THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1989 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 85, NO. 10 Maurice de Rothschild under investigation for fraud University did not discuss gift Student is confirmed imposter By CRAIG WHITLOCK demic questions he had ... It By KEITH LUBLIN and De Rothschild, a member of University development offi­ was more in terms of seeking as­ CRAIG WHITLOCK the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) cials said Wednesday that they sistance in putting his academic Duke Public Safety is inves­ fraternity, first enrolled at the have never solicited Maurice de program together." tigating Maurice de Rothschild University in the fall of 1987. He Rothschild or his family for dona­ The staff members were part of on allegations of fraud, and has is currently enrolled in the con­ tions, and have had only minimal an academic advising program confirmed that the Trinity Col­ tinuing education program as an contact with him during his two for undergraduates, Gotwals lege student is an impostor, Pub­ undergraduate, said Judith years as a continuing education said, although he did not recall lic Safety said Wednesday. Ruderman, the program director. student here. any other specifics about the in­ University officials revealed De Rothschild may also have Duke Public Safety announced cident. Monday that de Rothschild was enrolled at other schools. A num­ Wednesday that they are inves­ The University did not contact the target of an FBI and Public ber of Rothschilds have attended tigating de Rothschild, whom de Rothschild or his family about Safety investigation for posing as school at the University of Cali­ they say is an imposter, for a possible donation, partially be­ a member of the wealthy de fornia at Berkeley, but none who fraud. The FBI is also involved in cause "we are cautious about how Rothschild family of France. were named Maurice, said the case. quickly we approach people," SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE Public Safety Det. Lewis War­ Berkeley director of information Although development officials Gotwals added. Maurice de Rothschild dell said Wednesday that Public Ray Kolvick. Kolvick said he say they thought de Rothschild But de Rothschild also pres­ Safety "has determined that [de remembered news "a while back" was from a very wealthy family, ented himself to University offi­ all, she said. Rothschild] has no connection to of a Rothschild at Berkeley who they never discussed with him cials as "the point person for the Gotwals said the development the internationally known de had claimed a relationship with the possibility of a gift to the family," Gotwals said, meaning office did not conduct a back­ Rothschild family." to the French family. University. that he declined to give out infor­ ground check on de Rothschild Wardell said Tuesday that he "I think there was some initial mation on his parents. because it assumed he was accu­ was investigating de Rothschild Maurice de Rothschild listed discussion [among development "I think the difference ... is rately listed in University re­ for fraud, but would not elabo­ Marie-Helene de Rothschild as staff members] about who he was that he came here somewhat on cords. "I don't know that anybody rate on the allegation. "We have his next-of-kin on University reg­ and what family he represented," his own" without evident par­ did any in-depth checking. been in contact with [de istrar records. Marie-Helene is said Harry Gotwals, director of ental involvement, Gotwals said. Beyond that I don't know," he Rothschild] and he's been cooper­ the wife of Baron Guy de University development. "We "I think the way he came forward said. ative," Wardell said. Rothschild. Guy and Marie- were aware of who he said he [to development officials] Joel Fleishman, University When asked if he knew of de Helene have one son, Edouard, was." resulted in a little more question­ vice president and director of the Rothschild's current where­ according to Who's Who. Gotwals said the only formal ing about what his objectives Capital Campaign for the Arts abouts, Wardell replied, "I know Guy de Rothschild did not involvement he had with de were." and Sciences, said neither he nor where he was and I know where return telephone calls to his resi­ Rothschild was in 1987, when he Trustee Emeritus Mary See GIFTS on page 4 • he will be." dence and office Wednesday. asked the development office to Semans said Wednesday that she help with a swim team alumni had met de Rothschild in 1987 reunion telethon. De Rothschild and has had sporadic contact was a member of the team at the with him since. She said she once Journalist describes coal miner strike time. asked de Rothschild for permis­ "He was the one who contacted sion to write his parents. By ERIC JONES ten for The Nation and the Vil­ western Virginia. us [about the reunion]," Gotwals "I wanted to write them and A local journalist delivered a lage Voice and is a member of the Giardina said the problems said, adding that his office regu­ tell them about how many shocking description of the cur­ Piedmont United Mine Workers started when Pittston Coal Com­ larly supports alumni functions. friends Maurice had here at rent coal miner strikes in Ap- Support Group, expressed frus­ pany's contract with the miners "All we did was make our phones Duke, or at least something of palachia last night during the tration with the "police state" "expired and they didn't want to available." that sort," Semans said. But de Student Activist Cooperative's conditions and physical suffering renew it. At that point, they also Gotwals said de Rothschild Rothschild refused to let Semans (SAC) first meeting of the 1989- that have been the status quo cut off all medical benefits." Even also asked development office communicate with his parents, 90 school year. since early April in parts of Ken­ under these conditions, the staff members about "some aca­ and would not discuss them at Denise Giardina, who has writ­ tucky, West Virginia, and south- miners worked for another 14 months, she said. Now, miners from outside areas operate the mines, protesters are strictly dealt with ZBT and TKE dismantle pledging systems by federal authorities, and many "families are forced to live on $200 a week, with no medical By DAVID MCINTOSH ical discomfort, embarrassment, care," Giardina said. Concern about hazing and harassment, or ridicule." "There are stretches of the pressure from various sources The TKE national officers highway where you're not al­ has forced two national frater­ could not be reached for com­ lowed to walk. Everyone that nities, Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) and ment. gets arrested gets taken away in Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE), to dis­ ZBT has replaced the pledging handcuffs and leg shackles," she mantle their pledging systems system with what they call the said. last month. While neither of brotherhood program. This is a Giardina told of one instance these fraternities has a chapter program centered on service and in which a man was arrested and on campus, the decision comes at bonding activities. "We took the taken to federal prison seven a time when both University ad­ good things out of pledging and hours away without his family ministrators and fraternity chap­ put them in the brotherhood being notified. ters are examining the pledging program," said Taylor. Yet despite these occurrences process at Duke. Although there have been inci­ the protest has remained, for the Fraternities have come under dents of pledge hazing at Duke in most part, non-violent, including a lot of pressure in recent years the past, Suzanne Wasiolek, See SAC on page 4 )• to change or drop their pledge dean for student life, pointed out policies because of a scattering of that none were dangerous even serious hazing incidents every though "all have had that po­ year that occur during pledging tential." Wasiolek estimated dur­ Weather at schools across the country, ac­ ing the past five years there have cording to several fraternity offi­ STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE Pledges at Duke are marked by their paddles. been approximately one or two Cogito ergo spud: i think cials. incidences of hazing violations therefore I yam. Partly sunny ZBT National Vice President to end hazing in ZBT chapters, remove the window of opportuni- each year. after morning cloudiness and Ronald Taylor said the decision "Our board came to the realiza- ty." The University administration drizzle, with a high near 80. to do away with pledging was not tion that we had been unsuccess- Hazing is defined in the Bulle­ is cautiously optimistic about the Boise weather — cold and dry, made in response to any particu­ tin of Duke University as, "Any possible trend of ending high around 40. lar incident but instead was im­ ful in stopping hazing," said action taken or situation created, pledging. Wasiolek called ZBT plemented in a general attempt Taylor. "The only thing to do was intentionally ... to include phys­ See PLEDGING on page 5 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7.1989 World & National Newsfile American embassy in Lebanon evacuated Associated Press Protest Stopped: Police in Johan­ By THOMAS FRIEDMAN Washington's decision to pull Ambassa­ anxiously followed the operation through­ nesburg, South Africa with whips, tear N.Y. Times News Service dor John McCarthy and his 30-member out the night. gas and shotguns dispersed blacks WASHINGTON — The United States staff out of Beirut. Arab diplomats and Lebanese in Wash­ protesting their exclusion from evacuated its embassy in Beirut on Besides recent threats attributed to Aoun, ington noted that after so many years of Wednesday's national election, in Wednesday after the Lebanese Christian some 1,000 Christian supporters under efforts by pro-Iranian Muslims to drive which the governing party was ex­ army commander reportedly threatened his tacit control imposed a blockade Tues­ the United States out of Beirut — includ­ pected to lose ground to the far right.
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