All the News ol WE DO AEO BANK mid Surrounding Town* OUR PART Told Fearlessly and Without BUM RED TER l»o«t WMkljr, EnUred u Sioond-tiluiDxtw at tb« fait. BabiorlpUott Price I Oat K»r 12.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 2. offlci *t R«d B»nk, N. J, nnd«r th« Act o< March 8. 1878. RED BANK, N, J., THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1935. SU Uonthi tl.00. Slngla Copy «u. PAGES 1 TO 10. GOING DOWN, Baptist Children .' New Secretary BED BANKER APPOINTED. illy Appropriation for Relief at Il«(l John Colt Named Chairman bl Chamber of Commerce First Red Bank Boy Bank In $0,7SO. To Give Operetta i For School Board Uankers' Taxation Committee. An appropriation of $2,150 was John Colt, president of the Second Ordained A Priest made by the mayor and council of "The Golden Whittle" to be Harry S. Chamberlain Appoint- National Bank and Trust company, Red Bank Monday night for relief has been named chairman of the tax- Makes Annual Report "or tho unemployed .during July, Presented Under Direction of cd to This Position in Middle ation committee of the New Jersey Robert Kennedy, overBeer of tho Rev. Daniel Power, a Jesuit, Celebrated Mass Sunday Mist Ruth A. Scattergood on town Township — Will Take Bankers' association. The appoint- ioor, stated in answering a question Tuesday, July 9. Up Residence There. ment was made this week by Leslie Succeeded in Bringing to Red Bank and Vicinity Three ade by Mayor Charles R. English, G. McDouall, president of tho New Morning at St. James' Church—President of :hat the number of persons on relief •Thi children of the First Baptist Harry. S. Chamberlain of Red Bank Jersey Bankers' association. nad decreased considerably of late church of Red Bank, under the di- Is the new secretary of the board of Other committee membership ap- New Industries in Past Year—Working for Fordham University Speaks. iut was in excess of 1,000. In add!-, rection of Miss Ruth A. Scattergood, education of Middletown township. pointments from MonmDUth county ion to this amount" appropriated by will present the operetta "The Gold- He was appointed to this position More Parking Space. Red Bank, $4,750 will be provided en Whistle" for the benefit p! the or- Thursday night and he-began his are: Rev, Daniel Power, son ol Mrs. "iy the Emergency Relief Adminis- chairman, Wil- James M, Power of Shrewsbury ave- gan fund. The entertainment will bo dutio;) Monday, succeeding William liaPensiom J. nCouse plan,, presidenvico t of Asbury The Red Bank Chamber of Com-i tration, making a total of $6,120. held In the church Tuesday night, A, Stclnlc. Ho expects to take up hla mcrce has just completed a most try-1 Intensive- drive to secure the ben- nue, who was ordained A Jesuit last Social Service Since the first of the year the bor- Park National Bank (ind Trust, com- ng year, but uno that has brought week at Woodstock college, Mary- July 9. residence In Middletown township pany, Aabury Park; agriculture, fits of the Federal Housing admln- iugh has spent $2,150 each month A 8ynopsls of the operetta follows: within a short time in accordance esults in spite o£ tho difficulties cn- itration for our community. land, sang hla first mass Sunday or relief. Tho amount put up by the with a promise which he made that Harry W. Bauer, cashier, Farmers ountercd. Due to the firm belief of morning at at. James church. It wan Contract Renewed Beffo, awaking, after a nap in the National bank, Allentown; E. O. Until its rejection by the Supreme elief administration has varied, and woods one summer afternoon, sees he "would do this If appointed. He is a. group of citizens, in the need ourt, the Chamber of Commerce co- a memorable- day in the annuls of tho his month's allotment Is the small- now occupying a house at the corner Murphy, cashier. First National nd value of the Chamber of Com- The Monmouth County Organi- before him Tho Little Old Woman. bank, Farmingdale; clearing houso iperated with code authorities and church aa Father Power was the first est yet made. During March, when of Wallace and Washington streets. rierce, the organization has been NRA. The Local Retail Code boy In tho history of the parish to be zation for Social Service Re- unemployment In this section was at After talking to him, she gives him, Mr. Chamberlain Is a native of Red associations, F. Palmer, Armstrong, on her departure, Uhe Golden president, Keyport Banking com- ble to continue Its existence, and uthority had its headquarters In thu ordained a priest. tained by the Middletown ts peak, the total expenditure is in Bank nnd a son of John E. and Mln- presents tho following summary of 'hamber office, and much help vu The weather was ideal, tho church excess of $15,000. Whistle. He soon finds that when- nlc Chamberlain of Branch avenue, pany, Keyport; publicity, J. B. Van- School Board Another Year. even he blows it, come tramping In Mater, vice president, Atlantic High- ts activities: "i3o extended to small local rnanu- beautiful In its appointments and the answer to Its summons all the fairy who celebrated their fiftieth wedding The Chamber of Commerce with aclurers in code matters. prlately decorated. The congrega- The contract of, tho Monmouth anniversary last April. He gradu- lands National bank, Atlantio High- he co-operation of local real estate folks of the woods, as well as birds, ated from the Red Bank high school lands; protective information, James The Chamber of Commerce, jointly tion that crowded tho church lent County Organization for Social Ser- llowers, even butterflies. Thoy prove rokers has succeeded in bringing to fith the Red Bank flro department, splendor to the occasion. The ser- vice with the board of education of Tag Day Saturday and subsequently took a business Barbour, secretary and treasurer, Red Bank and vicinity, three new in- entertaining and delightful com- court-c at New York university. For New Jersey Trust company of Long iponnored and planned the 82nd an- mon was delivered by Rev. Aloyslus Middletown township for nursing panions, and when tha . Golden ustrles, Monmouth Hosiery Mills, versary celebration last October. J. Hogan, C. J., distinguished and service has beon renewed for an- a number of years he filled an execu- Branch, Long Branch and trust mat- Shrewsbury, makers of men's and For Local Church Whistle is lost and stolen by the tive post with the Sigmund Eisner ters, Joseph F. Mullin, trust officer, This secured statc-wldo publicity for eloquent President of Fordham uni- other year. This was done at a White Rabbit, they summon to .oy's hosiery, employing fifty people; Bank, brought: many new people versity. Ho spolto on the priesthood, regular meeting o£ the board last company, resigning from this posi- Asbury' Park National Bank and Iharney & Freed, makers of better Red Bank Colored Methodists Beffo's aid, the Fairy Queen herself. tion Bhortly after the entrance of the Trust company, Asbury Park. lass junior apparel, employing 200 o town, and proved a good stimulant tracing Its history from tho begin- Thursday night. The Little Old Woman returning, the o business. ning of Christianity when the Lord The question of whether the board Given Permit to Solicit on United States into the World war to people, and Ellto Coat cVSuit Com- Fairy Queen releases her froai the enlist in the army. pany, makers of ladies' better class With the co-operation of the RtQ called tho fishermen on tho shores should continue tho contract or Street for Much Needed Funds evil enchantment which had been Sank fire department, the Chamber of tho soa of Galilee and biftathed have Its own nursing service had pparel, which will employ 100 for Church Support. over her, and throwing off the long Mr, Chamberlain .was in service Licenses Granted leople. f Commerce conducted a number of into their souls the vocation to be- been debeated at several meetings. cloak, she stands revealed, a lovely overseas for eighteen months with re prevention activities. The execu- come his disciples and fishermen of A committee, with Charles Lome The mayor and council of Red young girl, to tho astonishment of the 78th, 1st and 41st divisions. He Many other industries were inter- Ive-secretary of the Chamber of men. Ho paid a beautiful tribute W Waddell as chairman, was appointed Bank has granted the pastor and of- all. The Queen bids Beffo take Alcea was promoted to the position of ser- For Four Saloons iewed, and a great many investiga- Commerce also served as chairman Father Power's mother and Bpoke of to make a report, Mr. Waddell is ficers representing the A. M. E. Zlon (for that is the maiden's name) by geant while with the 41st division. ions made, In an effort to bring oth- •I the State of New Jersey fire pre- the joy that fillod her heart on this on a vacation in Maine. He was church of Red Bank the privilege of the hand and lead her among his For several years ast he has been Favorable Action Taken on Ap> r industries which would suit the ention committee. The Red Bank day of days. He also congratulated soliciting funds for the benefit of the employed by the E. Osborn company. not present at the meeting, but a friends, and with much merriment plications by Mitropan Rogel Red Bank Community. Chamber of Commerce also took part tho sisters and brothers of Father report made by him was road, in church next Saturday, July 6, In the and rejoicing they form a gay line His application for secretary was The Chamber of Commerce has n the National Chamber of Com- Power on tho happiness thoy must which it was urged that the con- torm of a tag day on the streets of backed by references from the Os- Clayton & Hynan, Charles forked In close co-operation with the nerce flro waste contest.
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