US 20120157377A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0157377 A1 Shantha (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 21, 2012 (54) METHODS TO ENHANCE NIGHT VISION (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................................... S14f6.5 AND TREATMENT OF NIGHT BLINDNESS (57) ABSTRACT The invention is for a safe and effective method of adminis (76) Inventor: Totada R. Shantha, Stone tering an opthalmological therapeutic agent for the treatment Mountain, GA (US) of night blindness and improving night vision, using insulin, and chlorine6, preparations instilled into the conjunctival sac as ophthalmic drops. Night blindness and decreased night (21) Appl. No.: 13/409,076 vision is associated with retinal diseases such as dry age related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and other Such related eye diseases by using insulin, chlorin e6, ket (22) Filed: Feb. 29, 2012 amine, and monoclonal antibodies and IGF-1. The oph thalmic preparations may be supplemented with oral intake of various retinal photoreceptors vision Supporting lutein, Vita Publication Classification min A, Zeaxanthin, Omega 3 Oils and other nurticeuticals. They may also be supplemented with cholesterol lowering (51) Int. C. statins in the elderly with high blood cholesterol to prevent A6 IK 38/28 (2006.01) eye diseases such as AMD contributing to night vision and A6IP27/02 (2006.01) night blindness. Patent Application Publication Jun. 21, 2012 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2012/0157377 A1 Figure Patent Application Publication Jun. 21, 2012 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2012/0157377 A1 Figure 2 Patent Application Publication Jun. 21, 2012 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2012/0157377 A1 300 506 507AN o8 Patent Application Publication Jun. 21, 2012 Sheet 4 of 7 US 2012/0157377 A1 Figure Patent Application Publication Jun. 21, 2012 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2012/0157377 A1 Patent Application Publication Jun. 21, 2012 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2012/0157377 A1 Figure & Patent Application Publication Jun. 21, 2012 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2012/0157377 A1 Figure US 2012/0157377 A1 Jun. 21, 2012 METHODS TO ENHANCE NIGHT VISION of affected individuals are non-disabled people having only AND TREATMENT OF NIGHT BLINDNESS limited vision problems, such as being unable to drive safely at night, work at night job properly, go hunting, or bump into FIELD OF THE INVENTION things at home and so on. Luckily most of these night visions suffers can be helped, using here in described inventive 0001 Night vision described as the ability to see the method. A significant minority, however, have more serious objects in front of us in low light conditions and recognizable night vision problems, “night blindness’ rather than under normal light environments. The invention relates to a “impaired night vision. A large number of these patients method for improving the night vision and treat night blind helped, even though not all can be restored to “normal' night ness particularly in people above the age of 50 who experi vision with prescription glasses. The use of the herein ence vision problems in the darkness and at night. Millions of described inventive ophthalmic drops, improve even more the retinitis pigmentosa, age related macular degeneration, cata night vision along with use of corrective eyeglasses. The ract, Vitamin A deficiency, diabetics; likewise, eye diseases categories of night vision impairments are: afflicted suffer from night vision problems and night blind 0006 Category 1: blurred vision in dim light with clear ness. It may be the first warning sign of these impending sharp vision in moderate and bright light: These patients see retinal diseases where this invention can cure or curtail the clearly in daylight but with blurred vision at night or in underlying pathology at the same time alleviate the night semi-darkness and do not complain the dim or glaring light blindness and improve night vision. This invention described ing conditions. Most of these patients with night vision herein also helps to enhance night vision in Soldiers who have impairments aged 40's or 50's and above, can affect one or night missions without using artificial light intensifying both eyes. Prescription glasses for presbyopic due to aging devices. It will be of benefit to hunters, night patrol, police prescribed especially for night driving or outdoors night departments, night drivers, factory workers, and others who vision at distance needed with our ophthalmic drops of the are engaged in work and travel after Sundown. invention described herein. 0007 Category 2: blinding glare and/or halos around BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION lights: Glare and halos around light resulting in disrupting 0002 The retina's light-sensing cells are rods and cones. useful night vision or blinding the driver resulting in deadly The “cones' are specialized photoreceptor cells. They fill the auto accidents. There are numerous patients with this condi central part of the retina called macula lutea. The cones sense tion. This glare problem can affect one or both eyes. Most of and discriminate colors. They also see most clearly, giving us these patients are developing cataract and in some due to our sharp, clear, fully colored, daytime vision. The cones, defect or scratch in the cornea. The lenses, clear or prescrip however, see only ahead but not to the sides (no peripheral tion (for giving sharpest night vision) can be 'gradient tinted vision), and they do not sense extremely dim light. The cones so that glare can be immediately filtered out by merely mov function with and complement the functions of photorecep ing the head and eyes slightly. Do not wear Sunglasses while tors cells called the “rods.” driving in dim light. It is possible to wear a patch on the 0003. The “rods” like cones are specialized cells; occupy impaired eye when driving in lighting conditions where glare the peripheral or the off-centerportions of the retina. The rods and/or halo problems occurs. Prescription glasses for presby See only in black, white, and gray and do not discriminate opic due to aging prescribed especially for night driving or other colors. The rods give us side or peripheral vision, in outdoors night vision at distance needed with our ophthalmic bright daylight, in very dim light, and in mixed lighting con drops of the invention described herein. ditions such as being on a dark road at night with bright 0008 Category 3: insufficient perception in dim light: oncoming headlights shining into one's eyes. In very dim This condition can lead to accidents while driving and at work light, with no bright lights visible, a person seeing with rods, at home. This is the condition, regularly referred to as “Night only. This is confirmed if everything appears in black, white, Blindness” may be caused by many oculopathies and nutri and gray—without colors. In a dim-light environment, with ceutical deficiencies such as: vitamin A deficiency, or by a one or two bright pinpoint lights, the person sees with both the controllable disease process such as glaucoma, diabetics, cones (for the bright light) and the rods (for the dim light). AMD, or, progressive disease such as retinitis pigmentosa Prolonged viewing of a bright light in a dim field causes the (which damages or kills the retina's rod cells) and cataract wide pupils to close to Smaller sizes and may also desensitize with or without corneal pathology. The “field-expanding the rods—temporarily reducing the person's ability to see in eyeglasses can help people with advanced tunnel vision in dim light. It is here this invention described herein is useful. retinitis pigmentosa, but will not cure the condition or stop its Thus, nighttime drivers want oncoming cars to lower their progression. These conditions helped by using therapeutic headlight beams, to prevent their being blinded. Once the agents of this inventive method described herein. bright light is gone, the pupils open up again and the rod cells 0009 Category 4: combinations of two or more of the resensitize, thus restoring good night vision. Most aircraft above conditions: It can result in the person becoming func and some autos use red lights to illuminate the panel instru tionally handicapped. Most available treatments can lead to ments because this color does not contract the pupils or over functional improvements but not automatically complete res load the rods. toration to normal functioning vision. Most of these condi 0004 Categories of Night Vision Impairment and Some of tions are associated with oculopathies such as age related the Etiological Factors of these Types macular degeneration (AMD), retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic 0005. The National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineer retinopathy, cataract, severe vitamin A and Lutein deficiency ing, Hewitt, N.J. 07421 U.S.A., describes in their posting, the and such that. Our invention will help all these patients to categories, and types of night vision impairments and blind curtail the night blindness and improve their night vision. ness that are incorporated herein. There are four categories of 0010 Although both rods and comes use similar mecha “night vision impairment” or “night blindness.” The majority nisms to convert light into vision, they function differently. As US 2012/0157377 A1 Jun. 21, 2012 described above, the Rods do not sense color, are highly the photochemical step initiates a series of events in the rods sensitive; participate in dim light perception; and can quickly and cones causing electrical impulses generated and trans become saturated with light and stop responding. That is why mitted along the optic nerve. we hardly ever see colors in dim light. Cones, on the other 0014 Rhodopsin pigment of the retina is responsible for hand, allow us to see colors and can adapt quickly to stark both the formation of the photoreceptor cells and the first changes in light intensity.
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