and Shanly and gathered in the men's gym. her sorority, (ira/.ia Grant, Five Sis- fending the Commoners, the council Shine, won three out of six, Hunter Throwing the most decisive punches ter, president is the S. 0, L. candi- returned with u verdict ordering the acted as alternate for the Bowling Reserved Seats For Play all the way. Brentlinger came back date. Commoners to repledge their entile Green teams. Mr. Upton I'ulmer, strong in the fourth to take McCloud. Polls will open in the Reception pledge list. coach for the Manchester tournament, Fighting was dispelled in the au- Hall nt 8 a. m. on election day March At press time every one of tho judged several debates. Exchanged This Week dience when severol spectators rush- 8, and will close at 4 p. m. pledges had resigned to tho Com- Fifty-eight schools were represent- ed to snvc one of McCloud's civilian No candidates for queen nttendant moners and Commoners' spokesmen ed in the tournament, and 478 speak- Friday Is Last Dav To Get Student Ducats seconds who was attacked by an em- were officially announced. The stu- expressed that this was vindication er* participated. For "the Beggar On Horseback" broiled onlooker who evidently dis- lent council election rules specify enough from the charges. approved of the former Toledo man's that the candidates for attendant On tho other hand, Jim Hunting- fighting. must be graduating-sophomores; and ton, Delhi president, was quoted as Dorothy Mooney Reserved seat tickets for the Warner, Lowrie Will Brentlinger now advances to the that the queen candidates must be being surprised at the light punish- university production of the finals, and on March 6 will faco the seniors. ment handed the Wooster street boys. Chosen Head Of Kaufman and Connelly comedy, Speak On Paraguay, winner of the Musser-Ihnat go which Darl Gatchell, Commoner and stu- Five Brother spokesmen, though not "The Beggar on Horseback," will Brazil In Chapel is scheduled for March 1. dent council member la chairman of overwhelmingly anti-Commoner, stat- Education Group The first bout of the evening went the elections committee. ed that the Commoners were deser- be exchanged for activity cou- 2:24 in the second round of a gory ving of the punishment given them. pons in the "well" on Thursday Dr. Samuel II Lowrie. professor Dorothy Mooney waa elected tem- battle which saw Noel Apple at 132 However, with the controversy and Friday of this week from 8 of sociology, and Miss A. Wrey War- pounds completely out-class "Doc" settled, the Inter-fraternity council porary president of Kappa Delta Pi, ner of the Women's Phyaical Edu- newly organized national honorary to 5 p. m. Jennings who weighed in at 131. Apple It'i Tough On Wall Paper returned this week to the serious bus- cation Department will give short iness of making plans to bring a "name society in education, at a meeting Students who fail to get their tick- But Maybe It Worhi addresses in chapel today. (Continued on page 3, col. 6) band" for an all-campus swing April Monday, Feb. 20. ets at this time, according to Robert Dr. Lowrie will speak on the "Prac- 28, and all fraternities expect to give Other temporary officera elected Baron, business manager of the play, tise of Appointing and Discharging Madison. Wis.—(ACP)—Some use their whole-heurted cooperation in tho at the meeting were: Raymond Light, will have to wait until the nights of Employees in Braid." Dr. Lowrie has Speech Team Leaves black coffee, some uso crib notes, and uttempt. vice president; Dorothy Robertson, production March 9 and 10, to ex- made his home nt Sao Paulo. Bruzil some just forget itl But the Univer- secretary-treasurer; and Wclda Ber- change "act" books for reserved Bents. for the past six ycarsf- For Tour Of Schools sity of Wisconsin's Louis Sinitsky linrourt, historian-reporter. Thirty- Seat Satra Arranged Miss Warner's address will be on one atudenta attended this initial has found the best way yet to re- On Saturday of this week the re- "Women of Paraguay." A group of The speech demonstration group, 277 B. G. Graduates meeting which waa open to juniors view. served seat board will be moved to her students will give folk dances to organised last fall by Prof. J. W. I.OW'B wall is decorated by large and seniors with a standing in the Hansaker's drug store for the town illustrate her talk. Carmichael, left Bowling Green yes Teach In Toledo upper fourth in the College of Edu- sheets of paper covered with what at trade. Activity books will not be terday, Feb. 28 at 8 a. m. for a two- cation. honored at the uptown store. Uni- first sight look like Chinese symbols. Inter-Fraternity Council duy speaking tour of northwestern Ono of the duties of the Bureuu of The Bowling Green chapter will be versity instructors will be uble to Ohio. James Plutt, Tony Frances, Seen from a closer view these myster- Wants Quality Rhythm For ious figfiures resulvo into organic Alumni Relations has been to classify recognized by the national office just purchase their tickets cither in the Arthur Shanly, Kermit Witte and as soon as they receive their charter All-Campus Dance April 28 chemistry formulas. and catalogue the teachers in the vor- "well" or at Hansaker's. Robert Kurtz make up the team. ious cities, villages, and county school from the National Executive Com- Tho semester's work in organic Which of the two casts training George Dickey has been hired by the systems who received their training mittee. Dr. Wultcr A. Zaugg, fuculty Inter-Fraternity Council is writ- chemistry is outlined on these walls. for the play will put on the first pre- Speech Department to drive the group Howling Green.
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