![South M to Po] P Prolor ^Ope's A] Onged H Rei Appeal I Holiday](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
. ' 2.' "" -V ' ■ . ^ ' W ,i'c ' -V 8 3 .7 '3 i - . • . ■ V . T.' l e , I d a h o 1 . B p U e . » -• '■ ■*'' ‘ ■■ ' / . ' Weather ■ m Increased Clouds ' M o r m N v w m ' r' : Morm Sporig : Ffliitii/y. C ornier. Ptitrturu ipi^ion TheThi Magic Valley Newspaperivspaiper Sedlcated-to-Serving-andflng-and Promoting_tlie._GrowtJi:> w tji: of Nhie^ Irrigated IdabojPpuntliiboJPpuntles VOL. 64 lip. i59 ' ' , ~ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,HO, SUNDAY,SUI DECEMBERI 31, 1967 - , ■ ■ CENG jto!roG9,t4vA'*W ' ■■■■ c :h V i e t n s •: ,*r -VJ , '• South Rei M To Po]^ope’s AppealA] I p Proloronged HolidayH a y T o t c € ' t; SAIGON (AP) — South[3uth Vlet-;Vlet-: Marine operatioji calledlied Auburn’slons.Auburn' They struckk at supply a taQcto diplomats ruled out i |K ^ ; nam announced Saturdayirday the which began Thursda.v.ly. TThat hat 0 |v,point.s|vj north of Haiphong,phong. gotlations with the Viet Conj New Year’s truce wouldjld be ex- eration1 in Quang Nanini province!province A Navy Phantom let was shot Natidial Liberation . Frc ten d ed by 12 hours in response'response'has centered around the coastal down as it flew relativelyelatively low (NFL)— and said only Noi T jm to Pope Paul Vi's appeal>peal thatthat' 'town of Hni An, Cumulativeulative Ma- over a North Vietnameseamese isliand Vietnam could end the war. ■KJ-” the holiday be observedved as a rinij casualties were listed Sat-Sat-, .on a reconnaissanceice mission. Thleu-also told newsmen — -^Day-ef-Peaee^hfouehoutighout tho UFtiay . 11 -22 men—k4tied-ftnd-49-H ed-ftnd 4-7 T he—tw q c re w m en "TnirSBdnursed thetllC~ the dlpljsmatlc i-ecepilon ihTtt w orld. 1I 'wounded. ''crippled plane out overaver the Gulf Viet Cciiig em issary who was < SC^S The New Year’s truce,ice, orlgi-' H^uvy .strikes by U.S. war- of Tonkin, bailed out,ut, and were resteiJDoc. 1 on his way to ce l^gSS nally for 24 hours, will1 begin at plarte.s, . supported thee Marines, picked up by a helicopter.lelicopter. lt,tact''HheIt, U.S. Embassy was 6 p.m. Sunday. The^Vietiet Cong's Ibut b\w Ncfrlh Vietnamlam Ameri-Aineri- was the 771st U.S. plane report- low rank and he doubted he w own three-day truce beganegan at_i can1 planes were heldlid by bad ccl lii.st o v er N orth Vietnam.V ietnam . a--legitimate representative B M H a.m. Saturday, but therere was no 'weathpr Friday to 6 6 strike mis-1 In politics. Presidentlent Thieu in the NLF._____________________ ujH lll agreement by the allieses to ob- ------------------ s^ rv e A series of engagements were reported in thc northern -^art of K H R South Vietnam long Safter ithe; U. S. Is5 ApproachingAp ling Cambodia Viet Cong truce had gone into effect. The Foreign Ministry issued a B K lit statement saying the :::::truce ex­ Border• PnProblem WitlWith Caution tension had been oreJeredic re d "in OFFICERS SEARCH THEHE AREAREA surrounding the scenescene were injured. * ^ 0 fam ilyly was’was’ movingmc from Vancouver, Wash.,W ash., the spirit of His Holiness,ess. Pope By SPENCER DAVISJAVIS lactlonI that could mean more' two years that one of the actio of a fatal car crash Fridayay for bebelongings of the familyy In* ti to Murray, Utah, and contentscontents of their heavily loadeded car Paul's appeal o f Dec.;. 15 that WASHINGTON (AP)^P) — A significant use of border areas that could be taken that woi volved. Kathy Root, 13. was fatalfatally injured and her mother■other i were scattered over aI largela r g e areaa of the median striptrip on Jan. 1 be observed as a ‘Day of,highof,! Johnson administrationstration of- —not only in Cambodiaibodia but Inin assist in this situation would and father, Mr. and Mrs.s. WUllarWilliam Root, and. four childrenIldren 1 Interstate SON. Peace' throughout the world.Iworld.’; I ficial said Saturday the United Laos ancf along thehe demilitar-1 an enlarged role for the Interr Tho ministry said thele govern-[Statesgovei^n-[ will approachI the prob-‘Izedprob-! zone” in Vietnam.am. | tlonal Control Commissi 1^ r _ ■I ment and people of Southbuth Viet-Vict- lem of the Communistnlst use of.of In a yearend Interview,uervlew, the (ICC).” _ nam "appeal to the Communistommunist 1Cambodian territory as a sunc- State Department's top Asian! 4 Still HospDspitalized B . ■ ) forces to re.spect the,he New tuary, with the greatestreatest re- expert said the nextiext°de^oi^i develop!-1 ‘declined specific coi Y e a r’s tru c e .” stramt. ■‘ -i-1 ment "is somewhat moremoro inuf the tbe recent interview- A spokesman for PopeDC Paul in At the same time William P. hXtnim ese Cambodia’s chief of stal William P. laps of the Northh Vietnamese Prince Norodom Sihanouk, wl Vatican City said thele pontiff Bundy,: assistant secretaryicretary of than it is of ourselves.” I After Fataltal Wreck was “deeply grateful” for the state,; said there are Indlqations,Indlqations "If they take additionalllticinal action Washington Post which a I the North Vletname.se^ nndand Viet this will create a moren o ? r ddifficult, if f 1 cuU Four members of a Vancou-icou- carcar was heavily loadedi withw ith The spokesman addedd that the;<the j Cong Communist forccsjrccs "are situation.” he said. "We believebelieve'’^®- hot pursuit of Communi ■i for illegally making use ver. Wash., family were still luggage,lugi boxes and the sevense v en ' J Pope was still awaiting; some re- developing1 a pattern of military as we 'have statedi fofor r nnearly e a r l y territory. hospitalized Saturday with in- passengers.pasi Pieces of theh e ve-ve- ply from North Vietnamjm to hisi'h i s r ----------------------------------------------------- juries they received Friday'iny ‘ in hidehicli and scattered personal:rsg n a l « 1 . pcace appeal of Dec. 222 in wwhich hich r _ ^ Nor would BVfndy.Spmment i an accident!<-which claimed the itemsiten littered the dividingi strip,strip . ha offered himself as a media- n -‘’■banouk's invitation "for t life of another family member.iber. Officersoi believed that all of tor in Vietnam. rx Y r f f United States to send an emi There was speculation that Burden On K a th y Root, 13 - y e a r - oldo ld theth e occupants, with the. excep- On Taxpayer•/ sary to tulk with him. That mt ex cep- 1 daughter of Mr. and MtS. Wil- tiontion of Mr. Root, were thrownth ro w n the truce extension wass theth e sub- ter now is under'W hite Hou liam M. Root, was IdenlJfiedd as fromfron the demolished vehicle. ject of thc urgent meeting Fri- . "I consideration. the victim. Sho reportedly died p, day between President Nguyen - Familp memijcrs from1 CCall- all- 1^ Jt However, in the first offic! from jTNfractured neck at the Van Thieu and U.S. SAmbassa- Increasesses (On Jan. 1 fornia and elsewhere were re- comment on Sihanouk’s mov accidenty scene about-a. mile ■portW-to-bo^inTJeromerpo,.f a.ssistingisisting dor Ellsworth Bunker. WASHINGTON (AP) - The $290.40 In s o - ‘•®clared: east of uie Interchange of U.S. {jr. Thieu denied this. Hc would | P) — The SG,600 or more paid $290.40 In so- the Root family with arrange-'ra n g e - ^ » burden on the U.S. taxpayerxpayer will cial security taxes. If he held not say what the subject of the j . If he held “We understand thet t . H ie h w a y 93 a n d In te rs ta te SON. n ie n ts. 0 increase New Year'si day even more than one job and paid Others In the car were Mr. Bunker discussions was other | 3b and paid prince Is dedicated to the pr« /as oilier though Congress did not adopt more than that the dlfterenCe •nd Mrs. Root, Mary Root.t 8fl'. The body of Kathy Roott is be>be- P JP ® than It was. “urgent.” le dlfterenCe erv^tion of Cambodia as it m •n' m President Johnson's propo.sed 10,10 will be refunded b y thi'ThteVtilil Joan Root, 16, Theresa Root.t 77,’ i"Ing8 , sent to Salt Lake City bby y ■;V H In a delayed report, the Ma- , r thi'lhtelrtibl stands and to the continuation- itter BPve Fuileral Home, Jerome. ' per cent Ux surcharge^sc- Revenue Service uponion request. Its neutral posture In interr ■ n d ^ r a l d R oot, 14. T h o la tte r erome. iKiwff fl rines nnnounced Operation Congres.s di3 increase Social liosai-y will bo recited-#t- a t ^ 8-18 -1 . :ase Social congress approveded a maxi-maxl- tlonal relations, t\TO children wero treated- for Badger Tooth along the border -Security, taxes, however, and ^ P>mp,m. ’Tuesday at the O’Donnell> onnell' - - of Quang ’firl and Thua Thien “’’^imum payment duringring 19fi8 of “We ha\>c made It clear ov Mortuary,M or Salt Lake 'City.y . RRe- e- s >7 „ [ this will more lhan offsetrfset the:the re-J3re-' 4 3 2 0 based on the same 4.4 BH. Provirfces and said 27 enemy , hc s ^ e 4.4,and over again that we suppc «ju*em mass wili be celebratedlo rated : I I peal of ono minor I tax5 which'which per cent rate andd mulmum,maklmum, Cambodian Independence a The 48th traf- . were ' killed there Friday1 (kin takesj effect on Monday—the at 10 a.m.
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